S FAIR. New Spring Hats for Men These stores feature nationally advertised brands of known value. They must first meet the public’d approval before we offer them for sale. Then, through our modern efficient merchandising methods, these products are brought to you at prices that mean really worthwhile savings. —____________ — Offerings Saturday & Monday, April 17th-19th KINGSFORD STARCH 1 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER l ib. nkX °r <>88‘ 1A^ 2 for AID. PKgS------------------- 10/ | r ............ 13/ 1 WESSON OIL Make your own mayonnaise. | Quartcan 49/ ’H’S SARDINES. Just think! 2 pounds of rich, “ready to serve” food, unequalled in food vydue. 1 pound cans, 2 for------ -------------------------------- LIBBY’S MILK The nearest to fresh cream. 8 cans 28/ 6 cans for 55/ CORN MEAL Kiln Dried Fresh shipm’t, 9 lb. sk. 33/ ■ vito 1MV1W 1 I CORN-Good Standard Iowa I SNOWDRIFT In Ball Mason Jars. I p . r ln. Pure Vegetable Shortening. Pints..29/ Quarts.... 49/ I _______ — / 4 pound can.. ------ ^1/ ADIRONDACK SYRUP. Cane and Maple perfectly plended so as to bring out the genuine Maple Flavor. Full half gallon Can—, 99/ < PURE LARD—In Bulk. LIBBY’S PUMPKIN Freshly rendered. Pound, 3 Pounds, 59c Just look! Pumpkin Pie for Dinner. Lg. cans, 3 for 49c RAISINS-»UNBLEACHED Seedless Thompson’s. 3 pounds for.. ■ ___ ' CUCUMBERS I? /