HOOD RIVER It would be superfluous for us to impress further on-the prchardists of this section the necessity of preparing a pack of Apples free from arsenical spray residue. THEY MUST BE CLEAN, if we expect selling organizations to handle them. Our new .IDEAL WIPER, equipped with bristle brushes, will clean out the stem and calyx ends thoroughly. We will only make a limited number of these machines this year, and it behooves you to place your order at once if you wish the advantage of this equipment, now a necessity THE MATTHEW GRAVITY CONVEYOR CO For the market this year conveyor, , which we are Oregon State Agents, is .placing u on J..X ■ a new I... ___ with ... . wheels J . five inches apart and set diagonally, which allows the box to travel very smoothly. The new Conveyor is of standard construction, with the same hook up as on former years, with electrically welded cross braces, which have been found exceedingly rigid. is, or our representative, MR. A. B. COOPER, who will demonstrate the equipment Inform They will save you money. Last of all remember the IDEAL These are increasing in popularity, for they fit the needs of the Apple'grower. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit our new factory, where you may give a thorough inspection to what we have to offer. ursery Co or physique looked upon ntly baa not PINE GROVE FRANKTON