HOOD RIVER JMMONS «V PUBLICATION IN APPLICATION TO PORBCLOdt " ", ___ ~____ Court of 2-J In the Circuit the State of Oregon for the County of Hood River. HOOD RIVER ÒDÙNTY. a Muni­ cipal OBrporaUon, Plaintiff. Dodge Touring A-l Shape $375.00 Star Touring HLM Five Balloon Tires (or • ride today! so Smooth— •o Powérful Nash Touring A-l Shape Duco Finish New Top Semi-Balloons MT. HOOD MOTOR CO HOOD RIVER, OREGON 4K4O0 dUra m M «Aertminf /ar tie QUALITY AT LOW Buick Touring Good Shape—Buco Finish $350.00 RIALTO THEATRE Chalmers Touring Nash Touring 17-S3-7U PATTERSON’S LEAD IS NOW CONCE! SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Republican Candidate 15.42 *105.64 *574.24 Dolores Costello The Heights Greenhouse has thousands of plants for porch boxes, bedding and borders. _ Lobelias, salvia, zinnias, verbena, heiliotrope, lan­ tana, fuaehia. CHARLES A », and making an nnquali that he will reduce taik* HOWARD Directed by *100.75 From the story x* Mo by Dick* by Herman Melville Also Vegetable Plants — Peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, egg plants, cauliflower, cel­ ery— 25c per dozen. A special sale on Rose Bushes for two weeks, 50c and 60c each. . Millard Webb LET US DEMONSTRATE THEM ScenariaJn/ BesaMeredyth WILLYS-KNIGHT PRICES-Matinees 10-35; Eves. 10-35-50