NEWhSTAR TO BE <- UNVEILED SATURDAY Experiment some other time With formal ceremony the new Star automobile. Just received by the Twin Peaks Auto Co., will be unveiled at the allow rooms of the mld-Columbla distributing agency Saturday evening. At. 8.30 o'clock the drapery will 1« lifted, disclosing the handsome model of the staunch new Star, declared one of the most sensational automobile [ values ever offered the public, Al-1 though a car of beautiful lines, it is marked _T by _________ performance _________ There ii a ______ rugged substantiality about ail the mechanism of the Star. The management of the Twin Peaks Auto CO., which during tlie i«ast sev-l eral months has set pace for distribu-j tlon of tlie 8tars tliut lias put it in the vanguard, has announced its in-i tention of making Saturday evening' a real red letter event in tlie history of mid-Columbia motordom. Tlie gen-1 eral public has been extended a cordial Invitation to be pnwut for the un­ veiling. Before and after the formal cere­ mony refreshments will be ttervqjl^. One of tiie best orchestras to be obtained will Ire present to render dance music. I The big show room will be polished and ready for those 'who like to trip the light fantastic. Other features of j entertainment will lie provided. "We want everybody to come and Join us Saturday evening,” said Mr. Rife, “for we believe they will’be in­ terested in the new Star. We want ; them to come and enjoy themselves. The welcome to everyone will I m 1 most cordial.” but right now use Bastion and Clyde Powers for speed, clean cutting and cost of operation. We’ve a tool of tried worth for every need. Atkin’s California and Folding Saws Clyde and Cartwright Loppers Wiss Pruning Shears - Henckel’s Shears Extra knives, springs, bolts, etc for repairing or replacing worn or broken parts. Wood Cutters’ Tnnlc A complete line at right 1 VUlJ prices. January Clearance Sale - - Furniture-Rugs-Stoves 3-Piece Living Room Suite, upholstered in cretonne — Comfy Spring (nn »yr Cushions ___ 1 3 Wing Back Chairs — Solid Mahogany ___ .. .. $19.50 AN UNUSUAL VALUE 3-piece Ivory Enameled Bed­ room Suite-Dresser, Chiff­ onier, Bow Foot Bed. See it in the window. rf»Jn *yr* Only . ........ . $49.75 * MERRY MORAINE i HOPE SAID TO LIE IN COOPERATION ■In the circle above is shown Al Karasick. present holder of the^ world championship title amoiig light heavy­ weight wrestlers. Ensi Mortensen, Fred Hood River's durable I »ane, will at- tempt to take the licit at a match here next Monday night at the Rialto the- litre. At the side of Karaslck is Ted Thye, of Portland, loser of the title liisf'week. ( To the left—This Is Al Brown, of Minnesota, who will meet Prof. Taka­ hashi, JajMtnesc mnster of the art, in a Jiu jitsu wrestling bout Monday - night. We are having a Special Exhibition of the Improved Ford Cars, Featuring the Latest Ford Equipment > I Come to our salesroom any time this week and see the finest display of Ford passenger cars ever exhibited. In common with all other Ford Dealers, we are participating in Ford National Show Week—exhibiting the improved Ford cars and featuring the latest Ford equipment. Regardless of how thoroughly you may understand Ford values, our display will interest you. We predict that you will be amazed at the indi­ viduality and beauty of the cars we are showing. Remember—this is a National Show, and of unusual interest! Come any time this week. TOURING CAR EQUIPMENT EXTRA Runabout (260 "7 Coup« * > 520 Tudor Sedan 580 Fordov Sedan 660 Cloted can in color- Demountable rime and starter «xtra on open care. AD prices Detreii Bartol Motor Co. HOOD RIVER, OREGON (By Will 8. Bates) No Dre-press ion Here Oh, isn't it enchanting; Is’nt it Dee-vine Bobbing down the mountain aide In the vlnter time; N’ throwing nice wet snowballs To pass the time away? WhHe bobbing down old Mount Hood's slopes, (here they struck a stump) you'll oft hear lovers say: "Oh, wontclia let me kiss you ;; won't you let me love? Oh wontcha let me callya my lltvle turtle dove? Say that you’ll be true, dear; Say that you’ll be mine, N'tomorrow night 1'11 meetcha When the dock strikes 8:60 p. x.” - Bilbates in Portland Oregonian. Climb Aiiic Condition*, Mebbe Atj esteemed daily contemporary pub­ lishes an account of« lady of Spain who has recently given birth.' at the age of «8. to her 29th child. Coming in this class, almost on the heels of the rejsirt of the celebration of his 150th birthday by a imstor of ('•nstantinople, we are forced to marvel at the acliieve- inenta of modern science. What ■ couple they would have made! • —Royal Arcanum Bulletin. Only in ctsiperulive marketing, and not In tariff Juggling or federal hand­ ling of crop surpluses, lies solution of tlie farmer»' problems, tlie National Council of Farmers' Cooperative Mar­ keting associations was told last week by its chairman, Robert W. Bingham, th Huh of Isoiltaville. The council, in annual actaioii while 1 dearly love the.singin' bird, committees of congress were debating An' little buzzin' bee, . ■ various farm relief proposals, heard BUt dearer far than all the world Mr. Bingham apfs-Hl for a thorough Is thy sweet voice to me. trial of cooperative marketing by grow­ Oh. very deep is daddy's well ers. with government support but not And deejier is Hie sea, But deeper in my bosom interference. Relating tlint the Joint marketing Is the love I bear for thee. movement had reached its present Then smile on me, stage only after a long tight. Mr. Bing Dear Angelina, and make my hea feel light; ham declared thy leader of the inove- nient in this country "now sits in the Chain up that awful 1 h > w bow pup, White House, and we who have N” 1'11 come a courtin' Sunday night. dreamed and hoped for this day—we Our Home Town Minst-rulls must now follow that loader.” The most important development in Ta mho : Why am a ill-digested ideali cooperative marketing during the year, like a sa Hull's chorus? ho said, was tlie unreserved recogni­ Bones: Doan youMl look at means, tion of tlie movement by President niggah ; ah doan knows no ideahs. Coolidge ami Secretary Jardine. We Interpreter (Scenter) : Well. Mr. are just at tlie threshold of the real Tambo, tell the gentlemen of the as­ accomplishments of cooperative mar­ semblage why an ill-dlgestcd idea is keting. he added, and we are learning like a sailors' chorus. froiu-.aur...£nilures to make our new Tam.: JIB-B-bnb-bub-buhcog it am efforts promise great snccesa a crew ditty. Commenting on demands from the Mr. 1. Will Shearer will now render corn and wheat licits for government that pathetic' little ballad, “I Don’t controlled export corporations and re- iju ,. Tnv (me put Ewe ” ■ I'l'ii i hi i h i ' m in i mi» utUff. 'tMr ipm w declared that Canadian wheat growers, Grandpa, in a si>eedy car, soiling three-fourths of their crop in Pushed the throttle down too far— tlie vyorld market., with no government Twinkle, twinkle, little star surplus corporation, or tariff to help, (Music by the G. A. R.) were deceiving greater retuma than were American growers. Call the Ambulance, Tlie Canadians are organised, he Commodore Dean: Hello, Bill, I said. Only a small pari of our grow­ ers lias learned organization. It is thought ya had atummick trouble since not the tariff which counts, it Is the ya started to do your own cookin.’ Ya organization which can enable the shouldn't eat them raw liannanera; farmers of this country to get the they won't digest.” Uncle Wee Wee: "Well, ole skowt, lienefit of tlu-ir own good wheat, either in tlie face of a tariff or in the absence I ain't ready U> digest yet! Glacier Period. of a tariff. Post and Corps Install K. of P. Visitors' Night Joint installation of officer» by Can­ Last Tuesday evening Waucoma ity Post, G. A. R., and Canby Corps, ixidge No. 30. Knights of Pythias, W. R. C., were held Saturday in the entertained visitors from Cascade Elks hall. A good dinner, spread by Ixs-ks, Tlie Dalles, Wasco and Athena. the ladies of the corps, preceded the A lodge deputy caucus was called by s»e onset. In the meantime the child State Board <>T Health, in cooperation is spreading the infection all over the with, the United States Public Health neighborhood, for it is during this period that the disease is most con­ Service). Whooping cough ranks third In fatal- tagious. This fact emphasizes the itlea aiiaing tin* communicable diseastw necessity. for keeping a child, suffer­ of early childhood. Thia atatemeM is ing wlfn what may aeem to be Just made as a refutation of the prevalent an ordinary cold, at borne and away belief that whooping cough Is a dis- from other children. A cold may be eanc of mild character and of lltUe the first sign of whooping cough or it lui|s>rtan< e " jicail _________ !'._?lct fever, haa resulted uui.i mar» rtie begtnnTHg iir MTiy one of in less than halt as many fatalities as several infectious diseases. Whooping cough is spread only whooping cough in the state of Oregon during the last ten years. Not only is through contact with the fresh secre­ whooping cough serious in itself but tions of the nose and mouth of an­ other person suffering with the dis­ not infrequently pulmonary tuberculo­ ease. sis follows in its wake. The prevention of whooping cough Whooping cough is prevented with consists in keeping all children with the greatest difficulty. Typhoid fever, colds away from other children. This smallpox. diphtheria and w-arlet fever is a matter solely within the control have lieen conquered and measures are of jiarents. Take precautions with available for their complete control. yonr child .and insist-on your neighbor We know Hist whooping cough is doing likewise. It Is a state law that caused by a definite germ and we you report all cases of whooping cough know bow it spreads But Just as long to the health officer. its parents keep on thinking that the A vaccine has lieen developi'd ; while disease is a mild disorder and hence it wh ' iih to help little in preventing maintain indifference to the efforts of the disease, it is of considerable value lien Illi officials th check its spread, Just in reducing the severity of the disease. so long will epidemics continue to ex­ Don’t trifle with whooping cough act their toll of young lives. Another but give it expert