HOOD RIVER MOSIER USED CAR SALE During the week several of the Mo­ sier people have motored to the Handy “Pent the week end after smelt. «X ■E M 8tr*u"’ “<* Mrs. F. C. Bexton, of The Dalles, Va, who •pent last week with her daughter, '. * ¡LJh\r brotberTAi Behrens, Mrs. Fred Evaua. ss xsr"’ “• party of Dufur people came over to Mosier Thursday to help Mrs. Earl NUho1 ‘«me home from the Scott celebrate her birthday anniver­ sary. 2.^ of.Or,B,,u *tnrt** — • I par™ta.thC *Pr “K vacation with her H CLUB BERS SHINE IN PLAYLET have OAKLAND Sales Doubled The boys of the "H" dub gave.the city a real treat last Friday in the form of a three-act playlet, called “The Toastmaster.” From the viewpoint of real humor and wit the show was good, but for sinateur acting it was un­ James P. Carroll equaled. Parts could not have been Whereas the Almighty Ruler of the D. V1L ?*a“,ry •«“» femily. Of The devised to fit the iftenii^ra of the cast Mlles, have come to work on the Fred Universe in hia infinite wisdom has auy more perfectly than did those al­ seen fit to remove from our midst Bro Evans place. lotted to them. James P. Carroll; and The play found its "Ixx-ua” in the Ev»n». a student of the Uni­ Whereas bur Lodge has thereby loot versity of Oregon, ouuo home Friday a faithful and loyal member; conflict of the “fri-diles" and sopho­ evening to visit wljh his parents. Therefore be it Resolved by Beacon mores of a -small college over the pos­ Mr. Horn went to Portland Friday Lodge No. 182, of Mosley Oregon, that session of ths “Toast master" who wss we extend to the bereaved family our to preside at a meeting of the sopho­ mores. Ills abduction Involved trunks, heartfelt sympathy iu thia hour of sor­ disguises, bribes ami real old rough­ Mrs. Williams and children, who row; And be it further Resolved that our house. And the always intriguing ele­ have been living with Tbe WiTfiers, «re charter be draped in mourning, for a ment of a college love affair, with an returning to Tbe Dalles. period of thirty days, that a copy of irate and forbidding father, added both RbeTXT WM Mh,,WlnK to these resolutions be sent to the be­ complications and Interest. The cast reaved family, also l»e spread upon our was as follows: Henry Reed, Priin-e Koberg; Tom Mr and Mrs. J. O. Beldin and Mrs. records. Chas. T. Bennett, Ripley, Clayton For ■man; Bill Morgan H. IL Nielsen were Hood River visit F. A. Allington, (later Maggie), Enk ue Haixlys; Towel oiu Thursday. Roy L. Duvall, Fairfax (the toast master), George All America has bestowed upon the Oakland Six the one . “ur8b*>1 “nsy the bills. guests for the afternoon. —smoothness of performance unmatched in its field—i Mrs. H. Fret well spent several days Then the professor, father of Erskine’s Mrs C. G. Nichol returned home better still, a rugged endurance that auures years of service. sweetheart, entered and ordered Ers ­ Friday from Redmond where she has In Portland thia week. The monthly meeting of the Parent- kine to be a stranger to bis family. been visiting her son, B^ypiu Mrs. Moreover, Oakland's amazing prices— *70 to *350 lower While Erskine was out “forgetting and Bema Nichol and little daughter ac- Teacher asaoclation was held Saturday starting over” George, the Toastmas­ —single out the Oakland Six as an unequalled investment. romiMnied her home for a short visit. evening. Judge Wilson, of The Dalles, ter, was "stolen” by Prince Koberg Visitors In The Dalles Thursday was the speaker of the evening. His and »'at Foreman. It was discovered were Mrs. Hattie Bailey, Mrs. ltuscher, topic was on “Juvenile Protertlqn." that the Toastmaster was hidden in V An interesting program was driven by C. A. llage and F. A. Allington. Misses Petrea Nelson, Virginia Tump­ the home of the professor. Erskine Those attending community sales day kin, Mina Fret well and Hasel Meyer. found solution by dlagnislng himself in Hood River were Mr. and Mrs. Lunch was served after the meeting. as a maid and being employed by the professor. Then followed much brib­ Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Mr. and Miss Barbara Hendricks «pent the ing of Keisay Slocom to keep secrets Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Stamper, Lueila week end in Portland with her sister, and not to say naughty words. A roar Nielsen, C. D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. F. of laughter greeted his announcement A. Allington, Mrs. a Ruacher, Mrs. Mias Elisabeth Hendricks. WINNING AND HOLDING GOOD WILL Mrs. Trill and son, Jerome, spent that "He knew one worth a quarter” James Cherry and Mr. and Mrs. Camp. Saturday in Hood River. Mrs. Trill when his father gave him a nickel for E. M. Strauss was in Hood River on was a judge for an American history promising not to repeat one word. business Friday. contest held there. Poor George Castner was curried Mrs. E. A. Race was in The Dalles Lawrence Haggablom made a. busi­ miles in a trunk but finally arrived at Thursvlay. the banquet on ttane. Erskine’s bills ness trip to Hood River last week. Mrs. E. M. Strauss was a visitor in Several friends surprised Miss Edda were paid and hia pledge to his sweet­ The Dalles last Wednesday. Ivorson on her birthday last Thurs­ heart kept. The ^ofi-NHor thought bet­ Geo. Chamberlain and «on, Keith, day afternoon. FJve hundred provided ter of his condeuiniition of Erskine * were in The Dalles Saturday. the' afternoon entertainment. Mrs. after he discovered that the rn^ld he GENERAL MOTORS K Montana Chamberlain spent a few Fisher received the head prise while tried to kiss was his daughter’s suitor. Especial credit Is due Miss Esther days In Hood River last week visiting Mrs. Sprague received the consolation Hettinger for her training of the cast. with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. prise. E. J. Middles wart. Miss Viola Reuber has returned to The play went on without a flaw. Speeches were perfectly delivered, and Mr. and Mrs. Adams and daughter, finish school here after being absent the natural humor of the play was of Ohico, Calif., visited a few days for three we»*ks. beautifully presented last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Miss Marie Nelson spent several As a small boy- Kelnsy Slocom was Bailey. Mrs. Adams is a sister of days with Mrs. Arthur Warren at supreme. Hia «•urls were the envy of Mrs. Bailey. Warrendale this week. Local business folk and orchardists the girls and his nerve and agility Paul Bailey spent the week end with Tomorrow night three one-act plays made him a perfect "pcstersome young are trying out the new apple vending machine, being placed throughout the his mother, Mrs. Hattie Bailey. will be given by Cascade high school brother.” country by an organisation of Hood A comedy, “Thursday The high school student« took their as follows: River and White Salmon fruitgrowers play, “The Colonel's Maid,” and the Evening”; a fantasy, "Three Pills in as an aid in the distribution of fruit. Saucy Syncopators to ~ STAGE AND SCREEN Boyd Saturday a Bottle”; a tragedy, "White Dresses.” One of the vendors, filled with extra Horace Woodward, of Portland, is night A good sized crowd attended fancy Newtown apples, has been placed visiting his grandmother, Mr». Osborn. the performance. Three records were broken by the on display at the Waukoma hotel lobby. The third of the series of dames The Sweet Sixteen Cird club met The machine is intrigulug. Not a 8. 8. leviathan pn the eastbound trip with Mrs. F. A. Allington Saturday given by Ijabey's orchestra was held carrying Thomas Mcighan and his local man or woman has Inspected it here Saturday night. The dance was afternoon. The prize was given to party to Ireland to make the Para­ without depositing a nickel and obtain­ Montana Chamberlain. The dub will well attended, many of the people t>e- mount picture,' “Irish Luck," which- ing one of the appetising apples. V. E. lng from Oregon .City, Mosier and The meet next time with Mrs. Jas. Chen-y. Russell, . ®T of tjte tjp 1 hotel, says that it af­ Dalles. The next one will be in two ponies to the Rialto theatre Sunday. 1 • Thelma Johnson spent tbe week end weeks. The l»ig Hteamshlp from noon Sun­ fords A - of convenient diatribu- with her mother, Mrs. Bertha John­ day, July 2d, to soon Tuesday, July tion of a apples to the traveling public. son. , 28, made the longest 4N-hour run In TROUT LAKE »-’-4*—— her history, eoveetog 586 and 587 knots Joe Moore, of Hood River, was vis­ The young ¡»eople held a social party respectively, nearly 25 knot« an hour. Wo pay cay> for your old furniture or iting in Mosier Sunday efenlng. at the church Friday evening. Every­ That was the first record. make a liberal al Io wanes on now goods. Mr. and Mrs. Allington and daugh­ body had a good time. The second recon! was broken when Call Hackett Mil, Kelly Bros. Co. Fur* ter, Barbara, and Mrs. Ruacher at­ Tbe ladies of the Eastern Star gave Thomas Meighan auctioned off the tended the show in Hood River Satur­ ml7tf a St. Patrick’s party Thursday even­ ship's pool in the smoking room. Us­ oltnre Exchange. day night ing of last week with a few invited ing an auctioneer's best methods, Mr. Several young people attended a lit­ guests. After music and games dainty Meiglian ran the i « m >1 up to nearly tle kids’ party given by the Christian refreshments were served and each $2,000, more than $500 over the pre­ Endeavor of tbe First Christian church one gave an Irish joke as a to«u»L vious record. • of Hood River last Monday evening. At a concert in the social hall, Mr. The Indies ’ Afer of and plenty of ice cream, cake and one-third going to the Seamen's Home visitors Friday afternoon. There was candy for every one of tbe good sized in England, another to the Seamen's quite a number of fancy articles on Fund in Amorita, and the* remainder display made by the Japanese; also a gathering. to the Actor's Fund. This exceeds by There was a good crowd out to the more than a thousand dollars the high­ in this week’s sand table which was prepared by Mrs. weekly sing which was held at the C. est previous amount ever raised at a Mobley's pnpUs. benefit on the Leviathan, and compares . J. H. Harden spent the week end in A. Pearson home. Trout Lake grange has commenced favorably with the largest ocean bene Portland its evening meetings. Remember, the fits given on any ship. second and fourth Wednesday evening “Irish Luck," a story of a New York t ea<»h month. ------- 3 traffic cop who wins a newspais-r pop­ Carl Pearson is moving into the ularity contest and a trip to Europe, See the 2-puge ad* Oregon Nursery Co. was adapted for tlie screen by Tom house at the old creamery. vertisement for Thor Orenco, Oregon Geraghty from Norman Venner's “ An Trout Lake Ixxlge F. A A. M. No. washers and irooersl M YEARS in the business of 136 is bolding a meeting every Satur­ Imperfect Importer," which ran as a ■rowing and distributing High day; work. Visiting Masons invited. serial In the Saturday Evening Post. Then remember Victor Heerman, who made the Meigh­ Grode, Reliable Nursery Stock. Fred Wlnebarger, who is on the it. an pictures, “The Confidence Man" and that Introducers of such recognized k1 Bewley ranch, has bought D. II. “Old Home Week,” directed. . lines as the English Walnut, Fil­ A Ila way’« herd of fine dairy cows. Mr. bert, Date Prune and others, also Allaway has sold his ranch to a Mr. Next Monday and Tuesday the Ri­ a large assortment of ornamen­ Everett and will move onto hia father's alto will present I.eon Errol and Doro­ tal stock. Closing out prices on place. thy Gish in “Clothes Make the Pirate." Cherries. Phone 5M1. J. O. Burdett sent up a truck load Tito supporting cast will Include Nita A. G. JENNINGS1 of high grade Jersey stock to hia ranch Nami, Tully Marshall aad James Rent •i Route 3, Hood River here, which is being run by Mr. Lugen- nie. Here's a picture I One of the beiL greatest comedy finds in years in a Our local butcher, John Pfister, is story of a Boston tailor who, dressed tbe proud poaeeaor of a new car. as a pirate, is mistaken by a pirate gang as their chief and has to put to _ seu and go through with it The story by Holman Day and produced by COUNTY HEALTH NOTES is Ham Itork. County Health Nurse Weaver made tbe following report to tbe executive at W. O. w. Notos committee of the Health association at its monthly meeting: The social meeting last Thursday Mumi>s and whooping cough are was an Interesting and enjoyable exeat gradually decreasing, home visits to with a large attendance. Tbe enter­ children having been made largely in tainment features were exceptionally regard to these two disease«. Two pre­ good, especially a group of accordion natal canes were given care, and i solos by Prof. Francesco Morsegpi, who HAVE YOU an unimproved tract really worth mothers supplied with literature pro­ displayed ability and technique in bla vided by the state l*oard of health. rendering of several difficult numbers. the money, to trade for, or on, a good town Sor-ial service visits were made to Old 1 fashioned dances were tbe rule of a family who was burned out, and care the evening, the W. O. W. orchestra property worth $1800? given a member of the family afflicted being responsible for tbe good time en­ with tuberculosis. The patient is un­ joyed by the dancers. der a doctor’s care and ia tanproving, A tasty lunch was served to all pres­ WOULD YOU like to build a new house this tbe county nurse making frequent vis­ ent and the eats committee 1« entitled to considerable praise for their manner its to see her. Spring and have it financed on a monthly ♦ A*~~- Maternity cases Included care by the of , handling tbe crowd. E. A .K. nurse in her own home for two days of payment plan? one of a pair of twins. Layettes for Tbe Dallas Weil Success these infants were provided by the Frultgrowerii of the Three Mile West Side Circle of Riverside church. DO YOU KNOW that you can buy 10 acres creek district in Wasco county were Visits and care of another mother jubilant over apparent success of a with six children, and a new baby, tbe well drilled then» by George Scott for of the beat soil in Hood River County for mother having flu and pneumonia; ae- , The Dalles-Wasco County chamber of cured the services of a woman to help commerce. The well was delivering $400, one-fourth down? out in this family, as the father was , 200 gallons of water per minute, and worn out from flu. Ten visits were it was thought that a test would prove made in all to thia home, varying from that the well Would be able to furnish IF YOU would buy a good 6-room plastered 18 hours to 2% hours In length. a greater supply to cherry growers. No baby clinics were held daring tbe modern house for $400 down, and $25 a The Wasco county chamber la en­ months of January and February on deavoring to ascertain the practlcabil- account of contagious diseases. month, total price $1800, or Itv of using wells for irrigating fruit The county nurse sttended the coun­ tracts in The Dalles virinity. ty institute where she was a speaker ; also the meeting of the county school IF YOU would consider a real orchard buy at Hood Berries Early 1>oarda, the state tuberculosis meeting George Johnson, Hood, Wash., straw­ and the annual meeting of public $6500, see us. berry grower, here last week on busi­ health nurse«, held In Portland. Sixty-two children have been tnaas- i ness, reported that berry tracts there ured and weighed in the smaller i are in bloom, and that growers expect school«, where hot lunch«« had recent­ to be shipping fruit by April 15. "Fruit will be earlier this year," ly been Installed. Six corrections were made, including one tonsil operation, i said Mr. Johnson, “than any former and one fitted with glasses; the re- i Reason. Apricots hare blossomed. Pear mainder were for teeth. i trees are blooming, and the season gen­ 1920 Dodge Touring A-l Shape $375.00 I925 1923 Buick Touring Repainted A-l Shape $750.00 1919 Dodge Touring Overhauled $150.00 J. F. VOLSTORFF, The Heights Ford Sedan OAKLAND SIX Five Balloon Tires Ruxtell Azle Fine Shape $425.00 APPLE VENDOR SEEN AT WAUKOMA HOTEL 1922 Nash Touring A-l Shape Duco Finish New Top Semi-Balloons $425.00 1918 Haynes Touring $100.00 1921 Galmers Touring $235.00 “ LOOK Saturday Evening Fuat r Hood River Garage During March you may J 1 take your choice of a Thor ironer or a Thor washer and pay only $5 now, the YOU balance in 18 months. Every pur* chaser will be given a surprise gift of an electrical appliance Pacific Power & Light Compa Always at your service. $ CRITES AND FREY, Agents Phone 1831 Pythian Building . ■ ■ < erally Is two weeks ahead of anything Call 5699 when you need stenographic we nsually have. In 1915 we picked worlR nl2tf s i a few berries by April 15.