We wish to announce to the Mid-Columbia owners of Auto; mobiles that we have sold the Garage, Accessory, Parts and Storage portion of our business to Messrs. Dyer, Jameson & Low, who will operate it as the HIGH QUALITY HONEST AUGUST 20 AND 21 Breakfast Bacon, per pound ... Mild Cured Eastern TTams t Half or Whole, per pound This new service concern, will be equipped to give immediate repairs and servicing to all makes of Motor Cars. It will be espe­ cially well equipped to take care of the Star and Durant Line. We wish to let the public know that we will Jje in position, following this new business deal, to devote our entire time to the sale and demonstration of the ’ • Bulk Lard-, 2 pounds for Fresh Columbia River Steelhead Salmon Whole Fish, per pound 15c We. have two deliveries each day, leaving the Market at 9.30 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. STAR LINE Phone 4141 are in town preparing for the Apple Harvest Season always be welcome Call us anytime for a demonstration of a STAR. THE TWIN PEAKS AUTO CO JAMES W. FENEMORE, Manager HOOD RIVER BRANCH Dr. and Mrs. Clement Cook, of Belle- fonrehe, 8. D., called on Mra. H. C. Johnaon Saturday morning. They were motoring from South Dakota to Win­ lock, Waah. Mr. and Mrs. Brook« Hammond, Mr«. Allen and Mlaa Katherine Allen, all of Winlock, came by and stopped for a abort "call on Mrs. IL C. Johnson Mon­ day morning: They had visited rela­ tives at Parkdale and were returning to Winlock. i, Harold Peml>erton, Irvin Heft and other young men of the community In­ vited their friends to- a dancing party at the grange hall Thnrwlay evening. The boys decorated the hall appropri­ ately and did the honors as hosts In such manner that all who attended were royally entertained. Linda Udeliua invited 100 gneatH to attend a dancing party at grange hall Wedn<*Hday evening. All who attended enjoyed the entertainment provided and the hospitality of the hoetesa. Economy Market, Inc Mrs. D. P., Emery Thursday of last week. Mr. Leedoiu stopped in our lUtle village and noted considerable improvement since he and Mrs. Iavdom and their sons, Clarence and Richard, left here ten years ago. The Ix*edoina were for several years In charge of the local exchange of the O.-W. Telephone Co. Mr. I.eedom was «‘turning home from law Angeles, where he had been called by the death of his mother. Sincerest nympathy la felt by many friends in Odell for the surviving rela­ tive« of Wm. 8. puckwall, who pawned away in Portland Wednesday afternoon of last week. On the day of his pann­ ing two large highway Imaea tilled with frl'-nds from lndianapoiia, Ind., while, motoring from Portland via the Mount Hood Loop highway, came off the high­ way to «ell at the l>uckwall homAbut were Informed of the serious coiulnion of W. 8. Duckwall and that all mem- bora of the family were in Portland. Mr. and Mra. Fred Peters, of Whlt- tler^Calif., arrive^ here Thursday for dn extended visit at the borne of Mrs. Peter's parents, Mr. and Mra. W. B. Cunningham. They were accompanied by Mra. Denniaou and her two-year-old 1 eon, who have gone to visit friends iq 8|»kane. Bunday there was a re­ union at the Cunningtuim home with all the children. New Pack Del Monte Peas Regular 22c per Can VIÑCEN Í & BARRETT One 14J-Acre Tract 21 acres of 2-JrUar-oId Anioua and Bose pears: 3 acres in pott; ’ ncre^W alfalfa: 1 acre of timotny. Good land for pears, cherries or straw berries. Priced at $1,800. Half down; good terms on balance. One 6-Acre TVact 50 4-year-okl Bose: trees; 1| acres alfalfa; rest uncleared. Fine timbered ’homesitc. $800. Part down; terms on balance. One 4-Acre Tract. 2 acres of al n«l 2 Uncleared. Good homesite. $'>00. fffff f Ckcn & D i M uxb All tracts located 4i miles from town, near Rockford store. All on main traveled roads. [ I frutnî» RALPH SHERRIES Hood River, Oregon BELMONT MRS. J. H. CRENSHAW MRS. GLADYS REAVIS GILBERT WILL CONDUCT AN UP-TO-DATE, FULLY EQUIPPED KINDERGARTEN 914 EUGENE ST., HOOO RIVER, ORE. Term commences September 13, 1926. Rooms and equipment open for inspection after Sept. 7th. For further particulars phone 1783. JETTA GOUDAL R obert A mes HENIYKMMLTHAII and CLIVE BROOK APPLES À RUPERT JULIAN Productio: Complete stock of Orchard and harvest Supplies. All theTearling'brands of Sprays and materials for Pest Control. Also, a Larry Semoh Comedy, Ladies Quest Matinee Monday