The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 04, 1926, Image 9

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M ention
’’H. L. RaJbrouck. optometrist.
A dance will be given tomorrow. Fri­
Old fashioned dance at Pine Grove
II. W. Ux-ka, who had been in the
day evening, at Odell Grange hall by Grange hall Friday Bight.
Friday, , Willamette valley looking after ranch
the Odd Fellow» lodge of Odell. Tbs i February 12, ValMttea maaaaerade. Interests, passed through bore tbs lat-
Odell otabsatra will play.
Hicks' 6-pteca oNnsatra.
’ •
tv part of last week an route to the
Trevor Owen, brother of Mrs. J. A.
BL Mark’s Guild will bold an im­ home of bls son, Roy A. Locke, of Park-
McDonald, cams up fr<n Portland Sat­ portant business sission at the parish dale.
Building. Bee R. E. Scott.
urday night for a visit, returning Sun­ house Friday afternoon at 130. A full
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Clark hare ar­
attendance to deaired.
rived te Hood River to make their
Bring yoar tubes In. Wo will ehock Tr«JJte?°rW00!i i,or 9,le ~ ScWndlei day afternoon. >
____ ~_____
w will
___ _ lire
__ ___
them free. The Radio Shop. alStf
at ____
Mian Ethel Samuel, who is teaching
In investment you deposit prin< i[Mi home again.
«t Grass Valley, sprat the weak end to get interent. In a Mbaaachusette Blanchar home until about March 1
Call MM when you need stenographic
C?*h prii? p,id ,or X°°r
at the home of her parents, Mr. and Life policy you deposit intereat to get when their own bungalow will be
“«‘‘«•¿•‘omand ruga. Call McClain Mrs. A. Samuel.
principal; IBM dividends increase, i in vacant
. F- A. Ray, light trucking, country or st E. A. Franz Co.
Frank Moore returned yesterday
ty. Phones, 3801 and 8041.
Old fashioned dame at Pine Grove some cases over M per cent.
Peterson and her small
Frank L. Keating, who has charge from Portland, wlierv he had been with
Piano lsasous. Mrs. J. R. Wilson. £U*£b‘*r «»turned Sunday from a visit Grange hall Friday night.
February 12, Valentine masquerade. of preparations for the annual Park­ Mrs, Moon*, who had undergone a
Phone 1101.
in Portland with her mother.
Mrs. Moore waa
dale strawberry festival, was ln the xerlous operation.
Hicks’ 5-plece orchestra.
Cash paid tor old rara H.-K Auto
making a «atlsfactory recovery but
,,ol •«'«- Schindler
Money for future delivery on the city Tuesday and was a guest at the
will remain in Portland for the next'eph0"e,:
installment plan. No medical examin­ Tuesday Lunch dub.
10 days.
R. E.JteoU attended a school for in­
Among those who saw Red Grange s
ation required.
Talk with F. W.
surance men in Beattie tost week.
The Ladles’ Missionary society of the
P. L. Tompkins has been indisposed Woolley, district manager.
football team in action ln Portland
First Christian church will hold a
Mrs. J. D. Guttery to at a Portland iohl1*’1 Week' •"fferi“K fro"‘ ■ severe
O. A. Inkin, who has been suffering Saturday were: J. W. Crites, Geo. W. «Iiecial meeting at the church Friday
hospital undergoing treatment.
from a severe bronchial ailment, waa Baker, Mayhew Carson and F. E. at 2 p. hi . in the form of a "guest day"
Ask your dealer for the iww flavors
E. O. Mooney, after a month’s.Illness, able to be back down town the latter Newell, •a f, >
of Oregold loe cream.
T. J. Wyers, who has been ill for meeting. Every member will bring a
is again able to be about hi. business part of last week.
several weeks, having suffered com­ guest, and any woman interested ln
E. E. House was a business visitor on the Heights.
Ix»ren Cooper, one of the most experi­ plications after having his tonsils re­ that work is invited.
in Portland the flrat Of the week.
Oregold Super Buttermilk is now enced woodsmen of this section, ha» moved, to again able to be about his
The folk of the Cascade Locks coro-
Rubbish hauling, light trucking.
R. served at u»nt lunch counters and con­ received appointment as chief ranger tasks as a barrister.
inuntty turned out in force last Satur­
F. Cooper, tel. 1721 or 8683.
of Powers section in Coos county.
fectioners'. Try it.
Edward Batwell, of Seattle a grad­ day night to attend a benefit dance
Let a Coin Controlled Clock help you
Mr». W. B. Small and small
of the University of Washington, given under joint auspices of the Odd
Old fashioned dance at Pine Grove
save. Sea Allyn Button or tel. 4242. J16tf
Fellows and Knights of Pythias lodges.
Bobby, motored up from Portland
tost week In connection with
Grange hall Friday night.
The proceeds will be given to a memlier
week for a visit with Mrs. Small’» par-
H.-R. Auto W rockers, on the Heights. iiV*'irU.aP
'a*eriti’>« masquerade.
ent», Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Bartmees.
Parts for all cars.
- jy 16tf
Batwell called on U. of W. alumni of the organizations wlio has been ill.
Hicks 5-pie<v orchestra.
The following local musicians formed
Newell’» Spray Mask» may be pur­ while here.
Try our Oregold ice cream specials
the orchestra : Ted Jennings, Joe llaa-
Raymond Davis, who for some time
Thefirst of a seriea of «dances tc^be 1 Inger, Forrest L. Moe and Kelsay
over the counter of your favorite deal­ has been connected with a creamery in chased from the Apple Grower» Associa­
tion and at J. G. Vogt’», E. A. Frans Co.. given by the Masonic lodge will be held
er. Something different each week.
Montana, has returned to the Hood Hood River Garage and Kelly Broe -¡21 ti
tomorrow evening at the Pythian-^ll.
The Ladles’ Missionary society and
M, O. Boe, Upper Valley orehardist Ki ver creamery.
If vou do not receive your Oregonian
their ' husbands were eutertalned last
was ? business visitor in the city last
Newell’s Spray Masks may he pur­
regulgrly or with to subscribe for same, events consists of Harold Hershner, Thursday evening at the home of Mr.
chased at the Apple Growers' Associa-
either by carrier or mail, please call
and Mrs. L. II. Huggins. Devotional»
Mra. a C.
*>• in Portland last t>°«> and st J. G. Vogt’s, K. A Franz Co., Oregonian agent. Phone 2303. 1 21 tf
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Shari lift who were in charge of Mrs. C. It. Delepine:
week, having
her little daughter, Hood River Gaiage and Kellv Bros.-12111
Mrs. A. D.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Peffer, of Gold- had been tn Ogden, Utah, having been prayer, Rev. Delepine.
Nancy, there to
• apecialist.
t'apt. and Mrs. Geo. R. Wilbur have endale, where Mr. Peffer Is In charge called there because of the serious 111- Tomlinson read some Interesting com­
B. B. Powell was ca
toft on an automobile tour that will of the Standard Oil properties, were uess of Mr. BhurtlUFs father, returned munications from foreign fields. "Hold
us ilbiess| carry them through southern Call- here last week the guests of Mr. and home last week.
last week because of the
Mr. Shurtliff. Sr., Thou My Hand," was the title of a
of a sister.
solo by Mrs. G. FL Wilbur, who was
Mrs. W. F. Laraway.
was reix.rted much improved.
accompanied by Miss Charlotte Bro-
sius. The chapter of the study book
entitled, “God’s Dynamite,” was pre­
sented by Mrs. J. R. Heaton, assisted
by Mrs. J. K. Carson, E. R. Holbrook,
Mrs. I). J. Falconer, Mrs. Florence
Angus and Mrs. A. I). Tomlinson. A
duet. “Sunset,” was given by Mrs.
Florence Angus and Mrs. G. H. Wilbur,
accompanied by Miss Broslus. A pleas­
ant social hour followed, refreshments
being served.
®- Rife, of the Twin Peaks Auto
• burin«. visitor In Seattle
The Portland Telegram, Hood River ever the week rad.
»«nokteg anc
agent, Carroll Day. Phone 386.<. . adOtf
smelling oil stoves.
In bulk at Fran»
You may have danced to the strains
of their old time waltzes or schot­
tisches, polkas or quadrilles, at Pine
Grove or Rockford. ThSy will play
on February 20 for an old time
dance for the 0. A. C. Alumni Club
of Portland.
According to Captain Balrnsfathsr,
British Institution is Designed to
Be an Annoyance.
I have not been to the British war
office very often, write» Capt. Bruce
Balrusfather In “Frcrtn Mud to Mufti,”
but I have never lost the odd sensa­
tion that it gives rise to. You enter
the building and fill oufrb. form. In
time a Boer war veteran tells you bois­
terously to “follow the girl." The girl,
a guide of sort» ln an engineer's dark
brown overall, sets off sullenly down a
cement passage, with a group of as­
sorted officers pursuing. She, I fancy,
revels in the intricacies of those cata­
Having apparently described a com­
plete parallelogram ln a forbidding-
looking corridor, you suddenly come
upon a lift. It la always disappearing
upward when you arrive. It comes
down suddenly and disgorges an as­
sorted crowd; headed by the girl
guide, you enter and are taken up. We
all repeat the corrldor-and-parallelo-
gram business. Nothing but the girl
guide can save you now.
Lost ln the war office I How awful
that would be I I can Imagine how a
visitor who bad lagged behind the
guide would stop, suddenly realising
that be was lost; bow he would vainly
beat on those atone walla and scream
for help; how a typist would find bis
skeleton weeks later in an attitude
that evidently showed that he had suc­
cumbed while endeavoring to gnaw bls
way through a door.
I followed the guide and, after being
handed to several officials, at last
came up with the official whose duty
It was to prevent, if possible, anyone
from seeing the officer who bad sum­
moned me by letter.—Youth’s Com­
Chance Discovery Haa Lod Antiquar-
lana to Believe They Are on
Eve of Rare Find.
A chance discovery of a piece of
bine enamel, curiously marked, by H.
8. Gordon, a London mining engineer,
has turned a vacant plot, where gar­
den truck was grown, into a treasure
trove. Today diggers are busy dig­
ging and sifting every bit of the
earth, believing that it is on the edge
of an old Homan cemetery, used cen­
turies ago.
Digging into one part of it the men
say they can trace London's history
by strsta to thousands of years ago.
It la estimated that London's level In­
creased at the rate of one foot a cen­
tury. Things appear to have been
thrown into the place, which must
have been a queer pit, aa though it
had been a place for refuses. Its rare
treasures are mostly broken bits of
Jewelry, china, glassware, etc. One ex­
quisitely carved ornament of pure
gold, evidently part of a golden col­
lar, was found, and Is estimated to
have been made between 400 and 500
B. C.
Some of the moat interesting ob-
jects are broken plpea, a whole aeries
ascending through nearly four feet of
soil. Illustrating the pipe's evolution
from the days of Queen Elisabeth.
Progress on Isle of Man.
On the quaint and picturesque isle
of Man, made famoua by Hall Caine’s
fiction, an ancient pump of the chain­
bucket variety, built Into a masonry
abutment on the face of a rock cliff,
lifts its endless load of water some
eighty feet from the pool below, says
Popular Mechanics Magazine.
many years a big steam engine of obso­
lete form, slow and extravagant of
fuel, attended to the duty of turning
the chain shaft. But now the old boiler
and cylinder are gone, and ln their
place a modern wind motor has been
Installed, Ita slim, efficient steel form
rising from the cliff top tn striking, yet
not Inharmonious, contrast with the
primitive ruggedness that marks the
earlier work of man and nature. The
whirling 26-foot wheel of the new mo­
tive power now is drawing up 14,300
gallons of water an hour, as an aver­
age figure, and It la significant of the
value of modern methods that the
saving of fuel, no longer needed for a
hungry boiler, soon paid the coot of
the mill.
February 6, 1926
8:30 to 12
Admission, 50c per Couple
’ For the Whole Family!
Fine Shoe Repairing
Next to Post Office.
The memlters of the men's glee dub
from Willamette University who are
now on their 23rd annual concert tour
presented a pleasing musical program
at the Methodist church last Tuesday
evening. Several good feature stunts
were given as well as musical numbers.
The program was made up of clas­
sical, [xipular, college, and religious
songs. The group also gave two negro
spirituals, “Little David Play on Your
Harp," by High, and “Steal Away,"
Huntly, which were well received by
the listeners. Other numbers on the
program were: "Jolly Students,” Men­
denhall: “Le Minstrels,” Debussy: “I
Passed by Your Window,” Brake; “The
Wreck of the Julie Plante," O'Hara;
"Joshua Fit the Battle of Jerico,” ar­
ranged by R. Johnson; "Banjo Bong,"
Homer; “Uncle Rome," Homer; "The
Pirates Wooing,” Bi-ott, and "Ode to
Willamette,” Mendenhall.
The personnel of the club is as fol­
lows :
Second bass, Clarence Oliver,
Frank Alfred, Hobart Kelly. Shannon
Hogue; baritone. Willis Hathaway, El­
mer Hansen. Herbert Jasper, Loyd
Thompson; first tenor, Daniel Schrei­
ber, Tjiwrence Schreiber, Bruce Spald­
ing. Norbert Jarman; second tenor.
Earl Pemberton, Claire Geddes, Fred
Arpke, Donald Heath; manager, Shan­
non Hogtie; reader. Turfleld Schindler;
pianist, Kenneth McCormlric.
State law on Mumps
At the request of ineml»ers of school
boards and parents. Iielow is reprinted
the state law. as «[»plied by the state
board of health, on mumps, or epidemic
Communicable to adults and children
from nasal, throat and salivary secre­
Contagion occurs I «‘fore the
appearance of any symptoms.
Incubation period 10 to 25 daya.
As k.rewult of the serious sequelae
and occasional deaths from epidemic
parotitis, isolation for ttie patient is
necessary until one week after swell­
ing of parotid glands have subsided.
Exclusion from school of children of
the household who have not had the
disease. Adult rat-mbers of the family
may come and go if they do not come
in contact with the patient
Terminal disinfection may be re­
placed by thorough cleansing, renova­
tion and airing of the quarters and
their contents.
Celebrates Ite 7Wh Birthday
The Massachusetts Mutual Life—not
the largest company, but they have the
largest district manager in thia terri­
On Friday and Saturday
of this week, the Best Foods
Co., makers of Nucoa, have
authorized us to sell Nucoa
27c lb.
which is a saving of 6c per
lb. over the regular price.
Nucoa is a fine product, al­
ready has a big sale and this
is simply jsm advertising al­
lowance they make up to us.
2 days only at 27c lb.
The Star Grocery
“Good Things to Eat’*
is now located at
The Leonora
and is prepared to do
The February birthday party of the
Women’s Auxiliary of the Arne
Legion will be held next Wednt
Rockford Grange Calendar
February 10. Wednesday, regular with Mrs. Harold Herabner at
borne on Cascade avenue,
business meeting.
her has bee
a valentine.
Tbe Glacier makes rubber