r (Klarin All-the-year School Clothes Should Be Made of Everfast Suiting B gz Z w #— Washing V inegar factory Strong Sunlight Will Not Fade This Marvelous Wash Fabric No, Senator BtaniMd is not going to run as an Independent. The Oregon Journal^ Just trying to throw a little scare into Oregon Republicans. Sen­ ator Btanfiehl may try to stage a come back In Oregon politics sometime later. His independent candidacy would be suicidal. The tourists from everywhere are finding Oregon thia summer. They are arriving from every state in the Union, and new admirers of the perpetual greenery of Oregon's hills are being made every day. Raising sheep may take an important place in the aide lines of thrifty or- chardlsts. Aubrey David and Glenn Alien, of the Odell country, hare found limited numbers of »16tf - For Halo—Golden Bantam sweet corn.«trioa beans, new potatoes. Transparent «nd Crab e applsa, Bsrtleti pear«, prune«, plum« and n grape«, place your order early. Mrs. W. T. ! Oooee, tel. seta. • aS 1 For Rale—A young Jersey cow. TH. MSI j, Cottage Ferm. JyfcZif n For Bale— Dairy ranch In Trout Lake Valley, t Price will «Or prise you If you nave real money u to do boalnoM with. C. M. Calling Jyltf FROLIC AT BIG PICNIC P For Sale—A S-hote Universal wood or coal e range, reasonable. Mrs. L M. Huggins, phone t >1«. JiMtf II •,For Bole— A set of good Mil tires. Repair ports for Btodsbeker Big S T7. Tel. SUN. JlOtf c For Hale—30 woven rug« Iroin (1 to WHO It each. Theas are bargains. Call at my home. , «01 mb Mtreet. David Upron.. Tel. MM. JMf WANTED At Pnyallup laying contest Lewis’ Red No. 1101 outteyed all Leghorn« eioept two. laying ISO egg« In «lx months. Pen average, sis • month«, 1S1 egg« per bird. m20lf For Bale or Trada-lta suree on Hast Bide, 5 mites on I, for city or small eloee.ln place - Pbooe 6070. m«tf For Bale—AH kinds of farm sod city prop ■ EjL whe*‘ •nd ranr*1*« I’rlcu. from ®00 to Sionooo. A. G Jennings, general real estate and brokerage, Rfd. 4. a»U For Hale or lxese-150 acres, 36 acres cleared Abundance of water; good strawberry propo. •litoo; on Lost Lak« road, all miles from ]ro “"'bard Co- Tr*cU •* c°l prloee. C. H Bone Tel. WS4. «pur For Bale—Fir and pine wood 10 In. and « ft °° •** or «Ide «* Valley and Hood River, tel. 4727 or 4728, Moore Bro«, m4tf bores, weight about IMO lbs. J. 8. Hoover, tel. 1704. mlMf .J*Hate- Good lots for sale In all parts ol the city, prices right. A. W Onthank AOo. sl«U 'r For MUo-10 acres 4 miles from Hood Hirer adjoining the Barrell «bool. About IX.7rre bearing apples and pears. Modem « room boos« packing bouse, and chicken houses *’ box w' Hoo• »ad «"ft wood. to** bunding., welilS lauadry. Prtee rwwon.b e W. H. Chapin all . Sor Hate—A pple, peach, pear and cherry ano. Parkdale. Hood other tours Parkdale St or write C. T. Raw- qg,, r°r **" **~la Ur and pine wood also «-foot " deliveredRaetand WemHlde aad Hood Mirer. Phone 46tt. A. LaChapelle. al J If —Fw Rsebango—Btook and dairy ranch Want home proposition. Ipmme, what have yon t Address O. M. 0.. ears Glacier. xtf 1 FOR RENT forntehwT*» eaoe. 1 OOMM^Ä,‘h i "IS"* e'°" ' ldfby- Mr>- Jennie Hunt «14 Cao- '< rnoMMU. J Btf JyiMt pooaeano. — ^or boose. A-*!0* apartment. P immm m«3. IflS l aacode. Adults only 1 1 , MISCELLANEOUS