I V V HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, 1926 r -su"’,1 • nr- '"" t . ------------------------------ — attack upon th« policy of th* United Bute«, in th* matter of wan*debta and disarmament. He mu not interrupted, rather he was applauded. We wonder if thia is not a distinct warning to America that we must walk warily Nabscriptiea, 12.00 Per Tear. and assume a generous attitude if w* are to hope to retain the good opinion and the friendly feeling of foreigners TRAINING AND CHARACTER who sometimes see us in s clearer per­ Today the self-assertion of children spective then we do ourselves? seen» far to outstrip their reaaoh, and it may be thought that the idea For • young iceman out of college f harsh discipline in childhood has been riroted out of the human mind. only two or three week*, Red Grange Thia ia not the ease, however. The Hcema to be doing very well. Ills ram rebellion of children against authority Ings thus far are estimated at any la an expreHSion of the universal re- figure yon please between >100.000 and Itellion of modern democracy against >500.000. If. as he says, the spiritual arbitrary authority of all kiuda. I^et rewards of football are even greater ns reinember that children are mighty than the material, he must tie feeling good imitators, and they have caught pretty much like an archangel. CE? "----- 1 the spirit of their age. However, it We note that CoiigreHHinan Nicholas la no nearer the truth that this reliel- lion of children Hrguea it reign of sym­ Ix>ngworth's Hinter, the l'ouiitess ile pathetic and rational discipline in thJ Chambrun, is preparing a monograph ifunö Ätoer (Klarier were *lectric lights. Th* orchestra, which consisted of Bartley Woodyard, saxopbouc; Kelsey glocoiu, drums, and Melvin Pickel at the piano, played for 20 couplet. Misses Eleanor and Elizabeth Derby were hostesses. The guests present wtere f George Cafltner, Paul Kelr, Margaret Ptneo, Paradine Holbrook, Claire Coe, Josephine Hmith, Navona Hhurtliff. Dale Ftke. Wesley Wilbur, Elina Wilkins, Leona Van Allen, Frank Barger. Max Calandra. Lucile Fergu­ son, Carlisle Roberta. Dorothy Hackett. Victor Miller, Ruth Howard, Ruaaeil Scobs*. Lucerne Mikesell, Oscar Hmith. Ted JennlugH. Helen Hhurtliff, Boyd Campliell, Joe llasllnger, Maxine Mc- Ixren. Freda Vogel, John Handy« and Lola Bird. > O.-W. R. a N. C*. Time Card WESTWARD No. 23, Salt lAke-l*frt pa«n BOO 5.30 No. 11, Spokane-Port, paaa No. 2», Chi., Omaha, Kan. City, Port, paua —.... 6.10 No. 1. Walla Wall», Pen­ dleton, Port, local... 3.10 No. 17. Chicago, Omaha, Portland Limited___ 4.10 i a m a m p m P in home than that the rebellion of tlemoc- to prove that Nhakettprare was a Ro- EASTWARD |HMtn- The bigger a production HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. *7. R. A. M.— Meeia Aral and third Friday nights of eecl month. A. E Howes, H. P, aud rebellions, and it is primarily li^ck *" ,he more it netxls protection. W. M. PoAt, Hecretery. of syni]Mithyi and reasonableness that create« the issue tietween those under I authi^hy and this«* who exercise it . I CANBY W. R. O.—Meets second sod fourth Haturdaysof aaeh month In Fira* National SCHOOL NEWS Bank Building, al i o’clock d m. bleachers on the high school Mrs. Dee Boyd, President. Mrs. Ethel Button, Hecratary. We are still in the mlilst of the age- stage, which ____ were ________ __________ bought by the ____ stu- long fight between the’strong and weak, I'lent body, have a seating capacity of lietreeen those who have the 100 blpacherH ■n‘1 the flirntolle41 f,,u«' ■eethma of . Petree« u those who have the advantage advantage lJ(le Hne by tb4 in age, position, wealth, or power of I M EDEN ENCAMPMENT. NO. U, I. O. O. F.- Regular meeting second and fourth Monday, ofaaeb month. Goo. Clark, C. P. Gao. W. Thomson. Bertha. ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WOHKMEN Riverside boclgs No.«— Meeting nlgbts 1.1 aud 3rd Halnrdaye. let. Nat'l. Bank Bldg. H. L How a Financier. Cheater Shine.' Recorder. WAUNA TEMPLE FYTH1 AN «IHTKHB No.» Meet, the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at K. of P balk Mr.. Irma Bantlay, K. C. Mr». Jennie Hunt, M. of H. and C. & & ï dresses—2nd Floor. And this don’t mean “maybe.” These are real bargains—All Pure Virgin Wool Suits, made by the Ore­ gon City Woolen Mills. ALL LADIES’ HATS -At reduced prices 2nd Floor. /* You just want to come in and see them. Think of buy­ ing one of these splendid suits at $15. Well, we have them for that and they are dandy suits. WONDERFUL BARGAINS - In ¿Oregon1 City all pure virgin wool Blankets—slightly irregular. 2nd Floor. a ODDS AND ENDS— In Boys’ Knickerbocker Trous­ Boys’ Knickerbocker Suits Special $3.98 ers, the pair only.................................................. 25c 2nd Floor. Sizes 16, 17,18 yrs. Suits of Worsteds, Serges, Tweeds and Cassimeres. The coats alone are worth more than we are asking for the whole suit. Why not avail yourself of this opportunity ? Your choice CO QO while they last, the suit........ ......................... ^v*wO LADIES’ SHIRTWAISTS- Values up to $3.50. Spec­ ial, your choice only................................ 2nd. Floor. Overcoats for Men and Boys An open Winter finds us with too many over­ coats and we have marked these down in such a way that makes each and every one a Genuine Bargain. It would be economy for you to buv your overcoat now, even though you might not neea it un­ til next Fall. Let us snow you what we have in this line. BOYS’ SHOES— Good sturdy shoes that will give . service. Special................. $1.98 LADIES’ SHOES— Military and low heels in Kid, Special, three pairs Patent and Calf Leathers. for.......................................... $1.00 JOE FLETCHER Manufacturer of External Brake for Fords. Can give you exact prices on the job. Save money. A trial will convince. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. For Kale—8 iota of the northeasterly corner al the intersection of Hevenih street and Mon­ tello avenue. FnoneBl.Ti. ollf For Sale— 16-lu Hr and pine wood also 4-foot delivered Rast and West Rida and Hood River. Phone 4688. A. LaChapelle al Ilf New Year’s Resolutions ! For Bale— Red Star Vapor oil stove, g burn er. on top, two In oven; fine condition, t'ali OdyllM. R W Arens, Kid s sMU Most people make them—some keep them—some 'don’t—but the For Hale—K acres on Avalon Way. mostly In commercial orchard. May be «undivided for making braulltul suburban home i'rlce *3000. Ea-y terms, luveayaate. Elgin Jr TarmerT frrlvallng Co, waier so,, place J. R. Nlckelaen. phone Jew. For Hale- Fir and pine 1« In. and 4 A. woo*, delivered any where In the valley. E. Beaure­ gard. Tel. Odell :m. n'Jkl For Hale- IS Inch and 4 fool wood. Delivered In Hood Klver or any where on Weat side within one mile. K. Beauregard. Phoue Odell 306. aZStl For Hale — Apple, peach, pear and cherry trees. We bavea full line or general nursery stock. Phone Parkdale HB or write C. T. Raw- sou, Parkdale. fiBtt For Hale—Good lots tor sale tn all parts ol lb.city, prices right. A. W. Onthank ACo. altlt FOR RENT For Rent— Hoorn, light housekeeping it de- ■lrsd.H0. Usent pieno free. Tel. MM JI4 For Kent-First floor apartment, with or willmat piano; also an apartment to Is' to carpenter In excitan«« tor labor. JIS mate HI, Photic SMI. J7tf 20TH CENTURY Make« the resolution, “to help you to save a little each day,” so easy to keep that there is no tempta­ tion to break it. At these 20th Century Stores thrifty housewives find they save money without reducing their menus. Yes! Even more! Some go so far as to enlarge over what the ordinary Gro­ cer offers and still save money. Its the saving on every item in a 20th Century Store that counts. Saturday and Monday, January 9th-11 th CRISCO 61b Can $1.39 WESSON OIL PURE BULK LARD Qt. Can_. .49/ I fresh, 2 lbs. 45/ COMB HONEY Fancy, full sections___ 2 for 45/ ADIRONDACK SYRUP— Very best Cane and Maple SPERRY’S PANCAKE FLOUR RUPERTS STRAWBERRY JAM Pure Fruit and Sugar 9 oz. Jara, 2 for_________ 25/ Full pint, 29/ No. 10 Sack__________ 75/ For Kent—To responsible party, an atlrao- tlve home In the best location with every con­ venience. hot water, beat, garage. Phone MO*. dMtf BUTTER FLAKE SODAS—National Biscuit Co.’s “Champion. ” For Reni—Laud in Upper Valley, baa bran In clover and In exeellenl oondlllon tor grow­ ing potatoes Will rent In rina l tracts tor that purpose. C. R. Bone. J7 For Rent — Cotte e« for the winter, folly equipped. Including light, water and batti. C. H. Bone, Spring Grôvs Auto Park. J7 For rant—Three room Itonsd. all large mom. •Ira garage with him for 110 • month on Alameda Way. Waler tree T.I »70S. Geor­ giana Hand. dint Famished CoUagee —By week, day or month, with or without board. Waucoma 100,000 00 Cottages, Tel. *0i4. J> 1*1 f For Rent—* and «-room aparlment., al »1« Illg, HO. *22 and »25 per month Mrs. H. J. Frederick, phone 2*44. nMf WANTED Wanted-Work nn orchard by married man, experienced. Kefo-rncee furnlah-d. A. H. Williams *iv Pine Hl, Hood HI ver. Ore. JU Wanted-Anyone wanting a woman to work by the day or hour, phone 101* or report al *W Ninth HL_________________________ ly Wan’aa—100 calve« and fresh meat. Ore­ gon Mlvsr Pox and Far Farm« Oppbaite the ’olomhi. Gorge Hol«l. Phon« J»*i. aHtt Wanted—A girl or woman tor g«o«ral hpuae- work. Phon« Mrs. B. R Moller, MFf. dlltf Wanted - Men with sales ability represent lead In« popular form tractor eacb count r Exceptional opportunity Ibr right men build ■ermanent hnatMua, make big nmu'y la r»p dly grovtna Industry. Farm experience and knowledge inioemenlanealrable. 'Writ, fully, Mating qaalifioattana Give reSareaeaa Ad­ dress P. O. Box At, Cbtcaflo, 1IL )11 Quart, 55/ OLD DUTCH CLEANSER For Kent—Htnall bouse on Cascade Av.nus. Kuqulre 1-Vt l'a»<-ade Ave Pitón« 1IM. J7 For Rent-Office rooms In Brasine building >1,172,231 30 H. E. Boo IL .«If Capital stock paid in....................................................................................... I 26,100 00 Surplus fund ............... ................................................................................... 162 02 Undivided profits...,...................................... ............ ~ .............. «,000.00 Kererved for tax*«, interest, etc., accrued........................................ ... 11,081 34 Caehier'g checks outstanding ..................................................................... 620,078 18 Individual depoaita gubjec. to check......................................................... CartiflcatM of depoait due in less than 30 days (other tl au for 177.50 money borrowed) ................................................................................... State, county or other municipal d posit* ««cured by pledge of a«- sets of thi« bank or other surety bond ..................................... Dividend« unpaid................................................................. ........................... Certificated o( depoait (other than for money borrowed) .................. a Other time depoaita......................................................... MARCEL CACHIN Postal saving« deposits.. ................... .......................... And what is it? Or who Is he? Total of time depoait« subject to reeerve.............. . .. >137,300« Marcel Cachin is the leader of a small Total.... >1,172.231 30 Commnnlat group in the French Cham­ STATE OF OREGON, County of Hood River, ber. The Cemmuniat is open to Inter- I 8. J. Moore, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly «wear that nipthm these days when he arises to the above «tatemaat i« true to the best of my knowledge and lmli«I 8. J. MooM. Caeli it-r deliver an oration—and many of them Hubocribed and sworn to before me this 6th re at a Agent. oani bargain Hruali bearing orchards room bouse and outbuildings. Rasy terms. Tel. 1101. tf positive perHounlitiea of thia perverted HAZEL REBEKAH LODGE NA. IM. I.O.O.F Meets the first and third Tuesday evening In type, iM-neath the obedience and re It hag been found poraible to dia- eacb month In the Odd Fellow. Hall, aeven miles south of Huod River. H. D. I Hliect for authority which aeenui to tingulah the aex of the chick« at time ora Hlsverkrnwp. N. U. characterize them, there often lurks hatching, but the method Is a secret Marie K«mp, 8ec. .__ . . . . . One which la used by one of the hatch- the harshest and most relielllone na- ,TT I1M,n |u ¡»eta]uma, Calif., who la tore. While beneath the humility of making a business of selling day-old FOR SALE the . less issiltlve type there lurk pullets and also tlay-old cockerels, re­ wounded pride, resentfulness, and mor l*'rl" ,>rpE°n experiment station, For Sale- Fresh now. Himo» I Meli MX. J7 Total.. J. J. Electric Mo ors e> changed, sold and re­ For Hale — Del aval - separator For Trade—As eight room house lu sood —_v.----- piartleslly ------ ——w . Wanted— Young married man want« steady new; Jersey belter. I eifhnrn eyhorn pnllrfa. pnllet«. cream praam I work on frrlt ranch. Experienced. Cunidve nay roll town of 3000. Value W Ark the ps-'lre 1 have ro >m or full time lor email wage. Addreoe H, tered Je eey bull. Rt. Mawsa strain. H G. OREGON FIRE RELIEF raid to. J. G. EdglLglon. Phon« Ef t JI4 Van Allen, phone M7*. dStf care of Glacier office. J14 ASSOCIATION For Hele—March batch R. 1. K»-d chicks pay Remember that Hood River baa an active An Oregon Company for Oregon Property best. Ours averaged 41 UU per bird In October. Httmaue Hoclriy. Tel. 1301 whan yon wsni Owners. Beat Insurance—Lowest MISCELLANEOUS 10 per cent down books »our order. Two official action of the body. Jy>*U Rates-No Assessments. grades, 20c and *tc each. Ralph R. Lewis, tel. T. C. QUEEN. Agent Oil and olilna painua« Icons. gl.OO, class Odell W. d24tf For Exebaose—HI or k and dairy ranch rate. T.I «.it Mr., lUwe Phllllppt. JU Want home proposition. Income, what nave Room I*. Pythian Building, Hood River. Ore Tor Hale — Fre-b Jersey cow. Also hay. FOOT Address O. M.C..pare Glacier. xlf Phone INI Residence Phon« 1341 Found—Lady's silk glove. Call at Glacier Pbone 2M (Mell. JI4 office. J7 For Male — Certified Clark Heediliig ■ rsw- lxwt—Elk. pin al K. P. Band danoe'New berry plants. F. M McNeil, box 225, White Year's Eve. Valued as a keepsake Pinder Hilinon. Wn. JT please phone 231U for reward. J7 For Hale—Good ld-iu. fir, res*onabie price Found—New overroet near ' hrl.tl.n Seleno« O C. Kelxnr and Lives flora. Tel. JM7. dl‘tf chureh. Inquire al Glacier uffloa. J7 For Hale or Reni- II room bouse close In; Found—On Tucker Road, ■ bunch of key*, rent payments will pnrebssa the property: 1302 12TH STREET THE HEIGHTS good lor apartments. C. D. Nlckelaen, Hood owner may bave same by Identifying proper­ ty and psylug for this adv. J7 River, Ore. J7 For Male-J acres, 2 mllea out, 4 room house, plastered, rrw tx-srlng pear., tut young Dell- clone Apples, nice paatuie, good well and spring, two bearing walnuta. 2 In. Farmer's waler beautiful view, all lor (27U0.IX). Bee R. K. Hcolt today. J23tf LIABILITIES 98c J KLMP LOI'GK. Nn. 1S1, I. U. O. F.-Meete In Odsll Odd F<*tows hall every Hein, day night. Visitors cordially walcnmect. A lay P Hmith. N O. H. H Caoghey. Secretary. Gen. Clark, Treaaarar. ests to the good of all. under the Im­ pulsion of free-will and Intelligence, that the modern demts-ratic world nee. No. 21. Meet. Unit Monday rva of eerh month at l.l National Bank lilrt. Mr.. Harold Heraliner, Brea., Mn. Mi) w b I loom b, Hec’y. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 E Gbe PARIS FAI R HAY FOR HALE- Alfalfa, Grain Hay, Timothy, Dels, Harley, »nd Wheal,guaranteed quality. Prompt shipment. Prices npon ap­ plication. Richard Nyman, Walla Walla, Washington. apl.'JB bld self-consciousness. Thus neither Dancing Party -» Derby Home For Bate—1 Faseol tractor need two searan. type is strong in the esstatlala of I>Mt Monthly at the home of Mr. and Al oondlllon with p owe. *J'O. -hepard EAHV7. M2 K Silt Hl , Portland. Orrgos. J7 character. Mrs. A. J. Derby a dancing party was For Halv-FInc Puallry Farm local Ion, un­ The Ideal of cliildren'a training is | given. The home was lieautifully dcc- improved; tear city, ronih and esat slope to he found neither In the harshness tirateti in red anti green color acheine A Ira M a acre, orchard: good dwelling; good anti with fir boughs through which buy. C. I>. Nicks'sen. Hood Blver, Or. pl and repression of self-assertive jmr- cuts nor In the unbridled license and rebellion of self-assertive children. It R eport of C ondition of the Is rather to l»e fount! In the sympathet­ ic and rational self-control and mutual At Hood River, in the State of Oregon, at the close of businees Dec. 31, 1926. forbearance of both. And thia can be realized only bvxiiaklng more of sym­ RESOURCES >5*8.363 76 pathy anti reiiHonablctififs hi family re- Ixian. and discounts................................................................ 128 37 latjoua, and in socletj^is a whole. It Overdrafts, unsecured............................................................. 108,860 00 N U. 8. Government meuritioe owned.................................. la not obedience to authority that ia 224,903. «3 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc...................................... needed ao much these days, not the Banking house. >40.000; Furniture and fixtures............ M .000 Oil >11,000.00 1«,000.00 anbcrillnatlon of one personality to an­ Real estate owned other than banking house .............. 58,129.63 other, not the repremlon of individual I aw I u I reserve with Federal Reserve Bank.................... 117,916 39 Cash in vault and amount due from national hank». . freedom, whether in children or In the Amount due from Blate banks, bankers and trust companies in the subject« of tlie atatea. It la rather 19.746 41 United States................................. ............................................. 6.346 87 sympathetic and rational self-control, Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank. 1,868 24 the subordination of individual inter­ Miscellaneous cash items . ............................................................................ .* * W. O, W. — Meetings every first and third night, at the First Nattoual Bank ness. game was with Oregon City high school Tnureday Hulldlng. But the harshness of authority con- Saturday night, ending with a score W M.Bhav,U. C. tlnuus. Few itarents yield sympathetic- <*f » U> 16- II. R. H. 8. won lx>th . L. J. Lindsay, Clerk. , >■ games, which were very fast from lie- ahhembly no . us , united art - ally and reaaonably, even to JustifiableUnnlll< to end. The next game will OLETA laana.-Meets th« flrot and third Friday, at old K.otP. ball. C. D. Htxiton, M. A. self-assertion in their children. They played Saturday night at Cascade J. H Up a a bo Henretary. have too little imagination, too little I>»cks. HOOD RIVER VALLKY HUMANRHOCIETY disitosltlon to self surrender, too much The Junior class will give their an- Hood Hirer. Ore. James Htranaban, Pres. caro ami nnvsviiiistlon oerhana In I",B| *“ tbe h***1 "ch,x>* Frt - Mrs. Alma Howe. Hee. Leelle Hauer. Trraa. csre and pretax upation, pernaps, in n|gW Janllary iB, to whlrfl 1>ar Call phoue 1*01. short, they have the very qualities that I (.nts of the high school pupils are r- 1 > * -................. — CQ Hood River Commsndary Nn. 12, K.1 thelr children have, and, being In auth- dially invited. « r«k Meets every first Tuesday evening O. II Nye, E. C. ority, they exerclst- this authority un- The different whools were repre- MMMr each month. Wm. Irwin. Recorder lmaghiatlvely, unsympathetically, and M',,tp*“ B1’*‘ N,‘B\e' "f HOOD RIVER C1KCLE No.VM. NEIGH BOBB of Woodcraft—Meete al K of P. hall on tb< the Park Ktreet school, was one of the first Tnaeday night of each month. preasive than parents of earlier gener dele nes. Keo upon physical, lntellectu«!, or »siral Wl*k',1 At ‘be experiment ata- , . , ' . ... ‘ion thia starting mash is mixed wpial HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO.B.O. E.».- freedom. In nature* not ao positive, Imrlll of bran ah(,rtH and („rn „.„u, Meets second and fourth Tneeday «renine of each mouth Visitor, cordially welcomed the result is increased sensitiveness, After the chicks are 10 weeks of age. Gladys Gilbert, W. M. Margaret Bucklin, Rec’y. brooding over personal wrongs, and a mash, which may then be called a general weakening of Hclflid. On the '’Pveloplng mash, ia mixed Just the IDLE WILDE LODGE NO. 10», 1. O. O. F- F , same as the starting mash with the , Meets In Fra'ernaJ hall, every Thursday one hand, youth grown up nndtily ewejglon that instead of eggs from 11 night. B. E Barimene, N. O. Gao W Thomson. Hseretary. • stimulated to self-assertion and auto- 5 to 10 per cent of n k < sh 1 grade of crfltlc modes of thinking and conduct, meat scrap la used with the mash. If LAURKL , RKHKK AB LODGB No. r. 1.0 O F Meet« first and third Mondays each month through the repression to which it 1» Ji l" ‘° oidain buttermilk M s Daisy Havsns, N. G. . . . , .. .. . - .1 throughout the growing tsreiotl, then M im Gertie Mills, Her. subjected On the other hand, it flv„ IH>r (laiite in Oregon are <■ouxiiitn.it v uien and women with crip coni rolled by apraylng. ttay the ento- pletl iH-rHOitnlilitw due to hartth train- -.o.f ‘he «t«tlon. . . T,|l« initeet 1« known an the greeuhouite Ing in childhood, and that, too, not I ^«e fly. A apray conaiatlng of whale lenet In communities where the good I oil noap, 1H ounce«, and water, one old fuHhloned ltlena of |*arenta| diaci gallon, la Mtiafactory. Till" kills the Itline are xtlll rellgioualy foatered. In •" «ppll»* V - 2 for___________ ____15/ Fresh stock—small size—extra special, 6 boxes_________ ____ SEARCHLIGHT MATCHES Large full boxes, 6 for 30/ P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP 10 bars ---------------------- 39/ DROMEDARY COCOANUT i lb. pkg, 15/ i lb. pkg. 29/ BACON-Fancy Sugar Cured-Average Weight 9 lbs., half or whole piece, per lb. KERR’S BEST PATENT FLOUR-49 lb. sk. _. $2.23 CALIFORNIA HOME BRAND CATSUP—Full pt bottle 23/ 25/ 35/ IVORY SOAP FLAKES 10c Size, 3 packages 25/ TREE TEA — Orange Pekoe (Black) or Japan (Green)__ i lb. pkg. 38/ 1 lb. pkg. 78/ AMERICAN BEAUTY OYSTERS. “MEMORIE” LAYER FIGS White or Black . 10 oz. pkg. 20/, 2 for 39/ 5 ounce Can SHRIMP “Americsn Besuty" Latest Pack No. 1 Cans, 2 for<25/ 15/ 20TH CENTURY BROOMS 6 Sewn, Medium Weight Fine Parlor Broom 98/ 20TH CENTURY COFFEE. “When better coffee is roasted, it will be 20th Century ” Direct from our Roaster to you.’’ Pound. 47/. Three Pounds, $1.38 FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS. Pound 15/ r