The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 18, 1926, Image 7

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H.-R. Auto Wracksrs.on the Heights.
Parts for all cars. .
In making your plans for Sunday
don't forget the little brown church.
You and your family and friends are
most cordially invited to attend the
teaching session at 10 o'clock and pub­
lic worship at 11. Young people’s
meeting at 7. Preaching service at
Mt. Hood, 8 o’clock.
Tuesday of last week County School
Superintendent Crites and H. 'C. Sey­
mour visited Parkdale in the interest
of boys' and girls' dub work. Mr.
Seymour, who is the state dub leader,
■Poke to the grade and high schools
on the value of this type of work to
- b uys and girls. Club work has grown
in the I*st few years. There are about
600,000 children engaged in thia kind
of work in the United States and lu
Oregon alone there were about 8,000
dub members last year, which em­
braces a uumber of activities carried I
on in the home and on the farm such I
as gardening, potato raising, tbe I
breeding of livestock of all kinda and
such home projects as sewing and
cooking. The dub plan covers about
all the useful activities which young
people can engage In.
During tbe past year there were|
five club projects in Parkdale in whldi
25 children finished their project and
made an exhibit. There were two
girls' dubs taking sewing under the
Leadership of Mrs. C. E. Basler and
Miss Alta Basler, one rabbit dub and
one garden dub under the leadership
of Mr. Keeney as well as one potato
project in which Robert Beal worked
alone: All of the students completed
a definite piece of work and made an
exhibit at the county school fair held
at Hood River early in the school
ENERAL MOTORS now resent* through
its Oakland
division the lew Pontiac Six
The daaa of work done was of such
—the first six-cylinder car it has ever named ana
a quality that first prizes were award­
sponsored from the original design.
ed to Parkdale in the garden, rabbit,
potato and upper division of sewing
Representing the supreme embodiment of the
with our dub members getting a num­
’s almost limitless resources, this new
ber of set'ond and third prizes in addi­
to compel a complete revision of
tion. All dub work which received a
existing ideas in motor car value.
prize was sent to the state fair at
Salem where Albert Hutson took third
The Pontiac Six is not another of the so-called
prize and his brother, Harvey, fourth
*revolutionary” cars.
prist* in gardening. Robert Beal re-
ceived second prise on his potatoes. It
It is simply and solely a car of high quality
is hoped that dub work will Increase
developed to dominate a definite market... and
in this community as the young people
as such represents %n achievement no les* signifi-
are very much interested and about
cant, no less unprecedented, no less epochal than
tile only problem presented is in the
the invention of the first six-cylinder engine.
finding of leaders for the dubs.
The Oregon Agricultural College is
In the Pontiac Six you are offered a new order
holding an industrial exposition for
beauty—that grace of line and balanced pro­
the students of the Oregon high schools
portion characteristic only of Fisher craftsman­
this week end, February 19-22, and
ship, You are offered precisely the enduring
Parkdale is sending four delegates,
Maurice Walton. David Davies, Albert
body construction that is used on car* selling for
Davies an<J Sheldon Laurence.
$2,000 or more, finished in rich Duco colors.
A special assembly was held Friday
You are offered a roadability of extraordinary
at 1 p. m. in memory of Lincoln's I
birthday. After the national anthem]
•cope —exhilarating power for hills, refreshing
and the Balute to the Flag were given |
agility in traffic, a maximum speed you will use
Rev. 11. A. Hutchinson spoke on the |
in emergencies.
life of Lincoln.
Jack and Eric Gordon were called
to New York last Saturday by the
serious illness of their mother.
Mrs. Charles Gregory (nee Clarice I
Miildieswart), of White Salmon, via-1
ited at the home of her parents, Mr. |
and Mrs. Bert Middleswart, last week. |
Mr. and Mrs. II. Hettinger spent I
part of last week visiting in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Goodlander are
spending several days in Portland and
Seattle and are visiting their daugh ]
ter. Millicent, who is taking nurse's |
training in the latter city.
The Indies’ Auxiliary olieerved
guest day last Wednesday at the
manae. Thirty or more ladies enjoyed |
the afternoon. Mrs. 8. G. Babson |
gave an interesting account of her
European trip. Mrs J. M. Demmou, |
Mrs. R. A. Hutchinson and Mm. C. EJ
Craven served refreshments.
Geo. Hanel has installed a new via-]
ihle gas stand filling atatfon.
Grange was well attended Monday
afternoon. Some of the high school
students were on the program.
Mrs Glover and daughter, Lucille,
J. B. Doggett, L. H. Rose and C. E.
motored to Hood Biver Sunday.
McIntosh attended the Federal Land
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tryon spent sev­
Bertha Buford spent several days
Ixmn association meeting at The eral days recently with the latter's sls-
visiting Mrs. Mohler,
Italics last Tuesday. L. H. Rose was ter, Mrs. Glover.
apisdntcd one of the delegates to the
Mr. and Mrs. A. Warren, of Warren­
* Why Fertilise?
district meeting at Spokane.
dale, Mrs. F. Anderson. Mrs. E. Gran-
(By Leroy Childs)
The rendering of the colorful oper­ strom and Misses Gretchen Granatrom
There appears to be considerable va­
etta, "The Love Pirates of Hawaii,” and Petres Neirou motored to Hood
riation in opinions prevailing in the
by students of the high school was a River last week.
valley at this time concerning fertiliser
surprise to all. The teachers and pu­
The grade school boys' basket ball that can be used in the orchards tn
pils worked hard and are to be con­
gratulated on its success. The sing­ team played at Stevenson last Friday greatest advantage. Much of this un­
ing was good, costumes clever and set­ night, walking away with a score of certainty can be traced to fertiliser
salesmen who have products to he dls-
tings excellent. We hope to see more 22 to 4.
poaed of. Some of the merchants of­
entertainments along the* same line.
Wallace Glover spent several days fered have merit for some crops, but
Miss Vivian Feike spent the week home after being absent for six weeks. the local station has found so far as
end at her home in Portland.
Mm Chas. Haggbloiu and Mm Chas. fruit trees are concerned, no benefits
Mlsa Lanora Webb visited Mrs. Cop­ Rosenback made a business trip to deriving from fertilising materials
per, of the Frankton district, over the Hood River last week.
other than those containing nitrates.
week end.
The mill is expected! to neume work This can be obtained more cheaply
We are glad to have Bill Blake with about the first of the month. The pay­ in the form of nitrate of soda. It also
us again, he having apent the winter roll arrived last »wk and all em­ can be obtained in the form of sulphate
of ammonia and in dried blood. Tlu-
in California.
ployes have been paid.
C. E. McIntosh Is clearing his town
The Mosier high school debate team complete fertilisers ‘and special fertil­
lots adjoining Mr. Kelley's property. received both decisions in their favor isers offered contain some nitrogen,
usually a low percentage, and the pur­
Miss Florence Plfer, of Portland, against Cascade high debate team, chaser pays for potash, phosphoric
■pent the week end with her father
judge's and the other by default. The acid and inert ingredient» which cost
and aunt and uncle at Valley Crest.
money, but from which be gets little or
. A large quantity of hollyhock seed, latter teem motored to Cascade Ios'ka no return.
the gift of A. G. Ijewis, manager of Friday afternoon and debated through
It perhaps is desirable to alternate
the store's department of the Apple courtesy with Cascade high negative the use of nitrate of soda with sul­
Growers Association, was received by team.
phate of ammonia, calcium nitrate or
Miss Verne Curtiss spent the week perhaps dried blood, in order to avoid
the Parkdale Civic league under whose
auspices the town is Iwing renovated.
a pouHlble Injury resulting from ac­
II. H. Hettinger has charge of the dis­
The girls’ basketball team added the cumulation of impurities not favorable
tribution and will also
eleventh victory to their list when they to plant growth. Under onr conditions
tural instructions.
defeated Sandy by a score of 30 to 27. of fairly heavy rainfall and soils in­
The forum will show next Wedne«- The game was bard fought from begin­ clined to he slightly acid, there seems
day evening Reginald Denny with ning to end and although the csr In to be little possibility of injury occur­
Isaura I-a Plante in “The Fast Work­ which three of the girls were in ring from the use of nitrate of soda.
er.” This is from the novel, “Hus­
The writer in mon- convinced than
bands of Edith,” by George Barr Mc­
ever that this difficulty is remote fol­
Cutcheon. Besides the feature another
lowing investigation and study of the
installment of the “Leather Pushers"
situation as it occurs in California.
will bring the fans to the ringside.
Throughout the-wit ire citrus district
Charles Puffy furnishes the remedy
growers are getting lienefit from nltro-
in "Rolling Stones.”
gen containing ftvtlllzer» only; this
supplied, of course, in conjunction with
Tbe Apple Grower» Association held
cover crops. Deciduous growers also
a meeting Saturday evening in Mo-
find this true. Numerous station plots
Isaac's hall which was well attended.
were viewed and invariably the nitro­
Tlie speskers of the evening were:
gen plats stood out above the others.
R. J. Mclsaac. A. F. 8- Steele and A.
Tn no case were further benefits gained
G. Lewis.
Tbe matters discussed
through the use of other fertilising
were of interest to the memliers of the
agencies such as potash, phosphoric
organization, and were followed by
add. etc. Growers are finding that
moving pictures of Columbus' voyage
the addition of nitrate is distinctly
to the new world. Next Friday even­
profitable with their cover cropping
ing there will be another similar meet­
practices as is true hero; cover crop­
ing. with historical pictures to which
ping alone will not supply all the nitro­
the public is inlvted.
gen needed by a heavy producing orch­
Saturday afternoon the largest get
ard. In buying fertilisers it is un­
farther meeting ever held at Park-
economical and foolish to pay for any
dale assembled in the grade school
’hnateriala the tree cannot ose.
building and enjo/ed an excellent din­
ner. Chaplain W. 8. Gilbert, of Port­
land. delivered an inspiring address
on "The Most Wonderful Thing in the
World.” After a social time all went
over to Melmac’s ball to see tbe
three-reel comedy of Harold Lloyd In-
“Never Weaken.” It was tbe general
census of opinion that these meetings
are well worth while. Through the
efforts of Rev. R. A. Hutchinson and
committee tbe affair was a decided
One Day Only
)S!nopo]Corporel ion
/ 'f '
larion Davies
■/ mice Me redit h
.V t »
General Motors' New Six is here/
American Picture!
Dirrctrd by
E. Mason Hopper
Iwuri« Sy
Lilli« Hayward
Diilributtd by
Actual scenes tom from the pages of American History in
1776. George Washington at Valley Forge. Crossing the
Delaware. All the flaming incidents of the Revolution
before your very eyes.
This is the ideal kiddies’ bill. The whole
family should see it.
Owing to the magnitude of this production and due to the fact
we are running it ONE DAY ONLY, doors will open at 1 p. m. and
show will be continuous from 1 to 10 p. m.
At this season the thoughts of the housewife
turn to good things to eat. It is the season when
she likes to serve appetizing and sumptuous dinners.
Indeed, it is a season when all of us like to eat.
Members of the health association
met at the home of Mrs. II. B. Perigo
Saturday afternoon to work out plans
for assisting the county nurse. After
some'discussion it was decided to hold
these mectinga once a month In the of­
fice of the county health nurse at the
court house at 2.30 p. m., the first Sat­
urday of each month.
Mrs. R. B. Perigo was elected as a
representative from Hood River to at­
tend a conventhfc of the health associ­
ation in Portland February 23. A sec­
ond representative. Miss Weaver. Those
present at thia meeting were Mrs. E.
E. Iage. Mrs. Hebard, Mrs. Chas.
Gunn: Mrs. Fletcher; Mrs. 8am Banks,
Mine Weaver, Mm R. B. Perigo and
Mrs. L. 8. Boyd, representative of the
Red Cross. Dainty refreshments were
served by the hostess.
Camp Fire Guardians Meet
Camp Fire guardians of Hood River
county met at the Riverside church
Friday evening. An organisation was
established and officers elected. The
purpose of the assodatlon is to have
the itnardifliiH become acquainted with
each other, bring and exchange ideas
for the local groups, diacuaa Camp Fire
ideals, plan for county wide adlvities,
and to further the scope of each
The association will meet once a
month. The next meeting will be held
at the home of Miss Louise Knoll, >
Monday at 7.» p. m.
High Grade Mattresses
Anyone who is
50 lb. Cotton, vnr T soft,
guaranteed all cot­
ton, imperial edge—
35 lb. Pure Float newer-
We have good bargains every day. Buy your
Furniture here and save. Easy Payment Plan.
Furniture Department
Hardware - Furniture
Phone 8411