HOOÖ RIVER ÛLÀÙËR, THUftSDAV, AUÓÜST »0, i$2ó Hide nrcharf homo Interstate frrldm- with Ma faadlv Start Uto childrau right. Hava tbaui with a pleasant — - — ■ - ****• returned Friday evening from a week’s get the f Dudamentals of music through visit wRh Mra. Uonnaway's mother, the Dunning system of Improved mutic study. Mr». Geo I. Htoeum, tel. 8933. tf J- O. Haunuiu waa down from Home ­ Mrs. M. F. Hays, in Albany. Our cookies just can’t be beat. Tel. stead inn the first of the week calling Mr. W. N. Byars is sow connected 1061. Hood River Baking Co. Mr. and Mrs. Teuuis Wyers moved on friends. with the Mutual Ufa Insurance Co. of from the city this week to Windswept For Rent—Offloe rooms in the Broeias N. Y. as Local Agent; any oourteeiea will mi Ruuteon was down from Park­ west of town. • Buikiia«. See R. K. Boot. aUtl be greatly appreciated byJ.H. Young, dale Tuesday attending to matters of When ordering from your grocer ask District Msnsgrr. 10 to 70 F. A. Ray, light I rucking, country or tiusinesa in the city. s2 tor Butter-Crust bread. You'll be sur­ city. Phooee, 3801 and 8641. nMtf Dr. W. Ikonaid Ntokelseti was up When ordering from your grocer ask prised. Cash paid lor old ears. H.-KAnto for Butter-Crust bread. You'll be sur­ Dr. Robert Apita, who spent last over the week «d to visit his father, Wreckers. i»lf prised. a week at Olympia, Wash., conducting -y. R. Nickelsen. On the rsturn Hunday Mixed candy special Friday and Sat­ City Marshal aud Mra. Ilart left yes­ special meetings, i* sjceticltne this week evening he was accompnnfed by Dr. M. urday, 26< lb. Hood River Baking Co. terday for Pad tie city, where they will Thrane. » in Gresham on a similar mission. H.-R. Ante Wreckers,on the Heights. spend a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nelas last w»«-k Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Kolstad and Parts tor all cars. ¡9tf R. V. West, manager o? the Portland daughters. Misses Norma and Vera returned to their home in Alameda Call 6699 when you need stenographic branch of the Federal Reserve bank, is Jean, left Monday for a vacation at Calif., after a weqk's visit at the home work. nIZtl of Mrs. Neisa’ brother, Harry Conna- spending his vacation in Hood River. • Cannon Beach. Ths Peggr-Marie Dressmaking Hhop, Marie (tomerun, who has been at La Monte Foster, one of the builders of way. in the Davidson building. alltf Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Linn and grand­ Grande the imst summer, has returned the locks at the Cascades, spent the Tailoring, Dressmaking, Remodeling. to Portland to make hla home. past week on a visit with friends at son, of Long Beach, Calif-, returning from a visit with relatives ami frlemla Mrs. Maddux. Cobb Apartments *12tf . ,ni1 Mr" A- H Kelr family Stevenson, Wash. in Iowa, have been here visiting Mr. The Portland Telegram, Hood River toft last week for Newport where they A large number of local memliers of Linn’s brother, A. F. Unn, and family. agent, Carsoll Day. Phone 8863. *301 are spending a vacation at the beaches. the A. O. U. W. motored to Eagle creek William Stewart, who has lieen in 111 Miss Maliel Withycomhe, of Portland, Hunday to attend the annual i»i frenh each day. Hood Mra. Ida Eatou, of Portland, were week Harry W. Farrell and family write 8. Bernstein, of Portland, was a busi­ River Baking Co. end guests at Homewood, Odell country that they are now at home at 12tl Ken ness visitor in the city Tuesday. place of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gould. Mias Mary Radcliffe announces the alugtou avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Mr. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Mixed candy special Friday and Hat- opening of a private kindergarten, Hept. The Legion drum and bugle corps Farrell has Written to haw the Gla­ urday, 264 lb. Hood River Baking Ito. 6. Make arrangements by writing Gen­ will leave Friday for Longview, Wash., cier forwarded, in order that he may Floyd Yodng has arrived here from eral Delivery. a|g . to participate In the state convention keep tab on his old Hood River friends. Crabtree and contemplates locating in One of the finest and most tasty-look- Miss Virginia Morgan, of . Portland, of Washington. Hood River. daughter of Mr. and Mra.'W. A. Mor- Mra. Harriett Walters and Mrs. Allen ing lioxee of peachea seen here this Mrs. Harry Connaway ia lack at gnn, was here fast w<*ek visiting her Hwafford are entertaining their sister year was exhibited at th»“ B»s>k A Art work with the J. C. Penney Co. after a uncle, L. G. Morgan, and family. and aunt, Mra. L. R. King, of Redwood store. The fruit, the J. II. Hale vari­ pleasant two weeks’ vacation. ety, was grown by Mrs. G. R. Under­ Accompanying a party of friends, Falls, Minn. wood, of the Heights. The Woman's Relief Corps will have Miss K. Mende is sis>iiding her vaca­ John Guignard, who is confiued at their picnic at the city auto park Fri­ tion on a motor trip through the,Jake the Hood River hospital as a result of Among the Upper Valley residents day. All bring well filled baskets. dintrleta of the Cascade mountains. the recent accident which crushed one here Monday evening to hear tin- ad Mrs. W. F. Witham and family are Miss Ruth Detopine. cashier at the of his togs, is -making a good recovery. dress of Coulter McKeever, II. K. Mc­ Cann advertising representative, were: spending the summer at Twin Rocks J. C. 1‘iviney store, is s|>eudlng her va­ Mr. and Mra. R. B. Perlgo and chil­ beach. cation visiting Portland friends. Later dren, Katherine and Robert, returned Dan IV. Jordan. R. J. Mdsaac, C. E. Craven and Frank L. Keating. Mr. and Mrs. Medford Reed cele­ she will journey to tamt lake. the first of the week iron» a pleasant Tlie annual convention of the Amer­ brated the completion of a new apple Harry Connaway, superintendent of vacation at Cannon Beach. ican Humane society will lie held in Portland August 23-26. Mrs. Alma Howe, James Stranahan, Ix-slie Butler and others of this city are planning on attendance. » B ' V Mr. and Mra. 8. A. King and two children, of Astoria, where Mr. King e.-r is «instruction superintendent for tiie P. P. 4 L Co., arrived the first of tlie wwk for a visit with Mrs. King's sis­ ter, Mra. John Alphin, and Mr. Alphin. F. E. Evans, of Seattle, has arrived here with his family and has taken over the Hood River Machine shop at the corner of State and Flrat streets. He will engage in a general blaclc- Htnithing and automobile repair busi­ ness. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Jscobsen and P. F. CLARK, Western Representative small daughter Jeanette, are here from Walla Walla. Wash., spending their vacation with Mrs. Jacobsen s parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McCurdy, snd Mr. Jacobsen’s parents, Mr. snd Mrs. C. JacobuML The Ladies’ Auxiliary held an all THE HEIGHTS day work meeting at the houw of Mra. Mr. and Mra. Jirtin Irwin, who have Archie Marchbanks and Miss Violet J. D. Hmulliu Wednesday. lss-n spending a honeymoon at Wind I x ' w I h Andrus returned the last of swept, tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Van Orsdale were married at the Meth­ Norton-anied home hy Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waah., la visiting her cousins, Mr. and other daughter of Mrs. Kershner, Mra. Van Cine, of Mountain Isike, Minn., Mra. W. O. Hmulliu, and family. C. C. Lemmon, of Medford. wim expect to make Hood River their Rev. Hutchinson had his tonsils re­ Mr. and Mrs. Bernst and sou, Ron­ home. moved at iIn' Good Samaritan hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fletcher and chil­ in Portland Monday. ald, of Chicago, arrived Monday for a few days' visit with Mr. Itornst's sis­ dren motored to Pasco and Roxboro, There will be a misHionagy silver tea ter, Mra. J. G. Rnggli-s. and family. Wash., over the week end, where they at the bona* of Mrs. Euwer next They were here several years ago on visited friends. Mr. Fletcher made the. Wednesday afternoon. a visit. Mr. Bernst is an engineer on trip in interest of hia Ford brake«, thus Friend« of Mra. Ralph Davies will he combining business with pleasure. the C. 8t. P. A M II. R. (to. glad to know she Ik r<*covaring nicely W. 11. and Jarvie Carrigan were in at the hospital aud will be home mm. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Castner have a The |>ant week three engineers have cotton plant growing In the garden of White Ha I mon Thursday on husineaa. I* H. Huggins and daughter, Mra. been surveying for a railway to the top their lawn on Oak street. The wssl John Van Delton, and daughtera, Betty of Mount Hood. The surveying is ail was given them by J. W. Perigo, who brought it from Oklahoma last year. Jane and Frances, of The Dalle«, ns. done. A five-acre park at the junction tored to Marshfield, where they at ­ of the Tilly Jans legion camp and the The plant has blooms, but frosts will protiably cut it short l«“fore the bolls tended Jhe wedding of Chas. H. Hug­ Cloud Cap Inn road has been set aside LIBBY’S ASPARAGUS TIPS. Picnic, 10 oz. CAMPBELL’S BEANS-Ready-to-serve nr gins and Miss Dorothy Byler. They for a parking s|>ace for cars and the open. food; the BIG tin, 3 for---------------¿3C r<*tnrned by way of the Ixmp highway railway terminal. The railguy will go Cans, each_________ _______ 19/ EC— Mr. and Mrs. Ben iJige motored to last. Friday. 3 Cans for_____ ■------------------------ 33C to the top of Coopera «pur and from Camas. Wn., Saturday w here Mfs. Lage H. II. Culp spent several days in remained for a short visit with her Portland this week attending to busi­ there it will be an aerial tram, the cable for which Is estimated a« weigh­ sister. Mrs. Gran- Iniiterbach. Re­ ness Interests. NORWEGIAN SARDINES—First run nr ing 47 tons. turning Saturday evening Mr. Iage Miss ZeRla Morse has been visiting Wednesday morning coming out of fish, in pure olive oil, 2 cans-------- ROYAL BAKING POWDER. OA waa accouiinnled by his daughter, in Portland. Rhe was accompanied 12 oz. Can, 43/; 2J lb. Can—dlsZaf Mr. Craven's, Ralph Davies had the Ignore, who had Iss-n visiting her aunt. home by her <«nsln. Mina Mildred B. misfortune to run into Red Hatfield's Mrs. V. G. Caldtieck. and husband. Frank Milligan and family, of Ba­ Ford coming up the hill. While not Mr. and Mra. C. W. Melcher, who kersfield. (tolif.. and MI m Helen Milli­ comphHe wrecks, loth enra were dam- ROYAL GARDEN TEA-First picking of after a visit to Zion national park, the gan, of K<*efeton, Okla., were the BON AMI CAKES. An efficient Grand ftonyon of tlie Colorado am guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fletcher choice, young, tender leaves. Orange Doggett A Cooper hare still quite a scouring agent, each--------- Ycisemlte national jsirk. have been vis­ last. week. lot more rock to crush. The Spnr road Pekoe (black) or Japan (green) 7Q- iting heir daughter. Mrs. A. II. Graves Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Surrell and fam­ will be flninbed thia week. Then the i-pound pkg., 38/. 1-lb. pkg----- I 3C lting their daughter. Mrs. A. H. Graves, ily are moving to Seattle, where Mr. road around to Uie Inn will be made. here for a visit of two weeks at their Surrell has lieen transferred hy the They figure on crushing 2,000 more BON AMI POWDER. Oak Grove orchard place. railroad company. Their many friends yards of rock. Package Miss Sarah Howes, daughter of Mr. n*gret to wv them leave. Their home LIBERTY BROOMS-5-sewn, strong and Mrs. A. F. Howes, well known here will tie occupied by W. C. Davis and Gospel Tabernacle and durable, good value, each— for her musics I ability, having been family.' 9.46 a. m, Hunday acbooL 11 a. tn., Mr*. J. K. Fltagerald and Mr. and morning worship; 7 p. m., young peo­ organist at the Riverside church, ia LIBBY’S MILK. Nearest to fresh nr making a name for herself In Portland. Mrs. Elmer Fltagerald, of Lebanon, ples' meeting. 8 p. m., evangelistic cream, tall cans, 3 for------------------ £«JV Mins Howes the coming season will be have iieen the guests of Mr. and Mra. service«. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer DEL MONTE HOT SAUCE-From Cal- 1 £ assistant in vocal instruction at the L. H. Huggln«; also Mrs. Stella Mahle hour and Bible study. and daughter, Margaret, of Stuttgart, ifornia, 2 for_______________ h------- Ellikon-White conservatory. Dr. ItobL A pits. Pastor. C. n. Stranahan, of Vancouver, Ark. Mrs. Mabie is a niece of Mr. TISSUE TOILET PAPER. 1000 sheets of First Church of Christ, Scientist Wash., formerly s pioneer bustnesa Huggins, whom he had not seen for Services in church building Sunday, man here and representative In th»* many years. soft sanitary tissue in a roll. CREME OIL SOAP—Limit, 5 bars nr Archie Marchhanks is now with ths 11 a. m. Hunday school the same hour. legislature from Hood River and Wav 3 rolls___________________________ 5 bars__________________________ ¿3C co counties in 1913, was here the latter Heighta Tire shop and Jimmy Carr The reading room is maintained in the part of last week visiting relative« and has taken bis place at Haven’s confec­ Davidson building. Room S ia open week days from 9 to S, with an attend­ friends. Mr. Stranahan accompanied tionery. Virgil Carman 1« building a now ant in charge from 3 to 6. Wednesday Ray Backus, of Portland, another pio­ 20TH CENTURY COFFEE. ’’Some Coffee,” CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP-Pure soap neer resident, who visited old frieads. garage at his Mountain View filling evening service at 8 o'clock. Leeson station on Awelfth street. an expression of our customers. A per­ subject, “Mind." all through, 10 bars a L. Lowe, Pacific coast representa­ Mr. and Mra. R. L, Boorman and fect blend of the finest imported coffees. tive of J. A II. Gissiwin, Ltd., promi­ daughters, of Portland, were the week English Lutheran Church nent apple exporters, was here from end guents of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Direct from our own roaster to you Regular services will» celebration of Yakima last week, hsiklng over Iw-al Morse. holy comniuuion will be held at 11 a. m. makes the low price of tl Qfi spple prospects. He accompanied C. II. SNOWDRIFT—A purely vegetable short­ Announcements will ls< received Thurs­ Castner, of the Hen made by picnicked at the Punch bowl Saturday Next Sunday the ladies of the church the steamer Admiral Dewey. They and that didn't include all the natlvea will have charge of the program. In tlie evening Fred Fialier, of Pine Grove, were met in Portland by Mr. and Mra. of Pennaylvanla In the Upper Valley. Mr«. Rasmus. of Iz>a Angele«. gave a will present a musical program, All Forrest L- Moe and brought here over the (tolnmbia River highway. They very good reading in the church Rnn- are cordially invited to come out. will visit Mrs. Bnrnette's uncle and day morning. The picture drawn waa St. Mark's Church annt, Mr. and Mrs A. D. Moe, and one all present shonld remember The holy communion will be cele­ other relatives. Mra. Burnette’« father, Rev. Schuyler Pratt, of Hood River, H. G. Moo. of Dayton. Wash., arrived conducted Episcopal services in the brated at 8 a. m. in commemoration of Monday morning for s visit. Tlie flan Community chnrch Sunday afternoon. 8t. Bartholomew, tlie apontle. Sunday Diego guests on Sunday were taken on Mra. Felix Kile ia having treatment« school will l>e held at 10.30, and morn­ ing prayer at 11 a. m., the rector’s ser­ a motor trip to Cloud (top inn. In Hood River for a mastoid. LOCAL MENTION n?»18*'lr evening Who Prints Your Pictur You buy the films, work hard and oarefhlly to pictures* but who develops and prints P THEY FINI8HED| | Each film needs separate work in printing and the expert eye of a good developer WHAT FINISH DOBS HE GIVE? “THE NEW CRYSTAL PRINT (Better than Velox) Is what all our pictures are now printed on. ”A beautiful print with high-gloss finish! WHAT SERVICE DO YOU OETP We give 24 hour ___ „ —In at 4:00, out HL at 4:00 We give all the above service by a real photographer. Yours for better pictures SerTic* 2O£C sntury A. S. KE1R NEW YORK HOOD RIVER Export MAYCHILD Domestic APPLES O’CLOCK BOSTON 35 Years of Successful Fruit - Marketing A well rounded out Sales Service. Capable Experienced-Dependable. Let’s talk it over. Fresh from the fields to 20TH CENTURY and fresh from 20TH CENTURY to you. Our fresh goods departments are pleasing many customers—shop at 20TH CENTURY for your E Green Goods as well as your Groceries Offerings Saturday & Monday, Aug. 21*23 1 I 10c > 12c v«FC 1*JC OO- AAV $!• UO and we are mighty proud to he Ma Distributers in thia territory of auch a flue piece of merchandise. If you are not a regular “Real Brand (toffee" you are missing one of the good things of life. Sold only in 1-lb. 3-lb, 5-lb tin« at The Star Grocery “Good Things to Eat" PERIGO & SON SATURDAY NIGHT % • August 21 Meet me at the DANCE at ROBIN HOOD 12 miles from Hood River on Loop Come and enjoy good music by ESSIE’S FOUR ORCHESTRA, who have just finished the* season at Thornton’s Lake. «71C 65c -10c t *t«7C $2.14 02OTH CENTURY STORES mon treating 'Succese." The junior choir will meet at the church at 6.80 p. m. for th« first trip of the fall, to lead the worship at Mosier Chrirtlan church at 8 p. m. after the C. E. meet­ ing there. The Daughters of the King meet Monday at 3 p. m. Tlie children's corner, in addition to being open daily for the children's private prayer and story books and picture«, will gather its group togrther Thursday afternoon from 3 to 4 p. m. One of the moat appealing Imsbets of fruit recently seen on display here was in the window of tliv flood River Itakery Saturday. It waa g own by 8. G. Oxborrow at Fmitftt! acre« and contabxMl the following specimens: Italian prunes, Charlotte^ Early Craw­ ford, J. IL Hale. Foster and Superb peaches. Boston nectarines, Burbank plums and Striped crabs. Walter McDougal toft last week for Lake Ixmlso on the Canadian Pacific for a vacation and to meet his brother, Governor McDougal, of the Chicago Federal Reserve bank.