The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 02, 1926, Image 10

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and there wee her husband «landtag ths entire thing originated aad was
before her again, life'rise.
worked out in Hie mind of the editor.
But what do you suppose was the
This to an example of a disinterested
first thing be did I He ran into the action on the part of an editor for the
houds, rushed up stairs to pack his bag, flood of the community that to deserv­
•nd almost tumbled over himself get­ ing of high praise, it to also an ex­
The following is an address delivered ting down «(airsagain. His wife met ample of bow oue must adapt one's
Miss June Yoder, Who received first
prize in the county for the W. C. T. V. by E. O. Blanchar at the annual con­ him in the hall as before and asked methods for putting Into effect worthy
essay, has been swarded seomd place vention of rhe Oregon State Editorial him where he was going, only this time enterprises to meet with thejndlVidus 1
cases in one’s own community.
association at Prineville last June. It with a great deal more anxiety.
la the state contest
“I am goiug to Seville,” he retorted.
I have been talking a good while now
E. E. Lage went to Portland last is reprinted from Oregon Exchanges,
and thus far have left out one of ths
week to bring home his truck which publication Issued by the University of
most important, parts of tqy subject,
had bt*en overhauled, and when start Oregon School of Journalism for the God damned,” he replied.
which to the fact that cooperation be­
ing it broke his right arm nt the wrist. newspaper folk of the state.
Borne of you may see In this story an tween bankers and editors for the good
Mrs. Geo. Rheppard will entertain
unpraiseworthy rebellion against the of ths community must be based on a
the Aloha club next Wednesday. This
The best Intervals of any given com­ divine, and a few of you may conclude
to the last meeting before npple harvest munity ran be no txdter served than that this man was over anxious to get clear undsrstamiing between bankers
aad editors in all of their own business
and a full a (tends nee is extxvted.
through a dose tend enlightened coop­ away from his wife, but I didn't tell and friendly relations. If bankers and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen, of Port­ eration beteween local bankers and the the story for it to serve these purposes. editors have petty quarrels among
land. were week eud guests of Miss local editor. Three are «he people in the What I want to bring out is the uncon­ themselves over relatively unimportant
I test position to mobilise public senti­ querable spirit it shows. It’s a spirit matters. It will hinder them from the
Etliei Bickford.
Eugene Romig, of linker, to visiting ment and action in favor of a greater akin to this that muat be developed in accomplishment of their greater mis­
community, and this to true not he­ every community by the editor and the sion, which to the g«x»d of the com­
bis atster, Mrs. Kllbuck, Hr.
re use of their superior Intelligence, but
Remember Ladle«' Aid at Mrs. Lara- because of their advantageous posi­ hank, only that spirit should be direct­ munity. I have left this part of the
ed to a higher end.
subject until the last, because it to per­
way’s Fri
tions. The bankers have control of the
"We’ve got to get people saying to haps the most obvious part.
y, who has been at A. A. puree strings of the community and the
About ail that needs to be said to to
to summer, returned to Port­ editor has at bls command the organ of themselves, "We're going to raise tlie
st Wednesday. Edward Mohr the community for moulding public population in our town I” and "We’re urge tlie editor to try to maintain aa
going to do so and so."; and "There amiable a relationship with his bank as
accompanied him.
opinion. Both the small town banker will be no compromising about it” It's possible. Of course, I say the same
Mtoa Ethel Bickford expects to leave and small town editor likewise havs a a spirit akin to this that, unless the thing to bankers every time I get an
Rai'iutlay for lier whool in Ixi Grande. long and Inspiring background of lord is irretrievably against us, will opportunity, but I haven’t that oppor­
Mbs Clara Michels, who has been achievements to instill public confi­ eventually get us to Bevllle rather than tunity now. I don't want you to think
spending the summer with Mrs. Mad­ dence in them.
land us back in the frog pond.
I am taking the banker's side. I realise
The local editor has aa his progenitor
dox. has returned to her home in Little
It is not enough just to get people la that the petty quarrels that arise be­
Falls, Minn. Mrs. Maddox and Bob in America a wandering, fiery, passion­ the spirit of community development tween banker and editor are often due
ate, intelligent and truth-loving indi­ aqd to kyep them there, but it is the to the fact that the I »anker wants too
went with her to Portland.
Tom Chapman, a college friend of vidual who may be most fittingly de­ first requisite. The will to do must much. * And I realise that the breaches
that occur between bankers and editors
Johu Mohr, Jr., has been visitlug him scribed in one phrase as the man with always precede the action.
a shirt tall full of type.. He had no
And just as necessary as the right represent the exception rather than the
printing presses, no capital and no spirit is constructive criticism. You rule, that in tot or more cases out of
The Catholic ladies will hold a bake
sale at the Book A Art store Baturday. staff. All be had was his type, perhaps may think that people don’t need any 100, amicable relations are maintained.
Tlie fine new school is nearing com­ an extra collar and lunch money. His encouragement to criticise, that they It to the few cases where they aren’t
pletion and Mr. Baldwin expects to job was to find some kind of a queer will do enough criticising of their own that I am talking about.
mechanism, which was usually an abor­ accord. But that’s wrong. The -criti-
Both sides should realise that any
have it completed by September IS.
tive printing press In a stationery shop,
minor breach only results in an injury
Martin and Livvie Gltotorf, of and then borrow it, or procure it in cism that is given freely Is usually the to
a higher form of cooperation, which
Beaverton, are visiting at Peter Mohr's. any way be could, so as to get tlie pa­ wrong kind, a destructive criticism
cooperation for the good of the com­
Mrs. E. R. Pooley was a Portland per out. His job was also to get such that will never be of * any value. The to
munity, rather than merely to serve
criticism that must be encouraged
visitor this week.
advertisements as lie could obtain by a constructive kind, a criticism that to the designs of each other. If it to the
Osburn Enderlin, of Vancouver. Wn.. asking, cajoling, or threat<*ning, in or­ not based on envy, but on a desire to banker who is reca Icitrant, just go to
has been visiting bis sister, Helen, at der to pay for producing his paper. be of service.
him and say, "Here, you old grouch,
Hans Lage's.
But he was only |sx»r in monpy and
What we want to do is to encourage what do you mean by storming around
A very pleasant evening was spent at equipment, he wasn't poverty stricken is'ople to speak up if they see some­ just because the set-up of that, last
Grange ball Tuesday when a chicken in ideas. He had the one big esaraitlal thing is being done wrong and think advertisement didn’t a;>peal to you?
dinner was served to 1SS. The dinner to successful new«|iai>er publication, they know a way in which it can be If you knew anything about advertis­
was complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. and that was an idea hot within him, done ' I »etter.
ing, you'd know that the ad was set up
A. J. Graff and Mr. and Mrs. J. II. which he had to put on paper to find
Bo far, we've got our people in the perfectly. Don't you realize that by
relief. His contemporaries were James right spirit for progress; we've got trying to fight me you are fighting the
Gordon Bennett, Dana and others who them ggHMM
bo they won't be afraid to criti- community too? What business have
developed the great metropolitan cize constructively; now we're ready to we got trying to fight each other when
dallies. He had as his not too remote take up new enterprises. I think that we ought to be establishing an example
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vnney with their ancestor John Milton, now immortal as the banker, through words and adver­ of cooperation for others to follov^
three sons and daughter are new ar­ a poet, but also the man who produced tising, and the editor, through editor­ and working out plans for the better­
rivals in Cascade Locks, coming by the first pamphlet on the freedom of ials, should urge people to buy at home, ment qf this community? Yon old
auto from Mobile, Ala., stopping at Ran the press.
should initiate as many forward-look­ codger, yon, even though yon don’t
Diogo. Loa Angeles, Calif., and. Oak­
l*apera wi*re not very attractive ing movements as possible and should kiirtw Anything about the aet-np of your
land. Ore., to visit with relatives of Mr. physically when they were put out in Hick the constructive achievements of advertising, I’ll do it the way-you want
Vrmey and at Walla Walla, Wash., to this manner, but they did reek with others. Both the banker and editor are me to just to keep yon qniet anti to
visit with Mrs. Vrmey*• brother. Attor­ Ideas, and they served as thunder bolts in the best positions to initiate con­ show you I’m willing to meet yon more
ney W. F. Crowe. Mr. Vrmey will he to keep the people always stirred up structive endeavors and to back those than half way. Because If we two get
in charge of the Bridge of ths Goda tor community advancement The man of others because the editor controls tied up in any kind of a fight, the com­
When It is completed.
with a ahirt-tah full of type was a the means of making such endeavors munity to bound to suffer.” Just bawl
The West Coast Power Co., of Ste­ wanderer because be found it Impos­ public and the banker has the money him out good and plenty, bnt at the
venson, has been sold to the People’s sible to stay very long in one commun­ to finance them. And given a good same time you tell him you want to
West Coast Hydro-Electric corporation ity and stay out of debt. But be ac­ Idea, publicity and finance are the main cooperate with him and are willing to
meet him more than half way, and lie'll
Bhlrley Ix-ap, of Portland, was. a complished marvels in stirring iieople , essentials nowadays for putting It over. coma
In regard to buying at home, con­
week end guest at the home of Mr. and to action on behalf of their respective
i ommunltie*.
vincing the people of your locality that
Mrs. Wallace Glover.
Then times changed again. Machin- ,
Thieves Get Busy Here
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fretwell and ery came in. Large industrial establish- , they should patronize home stores may,
With the influx of transients on the
daughter, Mina, Mrs. Ellzalieth Ixine menta developed, not only in cities, but , as I see it, lie likened to the principle
which Liberty bonds w»*re sold dur­ eve of apple harvest, city authorities
and Byron Ixine were visitors at Hie in smaller communities. Booms came. on
the late war. They were sold pri­ are being worried by a wave of minor
Dalles over Sunday.
Towns grew. The small pamphlet was , marily by appealing to patriotism, but crimes. Numerous families the i»ast
James Henderson has just received no longer adequate. It took a real , as a matter of fact, the people who several days have reported pilfering.
a letter from bis son, Cecil Wright newspaper, printed in a shop where the | bought them invested their money the Tuesday night Night Marshal Conover
Henderson, from Han Diego, stating facilities were adequate in speed and best
way they possibly could bare. arrested Ifeury Evans, R. L. Parker
that he had arrived at the IT. 8 Naval capacity to satisfy tlie growing com- , And that is the same wuy with buying and Jerry F. Miller, all Portland
Training station August 26. Cecil as muni ties. Newspapers began to develop a
( home.
youths, who were stealing cantaloupes
enlisted for ths three-year term and is from
small _------
into what _ they -
-- ---------------------
A ix-rsou may buy in three different from the garden of Bev. Frank Rpanld-
to take the electrical engineering are todMy. One man no longer could do I way«, either from a mail order house, ing. The youths, who returned the
everything -1.
all K-
by U.„„1,
himself. As
A. - the news­ or be may go to some larger city, or be
melons, declared themselves penitent,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wlgren enter paper industry has expanded, as the cir­ may buy at home.
and Rev. Hpanlding deelined to tile a
talned a few friends Saturday evening cle of readers in every community has
When be buys from a mail order complaint.
at their home <m Ix-vens Heights. Five grown, the editors of newspapers have house, he sends his mouey out of the
Before 10 o’clock Tuesday night of­
Hundred was played, Mrs (has. Lang
community, he dtx-s not see the article ficers were searching for automobiles
and Wallace Glover winning the first
he is purchasing before he buya, and he belonging to F. B. Cbisiuan and .f. A.
prises and Mrs. Harriet Wait and doing good. The small community news­ lias to wait for it.
Walters, orchardtets in the city for
Chas. Lang the consolations.
When he buys in a larger city he shows. One car was recovered by
Wallace Glover and family moved to munity, it is the voice through which loses in railroad fare, be loses the time Officer Conover a few hours after its
Portland Tuemlay. Their many friends the community speaks, and the editor it takes to make tlie trip, and be usu­ Utas. It was parked on a residence
Youthful' joyriders, it
have been bidding them goodbye at nu­ is one of the moot influential men in ally pays a lot more for toe things he street.
merous home affairs given in their the community, and in nine cases out buys than be would pay for them at thought, had borrowed It.
honor during the tost three weeks. of ten the most influential one.
And while the newspapers were de
I once knew a man who thought he
They have moved away before, but they
A free eraser will be given with each
came back and the supposition to they veloplng so Inspirationally, what were couldn't buy a gtxxl Panama hat any pur< liHxe of a 10-cent tablet or a pencil v "
..... ■ mm » II I I «11 i n
will do the same thing over again.
at J. L. Htewart's Heights confection­
banker came to town after the first went to New York, stepped into a store ery. This Mace will carry a full line
F. A. Ray, light trucking, country or
H.-R. Auto Wreckers,on the Heights.
The Portland Telegram, Hood River
Mr. and Mrs. David Chamberlain en­ store was set up. Ha came there to
City. Phones. 3801 and 3641.
Parts for all cars.
•gent, Car roll Day. Phons 336.1, aSOtf
tertained a few friends Monday even- makesnoney, and to do that be had to on Fifth avenue, and asked to look at of schtxd supplies.
Everything was all
Ing. Five Hundred was played and an serve, to play a big part tn developing Panama hats.
right until he inquired the price of a
enjoyable time bad by al
the place. He had to finance the one hat which had struck bls fancy.
Miss Roberta Claris Ixine, who has store-keejier, to back the surrounding
"That hat sells for >130,” the clerk
been with J. Maginn A Co., of Ban farmers, and help them sell their prod­ replied.
Francisco, has been visiting her par­ ucts. And as the farmers and store­
"Oue hundred and fifty dollars," my
ents here and has left for Seattle, keeper Is-gan to make money others friend repeated, astonished, “why
where she is employed as assistant became attracted to the community. where are the holes In that hat?”
buyer In the new store of J. Maginn More farmers came, a rival store set
"Holes, what holes?" asked tbe clerk.
A Co.
tip. carpenters, harness makers and
“Why the holes to fit the ears of the
Mr. and Mrs. F. Alveun and daugh­ farmers «ante to make their living off jackass who would pay fllDO for it”
ters, Corinne and Helen, of Banta Rosa, tlie Inhabitants. The man with a shirt-
The third and best way one can buy
Calif., remre week end visitors of Mrs. tail full of type came in cm a freight is to buy at home. When one buys at
AJvann’s sister-in-law. Mr«. Mae 811va, ear to act as a voice for the community. home, he sees what be is getting, he
at the Inn of the Bridge of the Gods.
Then came more stores, more people, gets it quickly without any loss of
Fred Gray, son of Mrs. Peter Ix*e, and perhs|M another bank. The small time, and he pays the right price for it
who enlisted in the U. R. Navy a short town banker knew hid community, he The money spent at borne keeps busi­
time ago, has reported his safe arrival proc bleed the money that heljied de­ ness good, gives more work to the home
at the naval training station in Han velop it, and he made his profit and his ix-ople and strengthens the forces for
Diego. He to to take the course of stockholders made their profit from tbe still greater development in the town
.J^Hrica^ engineer in g.
growth of the community.
and country tributary thereto.
My words thus far have been more
Mr. and Mrs. Albert 8. Congdon,
All there facts can be put by you
with their daughter, Dorothy, and son. or less in tlie nature of an Introduc tion ixlltors in a much finer and more con­
Bhlrley, and Ronald White, of Yakima, to show both the responsibility and the vincing manner than I can put them.
were vtoitors Monday afternoon of Mrs. ability of editors and bankers to coop­
As to the initiating of new projects,
W. M. Lane. The Congdon family were erate in the development of their com the editor is of course the most im­
returning to their home from Heaslde
portant man in the community, as he
where they have spent the summer have by virtue of their positions in the can give them publicity. He may
community lieen the greatest factors either propose new projects himself,
Byron Ixine, after a visit here, hna in community development, and the and rely on their general soundness
$2.50 per Cwt
Mt. Hood Scratch
Dairy Ration
$2.2Q per Cwt.
returned to Seattle to enter toe Uni­ burdens always rest on their shoulders and tbe effective way in which he can
versity of. Washington.
for the future development.
present them in order to get them over,
Egg Producer
Milk Flo
2.50 •4
They should work together, and their or he may first talk them over with tlie
James Henderson was a Portland
first object should he to imbue their bankers and liusbietM men of the com
3.10 44
Alber’s Egg Maker
Mill Run (80 Lbs )
.95 II Sack
visitor the first of the week.
fieople with the proper community splr munlty through the Chamber of Com­
It, the editor by his writings, and the merce, or aoine similar organization of
Shorts (80 Lbs.)
1.00 44
Mrs. Kate fl. Hollis, who has made banker by his advertising and bis ex­ business men. Buch cooperation also
her home here with her daughter, Mrs, ample. I am now going to tell a story, gives tbe editor an opportunity to
Developing Mash
Bran (60 Lbs.)
.65 44
Harriet Wait, for the past few years which Isn’t a hinny story, but which judge the proposals of others as to
and both having resided in Hood River may Illustrate the point I wish to bring their advisability. But in all events
Shell (Eastern)
Rolled Barley (70 Lbs.) 1.25 44
during the fall of 1023 and spring of out. Abont 12 miles from Seville lived the editor is the one who must be
• 4
1021, celebrated her 86th birthday yes­ a farmer and his wife. The farmer had relied upon for the publicity, and alm
Rolled Barley (75 Lbs.) 1.85 44
terday at the home of her daughter, never been to Seville, so one day he ilariy the banker will probably have
Mrs. Eleanor O’Niel. in Prescott, Wn., decided that it was about time for him to lie relied on for the funds. Bo Uie
1.75 44
Charcoal, (50 Lb.)
Rolled Oats (60 Lbs.) 1.15 44
where she is now residing
to see the city, so he packed his grip most important thing is a clear under­
Mrs. Hollis, with her husband and and prepared to set out. His wife, ac­
and a close coo|>cration be­
Rev. O. P. Hollis, a Christian minister, costing him in the hall, asked him standing
tween the two.
came from Indiana to Walla Walla. where he was going.,
I rerell one case of a community
Wn., in 188T where they resided about
"I’m going to Seville,” the farmer which had a mayor who was more than
15 years, then going to Missouri where sa Id determinedly.
ordinarily self-centered, and who did
Mr. Hollis died In 1908. since which
His wife, being rather a pions soul, not look with favor on new projects
time Mrs. Hollis has made her home added.
''God willing?”
that he didn’t get credit for. The local
with her daughters. Mrs. Harriet Walt
the farmer didn’t see that such editor of this community was thorough­
and Mrs. Kate Hardy, of Cascade an But
appendix was necessary, so he re- ly convinced that a zoning ordinance*
Locks; Mrs. Eleanor O’Niel, of Prt*s
coth Wash., and Mrs. Jesse Lynch, of posted In an even more determined should be ixisaed. The bankers and
most of the other business men were
Portland. Mrs. Hollis retains her fac­ voice:
“1 am going to Seville.”
also in favor of such an ordinance.
Corporal Roofing, 1 ply,
Brick, per M,
ulties to a remarkable degree, sewing,
Evidently he evoked the divine dis­ But the editor was wise cnongb to
writing and reading, and keeping pool­ favor.
Iiecsnae ho immediately shrank know that he could write articles on
Certainteed Roofing, 1 ply,
ed on the topics of the day. Bhe has Into nothing.
The same day his wife zoning for months without their doing
been engaged for some time in writing
discovered a new frog in the pond be­ any good in face of oitposition from
her biography. About 10 years ago hind
the house, and she concluded that the local mayor and the local bodies
Mrs. Hollis fell and dislocated her hip
tier transfigured husband. As time he could control. The* editor knew also
. “
z 3 ply, - 2.85
and for a year was Itedfast. but ahe was
went on she saw that the now frog was that tbe mayor would not look with
has gradually gained strength until larger
than the others, macle more favor on a aonin^ ordinance which he
now she walks about the bouse with­ noise, and
more disagreeable In personally would not get credit for
out assistance and uses a crutch only general than was
the rest. Rhe was sure it originating. Bo the editor went to the
when walking out of doors.
mayor and very tactfully asked his
The yean with her have but added was her husband.
A year passed and dnring that time opinion on the ordinance, choosing his
virtue to virtue, patience, long suffer­
ing, loving kindness, always ready to the wife had a great many misgivings words in sin h a manner that the mayor
overtook the shortcomings of others, Rhe decided that unrnly and disagree­ would understand full well that the
and always giving the benefit of the able as her husband was, as all hus­ credit for originating the ordinance
doubt. As God could not be every­ bands usually are. she would rather would go to his honorable self and not
where be made mothers, such as sin*. have* him as a husband than as a frog. to the editor. Dn this basis the mayor
Sad the wish of all who know Grandma as a frog, and besides he did no work,
went through the local council The
Hollis to joined with her daughters In
which yon can well imagine was a lead editor In everything he wrote on tbe
the wish of many returns of the day.
state of affairs.
subject was careful to give the mayor
Rut one day aa the wife was looking full credit. Hence the comsnunlty re­
at her transformed husband. she saw ceived all the benefits of the zoning I
the frog suddenly expand until It burst ordinance without ever knowing that'
Mias Margaret Ferrin la expected to
return Friday from Monmouth, having
completed toe summer course at nor­
Best Quality Feeds At Right Prices