■ -f * t . M! 1 / hä ♦ • rr a i v«yTr «• ' ’ ; « ’¿CW f-W-rv. V. . » T’ •-» I- yViCv,,* Ì t I M various ¿rude schools of y file past term have been «flea dealing with pioneer nk|ae stories will be printed Uptime 9 • A itt of tMir «lass work, stu- V. < V**’ I Br-rjlKJr , ‘A ~ HOOD ■ - X*' ■ * K w-i? 7; WRITE 'ORY STORIES ■br v-. ■ ? v " - * ■ ,,,. / «navras. B .«* ■ r * t S» . . •» >3 * fl| **'■ Ajl ■ E E ML: ’ t * E' N \ Bi'«''«- I V Irak* •i » >rçt ■i' ■ The Lowest Priced Six with Body by Fisher <■ » » ì ■ ■ t "The Bat I ■ • Fron Rd Uch” •‘The Lady Who Lied” K I road comuiiiwioner and we CM give of o» riv him credit for seeing that the ruade where Cl built that year wan in straight Unes Part of « BI(| DOUBLE BILL instead of crooks and turna. Bat during t.r«nce, Klglith Grade, Thue the great development of ruada rooted tn I’nrkc hae come ebout ; from Indian trails to for the th: HARRY CAREY iter, s marked increase of famous highways. There roods in few y«*a • H< /' v.hen the Indians wbo Trens^ortetisn in the Upper Heed . to the <■<>:■ inbia river tribes Biver Valley roamed through what n»" i*’®“ • f-f. (By Mary Babson, Sixth Grade, ifeinsr forest Uy trails. H<>ure of these Parkdale District) are yrt known. We now have high ­ AND < If a person who came to live in the ways and hard surfmed roads. It was long after the Indians had Upper Valley two or three years ago LEWIS STONE - VIRGINIA VALU gone that any ruad existed Finally could see a movie of the hack and William Ladd, of the ladd A Tilton team and one-armed driver who brought IN Bank, of Portland, ex tri l> li shed what is the mall and passengers to Mount the tràU now Cloud Cap l"n. Needing a road, Homf In 1909, be would scarcely be­ . ■ '<< 'A the county maoe one. It extended lieve it was only 17 years ago. ' jr . C' W The road was a narrow dirt road in from Hood Biver to Cloud Cap inn and was mads in 1896. It was aa old many places with femg, steep grades, SHORT SUBJECTS’ TOO ___ - the foot of Coopers spar. wagon road undeveloped, muddy, un­ climbing about 1,600 feet In altitude. \ , AND FOX NEWS Éter they decided to en- At that time passengers also came even, winding around stumps, some­ 1 luto r wagon road. It times a SO per cent grade. People by the Mount Hood railroad. Matinees 10-35 . undertaking ter three The road between Dee and the dis­ . from Hood River would drive all day Evenings 10-35-50 to an old house and barn where a man trict now called l’arkdale had some of ■1------------- .................. ......... . by the name of DeWitt now lives over the most lieeutlful timber in the Hood on ths East Fork of the Hood river River valley. Fbr those who enjoyed apposite what is now l’arkdale. There those beautiful woods, the sight of the t Friday and Saturday they would change horse« and continue Htump land is very sad. Wbsn the Mount Ijood railroad on up the next day. May 28 and 29 The next petitioned roud was the old piiahed through to Parkdale thsrfl.wvre ♦ Dae road. It ran from an old posT- only one or two -automobUsfl in, the 9» offica op the East Fork of the Hood Upffer Valley, so many traveled on the river to Dee where (be Oregon Lumber slow freight train to which a dilapi­ > [ Co. was located. It was made in 1«97 dated passenger car woa attached. I^tec on when more people gskputo- and was even wor^e than tlie Cloud ‘IP- Vast, gay and melodramatic Cap inn road. It has alnoe been mobttes the dirt roads were kept* in « better -condition and then the rail auto Gasps - Creeps - Thrills - Laughs changed very Mteii. Every year they changed it a little by Gtralghtenlng out was put on by the Mount Hood rail­ I - Shudders - Amazement - Aston­ some turn. It Is now m altogether a road. Then came the bonding for the highway. The new highway wag made. ishment "The Bat" offers the different position. next development in roads was Then everybody was hnrryteg beck and world’s greatest Mystery Com­ in The 1907. Three roods were petitioned forth to Hood Biver in automobiles, edy - Drama. Most sensational that year. One was from Melaaa^B The public auto stage, which hsd been f which was about the only thing a rival of the auto rail 11, had very few comedy-drama .hit in the history store, j»e the people had in Harkdale thh^and ran south. This passengers because a” many auto- mountain on the north runs a small . of the theatre. 982 times in New was a wry hard road to make but their owp cars. But the motrilM began stirring up the dust, so but scarred giaeier. Near it la Pulpit when finished it was the beat. It was York, 740 times in London, 583 rock and .divide», one-half guide east then a thick forest but with everyone the highway was oiled. A iH-rson motoring from 14ood River and the other west. Coe and Cooper times in Chicago. turning ont.lt was soon made.. The next was the Base IJne road to Parkflale or Parkdale ts Hood River ■named the western glacier for Oscar CHIEF • OP which ran eaw and west through what in 1925 and 1926 would starcely dream Stranahan and the eastern glacier was .... , i Also Another Pacemaker is named for Henry Coe. now l’arkdale. ft' was made in 1907 what the trip was Uke 17 yeap ago. Eliot glacier was named for Bev. and II In a direct line with Htark < « street in Portland It is now the The Early Development of Msnnt Hwd Thomas L. Bfllot, of Portland, who was a great ho safer fur Hood River and main road into Parkdale from the (By Maurice «. Walton, High School, spent many days studying the glaciers. and is a hard surfaced road. NEWS — TOPICS — FABLES highway Barrett, spur was named for Dr. The other road that was petitioned Parkdale Diatrict) The summer of 1886 was unusually Perry G. Bffitrett. Hood Biver's first in 1907 was the read west of Parkdale À Prices Fri. Matinee 10-85; Eve. a quarter of a mile, running north. It hot and dry; fierce forest fires raged nlivsicianki Newton _____ Clark , glacier r was named for, and all day Saturday 10-35-50 la connected with the Base Line. It is in the mountainfl and the sky was gray promihsnt; early day settler of the honors of hey roysl subjects in festival tion, etc. However, fundamental stud- with smoke. Oscar Stranahan, D. R. a prominent a dirt road. array. The affair was staged by Mias ho in aritbawtfe, language, geography, » Iley, Newton Clark. Hood Itiver County wafl Wasco coun­ iooper, Sr., and H. j C. Coe decided to valley, Ethel Bwarta and the gMs’ physical reading, spelling, and history must not until 1909, when Hood River was make a trail to Mount Hood. They The ¿rwwtli oTour Sdieol Sunday, May 30—One Day ty education rlanarrt The aneen ty at- l>e neglected. The school dHy la jimt formed. . These roads were formed crossed the East Fork and made their (RuaeeU Onrtls, iUgh School, Park- tended by Maxine McLean, Eula Wil­ so long and the grant number of sub­ under Wasco county. As the county way through the heaVy underiH-uxh kin, Virgie Oxford and Vienna Annals, jects which are crowded into it reduces developed new roads were made and acrose what is known as Rwkins Ftet dale Distriet>H WILLIAMS HART maids of honor, Marching to music the time for aay nee subject propor­ to a small spring a abort distance east When onr^~ mlfce people moved in. ■ our *andparanta came to the furnished by tM high school orchestra, tionally. . - , - In 1923 the Mount Hixxi Ixxrp high­ of Evens creek, named after R. O. in VaUhy enc of the flrat problems under the direction of Mrs. Heaney, way waa started and finished in 192^ Evans, an early day resident of the which confront, .1 them was a school Tiic city school teaching staff en­ the queen and her attendants wste met and the first of 1926. It runs from town of Hood River tad Who later for their chMdri ii In a neighborly joyed a picnic dinner together at the H o < m 1 Biver around Mount Hood to took np a homestead on the ereek. way the got together and picked their at the throne by A. ¡L Cannon, who city auto park last Friday evening. Portland. It is very beautiful and Thinking that the fire had atade a kx-ation, which was an acre of ground crowned the queen and presented her Nearly aU the grade teacher* were attracts thousands of tourists every dean sweep Worn the foot of the lava donated by U m late D. B. Cooper. The to the devoted people of the realm. there and half of the high school fac­ beds to the foot of Mount Hood, they place chosen was hy 'the covered bridge This was followed by the various ulty. TTiey are indebted for many year. groups who appeared to honor and en­ In 1926 the Coopers Spur road waa decided to follow thq easiest plan of west of Mount, lloud store. - . r tertain the queen. George Castner was courtesies to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mil­ During the. summer of 1X85 the logs The Tumbleweed Never Stays n........ — major domo and announced the vari? ler, who are In charge of the anto park. were hauled and the erection of the ous event* In order. The high sriiool That is one Mnfll piscu for such out­ . » Put—but the romance, and the building was commenced. J. H. Inn- orchestra played during the entire pro­ ings and the Mood Biver people wbo glUe and Mr. W o II h did most of the gram. The groups appeared in the do not already know about It will be thrills and rapid-fire action in work. Mrs. Geo. Peridns, of Mount following order: Tempete, Pierot and delighted by what it affords right bare this big Hart picture will stay donated rough lumber for the Plerotte, Circle Walts, Hungarian Hop, at their door. . * floor. The deaka were made of rude Tumbling, in your mind forever. The Bird and The Hunter, lumber l>y the people of the community. Russian. Spanish The senior ciass of the Hood Biver Tango, and May The district included all of the chil­ Pole. a high school gave four abort playa in Also a Dandy Comedy dren from Ih-e, Middle Valley, Valley Miss Swarts and the girls are to be the Auditorium last Thurndfly -‘g** • Orest, Parkdale and Mount Hood. The highly complimented upon the success “8ome of Us Some Time Ago,” "The first teaclier/a daughter of one of the of this seco ltd annual high school Mity Tryatlng Place,” "la the Days of pioneer families, taught the school. festival. Many of the pupils showed Feuds,-’ sad "Whlskera.” The first one Mlax Carrie Graham, the teacher, had introduced 16 characters; the second, with . f received her education In Chicago. The great skill in the various acta and some ■evsd; the third, four and the fourth, approached artistry itself. school remained thia way until about 12. AU of the pupils played their AL ST. JOHN 1899 when the second or new bpllding A' parte well, very much to the delight DELIVERIES Was built on an adjoining corner. Aa It has become customary in the city of the big appreciative audience. The Prices 10-35-50 * TWKE tbs community grew an annex was schools to have an annual exhibit day aeniors are planning to use the pro­ TWICE DAILY Added to the building. Children all of all the pupils' work at the grade ceeds of thi» play In. purchasing furni­ Continuous Sunday 1 to 10 p. a . the way from the primary grade to the schools, in order that the parents may ture fol the student body office in the 3rd and Oak Streets Phone Phone tenth received their education here. find out what their children have ac- new high school building. Thia la a 1082 1032 In 1906 Dee withdrew and formed a compMsbed and compare their . work worthy cause and will make a worthy M oil , May 31 (Memorial Day) diatrict of its own. Middle Valley left with that of other children in the same memorial to the rises ot 19» and Tue*^ June 1st about the same time. Parkdale a few. room nnd in the the same Hchools. years later built a school for the chil­ This year’s exhibit was held last Fri­ The annua» l>accelaureate services dren on the west aide of the river. day afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock. for the Hood River high school senior 'n Valley Cn-at finally withdrew from the Hundreds of school patrons crowded class will be held Bunday evening at 8 district and formed a small district of the various rooms through the Coe pri­ o’clock la the Christian church. Theae its own. In 1919 Valley Creatreunited mary. Park Street and junior high. rervicaa are under the direction of the with District Na. 6. Perhaps SOO [ssiple visited the city local ministerial association, which In 1014 Mount Hood built its present schools during the afternoon. The school building and Parkdale built the teachers and pupils deserve the high­ voted to have the services in this present high school which was a union est commendation In preparing this church in case It was not considered With BLANCHE SWEET and high school of two teachers. Things exhibit and arranging it for the In­ desirable to have them In the high schotfl gymnasium. The members of went along this way until about 1920 spection of the public. BEN LYON- Sweeter than sweet WEBFOOT HARD WHEAT FLOUR the senior class and the high school when the district built the new grade Many pa rente of today are amased is sweet Blanche Sweet It is the 49 pound sack school at I’nrkdale. . . at the accomplishments which our chil­ faculty will form In procession in the strangest drama of youth and In 1923 Mount Hood withdrew from dren show la the schools and also at hsnquet room of the church an) march the original district and formed a dis­ the number of additional activities to the section reserved for them. The ALPINE MILK love ever filmed. A sensation sermon will be delivered by Bev. W. O. trict of its <>wm which pupils have aow that were not Livingston«. Tall Cana. 3 for at every turn—georgeous in set­ in the schools a few years ago. These (To be Continued) additionals include art and nature - - -rz • - i . : tings—touching in its intimate TW annual commencement exercises HOOD RIVER PECTIN study, health study, music, fire preven- will be held in the high school auditor story of humanity. (Conth.mtd from last week) Ite 17 M ' •f a ' ‘ »• v Don Coo Coo”, J. V. VOLSTORFF, The Heights « “Tumbleweeds” I “Fair Warning” Grocery IL GROSS, Prop r P. “The New Commandment” 4 Also RALPH GRAVES in “Don’t TeH Dad” Prices 10-35-50 t. Specials for Saturday & Tuesday May 29th and June 1st For Jellies, Preserves. .k Continuous 2 till 10 "Memorial Day’’ J Wed. and Thura, June 2-3 ANOTHER BIG DOUBLE BILL Two Shows íctn the Price of One. •t “Beggar Oh Horseback” With EDWARD EVERETT HORTON and ESTHER RALS­ TON. The screen’s best come­ dies are Cruse Comedies — and ’Beggar on Horseback’ is Cruze’s Masterpiece of Mirth. “Bluebeard’s Wives” With Blanche SWEET, Loin WILSON, Ben LYON-mirthful matrimony on a big scale. 7 „ -T1 ■ '.¿vSg krW o- V. H ALSO FOX NEWS AND SHORT SUBJECTS, Prices, Matinees. 10-85 Evenings, 10c-35c-50c >- Per bottle PLAYMATE WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP 10 bar» $2.00 25c 25c 35c SNOWDRIFT 8 pound can, net weight DIAMOND W PEANUT BUTTER Per can 9 ».».• U ■ » É V GROSS’ BEST COFFEE In Bulk. Per pound CALIFORNIA. SOFT SHELL WALNUTS. Per pound................... ORANGES. Very Sweet . - ft Size 344, in a case. 3 dozen ..4. • LETTUCE. Larf« heads. 4 • ’ r -4,1 20c 45c 15c 49c 5c $1.05 > Each..... WASCO MILL RUN 80 pound sack ..«1...... 7 WASCO SCRATCH. eo 7E Clean. Mixture. Per 100 pounds........... cracked corn f •’ $1.75 Per 100* pound«..'........ SCHOOL NEWS 1 Marguerite Harms) For the first time In the history of Hood high H^ool school the the debating debal —Í River high team won a state ctMtapionship by_ testing the Wartetatou high school team at the University of Oregon last Saturday night. Ae Hood Itiver team la composed of Juliet Forden and Car- lysle Roberts, and was com-hed by Miss Esther Hettinger. Tbls team took the negative side of the state free text­ book question but bad previously taken the affirmative; side In winning the eastern Oregon championship. Before war time Hood River bad taken a great deal of interest in de­ bating work but It Was not until about five years ago that the subject was re­ vived again when Prin. B. H. Oenkle was here. Hlnce that time, however, the high school has developed debating teams annually with more or leas suc­ cess. Two years ago we won the local district debate, and the inferdlstrict debate but were •re defeated in the east- era Oregon chai smpionship by the Union high school L_ Thia year we defeated that school and went on to Eugene for the finals, nnd the high school now has j o sses sl on of the De Oou cup which ms already been won by Pendleton, 1022; Pendleton, 1»2>; 8alem, 1024; Ashland. 1026. Hits cap remains in the poaeewdon of the school fine one year then it goea to that school win­ ning the state championship. When fl school wins this cup three times it becomes the permanent possession of ♦ hot arvhrvrwl i • • ' • * * • - •. : Fords, 1920, 1921,1922,1923, 1924 Chevrolet Touring Hudson Touring Star Touring and Roadster Prices $75 and up EASY t SPRING CLOTHES PINS 3 doxMn........ COUMGflt DEVIL MEAT or- 3Vi ounce caj), 5 cani «vt For Sandwiches. CREPE TOHJET PJ 6 ounce roll. 5 USED CAR BARGAINS 20c Twin Peaks Auto Co. 25c STAR AND FLINT AGENCY Next Door to Blalto Theatre ________ , 9 '?«•■« A’**'s- t TERMS 1 y Ì ■ » « * f t ; w* ?1*X I . I > 4.. ■ V-