r HOOD RIVER, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST'19, 1926 VOL XXXVIII Let’s All Swat That Fly The Greatest Banking Achievement of the Century known throughout the world. Fly Tox—Ceno!—Black Flag Every Member Bank Is a stockholder In this Great System, deriving all. of the bene- fits of such membership. El Vampiro , As a Member of the Federal Reserve Sys­ tem, the First National Bank passes on to its patrons the privileges and security resulting from this affiliation. Ilood River’s three "Crag Rata,” L. M. Baldwin, Percy Bucklin and Jesse Puddy, who Sunday futind little 7-yeer-olii Jackie Strong in the wild region ou the southwest slopes of Mount Hood, returned home at 11 o'clock Sunday night. All of the men, uhout their usual tasks Monday morn­ ing, were receiving greetings from Hood River folk and being congratu­ lated on their exploit. No incident of the state has ever created greater interest among Hood River folk and the hearts of the popu­ lace here were gladdened Sunday night When the first word of the rescue was revived from the Oregonian’s radio station, KGW. Saturday and Sunday GET THEM AT BANK SALARY HOOD RIVER. OREGON AND BUSINESS People Have Clothes Cleaned By Us We make them LOOK BETTER; KEEP their SHAPE ; and SAVE them MONEY ! The best garments lose their freshness after being worn a little while-OUR BUSINESS IS TO MAKE THEM LOOK AS FRESH AS NEW. Clothes lose that well tailored shape—OUR BUSINESS IS TO RESTORE THAT SHAPE. Phone 1014 There are several ways in which bank can help the wafce earner to business on a sound basis. if you are not getting ahead In And — naturally, clothes don't last forever; but onr business is to make them last lon­ ger - THEREFORE WE SAVE YOU MONEY I ~ QH TAILORS—SHOE REPAIRERS WE CALL AND DELIVER». JESUS ADVISES YOU The Portland Chapter Red CroM Volunteer "Enter ye in at the strait gate i for wide is that gate and broad is that way that leadeth to destruction i and many there are thereon. THE LORD JESUS AND YOU! 11 a. m. Sermon : “What Time la It ? COME AND BRING A FRIEND Singing you'll enjoy! WEDDINGS CASH PRICES ON We are now making sales of Winter Nellis, Anjous and other varieties of late pears, and are prepared to pay good prices. DUCKWALL BROS i ,tU Real fellowship! I found hhn he waa beaded tiife a* aL Mr. McKeever declared that the I most impenetrable jungle. He showed, however, that he possi-ss.-d better judg­ American Held la the stoat fertile, be­ ment in the wilds than most adults cause of the high buying power, In the would have evidenced under similar world. The advertising specialist Bounded a circumstances.” At the first call for volunteer search- ■etc <>f warning to apple growers. "You may think lit queer, coming era, Hood River re»q>ouded with a party of experienced na-n. Deputy from one who is engaged In advertis­ Sin-riff Glenn Hloat and Dr. £. J. Sluts ing,” he nald, "when I tell you that started at once with the former’s two advertising. although one of the great­ blples, create new de- Hood’s glaciers, snowslopcs and base- manda, cause your product to be wanted b.v the public and thus bring about Ra la ml forests. After three days and nights of wan consumption to the detriment of some dering alone without food or shelter other fruit Yon will stimulate cos and with only the scantiest amount of sumption to the point where pricee will clothing to protect him from the chill rise and you will see as a result an nights in the wildest wooded sections increased acreage of your product I of the tipper Sandy country, little urge you by mine method to bring Jackie wanted to knew what ail the about a contnd of production.” Mr. McKeever presented statistical fuss was about when searchers came upon him standing on a bare knoll at charts to allow how the production of the foot of Sandy glacier above the apples per capita is now leas than it was in IMO. Certain classes are now Muddy fork of tlie Sandy river. That he bad known practically where eating much more fruit than, formerly, he was and was endeavoring to get while the consumption Is growing leas back to camp in Paradise park, where in that larger clam of the population he had last seen his mother, was the with small earning power. Fruit, the advertising man declared, is considered story that he told his three finders. He was well and apparently hatipy a luxury product He died that all except for the fact that he had not fruits compete with all other fruits. been permitted to find liimseit and He showed how canned fruit has grown make his own way back to civilisation. In popularity, Increasing 000 per rest In true woodsman style he had sup­ In a decade and 1200 per cent In rslne. ported himself on the l>est food he while dried fruit baa fallen off. due could find, consisting chiefly of huckle­ to the demand of the moders flat­ dwelling housewife for convenience. berries. Mr. McKeever showed how the pro­ His wanderings had taken him miles up the rugged territory on the slopes duction of fruits has climbed in Cali­ of Mount Hood and at one time he had fornia in a quarter of a century, grow­ actually gained the snowline on the ing from 15,000 to TO,000 cars, which mountain. He claimed that the effort travel to their markets an average of to find his way back to camp had been 2.000 miles per car. He cited that the great sport and adequate proof of his Pacific northwest apple grower must ability to look out for himself In regu­ note that the production of commercial lar “Tarzan" style. He was a great apple acreage is on the increase, al­ admirer of the character in the i>opu- though non-commcrctal tracts have shown a material falling off in those lar novel by that name. “Ed! < »h, Ed!” he was calling as he eastern sections where apples are walked along the fringe of the snow grown on a substantial basis. The field in the lower end of the Randy eastern growers have ceased their hap­ glacier. One of the members of the hazard methods of production and are rescuing party hoard the shrill cry copying the horticultural care practiced while still some quarter of a mile away by the western apple raiser. They are and Anally descried the lad, who still also putting Into effect cooperative was calling, as if thinking tyimseif methods of marketing. “But,” declared Mr. McKeever In somewhere near the Strong cainp in Paradise park. At the point where he closing, “you growers of the Pacific was found he had traveled more than northwest have an excellent opportu­ IB miles from the place where lie lie- nity for popularizing yonr product by came separated from his brothers on carrying to the public that message of its merit. You can Impress on the pub­ the unfortunate fishing expedition. As the men approached he perched lic consciousness how you here in the himself on a crag fully 1,000 feet above Paclflc northwest, with yonr leaser the bed of the Muddy fork of Handy acreage, your fewer trees, apply such river and more than <1.000 feet above methods of culture as to produce an sea level and calmly awaited their ever increasing percentage of the na­ approach. The searchers, when they tion’s apple crop, an apple crop of the Isa-ame convinced that he was the lad highest quality The eastern consumer they were seeking, scrambled hastily doesn't care about jiartlcular districts in your section, but by the establishing up the steep slope of the mountain. When they had reached the boy and of a Pacific Northwest Boy Apples determined that he was safe and well brand, you will cau.-e the consumer to they fired two shots in quick succes­ fix In his mind this geographic signlfl- , sion and followed them a few momenta cance and you will find him buying , later with several series of two-shot your apples because ho wants them." volleys—the signal that had been ar­ ranged by the searcher* in event .the hoy was found. Other searchers heard he glad report of the guns, which sig­ nified that the long and weary search was at an end. and relayed It down the valley. Others hastened to Inform the an automobile anxious parents that the child had Is-en of Oak Grove, located. I coming out of 1 —