HOOD RrVERGLAClEaTHURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1926 NORTHWEST APPLE IN WORLD MARKETS WILL BE STAKT® measure u highest stem T seems incredibto Asa pea cm aow ind bl; c antn.trc tubful of tailed efethe» in fifteen rrnutea, at the moat—then in leas thm />** ai'nutn t " otc , ’¡"ft »nJ drv them ell beautifully ciean end white, andoe all this without labs* m «train, or even psmtog the I WHO ROSE - hands e> waeerl $4.00 per load PINE GROVE HARDWARE - FURNITURE Phone 8411 EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO ■M-................... =S St Muya Catholic Church ■traction* ip the doctrines of the Cath­ church. All who may be interested In Regular Sunday services: Low Mass, olic church will be (Iren each Wednes­ such s re cordially invited. Father Hugh J. Marshall, Pastor 8 a. m.; High Maaa, 10.80 a. in. In- day evening at 7.30 in St Mary’s Everything to Build Anything We Will Wash Phone 2181 One Dollar Bills IShe Laurnell For the First National and Butler Banks of Hood River, in Our Store Window, Saturday, Aug. 21, at 3 p.m Cash Market SEE THIS MONEY WASHED AND WATCH HOW CAREFULLY IT IS HANDLED —YOUR CLOTHES REPRESENT MONEY TO YOU AND DESERVE THE SAME CAREFUL TREATMENT. Due to our selling for cash, we have re­ duced our regular prices very materially. F Vacuum Electric Í WASHER MANUFACTURING EX- PER1ENCE BACK OF IT, IS BOUND TO GIVE YOU COMPLETE SAT 1SFACT1ON IN EVERY WAY. Yours for Quality and Service ^S|OU remember the cone on Y th® end of ® stick your Nothing But The Best Today principle with three cups run by electricity. The VACUUM principle has stood the.test of time and today is the most pop­ ular washer made. Anderson Undertaking C .- — ANDBRSOW, Soi. Proprietor UJJNSEDJ^ALMER AND FUNERAL QBtECTC J. H HAZT.HTT,