HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, A^UffT 26, 1926 MOSIER DR. M. THRANE Hood Hotel. Phone 2172 newer cull BOIL Mt. Hood ills answered day or night. DR. G C. CHICK Physician aad Surgeon Room IS, Broelus Building Office Hoars: 10 to 12, 2 to 5 Phones: Office, 4002; Residence, 2101 C. W. HAMILTON, M. D Physician nnd Surgeon Out of the Ice Box Into the Fire It’s going to be a cruel win ter. How’s your coal bin ? Office Bro-’us Block Office Phene 8741 Home Phone 8742 H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly answered In town or country—Day or Night Phones: Residence, 1242; Office, 1241. Office In the Broelus Building King or Castle Gate Dr». Abraham & Sifton Physicians A Surgeons Butler Bank Building Phones: Office 4151 Dr. Abraham 4152 Dr. Blfton 8613. Dr. W. Donald Nickelsen Surgeon, Cancer, Plástic Surgery and Radium Therapy Phone Main 7475 809 Stevens Bldg. Portland, Oregon. DR. PHEBA J. COLLMAN Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co Telephone 4121 NATUROPATH Elertnrnlr IMagneeis and Treatment Corrective Gymnastics, Scientific Diet Diseases of Women and Children Horn 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Office Phone 1622 Rea. Phone 2448 Hood River, Oregon L. R. Alexander, D. M. D. DR. C H. JENKINS DR. BOYD T. JENKINS DENTISTS Phone 1081. Offices Hall Bldg. Hood River, Oregon Shoe News and New Shoes DR. S. L. PETERSON DENTIST Complete X-Ray Examination Eliot Building, Hood River, Oregon Phones: Ran. 2748: Office 8812 L L. MURPHY DENTIST Complete X-Ray Examination Suite 5, Broelus Building J. Warner Henderson, D.M.D. DENTIST Bros! uh Building Houra 9 a. m. to « p. m. Evenings by Appointment Phone 4arty above The Dalles, which Is lining taken by erected • at Hood River, Oregon, for truck. They have hardly made a bole School District No. 8, Hood River County. In the Mosier wood yard. Plans and specifications may be ob­ Mr* Whippie and daughter,’of The tained at the office of Raymond W. Dalles, visited at the Howard home Hatch, Architect, 820 Henry Building, the past week?“ Portland, by depositing a cheek for 825 Mias Dena Proctor was a Hood River to insure their prompt return. shopper Wednesday Bidder’s bond or certified eheck for Robert Scearce transacted business five per cent of the amount of proposal, in Portland Friday. payable to I. R. Acheson, Clerk, must Mr* E. M. Strauss and daughter, accompany each bld. Misses Dorothy and Ruth, were visitors The Board of Directors reserves the In Hood River Friday. right to accept any bid or to reject all Mr* Hattie Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. bids. Board of Directora, Ben Bellinger were in The Dalles Fri­ School District No. 8, day. S19-26 I. R. Acheson, Clerk. Mr. and Mr* John lloas left Wednes­ Notice of Sheriff's Bale day for Eugene to attend the Trail to Kall program and to visit a few days In the Circuit Court of Hood RiyAr with their daughter. Mrs. May, and County, Oregon, William Hull and family. Kate W. Hull, Plaintiff* v* Mona D. Mr* Violet Bailey and little daugh­ Ellsworth, Charles T. Ellsworth, I. O. ter, Jerry, wer« Shopping In Hood Riv­ Holmen, C. L. Swvrmstedt, Ina R. er Friday. Swormstedt and John Griffith, Defend­ Mrs. C. C. Brooks and baby daugh­ ant* ter returned from Illinois Saturday, By virtue of an execution and order wbenr she was called by the death of of sale Issued out of the alwve entitled two brothers from an accident. court in the above entitled cause, to me Miss Frances * Weller, of Portland, directed, and dated August 10, 1928, came Saturday evening for a visit at upon a ilecree rendered and entered on Mayerdale with her mother and August 7, 1928, in favor of the above brother. named plaintiff* and against Mona D. J. H. Harden motored to his ranch Ellsworth and Charis T. Ellsworth, near Hood River Sunday morning. defendant* for the aum of 810,915.80, Frances Howard, Claude Rowland with interest thereon at 7% per annum and J. H. Harden motored to White since August 7, 1926, and for >000.00 river to view the glacier and the bridge attorneys fees, and 820.25, costs and Sunday afternoon disbursements, commanding mo to make Mr* Hanna Dav<>nport and daughter, sale of the following described real Florence, of The Dalles, spent the week property situated in Hood River Coun­ end here visiting relatives and friends. ty, Oregon, to-wit: James Wilson aud Mr. Clonse, state Ttie Northeast quarter of the fruit inspector, siient the week fishing Southwest quarter; and the North­ on the Deschutes river. west quarter of the Houtheast Robert Glen and daughter, Mitts Le­ quarter; all of Section 10, Town­ nore, and Miss Frances Griffin, of Spo­ ship 2, North, Range 10, East of kane, made a short visit with his sis­ the W. M., and containing 80 acre* ter, Mr* F, A. Hhogren, Thursday. more or less, according to the gov­ They are'on a motor trip to Victoria, ernment survey thereof; together with the tenement* hereditaments and appurtenances thereuuto Ice­ J. N. Mosier ami family and F. A. Shogren and family motored to White longing or in anywise appertaining. river Saturday. Now therefore, in compliance with Walter Clay has returned home from the command of said Writ, I will, on southern Oregon, where be lias been Saturday, September 11, 192«, at 10 working for the last several month* o’clock A. M.,'St the front door of the Mr* A. Taggesell and Jean Shogren. county court house in Hood River, were shopping In Hood River Saturday. Hood River County, Oregon, sell at Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson were public auction (subject to redemption business visitors in Hood River Friday. as provided by law>, to the highest The Mosier Fruit Growers Associa­ bidder for cash In hand, all the right, tion is now Installing several wiping title and interest wlibh the above machines for wiping *t>ray from apples named defendants and each and all of and also has put in two new Cutler them had on April 15, 1925, or since grader* that date have, or either of them have, Miss Thelma Johnson spent the week acquired, in the above described prop­ end in Portland. erty. or any part thereof, to satisfy said Miss Mary Evans has returned home decree above descrltsHl, with interest from a visit with tier sister In Corval- and accruing costa. 11* W. II. Edick. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mosier and little Sheriff of Hood River County, daughter, Jane, and Mias Arvllla Hus- Oregon. liands motored to Hood River Friday. George R. Wilbur, Bud Yonlah had charge of the Attorney for Plaintiff* alfa« Holmes senrice station Bunday while Suamaona fee Publication In A. C. HolioM, ■■ W. Davldhlssr, Mr.’ Anderson, Mr. Holenberg and Jackie Foreclosure of Tax Lien Holmes made the Ixxip road trip. In the Circuit Court of the State of Mr. and Mr* R. L. Bryant and son, Oregon, for Hood River County. Forrest, and Mr* Htamper attended a R. 0. Bradshaw, Plaintiff, v* Fred show in Hood River Saturday evening. W. Booth and Gladys Booth, husband Mr. and Mr* Horn motored to Port­ and wife, Bessie Booth McKellar and land Saturday to see the ball game. Archibald C. McKellar, wife and hus­ Arie Hodge and Ernest Evans spent band, Maude Booth Twltchell and E. L. Saturday and Sunday fishing on the Twltchell, wife and husband, Mary E. Deschutes river. Booth Ferner and Joseph Ferner, wife Mr. and Mr* Flank Conlee motored aud husband, Jessie Booth Williams to The Dalles Saturday. and Clark H. William* wife and bus- William Willis, an old friend of Mr. band. Defendants. and Mrs. Blaine, called at their home To Fred W. Booth, Gladya Booth, Thursday on hla return to his hotne, Bessie Booth McKellar, Archibald C. Leitern, Wash. McKellar, Maude Booth Twltchell, E. Mr. and Mr* Blaine and family L. Twltchell, Mary £. Booth Ferner, spent the week end at Bingen, Wash., Joseph Ferner, Jessie Booth Williams with their son, Claude Blaine, and and Clark II. William* the above wife. named defendants. Will Murphy and family, of Port­ In the Name of the State of Oregon: land, visited at the Wayne Ross home You are hereby notified that the plain­ Sunday. tiff, IL C. Bradshaw, is the holder of Rev. Tltaycr and family, of The Certificate of Delinquency numbered Dalk*s, spent Tuesday visiting the 80« issued on the first day of February, Wayne Ross family. 192«, by the Tax Collector of the Mr. and Mr* Rutherford, who have County of Hood River, State of Oregon, spent the summer at Winlock, Wash., for the amount of Beveuty-slx and stopped for a visit with their daugh­ 84/100 ( 876.34) Dollars, the same be­ ter, Mrs. Blaine, before returning to ing the amount then due and delinquent their Imine In Arlington. for taxes for the year 1919 together Mr. anil Mr* Clinton Frye, of Hood with penalty, Interest and costs thereon River, were visitors Sunday at the J. upon the real property assessed to you, E. Carlson home. of which you are the owner as appears Rev. l’ratt, of the Ei>iacopal church record, situated in said County and in Hood River, preached a spl^dbl of State, and particularly bounded and sermon in the Christian church hero ikwribed as follows, to-wit: West % Sunday. N. E. M *nd Rast % of N. W. % of Mr. and Mr* Harry Watson motored of Section 30, Twp. 1 N. R. 11 East Wil­ to Redmond Friday for a vielt with her lamette Meridian brother. Bernie Nichol, and family. You are further notified that the said Montana Chamberlain vfajted Miss Jean Frey at the lookout station the R. C. Bradshaw has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years, past week. Mosier tioys at Koberg's Saturday with the rate of Interest on Mid evening were Frank Proctor, Ralph amounts as follows: titelf Hails, Roscoe Davldhlaar and Bud tar’s ta Yonish. ' Mosier school will open September ft, .1817 due to the teachers attending Institute September 7 and 8. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Cainsville. Fla., are here visiting their son, Earl Scott, east of Mosier. Mix* Peg Logan, of Shaniko, has been the house guest of Mias Thelma Johnson for the week end. Said Fred W. Booth, Owing to the fart that the I. O. O. F. McKellar, Maude Booth Twltchell, were imalrtS to secure a place to hold Mary R. Booth Ferner, and Jessie their annuhl picnic, Beacon Lodge No. Booth Williams as the owners of the 182 liHH decided to give a dance at the legal title of the above described prop­ auditorium Septemlier 6. For those erty sa the Mime apjieara of record, who