hood nivaa GLACiotr thumday , march nr iW6 .____ r- PINE GROVE Mias Weaver, county nurse, will be to Pine Grove today. Anyone wishing to consult her asay coll her st the- school house. Both boys' and girls' baseball teems played at Barrett laht Friday, result­ ing in a victory for the Pirn* Grove boys and the Barrett girls, o«. / Mr. and Mra Will Clark Tiave de­ rided to return to Hood River and hgve )>ought their former place from their brother, B. L. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Clark have moved to a small house on the ranch and will occupy their own home when Mr. and Mrs. Mclxxid'a lease expiree. J. O. Mark has been at his ranch in Odell for the past two weeks. Mrs. 8. R, Hays, mother of Robert Hays, of The Dallee. died at her home in Albany last Monday. The eight months old daught«*r of Mr. and Mrs. Cantrell died from bron­ chial pneumonia and whooping cough last w«-ek. The funeral wsb held Hat- nrday. Mrs. Prosser and daughter, of Port land, were here «arty in the week to visit her sister. Mrs. lacey, who re- turn«*d with them Tuesday»- - Mary Michael, who hus ts-en ill at the tubercular sanitarium at Salem for the i>ast two months, died last Monday. Rhi* was a native of Alaska and had been ailopted by Mrs. Kilbu«4t, who with her .husband had Isen mission­ aries in Alaska fornnany years. Mary had a sweet, lovable nature and was a great favorite with her school mates. The regulay business meeting of the grange will t»e held Tueselay evening. John Moore waa called to Roseburg last Friday by the death of a brother. Mrs. J. A. Mohr's seventieth birth­ day was e«4el>rated last Sunday. Sev­ eral pioneer friends joined tlie family at a dinner party. Miss IJna Hukari, of Portland, is hero visiting her parents. The Sunflower lainquet will be brid at the church Friday evening at 7 o’rio«-k. Henry Luge, of Nevada City, Calif., who innie for his father’s anniversary, is visiting the members of hls family. August Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. Bucken feld and daughter, Paula, oP Portland, attended Mr. Lagt's party last week: also Mrs. Emma Drews, her son and daught«M*, of Portland, and Mrs. Kllndt, of The Dallra. Help the children’s hot lunch fund for next year bv attending the dan«* Friday, Marxh 19. ' ig- at the piano Prines Koberg sang, “Where the West Begins." Mr Coon presented the picture of Indian George. With Mrs. Alex Riley accompanying •t the piano, Mias Lenore Lage, daugh­ ter of Ben II. Lage, reudered two vocal solos. J. H. Hazlett presented the gift of tlie Elka lodge, telling of the esteem and love in which the fraternal body holds the pioneer. With Mrs. Ace Williams accompany ing at the piano. Dale Scobee and little Clara Koberg gave a vo«al duet. Lit­ tle Miss Kojs-rg also spoke a piece. Orchestra numbers were rendered by Prince Kolx-rg, Riddell I-age. Charles l-age. Dal«- Scobee and George- lag« •The boys also gave songs, two of them Is-ing sung esp«-cial!y for their grand­ father. It was au evening that will not soon be forgotten tn H«x>d" RTver 1 lie stories relate«! revealed (o mauy of the newer arrivals things until then un­ known. ' Oldtlmer and u«»wer resident alike declare«! it a privilege to Is- present and do honor to one of the men who had helped bring to fruition the beauti­ ful valley, a man who has lived «ulmly and wisely and who, like Abou »en Adem, love«l bia fellow men. CHURCHES Seventh Day Adventist Church Sabbath school Saturday at 10 a. m. Proaching service 11.15 a. m. Prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7.45 p. m. All are welcome. _______ English Lutheran Church I^ut«-n services at 11a. m. The topic of the sermon will be: “The Fall ami the Repentance of P«*ter." The Hun- dny meets at 10.30 a. m. Rev. P. Hilgendorf, Pastor. Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday school 9.45 a. m, morning worship 11 a. in., young people's meet­ ing 6.30 p. in., evangelistic service 7.80 p. m„ prayer meeting Wednesday 7.80 p. m. Hpecial music at each service. A cordial weh-ome to all. Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday school 9.45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Evangelistic service 7.30 p. m. Young people’s meeting 6.80 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30 p. tn. Special music at each service. Everybody welcome. St. Mary’s Catholic Church ♦I Earl Weber was elected exalted ruler of the Elka lodge Friday night. Other officers named for the ensuing year were: L. M. Bentley, leading knight; David Shore, loyal knight; J. P. Naumes, lecturing knight; Fred W. Dounerberg, secretary; Harold Hersh- ner, treasurer; H. A. Cooley, tiler; C. A. Richards, retiring exalted ruler, trustee for three-year period and also representative to the grand lodge, in Chicago next which will be held "" 1B July, J. H. Hazlett wax elected alter- native grand lodge representative, The new officer« will be Installed at the first meeting to be held in Aprtt. A resolution adopted Friday night pro­ vides that meetings hereafter shall be held semi-monthly instead of weekly. Monthly meetings only will lie he^i in June, July and August. I I Habitues of the Columbia river jun­ gles were given reason for amazement Tuesduy night wheu four well dressed middle aged men appeared near their haunts and started a chuck camp. The peenlis r party all came about from an unexpect<*d reunion of Jos^th Bair, of BilUngs. Mont.; Walter Hank, Boek Springs. Wyo.. and Lewis Garfield and M. J. Howard, Portland, who had fol­ lowed the Montana ranges in earlier days. The men today are coal oper­ ators and bond brokers. Around th«* lobby of the Mt. Hood hot« they talked of their appetites for «amp food in younger days. Mr. Bair started something when he suggested a mulligan and sourdough biscuit party in the jungle. The four borrowed tin cans ami an oven, and purchasing sup­ plies soon had the riverside diriher party under way. ST. MARX’S PLANS CLOUD CAP INN SACRED CONCERT WORK DRAWING NEAR , Eial»orate preparations are being made for the concert of sacred music to be reudered at St. Mary's Catholic church the evenlug of Palm Sunday. Mrs. G. P. Morden, in charge of St. Mary's choir, has arranged for some of the Is-st singers in Hood River to give selections. Mrs. C. II. Sletton and G«s>rge Smith will takt^yart. . Out of town vocalUfs who will be here for the concert will include: Mrs. Carlton Williams, Mrs. Pat Foley and Clifford Williams, of The Dalles. Young Mr. Williams, well known throughout the Pacific northwest for his organ renditions, will give selec- tious at the concert. t V BASEBALL PLANS »• MAKING PROGRESS Plans for the season's baseball sched­ ule are taking shape. More interest in the national game is being displayed here now thnn for many years past. Perhaps the early spring weather has had something to do with the enthusi­ asm of boosters of the local club. A fair turnout was present last Sat­ urday night at the K. P. hall for the baseball dance. Promoters of the 1I< mm 1 River club were at the chamber of commerce rooms Tuesday evening to discuss plans for the season's schedule with other mid-Columbia cities. Regular Sunday setvlces: Ixiw Mass, 8 a. m.; High Mass, 10.30 a. m. In- structions In the doctrines of the Cath­ HONORS SHOWERED UPON H. LAGE olic church .will be given each Wednes­ day ^veiling at 7.80 in 8t. Mary’s church. All who may be interested in (Continued from first page) such are cordially Invited. LEGION NOTES Father Thomas J. Marshall, Pastor. toward anyone. Yours la a counte­ Ex-oervice men who lntepd to re­ nance that has ever* beamed forth instate or conv«*rt tlieir war risk in­ First Church at Christ, Scientist good nature and good will." surance must do so Iwfore July 2, 1936. Wliivi Mr. Odell called on Mr. Lage Services in church building Sunday, That is the limit set by th« government for his response, he suggested that he 11 «. m. Sunday school the same hour. and all those who have not reinstated might make his reply in German. The reading room Is maintained in the or converted their insurance are urged Chinook or English. Davidson building. Boom 8 is open to do so at once. If your insurance Mr. Iage graciously acknowledge«! week days from 9 to 5, with an attend­ has lapsed you can reinstate by paying his pleasure at the greetings of his ant in charge from 3 to 5. Wednesday one month's premium on the amount friends, declaring the 'occasion the evening servit* at 8 o'clock. Lesson you tarried at the time of discharge pleasantest pf his life. He paid tribut«* subject, '‘Substance.” from the military service plus the first to pioneer friends snd to the dove and month's premium on tb<* amount con­ comradeship of a wife who was his verted. You «an convert for any Riverside Church comrade and whose wisdom and'conn­ amount up to the amount tarried Services Hunday at the usual hours. sei resulted In his remaining in the Church school 9.45 a. m. Christian while, in service. Hood River valley. So much interest has been shown by Illness or circumstance prevented Endeavor society at 0.45 p. m., to which hxal ex-service men in converting in­ all young people of the church are in ­ the attendant* of a few of Mr. Lage's surance that the ltxal I*egion post pioneer friends. Regrets of the fol­ vited. Dr. John F. Dobbs, president of plans to have K«>nneth (Jooper, man­ Pacific University, will occupy the pul- lowing were read by Edward E. Lage: ager of the Portland Veterans' Bureau, Milton Neal, F. R. Absten, Mrs. Joseph !>it at the morhing service. The public preront at the April Sth meeting of the Frasier, Sr., James Lacey, Mr. and Is cordially invited to attend. post. If all ex-aerri<'e men who wish Mrs. John Kroegher. to convert their Insurance will be pres­ Asbury Methodist Church Rev. Troy Shelley, who later sang ent that night, Mr. Cooper will make the following song. rom|wd by him Sunday school at 10 a. m., L. A. Ben- out their papers and give them an ex­ for the occasion, gave a short talk at m-tt, HupL Morning worship at 11 a. amination free of charge. the banquet. m., subject, “The Test of Faith and Saturday night Hood River's drum Hans Lage, my dear old plon«-r. Confidence in God.” Junior l«eague at and bugle corps is going to Mosier to Fifty years ago when you came here 3 p. m. Epworth League at 6.30 p. m. attend a dance given by the Moaier You had no powder the stumiw to blow. Evening service at 7.30 p. m., subject, post. The local drum and bugle corps The tool you used wan the old gride "The Visi«m That Sustains.” Prayer is getting to lie a real outfit. blng hoe. _ meeting at 7.30 p. m. Thursday. The The Mosh-r ami White Salmon posts choir will have rehearsals every aro Is4ng Invited to mert with Hood Chorus: Wednesday evening on the Easter can­ River in April. later Hoo«l River post For you caffie here fifty years ago, To stay, to stay, and make you a home. tata, All who will help sing are in- intends to return both vslita. Himpson Hamrick, Pastor. With German blood, and strong right vlted. arm Chan-lip Notice * The Baptist Church You bucked the foreat to clear a farm; Householders of the city ate he Willi stalwart hnck nnd sturdy feet. Hunday ocKool ai lO a. m. Morning notlfi«*d that transfer concerns ar Your courage never knew defeat. worship at 11. Subject of sermon, ccxiperatlng in plans for the re Chorus: “Jesus and Fogiveness." Special mu­ th<> winter's accumulation sh and sic by the men's choir. Evening wor- litter. Spring has come ly in the You're greater hero we say tonight Than he who wins In a conquering sldp at 7.30. Subject of sermon, “The n>id-Colnml>ia, and the Cleah-Vp pro­ Bible—Numbers.” Hpecial music by gram should get an early stimulus tills fight, the yonng peojile's choir. Junior B. Y. year. * Gaining on the battlefield hls fame Every department of the city urges With woiimla and death and blood ami P. U. at 5 p. m. Senior B. Y. 1*. U. at 11.30 p. in. Prayer meeting at 7.30 p. m. that you get busy at once and «•l«*an up pain. Wednesday. All are invited. God your premises. The removal of trash Chorus: tvanta us to ask if we want to receive. and litter eliminates fire aza rd. For you came here, fifty years ago C. R. Deleplne, Pastor. Basements and back yards full of dirty To stay, to stay, till God calls yqu trash are a source of disease. Clean home. up, everybody. Renew your pride in Christian Churches Rev. Shelley wn* accompanied by his one -of Oregon’s most lovely cities. He who fact's away from Go«l walks daughter, Mrs. D. W. Feme, at the Tlie transfer folk, who are now help­ in the shadows. Jesus says, “I am the piano. ing us to solve th«* problem of getting One of the interesting tnlks of the Light of the world.” The church is the the trash to burning pit, will noon be lighthouse. Bible school 9.45, com­ evening was given by'Mr. Howe. engage«! in other work. If you delay •'Although I arrive« nearly 21 years munion 10.50, preaching 11.15, Chris­ your cleaning program, it will cost tian Endeavor fl and fl.30, song and after Mr. lag«- and his neighltors had yon more to have the drayman mak«- come to Pine Grove,” said Mr. Howe, preaching service 7.R0. Hpc«-ial even­ a spev-ial trip for your trash. ing message on “ The Home and the “there waa but a «ingle bouse bet wet*n Get busy and clean np your premises the Backus place, now the Button Boy." Bible study and ic-tnre every at once. Dr. J« wm * Edgington, Thursday at 7.30. Next Thursday th«* place, and Mr. Iago's ranch. 1 saw City Health Oflbvr. subject will be Rev. 15.' Y ’ on will lie David —M A. — Turner -------- -- and — F. _____ M. Jackson L. G. Morgan. cprdialiy welcomed at those services. and was employe«! to teach the roho«>). City Fire Marslml. The Livingstone*. It was a well ventilated school hotiro. Mr. Odell can tell you wiiat kind of Pine Grove Grange to Give Benefit ooks for e<>|me of fir just, beneath Eyrie inn. 7 Lage's suceeas in life had been due to schools. Mrs. 0. E. Carlos and Mrs. The fire, supposedly net by a Mgarette his «juailtiefl of nnoompUinlng perse­ J. R. Nickelson will represent the stub, tossed from an automobile pass­ verance. affirmative. T. D. calkins and Ed C.' ing on the North Rank highway, caused no material damage. With Mrs. E. E. fags accompanying Miller wlU oppose state text books. 4 ’ ___________ _____ EARL WEBER NAMED OLDTIMERS STAGE MULLIGAN PARTY 1926 ELK LEADER I - " WHEEE SAVING» AMR greatest theuout OUR AIMs TO SERVE YOU WELL AND ... FAITHFULLY —ALWAYS HOOD RIVER, OREGON Spring’s In The Air ! And New Styles fill our store. The feeling of Spring is abroad—you just know that it’s almost here. And you are sure of it when you* see the radiant array of Spring Apparel in this store! Don’t delay seeing them any longer. Introducing New Spring Styles! In An Advance Display New Frocks! Xaaliu Butler and E. O. Blanchar, who went to Portland yesterday to At­ tend a meeting of buslneM folk of that city at the Portland hotel where final pliyis for the new Cloud Cap inn, on Mount Hood, will be drafted, will re­ post to their associates that the Ox>p- erg Spur lateral wlU be open by May 15, and that actual construction of the new hostelry may start then. e men secured their information J. B. Doggett, contracto r in charge of rock surfacing the lateral. The highland snowfall is far lighter than normally, and the hotel work will stgrt a month earlier than would be possible In normal yean. Mr. Butler and Mr. Blanchar will report on the portland meeting next Tuesday at the forum meeting of tlie chamber of commerce. The Dresses of Coming Spring will leave nothing to be said! They have youth, beauty, novelty, and are becoming! We are showing all the new colors and style features. Priced, £ to American lagion Auxiliary Notes The March birthday party will be held Friday afternoon, March 19, at the home of Mrs. F. H. Coolidge, 492 Twelfth street. Special stunts will be put on and all members should set this afternoon aside for a pleasant time and attend. The liasket six-lai held after the reg­ ular meeting March 1 was well attend­ ed. Many unique itaakets were made and the bidding was lively with Walter Ford as auctioneer. The Gravenstein Orchestra contributed music for danc­ ing, and a pleasant time was had by all Legion and Auxiliary members in attendance. The unit activities committee antld- patee having.a tea the latter part of the month, the date and plate of which will be announced later. The hospital committee is planning a bake sale to be held April 3. The place where this sale is to be held will be announced next week. This com- mittee also expectB to have a selected number of articles, made by the dis­ abled veterans of Hospital No. 77, on display at one of the stores, and hopes to sell a goodly number of these to help the boys. New Coat»! Mixtures predominate in Coats. Everything from the smartly swaggering Coat to the wraps for; dressy occasions. Flares, belted models, and tailored styles are good; Priced, $49.75 Every Inch a Winner ! Dress Shirts With Silk Stripaa And Style that will please the as well as the Men. Mrs. Marie Hanneman P smcs Funeral services for Mrs. Marie Hanneman, 77 an«l native of Germany, will be held today at 2.30 at the Eng­ lish Lutheran churoh, Rev. P. Hilgen­ dorf officiating. Interment will follow at Idkewilde cemetery. “Grandma" Hanneman, as she was familiarly known, had lived alone here for the past 11 years, following the death of her husband. Her death occurred Tu«*sday night at the Ho«xl River hos­ pital. C. C. Anderson will dlre»< the fu­ neral. Spring Has Arrived Spring has arrived in Hood River. Apric-ot blosoomu were reported by city dwellers Tuesday. Harold Forden, a Belmont school bqy, saw a pair of blue birds diligently engaged in building a new home. In many flower gardens [M-ronnlal plants, usually kill«xl he^e, are ready to bltxun. The buds of snap­ dragons which have grown throughout the winter, are ready to <>p«*n. Orchardists are further advanced with tlieir work this year than any «-anon In many years. —Serges, Worsteds and Unfinish­ ed Worsteds that we can heart­ ily recommend; —Any color effect you want, light, medium or dark, in greys, blue and brown; —Slightly-fitted back with vent —Again let us emphasize VALUE I ' Good-looking, comfort­ able and serviceable shirts of woven madras; for business, dress, or general wear. Tn collar attached or neckband styles. Full length centre pleat. Mod- eratcly priced at— Many Other» at $29.75 to $34.75 DRAIN TILE e ON TRACK 3-inch Drain 4-inch 6-inch 5c 6c 10c Buy your tile from to be delivered direct from car to you. We oan eave you money, —Let us do your hauling TAFT TRANSFER CO HOOD RIVER