HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18,1926 ! MRS. STEWART IS REBEKAH CHAIRMAN secre­ w Starr (Starter Salem A receipt for a postoffics money order will no longer avail the driver using a 1925 IJcenae plate. It behooves the department of the tary of state to buUd administrative machinery before next year that will prevent the muddle and confusion that has characterized the efforts of car owners in securing new license plates NabscripMra. 88.00 For Tear. this year. ____________ - AN APPRECIATED SERVICE At the instance of the Hood River and Tlie Dalles chambers of commerce, the circulation department of the Ore­ gonian has inaugurated a truck ser­ vice that brings the late edition of the metropolitan dally . to mid Columbia subscribers. Now the Oregonian read­ CLOSE BY YAKIMA Few of us realize Just how close the great inland empire, the Yakima valley, is to Hood River and Portland. And. too, we do not realize the magnitude of the agricultural products harvested and marketed just over tlie mountains each year. Last Thursday Marshall N. Dana, of the Oregon Journal, who for several months has been making a study of Yakima valley resources, en­ lightened tire mi-mliera of the Progres­ sive Hnslness Men's club in Portland. Mr. Dana told Just a simple story of what has beam done In the past quarter of a century in a district, where water was applied to a fertile soil, blessed with a lieneflcent sunshine. About »18,000,060 have boen s|>eiit on Yakima irrigation projects. A total of 340,000 acres have rerrived-water. Today tlie asseased valuation of the city of Yaki­ ma alone reaches »28,000,000. It re­ quires a freight train a mile long each day to haul away the agricultural products. An additional 300,000 acre* er in Hood River and Tlie Dalles has for breakfast a newspaper containing all the news of the foregoing day that has broken up to near «r'dnight. It is a service that Hood River and The Dalles folk appreciate. The P. P. A L. office, Mr. Hunter, we surmise, the possessor of the guiding hands, has again enlivened us with an interesting allow window this week. The dummy mil lines and highways have caused many to stop and study them. Our attention is called to the need for early work on the new bridge highway. Nothing is more needed than this new road and the preliminaries should be carried through immediately and actual work started at the earliest possible moment. . _.. TAKAHASHI-JONES MATCH COLORLESS IMMORTALITY IS . SUBJECT OF SERMON be utilitarian. It will open to till“ motoring public one of the most scenic sections of the Pacific Northwest, that There lias <“ouie or will come a time vast, pine-clad, lake-dotted area around In the life of every man or woman Monnt Adams. It will mean as much when he or she has or will ponder over Belief to Portland and Hood River as the the inairtallty of human soul. tlie Imindrtality of the human soul. Mount Hood Ixiop highway. Belief in immortality has been tbs staff that has aided humans weighed down SAVED BY POISON under yokes along life's mortal high­ Polson tins saved an industry for way from time immemorial. Next Sunday "Immortality" will tie the mld-Columbia. The poison halt, the subject of the 11 o'clock sermon of the formula of which was perfected Dr. James A. Fraser at Riverside by a fruit man of the Puyallup, Wash, Community church. at-^-i-*. »-nir riiiisil jhi rtilTZ fluff THE CITY AUTO PARK The city council hereafter will oper­ ate the munhdpal automobile park strictly as a city-managed institution With a custodian constantly in charge, the city government will be the man aging force. The council, too, has decided that no groceries or gasoline or other products shall be sold at tbe park in conflict with the business of grocery store or other concern. And thia was a wise move. The park is being placed on a basis where its administration can and should have unanimous support. Within six woeka the Pasco-Elko air mail service will be in com nd as! on. It will speed op the delivery of Important mall. Letter« posted tn Pacific North­ western cities in the afternoon will reach New York City two days later. Eventually we will see planes of the air mail service slipping along under the dome of the sky up and down the Columbia river canyon. Henceforth otto must apply for his automobile licenze through thè sherifFs office, utilizing a temporary llcenae piata tmtll thè new one arrivea froni NEWTOWNS HEAD ENGLISH MARKET Cabled communication received yes­ terday from England by P. F. Clark, Pacific Coast manager of Maynard A Child, indicated that Oregon Newtowns are bringing top price« in United King­ dom markets. The cabled quotations were as follows: Liverpool and London, no new re­ ceipts and market unchanged. Hull, The Gothic Star cargo selling— Newtowns—Extra fancy, |2.W?fi 3.50; fancy, *2.40 it 3.30. Winesaps—Extra fancy, »2.40 ©X80; fancy, »2.20 «4 2.00. Jonathans—»2.05 it. 2.55. Spits- enburgs—»2.20 @ 2.55. Glasgow—Newtowns — Extra fancy, »2.40 3.40 ; fancy, »2.40 6C 2.90. Wine- "aps—Extra fancy, »2.85 (<4 3.15; fancy, »2.55 e J Whatever You Want for Spring is Here 1 HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX MADE CLOTHES $29.00 and up There’s one thing you most certainly want and that’s a lot for your mon ey; another thing is real helpful service. They are here and we’re no prouder of the exhibit than you’ll be when you see them. Influenza He knows. bar, enable to All the newest lasts and leathers at prices to suit your pocketbook. We will fit your feet properly and perfectly which means good looks and satisfaction. We invite you, to drop in and see the new styles. New Spring Hats For Men, Young Men and Boys. New colors—new shapes. Let us show you. WANTED i Wanted—Men toetear land by day or con tract. C. C. Walton, Parkdate J28lf For Bale—Strawberry Plant«. Clark Reed- Ung «nd the World'« Cham pion Everbearing. Washington Asparago* and Black Walnut Seedling«. W. IL Gib on A Bon, Phone Odell W. J14lf For Hale—Mareb batch R. I. Red chick* pay beat, ours averaaed «1 0# per bird la October. IO per neat down hook* y onr order. Two rradc«, »a and t»c each. RalpH H. Mwla. tel Odell M. d»4U For Hale— Frail tree*, abade tree« and com­ plete line of ornamental« and ahrubbery Waahlnctoa Nuraary On., renreaented by C M. Sheppard. Pbone Odell MX. dttf ForHale—W acres near Rockford «tore at a bargain Hmall bearing orchard A-room hoeae and onthulMina*. Rasy term«. Tel. 1231. If For «ale—N-tn fir and pin« wood ateo «-foot delivered Bestand Waal Hideaad Hood River. Phone pwa. a. LaChapelle. «lltf For Hale or Rent-1T aerea, 2 cleared, r in commercial apple tree*. *-rv»oni hon«e. good outbuildings. All under Irrigation. A mile due »xith of Ml. Hood ato-a. TNI. Parkdale» or write Hod o Stack ar, Mt. Hood, Ore. fl« SAVE Yes, save on. the staples, the necessities of life, the things you must use every day foodstuffs-^and youTII have enough left over to purchase the luxuries. This plan is simplicity itself —BUT IT WORKS! Start now ; start saving on these Offerings Saturday 4 Monday, Feb. 20-22 WESSON OIL Quart can LIBBY’S OR CARNATION 49/ MILK. JELLO Any Flavor. Large can CREAM ROLLED OATS Freshly Milled 9 pound sack -48/ SOUP. 3 cana_________ 25/ T--------------- Halves, can.. DATES— “Golden Hallowi” 39/ 2 pounds In bulk. 1000 sheets of soft Sanitary Tissue in a roll. 3 rolls 19/ 23/ SHRIMP— American Beauty LESLIE SHAKER SALT Latest Pack. • No. 1 Cans. 2 for.. 25/ 2 pound package_______ 9/ Delicious, rich, creamy Dutch Cocoa. Direct from Holland where making Cocoa it an art i pound tin_______ Pound can . . BLOOKER’S COCOA 55/ -------------------- CROWN FLOUR -82.29 A. AND H. SODA 49 pound sack FISHER S BLEND, sk. $2.39 BOOTH’S SARDINES. OYSTERS -American Beauty 5 ounce can 15/ ORANGES Per dozen 1 pound packages, 2 for 15/ Biggest food value on the market from our Roaster to you FRESH RANCH EGGS. I CALUMET BAKING P’D’R 1 pound can__________ 28/ 21 pound can 59/ 1 pound cans. LIBBY’S" PINEAPPLE Large cans....... 25/ Sliced. 25/ STANDARD TOMATOES Large cans. 25/ All that’s good in Coffee is in 20th Century.” Pound 47/; Three pounds, 81,88 Direct GRAPEFRUIT 20/ 2 for. 2 for.. 3 for BANANAS Large Floridas, each..1O/ GRONER’S OREGON BUDDED WALNUTS. Block on now All white meat INSTANT POSTUM Package... 9/ TOILET PAPER. CAMPBELL’S TOMATO Tall cans, 3 for 28/ TUNA FISH—“Curtis” or “White Star.” 2QTH CENTURY COFFEE. TN. PnrkMo For Trade—Two Mammoth Bronze turkey gobbler« tor tom« of same breed. J. R. Wil­ cox, Mayerdale Orchard«, Mocler, Ora. f Utt Wanted —A place to room and have land­ Yon can trade anything you bave In aacnnd lady care for a »-year girl while mother hi ¡¡and furniture and tool» for naw and second at work. Phone S222. igitf hand sewing machine«. 1 am lheHInger Sew­ ing Machine agent for Hood River and Klick­ Wanted-100 nalvm and fresh meat. Ore­ itat conn Ilea. I have derided to make It easier gon 811 rar Pox aad Fur Farme Opposite the for everybody who wante a sawing machine. Columbia Gorge Howl. Fhhoe 593«. o27tl I am atartln« a second-hand furniture depart­ ment and will taka anything In furniture and tools In trale. Yon can gel terms or eaah on Wanted—A girt or woman for general boose new or «econd hand machine«. Phone me or work. Phone Mrs. K. R Moller. 68*r. d» tf call al 214 Third St., Hood Rlvar, Ore., pbona Wanted-Men with antes ability represent 1862. Geo. A. Jigger, Binger Sewing Machine leading popular farm tractor each connty. Agent_____________________________o»tt ExoapGonal opportunity tor right mm build For Bervtee—Chester White boar and regis­ permanent bualneea, make big ntoney In rap­ tered Jeraey ball. at. Mawea al rain. H G. idly growing I nd net ry. Farm experience and Van Allen, phone M79 _____________ dltf knowladga mplementaoealrable. Write fully, Hemeinber that Hood lilver has an active ■tetlug qualification« Give reference*. Ad- Humane Hoclety. Tel. 1301 when you want dreaa P. 0. Box 101«, Chicago, III. J17 official action nt tbe hody.___________ Jylctl Wanted—A «tenagrapber. Woman with In­ For Exchange—H lock and dairy raneb. surance axperlenoa prelbrred. Reply to “Km- Want bomr propoeltlon. In coma, what kava ployer,-’ care Glaolar. yohr Address C. M. C.. aara Glacier. xtf porHale-Baby obleka. and cnetom hcleii. For Hale — Apple, nearb. pear and cherry trees. Wa bava a full line organerai nursery stork. I'hona Parkdale «or write 0. T. Raw- •on. Parkdale. Hfltf MISCELLANEOUS Wanted—To buy used barrow, plow and Farmer«' Motosi Firs Relief—ÜM rate on spring tootb. Pbona Odell M. fl« all clame« of farm property, school bouse« and church building«. Tel. 5732. mil Wanted—To buy a used tractor diac. Geo. 8KLX or TH A UK your farm or town prop- Monroe. Parkdale, tel. 302. «5 •ity by aeeln« or writing Keltale Devin, Mt. Wanted—To borrow tour or Ove hundred Hood, Ore. Have many calls for trades, ml dollars lor one or two years. Security and reg. Expert Haw Filing. 8. 8. nlar Interest. Address P. O. Box 21«, Hood Cascade AvC_____ __ Rlvar. _______________________ fl«lf When In need of any of the 160 quality Wat Wanted—Reliable girl or woman for general kin« products, phone or write W, I. Kirby, Rt. bonaework. No washing or Ironing. Mrs L. t, tel. Odell 108. Mall and telephone orders L. Mnrpby, phone UOR. f lltf promptly filled. __________ f lltt For Hale— Purebred Ply men th Rock« and Rhode Irland Rada, Il per erti In«, aleo aatlln« hana. Il lo each. Ralph Clark, Rt. 4, Markbi One blustering day last week one of A few dates epen Oar Mammnth Klee- the ten»*iiern In the White stnlnu.n 7** lnci>»»»ior start* February l«t Nickel* n -Li» i i i‘ i 7nl,l*“n Poultry Hrsedln* Catate.TeM. MOI, MSI. JWf grade school, in assigning topi«» for----------------------- -- ------------------- !_____ . an expreiae in English compoaition. For Kale-» Cheaterwblte anwi. bred; 1 reel* suggested that the pupils of the pri- «»rwklto boar..» grad, Jeraey rowa; mary class might give their impres- sions of the weather. One of the little1 scholars was obaevvod to gaze ­ • _ pen , For Hale—• acree on Avalon Way, mostly In sively out of the window for n lomr I "otnmwclnl orchard. May he eabdlvldcd for . . * making oeautlfnl suburban borne Price taux) time liefore ¡»uttlng her pencil to pa- Ka«y terms Invealteate Eight Inch«« of ¡ier. Finally, Uncle Wee Wee ¡Missed Farmer« irrigating Co, water go with thl« 1 K NlekeTaan. phone 59». Jetlf hi his Hennery. At last she under- took the irksome task, and in a jiffy HAY FOB BALK - Alfalfa. Grain Hay. had eonqileted her ceen hailed by suctee sive generations as a new disease. It Is, however, nn old disease, and epi­ demics are recorded as early as 1500 A. 1 '. Except in time of epidemics it is difficult to distinguish between cases of true Influenza and severe colds or mild infections of the nose, throat and bronchial tabes. The disease is, how­ ever, easily recognizable when it oc­ curs In epidemics. The diagnostic dif­ ficulty In connection with the disease Is due hi the fact that- the disease only FOR SALE occurs in the uncomplicated form dur­ ing the early stag)« of an epidemic. For Hale- White I dehorn pallet«, lie laval Uncomplicatisd cases are almost never cream aeparator. practically new eream cana, two purebred Plymouth Rock mo t.re, two fatal. flfl Influenza la an acute, extremely con­ Pekin Drakee. R. W. Perry, Tel. 4«ll. tagious dlseaSe resembling a severe For Sale—SO Barred Hock laying hen« HI cold, with fever, pain in the head, eyes, month* old, II» each Frank Klee, , Brook •Id* Drive, R. I». I. Pbon* MOR CS ears <.. muicle«. It conus on suddenly ami tlie general weakness is entirely ForHale—130 *«« McClanahan Incubator In out of proportion to the other symp­ good shape. Phone »06 J. A. Walter. fl»lf toms. The disease is extremely infec­ For Bale-IMnch flr wood. 2« a cord on the tions, It Is transmitted by saliva and place on Neal Creed Road, or N delivered A«* Gldley, Rd. No. I nt mucus thrown out by coughing, spit­ ting and sneezing, and can probably be ForHale—I team marea, 5 and « years o'd ' m ' indirectly transmitted by contact with weight 1300 lbs Call moi eating utensils and perhaps, to some For Hale or trade-110 Acre farm, with 60 extent, by dust. The causative agent aerea In cultivation. Io trade for a amali farm or oily property. A wonderful oppertnnlty of influenza is not known. a good trade. Nee J. M. Cnlhertaon â Co . Susceptibility ivrtis to hr universal for Hood River, Oregon. Phone 34|S. nt and the disease spreads through cortt- For Hale-A k lichen range In excellent con- ninnltieu with speed and ease which In­ dlllon. Prloa reasonable. Phone »71». fa dicates that there la very little natural resistance i*i the normal individual. , Male- Karll«et of all eeed potatoes. H per f 35 Tlie real menace of influenza is due to 100 lb«. Phone MM. its complications, liecause it lowers the For Raia-Ury farm Netted Gem «sect not«, IMtient'a rmiatance, es|>eclally his re­ leas, deliverad «1 Parted* 1«. No. I'a »4 par cwt sistance to respiratory infertlons and No. r«. H par ewl. F.l Coer««ldor Orchard Co. Pbooe Parkdale f i*tr thus makes him an easy prey to pneu­ ForHale—Aneona hatebin« «««•, Sheppard« monia. of^larve white eg««. II W par per eeUIng The common cold should be regarded •tram II yon want lot« of bl« eg«* tha year around, as s serious matter. The prevention of try tbaaa. B. L. Cummloga, Rout* g. Hood ^4 influenza is largely a personal matter. Rlv^r. Effis-tive measures depend on the vol­ e «»4 auillh hay. Phone Par* m4 untary subjection of the habits of the daleMil. L Max. Individual to the public good. For Bale—Good Newtown cooking annlea "* /¡"¡f Everyone should realize the serious WR,McCkmley Pbona 6447 nature of * a “ “cold." A cold may’■lie ' “ « ’ •»•to. In fine condition. almost anything from a trivial “cold 213. Inquire J Yt. Galley, Columbia River In the head" to pneumonia. The In­ Highway. Htgb*ay. Phone Pbone »*3». »*37. ng faction may vary from the very mild For Rale — Newtown and Hptts cookers, to the moot virulent known to medical per box; a ao Netted Gem and Karlleet of 2100 All sclen<“O. potatoes. 22 00 per hundred. Tai. 4TM. fl I if New Spring Oxfords Amazing suit values for Spring. Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, latest in style, highest class workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR RENT (By W1U a. Batoal IT*' Huh, Y T Right, Girlie out-door wear."’ Broadcloth, Flannel. All the pew Spring attached style—collars to neckband styles. For dress dr Sousette, Madras, patterns. Collar • match shirts—or I meeting ended with many a Camp Fire the large while eg«. PboneHN. Mr*. Wood- son g and the girls left the church hap-1 F>r<1. Barrett Road.__________________ f ilti For Kent— A piano. Phone »W4. Mrs. W. L- pier and more inspired to perform their ntu For Haie- Household «nod«, Ford tourlng Clark. humble duties. oar. borna, buggy. toola, oak wood. Will also For Rebt—One mile Weat of city on Colum­ aell Plne Grove ranch of 30 acrea. Mrs. J. K. bia Highway, Lroom bouse, modern, except Andrews, Route 1, tel. 4TZ». f« M. W. A. Makes Growth furnace; garage, barn, ehlcken bouse, a acre* Denutv D W Janww has boen lierel for Bala—Purebred Rhoda Island Red hatoh- paatnr* and alfall*. 235 per mo. Inquire J. ma imputy ir. w. jail»« uas ocen nere |n-.r nlahed cabin for wood cutler*. Sell or trade. January and no more will go in l«f.,re Take auto, all or part B»x si «. Hood River, For Rent—Modern apartment, partly fur­ the first of March when the drive ends, or see Cnlndlund, Vlauto Park. rttf nished, warm tn winter, cojl in «nmmer. Ml. f ilu I amw I M’oodmeu will go to The Dalles I ' ¿"L '2/^ —~—y—--------- r-------- ;---------------- Hood Hotel. Te>. »611. next Tuesday for a banquet and inlti- Ld?avJ? n"p7o? Ub«ri', For Bate or Rent-h-room bungalow ou Cas. For Rent—2 and »-room apartment«, at 21«. 218, *N. 222 and »26 per month. Mr*. H. J, atory work. The banquet is the prize | fbrnaea, oak floor» thrubui. Tal lin«, 118 Frederick, phoue M*4. n5tf won by the local cam|i for defeating For Bate Rhode Island Red cockerels. 23.50 The Dalles in a inenilmrshlp contest. and 2« euch, and Montgomery Ward 8-pan oat For Rrbl—First floor apaitmant, with or sprouter, also Rhode Island Red. Ancona and without piano; alao an apartment to let to White Laghorn baby ebleka, tel. 8x1 Odell, fa carpenter In exchange tor labor. 615 Hlata Hl. Mr. Martin Entertained Phone 3581. j7tf J. E. Martin, most lllustrions grand I Foe aal»-My home, a modern cottage of 5 For Rent—To reepooalble party, attrae- masttu- of the Oregon t’oundl of Royal live home In tbe beat location with every con­ and Select MaNt«*rH, high Masonic or- hraraint»ers of The Dalles Council A r~l month, with or without board. Waucoma inoioretl here for the rvreption t«. . «y*"»*0"-- Fho»«1«M-__________ Cottage«, Tel. MM. jy 1«|f tiered the grand master. Edmnnd F.l Fl ano MUST BR BOLD— win aaerifloe high Carlson, grand principal conductor of «1^ work, wag preseut for the meeting. Itehed home. For mil particular* and where Il may be seen, addreaa Portland Music Co. 227BIXtli BL, Portland. Ore. ns Mortensen Met Kruse last Night Fred Mortensen met Robert Kruse °,owfV;y in Portlaud last night in a preliminary — to the Edwards-Meeske match. Mor f For Hale—The building« and equipment of tonsen will wrestle in *a nulnlier of | ‘ie Parkdale Garage at Parkdale. Ore. Ad- drem the undersigned for further Information <»tlier northwestern cities this week. Fred Johnaoa, Traalee, care of HheU Co. of Calif. f is MERRY MORAINE fl gyy Spring ShiltS The largest assortment of new patterns in the city to choose from. The Oregon statute, making It man­ datory on judicial ofleen that they assess a flue of at least 1100, apply a jail sentence of not less than 60 dayr and deprive the one found guilty of Selohe Camp Fire News driving a motor' car while intoxicated Two weeks ago the Belohe Camp of his driver’s permit for a year, It Fire Girls enjoyed a very pleasant out­ one of the state's is**t laws, It I* ing at Idwlle Butler’s ranch. Although la-lng enforced. It has public con- It rained a great deal of the time, nev-| ertheless the girls thoroughly enjoyed science liack of it. themselves. A weekly meeting Thursday evening It's lieginniug to lisik as though Mus- was held at the Riverside church. Es­ solini will have to have his liât burned. telle Mays was accepted as a new mem- tier of the group. Inez Young was ap-1 ¡minted editor to see that the Camp . ........... ~ lire events reach the local newspapers. For ___ Bals—Queen Incorato-, 136 egg capscltv, For Mala—Wood lots for sale in all parts of A “helpful hinters' box,” which is to good nod M*nmr sa saw. Phone Ode"3M. f 25 theelty, prices ngbt. A. W.OnthankAOo. slut encourage the girls, was suggested byf " —— - _ . .... the guardian Miss Imulse Knoll. TheL^%^f'VbTyiCJjbt’»i”™. b.°n th.’u°ya will «ion lie brought undec the water. The agricultural products of this won­ derful district will then be worth each year aronnd »100,000,000. A ranch specializing in Hubliard squashes sold »800,000 worth of this product last year. Indeed, these figures, supplied by Mr. Dana, are enough to make one marvel. He gave otiiers, but tlie above will saffire to Impress on one the im­ portance of Yakima as a banner horti­ cultural and agricultural belt The shortest way, by rail, to Yakima at the present time is by way of Puget Sound. The distance is 302 miles. The distance from Seattle to Yakima is 163 miles. From Portland to Yakima ■ A wrestling match here last Friday by way of the H. P. A S. the distance night lietween I*rof. Takahashi, Jaimn- ese jlu Jitsu champion, and Henry is 321 miles, and the Union Pacific Jones, of Provo, Utah, western welter- distance is 314 miles. TVe highway weight champion, went to a draw and distance, by Goidendale, is 217 miles proved an uninteresting event. Taka­ and by Arlington, 244 miles. When a hashi- took the first fall, both men new short ent highway is built, the wearing jackets and wrestling accord­ ing to the prestTilied rules of Jiu jitsu. travel time will lie cut from about 13 He threw Jones with a Japamwe wrist­ boom to six houra. lock in six minptes. The second stanza The Indian bureau of the depart­ was American wrestling, <-atch as catch ment of interior has been asked to can. Jones took it in 12 minutes, get­ ting a head scissors and arm lock on appropriate »750,000 for constructing the Japanese. the link of the new highway across the Having won his fellow in shorter Yakima Indian reservation. With time, Takahashi chose that the third every civic organization and chamlier round should tie-with jiu jitsu, but the men seemed afraid of each other. of commerce in Portland and Yakima They spent the full 21) minutes mostly and cities and towns along the way sparring with each other. back of the petition for this appropria tlon there seems a fair chance that it will be granted. Tills great highway will not merely ling strawberry business in Hood River and other mid-Columbia points. For the {»st half decade the acreage of strawberries was gradually declining The tonnage was slipping to a mini­ mum. Today fruit growers, with small tracts adapted to lierry culture, hnve a new hope. New lierry acreage is he ing set. and tlie king of strawberries Will liegtn to show nn increase In ton nage. And speaking of strawberries, never has a variety I icon discovered that has such quality characteristics ns the Clark Seedling as grown in Hood River valley or aero«« the Columbia In the southern Washington sections. Commercial canners and housewives will ¡my a considerable premium for dark Seedling, for one crate of > Wils fruit is worth about two of or­ dinary berries. It is good to see the Clark Seedling coming back. It means more prosper ous small ranchers and n greater pros perity for city merchant and business man. At the 18tb annual convention of District No. 18, of the Rebekah lodge, held here yesterday, Mm. Margie Stew­ art, of Maupin, wag named chairman for the coming year. The session dosed last night with an address by Mm. Myrta James, of Portland, preni^ dent of the Rebekah Assembly of Ore­ gon. The morning and afternoon pro­ grams yesterday were chiefly devoted to business, with various lodges par­ ticipating. Mm. Irnlu Corey, retiring chairman, presided. At the evening program the hlfcii school orchestra. Miss Joyce Nye, Mias Amlel Mlcals and Miss Helen Richards participated. Retailers of Everything to Wear Guaranteed Fresh. No. l’a. Per pound 3 pounds. Per dozen 121/ 81.00 25/