• - 'k • 1 V* W • • n \ \ Y-J ‘ -Ä - — »• 1 < >7 ¿7 ’ ■ ’ ' il «>* • ,®t.< tratte aw.ls'Wfi' If ->C* their vihit in Portland. J. F. Goos Bight at touring aided in Iowa. Tonala 1 -i t r ■r. ~»iT-»rf-f — VwU'rr «& J 1 __ — W, M. By ars, utual Life of «t the OMI Church of CNrtM .* U-- ENNETT BROTHERS •otlHt < »Hd. producing condition. During the Mr. and Mrs. Peddicord have owned Papera were drawn last week con- thia tract they have spared'no eftaft ; to CtaR-uce Miller the W. J. that would conlrttatte toward an ideM 1 Ard property south Wif Hmimdt. afttSSt •frtvtar^ife.’hSner « n 3ft acre property of Widt h 20 are In orcimrd, which is lq line man who has s|>ent his life Nwt ODELL Climb Mount Hood of the s> iCa^ »'• V. A; Mr. will OUR CHOICE BEEF ROASTS ARB BUTT If you d , -J Saturday. ■“ 1 Mr. and M^Roy^Aurtin^^irs^WhaL. improving 4111 | ba usual. So many extras to think of, especially if you are expecting company You will find a delightful variety of largely att . With th I Bee «taw a peratures at 100 to IM ta other t of the ’ A din ata air a service will be reedy am of the 1 you need. [Ö2S xi.’w’ M acmillan » Manager 0. a ANDXIUKJN. tote I Charlea Hill, tlon. Crews at work on the road lack- o«ly dboet a* día its " ?'* «,d vntrwra. sttwibih i surfaced. f An n tata» of tha> conditions. Trout Lail Adaran are drswtag l>er of recavatlonista thia fti w. j.v—■ Pay us a visit and refresh your memory on what N. H. ika will be Call for A pocket of what la thought to be the flneat -denco Day delicacies on our «helvooi Telephone 215f ■ this week end. library. The Boy Srvrtt council han givtaktlk»' Camp Fire Hfrln the prfvftcpe of uMHg the camp site at lent lake. H>ls plan ta more economical and fbe Txiyal Workers of Advent Chris tian chwvh • had their mantMy -busi­ ness meeting and pie social Friday wight at the home of My. and Maa PUrrt WntatiF Wm. Terrill and 3. C. Blakely, of Mnaler, were dinner guests Mturday ef Mr. and Ml*. Jobs «Hffifh. Elder and Mr» I.lvlngstone called short dint unge above Trout Vi«My mtWiniPtm the tteorse OM U e U,. C. T* Bwhftnatedt and Hafes Tam Yetutn to 1« pkvfhdsML Mr. Rogtva, who baa contracted . J. P. and Orin Kuhnley have Just ly eight miles of The Dalle»W mrmed pafhffiig m th* bnndihg* IT the Wing ranch, which adds gfektly to , home on ths Flat m IfeST Slid red Crow wm a dinner . radltorium MW girt* CAMP FIRE NOTES BARRETT Hpokane, with Mlt A Fourth of July Order Mturally ill Ctorite 1 Try a half of a Swift's Premium flhm Red Rock Cottage Cheese, fresh evefl* day Will tlonsbBWrk. to PidBldtah B«t withal it is their families as the job is expected to comfortable r Urtiate. We had1 last <«oupta of years. waly SB-St» if when Hoed River was4 MmmaHtnera at« agata May hi the who completed the loop wwtfUrliiA Mt 101 dpguwB. I Hill*. Sheriff IQdUdcmtl hi* dspBttat lake ruarl which doe« away MH. M. Sommer, trf Chicago, la tie- Wised a st in on the Lava Beds Monday. er swsah bilda» tMtnlpnt for neofiti* DoggHP-A tamper Mr» m tali «raw Worklrtk St tie Rx-k crusher aid th« ■new r gl* girl graduate from WasMbg«« high ta Portland, la s|>endlng the rammer at the O. M. Bailey ranch. ’ Independence Day will, be observed ta the Community church Sunday Morning at the wnrwhtp hour which mmentve promptly at 11 o’clock, torch aebsbband forum at 10; young ople's meetta« 7. There will he ne enlng service. E. C. Euwer visited with relatives th Portland «ariy thia w«M. A numbe!*fiv>wi tblMeeoMoM are plan- king to spend the week end at the Legion itmn Mrs. ». Prof. Wlibnr. who is spmdtag the summer here atudying the strawberry Weevil sittwitioii, Hix-nt the week end Mr. and Mrs. A. V Unn the. HM Smith fhuMy U. th» laMM dead as far as Cloud Btrrdorn’t Ponete Bed tel L Campers’ es at Special M. choose ocivlng fhv casttMto ever. In the near 1 county will prove the F moat direct kW» July 7th «d _____ 1 for travel ÌF**» ’**T ' ilj _