The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1926, Image 3

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    - ; ?
Rye’s Delki®us
$4.00 per load
(By C. T. Baker)
Wasco county last week, when 140 «Hi­
atus gathered to put into cou
pump at the Cherry Hill I mi
company's property. U Barn
dent of The DaUernWuct
Chamber of Couunercs, arU
dress, pressed a button that
motor, and hundreds of gallone _ of
water began to flow Into irrigation
It is dedared that use Of wslla and
pumps in the Wasco county fruit gee-
tiou will become general.
The coot of the well, exclusive of In
dividual weir boxes and wooden flumes
in each orchard, was stated to ba about
89,006, bringing Uie per acre coat to
about 8150. Approximately 8M06 W“"
spent In land preparation, U waa ®e
Considerable interest was shown iu
the electrical Installation made by 11.
N. Crandall. The motor driving the
devp well type turbine pump Is bo near
ly free from vibration that a «»in
placed on edge on the flat top Of th»-
vertlcle power unit will not tip over or
roll off.
Distribution is effected by having
four large weir boxea, one at -the high
«•st point of each of the orchards, and
wooden lateral flumes across th* high
line of the property.
Small holes
drilled in the flumes allow a smell
amount of water to eacape into ibe
trenches which run parallel to the
rows 'of trees, about six tiunchsu be­
tween each row.
The fact that the Installation la the
flrwt «»operative pumping unit and that
its su«*as may mean other similar
proj«*«<s was declared more algnMnant
than the particular outlay, of magni­
tude tn itself.
— ,
Although various appearanree b«li- II
rate that the volume of tourist travel H
in Oregon this year la setmewhat below |
that of last year, the experience of I
various tourist contact points tn the
If.xxl River valley seems to show that |
sori) travel has made an Increase.
Btatlstlcs from the tourist bureau at |
the local Chamber of Commerce show II
that a total of 1,151 parties have tn- |
quired for Information at the Chamber I
of Commerce up to the 19th of July
this year as compared to a total of 426
luirthw up to the same time last year,
an ln<-reaae of 260 per rent. Of thia
number this year a total of >43 have
A general mark or emblem was
Ix-en induced to make a trip through
adopted, containing the words, "Oregon
the valley aa compared with 158 at
Quality” on a dlamoud shaped shield
thl« date last yeag. A total of 2,029 I
supported by a Beaver. Thia was
l>le<vs of literature baa been distrlb- II
characteristic of thrift and industry
uted from the Chamber nf Commerce
and la baaed ujM»n the biological fart
this year as compared with 2,475 last II
that Oregon was the greatest habitat
year, In addition to that sent out to the I
of the beaver.
auto parka and through the mail.
Recognition of the significance of the
That more out-of-state cars have been II
Oregon Industrie«’ program and its
imsHiug through is shown by the rec­
value haB made strides. The practical
ords of the non resident tx-ruiits issued
aide of the famous slogan, “Oregon
by the tourist bureau; 814 thia year aa
Quality,” is now pointed
’ ' ” out in news-
compared with 280 for last year.
paper comment. Tbeae
These statemeL„
statement« re­
No doubt the installation of the
cord triumphs of Oregon products in
branch office of the Oregon State Motor
meeting comi»etlUon in various parts of
association has had some effect on the
the world. 'They show Oregon is
bringing of more tourists in contact
inarching ahead.
These statemeuts
with the Chamber of Oommerce, but
cover loganberries to pipe organs and
nqiortB from the other parties in con­
women's coats to water tanks.
touch with tourist« show that-the
Each year, Oregon’s wonderful fruits
of tourist travel bears out the
and vegetables and soil products make
truth of the foregoing statistics.
new conquests. Wlllatnette valley lo­
Probably the most effective work be­
ganberries are finding a welcome in
ing carried on In regard to tourist
Great Britain ; eves Oregon marmalade
travel 1« that being done by Dr. L. L.
I n being enjoyed In England—home of
Murphy’a committee of Guides in vis­
marmalade and toast. 8pagnum-moas
iting the auto parks at the western en­
of the Oregon coast is going into surgi­
trance of the city. This committee,
cal dressings that are on the way to
Another Scenery Boaster
composed of Dr. Murphy, J. A. McLean,
Australia; houses cut in our factories
In the “Those Who Come and Go" II. E. Baker and O. N. Ravlin, la doing
are in Africa and the Orient; polishes, column
of the Oregonian Monday ap­ a most effective work and the support
cleaners, soaps, paints and vegetable
on the part pt the Guides as a whole is
the following:
oils are being distributed in increasing peared
"The indifference of the people of
amounts; toilet preparations with Ore­ Oregon and the northwest to the asset most encouraging.
Incomplete reports from this activity
gon labels are being used by the belles they hare in their scenery Is one of the
of the Pacific; logging machinery, gar­ most surprising things I have found on «how a total of 841 parties interviewed
den tractors, gas engines and other im­ my travels,” remarked a globe-trotter by the Guides at the parks; 1(M of
plements, also a coal feeding device, an at the Multnomah hotel yesterday. “It th.-ae, who had planned on going
automatic stoker, all are going into dis­ simply la not advertised enough. I straight through, were induced to take
tant markets bearing the banner of know of no other place that can com­ tHps through the valley. It is is inter-
"Made in Oregon.” Our tlrea and rub­ pare with thia sei-tlon for natural testing to note that of the 341 parties
ber heels as well as cereals are in the beauty. It la a great rcsotiW*, aa much interviewed, 115 had bad no previous
Orient and in the day’s news was re­ as Iron ore would be, and you should Information in regard to ths Hood
ported a shipment to Islands in the exploit IL What would happen if D»s River valley.
A great variety of questions were put
Pacific of store fixture«, furniture, bags Angeles had a Columbia Kiver highway
and trunks—the store fixtures being and a Mount Hood toop? Why, It would to th* booster organisation, predomin­
the new feature In tills trade. Lumber be known from one end of the country ate of these beging Inquiries regarding
carriers and hoisting machinery are in­ to th$ other. Eastern people have no roada mul Mt. Hood. Other topics in
duded land values, crop conditious,
vading domestic markets.
real conception of tile marvelous s«eii-
Transactions of the woolen textiles ««ry that you have out here and thry tUhing and hunting, employment, and
and garment manufacturing Industries won’t know It unleas you advertise it irrigation.
Interesting commentaries on the vis­
emphasise the importance of the wool­ more. - I think you people mu* get to'
en and yarn and garment industry as used to your surrounding» that you its to t I m * i>srka were set on the various
record» of the reports to Dr. Murphy,
a basic industry here. The woolen
which a party of Gifldeo turned in.
products industries are growing at the
Following is a suggestion made by a
rate of about 25 per cent each year
over each preceding year.
' Lindeman, a touriat from New York,
“The practical side of ‘Oregon Qual­
claim» that we are dead.- We ought to
ity’ ” applies not only to products com­
import two I»« Angeles boosters and
pounded In Nature’s work shop, but to
bnve a 100,000 population bi two years'
sport and work garments, wearables
A Patient Crt d U s r
like hats and cape and shoes, golf
The general «implalnt on the city
They were making a drive to raise
stockings, women’s coats, and the illus­
tration can lie carried on into Oregon funds for an addition to the African auto park aeema to be the cabin facili­
Its lots and certain building materials, Baptist church. Two colored alstcrx ties, while the majority of the tourists
were enthusiastic in their praise of the
Oregon paper and paper products, rope, called on old Undo Berry. »
twine and burlap bags. To these, negro, who lived on the outskirts of cabins at the Bone park. A suggestion
shortly will be added, no doubTT Oregon the village and asked the aged 0arkey waa made by one of the parties of
Guides that photographs of Mi. Hood
linen doth and silk ribbon as these to give something toward ths cam*.
factories are “on the way."
“Laway, slaters, 1 sho would like to and acenea of the valley be taken by
A report on manufacturing prepared help yon-all along,” be said, “hut I all committees visiting the ixirks
Perhap» the most interesting com­
for the Pacific Northwest Shippers’ Ad­ Juat ain’t r* it. Wbr, I has'the hard­
visory board of the American Railway est time to keep payihg a little some­ ment on the work of the Guides was
association which met at Tacoma, thing on what I already owe around furnished by the report of Mayor Ben­
in<t and L. A. Bennett. A quotation
showed that the total value of the hMUk”
manufactured products of Oregon for
"But,” Mid one of the collectors, of their report Is as follows:
“We feel that photographs of points
1925 approximated |278,21H, 847. This “you know you owe the J/*r<l some­
of interest in the valley would attract
is exclusive of the lumber production. thing, too.”
Surely this supports the idea of quality
“Yea, dat’s right, Mater,” hs M the much interest if pdbted in the camps.
In Oregon product«.
, old man; “but he ain't pushing me The large picture of the valley might
like my other creditors la.”—Wertarn vrell be transferred to the parks from
the office of the chamber. Each com­
Christian Advocate.
mittee should have photographs of Mt.
Ilood and acenes of the valley. These
Boy Thrown from Bicycle 1
«>nld be handed to each committee in
Frank Von Arsdalo. 14. »offered ■turn and would be a great help in
painful brul»«*« recently wh«*n h|a bl- interesting the touriata.
«■yde was struck by an automobile
“Thia is the biggest and beat work
Life moved fast from Saturday. Jnly driven by Geo. Okamura, JniHineae «M*- that we are doing in the community
1(1, to *Diuraday, July 22. for Jerry cbardlst. The accident <M-currad Jost and should tie by no means discontin­
Tetreault, French Canadian woodcut­ south of the ciyr on the Belmont road. ued. We should have na-n each even­
ter, whose cigarette start«! the Mitch­ The boy wka rusb«*d to bis home and a ing at these camps. Each item of In­
ells Point forest fire on the former physician railed to attend his wounds. tereat of the valley should bo reported
date. Jerry frankly explained to for­
on the bulletin board in each camp—
estry officials how the swiah of a
Painting, paperhanging and kalsOmin- Koberg beach. Lost lake. Cloud Cap
branch had sent his cigarette hurtling ing. First-class work. Ei-timatea free. inn, eh*. We are not capitalising our
into the underbrush. He thought he J. W. Steadman, phone 4H39.
m27tf investment In this park unlere we sell
had extinguished the »tub, but 15 min­
to the tourist our natural renources.”
utes later the hillside above Mitchells
Viewed as a whole, the situation In
Point was aflame.
regdrd to touriat travel this year la
Th**woodcutter joined on at once Five Thousand Dollars (85,448) Six very encouraging. All of the work
with the fire fighting «rew. which was Per Cent (4%) Middle Fork Irriga­ lM*ing done in thia community is wry
tion District, Hood Kiver. Orogen
kept busy for more than a wwk bring­
effective In making the touriat feel wel­
ing the IftftO-acre burn under «mtroL
Notice 1» hereby given that sealed come in our community, and telling
He even allowed his wedding day to proposals and blds will be received by him about our ncenery and natural
ins» as he fought the fire.
the Board of Directors of Middle Fork rewtur«*«. It is to be hofied that the
The fire crews were released Tues­ Irrigation District at their office at work along U m *««* lim-s will be. tarried
day of laat week. Wednesday Jerry residence of M. O. Boe, Parkdale, In on and encouraged as time goes on and
went to Portland for hia bride. Miss H<«»d Kiver County, Oregon, until 1 licneficlal results are sure to be forth-
Caroline Mitchell. The two came here o’clock p. m. oa the 21st day of AugwR, routing.
and were married that day.
1926, for the purchase of Five Thoa-
Thursday Jerry faced Justice of the aand Dollars (4.5000) face value of
Netiee te Britiah Veterana
Peace Blagg and pleaded guilty to net­ i>ond» of said Middle Fork Irrigation
Recidente of thio community and
ting the fire. Because of the record of District authorised by the «-h-rtora on
faithfulness Jerry had made on the fire May 5. 1932, in the total aggregate »tate, who served under Britiah colora
lines. Justice Blagg suspended the to­ amount of Seventy-five Tbouxand Dol- during the war, are warned by the
day jail sentence- lu<iua*
l»rs (475,1 KM)), bearing interest at the Hrittab Ministry of Pensiona that the
“You received a life sentenceJersy," rate of six per cent (fi%) per annum, time limit for entering disability claims
commented Judge Blagg, “and that payable semi-annually on the first day with the Brillali government will noon
ought to be enough gt one time.” • , 1 of January and July of each year, and l>e reached tn the majority of canea.
No claim may be considered ualetu
maturing aerially commencing on Jan­
The Portland Telegram, Hood River uary 1, J929, and continuing each suc­ made within »even yearn of the date of
agent, Carroll Day. Phone 8863. a80tf cessive year thereafter until January discharge or by August SI, 1928, which­
ever la the earlier, applying both to
1, 1903, Sixty-five Thousand Dollars new claim» and claims of additional
(405,000) face value of the later ma­ disabiliti«*» in men already receiving
turities of which have been leeasd and penatone.
The warning was given
sold. Interest coupons nre attached. through Kenneth L. Cooper, Portland
Both prirtclpal and Interest ar«
SÄÄ regional manager of the U. 8. Veterana’
in gold coin of the United 1”
bureau, who received information rela­
America at the offi«* of the e County tive to the matter from Brigadier Gen­
Treasurer of Hood River, Oregon, or at eral Frank T. Hines, Mirector of the
the office of the fiscal agent of the barren.
» • ,. i
State of Oregon in New York Oity, at
"Thia nervi«* does not apply to Can­
the option of the holder.
adian ex-service men Rut rather to
Each bid must be accompanied by a Britiah Imperiala, men who served un­
certified check in the amount of two der the British flag in English organ­
per cent (2%) of the bid. payable to isations,” said Mr. Cooper. "A branch
the President of said Irrigation Dis­ •flics of the Britiah Ministry of Pen-
trict, to be forfeited in the event the Hl<«fis has just l»een opened at Ottawa.
bidder shall withdraw bis bid Or ahall Canada. Disability ratings, payment
fail or neglect to take and pay for aalfl of pensiona, and treatment authorisa­
bonds bid for should the same be tion bare previously been handled by
awarded to him. The Ixmda wilt be the Department of Roldlers’ Civil Re-
sold to the highest responsible bidder; Establishment at Ottawa, but the
provided, however, the right to reject growth of ghia work han necessitated
any or all bids la hereby reserved.
the change. The Veterana’ bureau will
By order of the Board of. Directors continue to cooperate with the British
of Middle Fork Irrigation IMstricL
government through the new office.”
M. O. BOE, H«*cwtgry.
The Allied Veterans’ branch of the
Portland poet of the American Legion
has a number of members who served
in the British Imperial force«, ft was
Do you know what a
stated, and there are many others scat­
tered throughout the state.
Hamess is?
Items on Sale Saturday, July 3bt
Hand Oil Window Sha
Assorted sizes and colors, sizes range from 24
to 54 inches wide, all shades full length.
On sale Saturday at, each
8-oz. Size Horseshoe Tumblers
Good Quality, at, Per Dozen
■ '
Decorated, Tea Cups and Saucers
Imported from Japan.
Nice for summer
On sale Saturday at, per dozen
Take Advantage rf Or Spedii» ail Swt Matty |
Watch For Big Announcement Next Week.
Phone 8411 ~
•■* -4au
a»’ r' 5
• ’*
Everything to Build Anything ,
Phone 2181
New Dining Room
Opening July 4th. Sunday Chicken
Dinners by reservation (phone. Odell 17)
Quick Lunches-Ice Oream-Cold Drinks
Supplies for Tourists and Anglers
Last on post Laks Highway
Kelly Bros. Co., Inc.
sa *7
Draught Luxo
’’Ml * •.
Complete etoek of Orchard and Harvest Supplies.
All the leading brands of Sprays and
materials for Pest Control.
Soft Drinks
■ a
■ I
Well, they are for
Horaea-they are not ex­
tinct yrt. 1 have them in
Writing back to IL O. Blanehar, 8. J.
Moore stated that his mother. Mrs. W.
N. Moore, died at her home In Detroit
before his arrival. Monday, July 12,
Harness and Collar» for Four
Mr. Moore received amowinge announc­
Doga abo. A wonderful Mm of
ing sertoua Illness of hia mother. lie
Telephone Meredith Galligan, Wo.
Started for the east immediately. His
mother, however, peened away Tuesday. Ml. if you want the Oregonian deliv­
Funeral services for Mra. Moore ered to you. If yon are already a Mb-
were field in Detroit on the Friday ecriber and fail to get yonr paper, call
foOowing ber death.
.......... .
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