< / HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1925 «4 , How to Be Healthy UL TAc Qmeade of the Double Barred Croee ■J*® Practical Talk» or Disease Prevention Prepared by ths OREGON TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION 3 g (practically every adult person I» Ihfootad wltWtuborauleala. This Infection need nntha a source of Sanger. To keep the latent Infection from becoming dieeaee bodHv reaJat aaoo must bo kept at ItAtoet. - y 4 * < Sìlfi« This series of articles shows you how to keep health") BUILDING RESISTANCE PROF. ALLEN K. KRAUSE, M. D, Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Baltimore. AC AN I s th« only animal that habitually and unnecessarily uses hla bodily *■ functions to excess—In overwork, overplay, overexercise, overworry, ta prolonged' meatal and emotional stress. In unnatural hours of activity without rest And being organized into communities, men herd together and thus establish continual contact with one another and become unduly exposed to one another’s infectious. In most men’s bodies are little growths of tissue called tuberclee In which 11» concealed the germs of tuberculosis. These tubercles form spherical walls around the germs, called tubercle bacilli, and thus Imprison the germs. As long as tbs wall is strong and unbroken the germs cannot spread; they cause no Illness and are no more to be feared than a common wart or a mole tn the skin. if: th« tissues around tbs tuberclee function normally, these walls tend -------- to remain strong and so tight that few er no bacilli can make their way out of them and spread throughout the body. But too prolonged activity of the body as a whole, or of the part In which may be the tubercle«, will tn general bring about conditions that favor the weakening of the tubercle wall and the emergence of bacilli. We heal tuberculosis by rest—of a knee, of the lungs, of the whole body. We become 111 with'tuberculosis by reason of overstrain. Other diseases, especially those that cause inflammations and congestions In the lungs, whip up the physiological activities of the body and throw a strain upon tl)e walls of tubercles. So do certain bodily activities, like repeated and long-continued work without sleep, pregnancy, childbirth, dissipation, etc. The point where activity becomes overstrain Is an individual affair. The miner, the broker, the farmer, the school teacher, might every one of them become fatigued by the other’s ordinary labor. Tbe phlegmatic and the Irritable, the beefy and' the wiry, respond very differently to the same stimulus, whether this be play, labor, exercise or dissipation. Every man’s J* own, registerd In his own consciousness by sensations Jnat an have experienced. Every rational man knows when he Is tired or experience soon teaches him what will make him tired. And no rational man should push himself beyond this point unless be must. To reduce exposure to all Infections to a minimum and to balance one’s activities so there will always be a healthy surplus on the credit side of rest, nay, more, a good reserve to draw upbn In time of need—this is building up resistance. At thirty we build It a little differently than at twenty, at forty, again differently than ut thirty; there is a different proportion of ¿•tails, yet principle« and details remain the same. * • Food, dean air, adequate clothing, decent hours of sleep, conserve and promote health—the normal body. But the normal machine was built for one man power and a too persistent effort to squeeze out mRre will sooner or latef meat an overheated boiler and outworn gears; rusted, roughened and thinned out metal, and then—the collapse or the explosion. Then may an Insignificant little tubercle become ablaze. ODELL selection, "Little Cradle Song,’’ Pres ton Young; "811001 Night, Holy NtghL” male quartet; "Christmas Gifts,” by . pupil« of Mr* Smith ; song, "In the Night, ” chores choir. Rev .Troy shel ley was unable to be present. Rev. Kimball taking his place upon the pro­ gram. Mrs. C. A. Seegar directed the chorea choir. All «umbers gave evi­ dence of careful preparation. Mies Eloise Raed and Mrs. W. F. Young were plaulsts. George Prey la home from O. A. O. Ralph Bherrleb and family are TffiMdetbodist church school begins Spending the holidays at Bugs*» at 10 o’clock, ml »«to nary opening sat- A fine marble soda fountain has been vice. Junior church at 11 o'clock. The Installed at Rockford store. superintendent, Mrs. McKeown, M ex­ Mrs Ned Barrett entertained the pected to be back. Junior sermon top­ bridge dub Monday evening. ic, "A Great Missionary,” Marjory A. G. Wing ta remodeling hla home. Caidwell, leader. Morning worship George Taylor is borne until after with sermon, 11 o'clock, topic, “Indl- New Year's. vldual Work__ for _____________ Individuals, , _ or Christ a Most Used Methods of Soul The Valley Christian church gave an Winning.” No evening service. Our interesting program Christmas evening. Epworth League and congregation will The school dosed Tuesday. A tree PINE GROVE to to Pine Grove to attend the first of and sack of candy waa the order of a aeries of Epworth league group Mias Ruth Hill, Who is a senior at the day for the pupils. meetings. Leaguers and others be at Mills College, is spending the vacation Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Moller are spend­ Pine Grove by 7 p. m. for the League with her father, M M. II11L ing the holidays In Portland. service and special after service at 8 Mias Jennett Finch and Miss Wilma o’clock. Sermon by the Odell pastor. FRANKTON Kissinger were hoatesM-s at a pleasant Any and all Invited. dancing party Saturday evening. Mias Mrs. Charles Miller returned from Services at the Odell Church of Finch expects to lsave next Monday Christ Sunday: Sunday school at 10 for Portland, where she will enter the the hospital yesterday morning, Uer a. m.; sermon at 11 a. m., subject. nurses’ training course at Good Samar­ many friends will be pleased to learn that she is Improving each day. "Building a Bridge.” Junior O. E., itan hospital. Melville Foley, Jr„ who is attending « 80 p. m.; senior C. E., 7 p. m.; Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Riddell and five the Y. M. C. A. academy In Portland, peaching, 7.30 p. in., with a sermon on "Declaring Dividends.” All day meet­ children, of Battleground, Wash., came spent Christmas week at home, return­ ing, basket dinner and business meet­ last Thursday to spend Chrinstmaa ing for opeulng day, which will be held with, their slater, Mrs. E. E. Lage. New Year’s day. J ing at the church New Year’s day. They returned home Sunday. Mr. find Mrs. A.-'N. Foley, of Co­ The family of Allison Fletcher at­ Mias Ethel Bickford, who is teach­ quille, are visitlqg friends and rela­ tended the Christmas day reunion of ing In La Grande, is spending the holi­ tives tn the valley. Having been ab­ the Fletchere and Gllkersous at the days at heme. sent from Hood River for 12 or IB home of Leonard Fletcher and bls sis­ The usual social meeting will be years they find many change«. ter, Miss Mae. Thirty-eight persons Myron McComley, who la attending were present. They plan a like ob­ held at the grange hall Saturday PARKDALE night A good, program la arranged Behnke-Walker Business College In servance of New Year’s day. and good music will be furnished, Portland, Is home for the Christmas H.-R. Auto Wreckers, on th« Heights. Mrs. Ellzatieth Shelrbon spent an assuring a good time for alL holidays. Parts (or all cars. jy Utt especially happy Christmas day with - a New Year dance at Miss Regester is visiting her father Mias Iva Renfro returned home from all Her children present at dinner in Grange hall this, Thursday, evening. at Moro. t California for the holidays. the home of her daughter, Mrs. An­ Mrs. A. A. Mohr is entertaining her The Four Leaf Clover club will meet Edgar Kile and fkmlly went to Spo­ drew Weinheimer. Besides Mrs. Wein­ heimer there were Mrs. Shelrbon's sister. Mrs. J. N. Hackler. and daugh­ at the home of Mrs. D. T. Marlor this kane to spend Christmas with hla ter, Charlotte, from Oklahoma. Mrs. (Thursday) evening. The families of brother and family. sone, W. L. and W. H. Shelrbon, of Odell, and her daughters, Mrs. DoIUe Hackler is also visiting her son, How­ the members are Invited to this meet­ Geo. M. Dowd «pent Christmas la ard Hackler, and brother, Wm. Coch ­ ing. The Christmas party at Mrs. Gal ­ Mercer, of Tacoma, and Mrs. Elsie Portland. ran. aud ley ’ s last week was «-.'ll attended Miller, of South Dakota. Members of Eugene Euwer went to Pittsburgh, Wm. Cochran, accompanied by his a merry time was had. the families of these children and rel­ Pa., to spend Christmas with his sister. Mrs. J. N. Hackler, has been atives brought the total to *21. mother and sister. CENTRAL VALE Misses Eleanor and Alice Galligan, visiting relatives and friends at Red­ w: Misses .Van Vlett and Feike, high mond for a few days. students at U. of O., are spending the Mothers' club meets next week. school teachers, are spending the holi­ Mrs. Effie Wagner, of Wilsonville, is holidays at tbe home of their parents, spending the holidays at the home of Thursday, January 7, at tbe home of days-, at their homes in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Galligan. Mrs. Mary Jarvis on Willow Flat. All Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Keeney are en­ Miss Edna Plog, of the faculty of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dragseih. She will members welcome. tertaining Mr. Keeney's parents from White Salmon high school, is borne for go from there to Monmouth Normal Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hagre and fam­ Newberg over the holidays. school.’ tbe holidays. ily are enjoying a new large Super­ Dr. Earl Else, goiter specialist, of The W. C. T. U. will meet the first Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chevron mo­ Zenith radio. Portland, will be at tbe grade school Thursday in January at the home of tored to Portland to spend Christmas Miss Marie Fletcher will leave Sun­ Thursday, January 1, to examine the and the week end with Mrs. Chevron’s Mrs. Chris Bieverkropp day for Corvallis to take the short school children. Dr. Else will address Chris Coulter, of Grand Forks, N. parents. course at O. A. C. She will go down parents and all Interested In the pre­ vention and cure of goiter at 3.80 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Martz and daugh­ I)., is visiting J. G. Jarvis and family. with MI m Olga Plog, of Odell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vannler and o’clock. ter, Jewel, and son, Blaine, motored to Mr. and Mrs. Wllburt Gllkerson and West Woodburn for Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vannler have re­ family have a new Fada radio. Miss Virginia Plfer, of Portland, Mr. Martz' parents. They report very turned from a visit In Portland. Miss Olive M osh , of Portland, and spent the week end at the home of foggy going from Portland to West Miss Bernice, of Hubltard, are spend­ Mrs. Babson. Woodbum and a gale along the Co­ Mrs. Montgomery and family, of BARRETT ing tbe holidays at Mossacres. The lumbia highway on their return trip Middle Valley, have moved to Hood family reunion was held .Christmas Sunday. December 21. day at the home of Mrs. H. A. Sylves- River for the winter. Mrs. John Griffith and Mrs. Jessie ter.. O. C. Johnson, Mrs. II. C. Johnson Loren Cooper, of Elba, and Lloyd and A. T. Hale were Christmas dinner Miller spent Wednesday afternoon tn Next Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Nels Bfhd, of Rainier, were calling on guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wren, of The lialle». Hagen. Edgar, Frank and Vivian will friends In the Upper Valley last week. East Barrett. Mrs. Roy D. Smith visited at the motor in their new Studebaker to Mon- ■ Mrs. Leo Rose (Frances Doggett) The Parent-Teacher association will Boy Hays home Thursday. rnouth, where Mias Vivian will enter of Pendleton, spent Christmas with her meet at the high school Thursday ev- Mrs. Walter Sherer, of The Dalles, ■the normal. The reet of the week will parents at ML Hood. ening, January 7. The big health visited Elder and Mr». Kuhnley Sat- lie spent in Portland, seeing the sights Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis and daugh­ meeting for the community for the urday night and attended church Sun- of the city for Frank's beueflt, as It ter, Fabnie, it Christmas at tbe year will be held at this time. Dr. J. day at Advent Christian church. will be his first visit there. borne of Mr. and Mr* Doggett. Earl Else, of Portland, goitre special­ Rider Kuhnley administered the or­ Mrs. Neal Nunamaker, of Willow Mr. and Mrs. Rickman entertained ist, will tie present and will le/-ture. ditane« of baptism Sunday at 12 Flat, has returned home from a sanl- a group of young folks at their home Friday, January 8, he will hold a o’clock to one person. torium In Portland much Improved in Saturday evening. clinic at the high school to which Charles I^wrenre is home from health. everyone interested is invited. Invita­ Mr. and Mrs. 8am Paul visited Mrs. Paul's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. tions have also been extended to neigh- Bend to spend his vacation with his DEE Kelley, last week. boring communities that they may take mother and friends. Mrs. Lydia Moore returned home advantage of this opportunity. Today is the last day of one of the Florence Craven spent the id from Dufur Saturday. best years thia community has yet «n- with her family. The Indies' Aid society will be en­ joyed. The Oregon Ltunlter company ■ Sidney Meyers returned Monday to tertained in the home of Mrs. Allison December 28. made a.record cut of all materials with Rhodendron, where be is at work help ?tcher~Xue«day afternoon next week. Elder George Armstrong, of Port- sales at a satisfactory price. The or- Ing to build cabin« for ange from regular meeting day In years land, and Elder George Gasman, of chardlsts harvested a much better crop tourists. order that members who are also mem­ Loe Angeles, motored up Wednesday than at first seemed powdble after the bers of the Woman's club of Hood Geo. Frey, of Hood River, 1« visiting bard freeze of Dreember a year ago. bls aunt and unde at El Corregidor River may attend the meeting in Hood and visited Elder Kuhnley. Orin Kuhnley spent a few days In We have a wonderful new school ranch. River next Wednesday. building, a good stretch of new road Mr. and Mrs. Howard Middleton Portland tbe past week. Quite a number of children Mrs. Donahue, of Eugene, is spend- and a big promise for more.' In fact taken motored from Tacoma to spend Christ­ down to Hood River to the treat we have had everything good that a lng Christmas week with her parents, mas with Mrs. Middleton's parents, given by tbe Elk« Friday. year could bring to us and It goes Mt* Willis Thornbury. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wieden. Mrs. The Missionary society with Middleton remained until Wednesday, A Christmas program and tree at without saying that we are expecting then going to Portland for a few days Advent Christian church Tuekday as much or more for the coming year. Mrs, Van Nuys Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dr. M. Thrane was a dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wieden be- night, a program and tree at Grange i’» par­ fore joining her husband to spend New hall Wednemtagr night and a program of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Edgar Sunday. Christmas with Mrs. Year’s with his parents in Seattle. at VaHey Christian Church Thursday Miss Beas Hoops Is returning to St. enta, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Blagg, at Hood River. J. A. White, açcouipanM by his fam­ night were well attended and enjoyed Helens today to resume her teaching During the al of Mra. J. ft ereepooe duties Monday. ily, motored to th« horn« «f « the of near Portland for Christi r. and Mrk -C. L. Swarmstead. of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hoops, of Port­ Bmullln, who is to spent a few days the past land. were here from Thursday till January In California, Mr«. John Mrx Portland, I*rt L. A. Chapman and Mr. and. I Mrs. Frank Chevron and their small daugh­ week with tMr. and. Mrs. John Griffith, 8unday to have Christmas with their Cooper will give the weak day religi­ ous educational training In th« grade ter motored to Goldendale Monday foz golug en to-Pendleton for Christmas. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoops. school under the supervision of Rev. Mn.and Mr* Tom Acree motored to the funeral nf Mr Chapman's siates^in- Miss Itorothy Doane, who 1» teach- R. A. Hutchinson. day. - taw. Mr* A. C. Cha—«n. , * Portla»d ____ ir Christmim —-i—nr-~_ — Ins at Wapinltia. »pent a part of her The Miss Eleanor Ixmgbotham, teacher T>r- and Mrs. F. T. Sandifer, of Aber- hollday holiday with 11W «BW, WK. B. IF.' munity church were given without a in the grade school, went to Portland «leen, Wash., motored down to visit Whitely. bitch. The children were well trained Thursday for a part of the holiday va­ Mrs. Sandifer’s parents, Elder and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Parkina were at and put on an excellent program under Klihnley. The doctor returned borne Maya Ixxlge Sunday. cation. the direction of Miae Effie Renfro. The Saturday. Mrs. SaadMer and son, Bob­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hansen spent J. H. Van Wickle* and Mr. Cutler high ecbool dare was responsible for will spend a while longer here. The Christ man MSt Christ runs with Mri Cra;>per'■’s store will be closed all day I today, very tastefully. Candy, nuts and fruit Pine Grove. December 81, and tomorrow. January 1. were served t" the children by Banta mother tn Hotki Kives. Miss Marguerite Ferrin, of Hood Mr. and Mrs. Claude Walker and Claus and his helpers. A large tree MI m Nelli« Cra; River. s|>ent Túsala y and Wodnesday <’hci»tmu night family returned Sunday from McMinn­ outside the church building was dec­ visiting in tbs home of Mr. and Mrs. friend«. ville, where they were called by the orated with colored lights, making a very pretty effect. Poul Hansen. death of Mrs. Walker’« father. Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Meltoa came A large congregation la expected at Principal Byars, of tbe high school down Misses Viols snd Ruth Gerklng. who Berni tor Christmas. Mr. sre attending the Adventists’ Acad­ the church Sunday morning. It’s the faculty, accompanied by his family, McRea from returned Sunday. Mrs. McRea went to Goldendale for Christmas. Mr. will not return to Bred. emy at Gaston, are at home for the first Sunday in the New Year and «v- ery normal pei^on wants to start tbe holidays. Byars will attend the annual Oregon 8. Sea by, of near Tillamook, is vla- state teachers' rouventlon in Portland Mr. BQd Mrs. R. B. Cunliff and sons year right. You will not regret the iting the Kuhnley family. thia week. motored tn Seattle to spend Christmas hour you spend in the little brown com- Elder Kimble and family were 8un- with rotative«. church. The teaching Kenneth Malloy, student at O. A. inences at 10 o’clock under tbe direc- C., is spending the holidays with his day guesta of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Linn. Mr. snd Mrs. E. H. Green were In lion of W. 0. Bmullln and an efficient parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Malloy. Portland the first of the week. corpa of teachers and officer* Clueca Willie Kollas, also a studant at O. The dance at the school auditorium for all agea. The Men's Forum meats WEST SIDE A. C.. is at home with hla parents, Mr. Monday night was a social and finan- Rockford Grange will celebrate the cial success. A very satisfactory sum at the same hour in the manse. Ger- snd Mrs. G. E. Kollas, for tbe holiday evening of December 81. There will was realized to turn over to the hot hart Wertgen will lead the discussion vacation. on 1926 objectives. The worship hour Blanche Tucker, of O. A. C., spent be a watch-party dance at the Rock- lunch fund. at 11 will be of special interest. New ................ Some special features will ford hall. a pert of the vacation here at the J. H. Crenshaw and wife and son members will l>e recleved and the pas- be givre to usher In the new year. At home of her mother, Mrs. Geo. Cham- were In Portland yesterday and today tor will preach on the church's motto beriin. than went to Portland until the midnight a fine chicken pie dinner with while Mr. Crenshaw, is attending the for the new year. Thè young people all the trimmings will be served at a reopening of school. nominal price. A fine orchestra of five Oregon State Teachers' association will meet in the church at 7 p. m., Irene Da kan, of Portland, wan in pieces will provide all the latest music. meetings. Elinor Halliday, leader. A live meet- Odell for Christmas. Ing for live young people. Mr. Hutch­ Everybody come. A rousing good time inson will preach at Mt. Hood at 8 Mildred Jaques, who wm called from awaits you. MOUNT HOOD o'clock. Portland to the home «f her parents in A crowd of over 500 people gathered 24. December Hood River because of the lllnraa-of at the Rockford hall Wednesday even­ The 0. E. society will stag« a watch- Mr and Mrs. Kdtaie Devin were night party at the manse Thursday her mother, was In Odell for the week ing of last week to enjoy Christmas Hodd River visitors Monday. end. evening. festivities. This event was sponsored Cretia Taylor, of O. A. 0., Is here to by Rockford Grange and was the first ■ W. A. Langille came borne from The Boy Scouts will entertain the spend the holidays with her parents, event of its kind ever held on the West Salem Wednesday to spend the holi- Camp Fire Girls with a New Year days with his family. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Taylov. party at the grade school Saturday Side. Mrs. H. D. Steele, worthy lec­ The Middle Valley school had their evening. _ _________ Margaret Gould, senior at O. A. ,C., turer, prepared a fine program. The will return to Corvallis Saturday after choir of 8t. Mark’s Episcopal church, program Tuesday and the teacher, Sebaetopel Apple Prices having spent the holidays at Home­ directed by Mrs. Scott Aitken, rendered MI m Orr, left for Engene to spend The Sebastopol, Calif., Apple Grow­ wood with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. fine music, consisting of carols and Christinas with her sister. Miss Helen Atibert came home from ers' Union has mailed a thousand E. E. Gould, and with her sister, Mrs. anthems. L. B. Gibson opened the pro­ checks to members in payment for the gram with a splendid talk on “Christ­ Dee Tuesday to spend the holldsys. 8. J. I*ffrety, of Hood River. Mr. and MW- w T. Wyatt were 1925 crop handled by It The pries The grange hall was packed for the mas Spirit," Miss Marguerite Ferrin this year la far above the IB years’ community Christmas program Wed­ rendered a solo, “Holy Night,” and Hood River visitors Wednesday. average, but 12 cents i>er box below nesday evening of last week. The fol­ pupils of Oak Grove sang “Star of Miss Nancy Pendleton left for her lowing were memliers of committees: the East.” Mrs. C. K. Benton directed a home at Bingen Thursday to spend the record price of «even year« ago. Members received >1.96 per box for Program, Mrs. W. F. Young, Mrs. A. beaut^ui tableau, "The Nativity.” Bar­ Christ num. ■, fancy 4-tier Gravenstelns, >1.77 for McKeown. Miss Very I Oliver; finance. rett pupils gave an excellent jlrlll, The Mount Hood Sunday school and fancy 4%-tler Grevsnstelna, and >1.44 Allison Fletcher, Rev. J. D. Woodfin, while the climax was a pantomime of school held a joint pfogram Wednesday for all C-grade. Bev. 8. H. Kimball; music, Mrs. Al- "Mr. and Mrs. Santa in Their Home.” evening. Meon Fletcher, Mrs. W. F. Young, Mrs. The large crowd of children and. adults Henry Rlea Dias In California ft A. Seegar; decorations, Mrs. L. K. were each given box candy by Santa December 29. and his helpers. Every part of the New* of the death of Henry Ries, Rhoades. Miss Marie Fletcher, Maurice A Happy New Year! formerly a resident of the Upper Val­ Fletcher and Rev. Kimball. The pro­ valley was represented and many town Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lsngllle were gram follows: Tart .J—Bong, “Joy to people attended this community pro­ here from Portland the guesta of W. ley, haw been received from Mrs. Fred Ities, of Santa Paula, Calif. The cause the World,” awMeaee; bivoratiem, Rev. Thursday. of death was hemorrhage of the brain ilgr, of — Partland, and Mr. A Langille last ~ ft . 4- Bail TVoy Shelley.; anthem. “Stag O Henv­ Mias Martan Wyatt arrived from Tlie funeral was held at Santa Paula — Barrett ---------- were dinner ens,’’ chorus choir; recitation, Arthur and Mrs 1 Ned Bill Fletcher; ‘Thu OM Wen—’» guesta «e bfr. a«d Mrs. H. D. Steele Mount Vernon. Thursday, to spend last week. Christmas with her father, H. O. The deceased was 6B years of age Christmas.” pupil« of Mias Greff; <&riatmaa day.. and a native of Wisconsin. Fred Ries, “Beantifiil Christinas Bells,” chouta .Mrs. ». N. Taylor la upending thia Wyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rose came Thurs­ a brother, lives at Santa Paula, Calif. choir: "The Christmas Visitor” and svs4t In Portland. day from Pendleton to spend Christmas ‘The, Falrire' Carol,” Irma Poet and Glenn B. Marsh and family spent with J. B. Doggett and family. Mr. Notice of M»tahridsrs Meeting six little fairies ; The Story of Christ­ Christmas at H. D. Steele’s. Rose returned 8unday while Mrs. Rose The regular annual meeting of the mas.” Hazel Weinheimer; music by Wendell Wing is heme for th« holi­ (nee Frances Doggett) remained for Stockholders of the Oregon-Washington Irene, Edna and Ruth Ingalls; offering, days. a longer visit. Telephone Company will be held Mon­ world missions. Part II— Recitation. mily are now occu- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fils entertained day, January 11th, 1926, at 2 p. m. St Wilbert AHiaen; “The “ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hickey, Mrs. Mary the office of the Company in Hood 8tara,” MJFtle Miner ant» Ma vocal solo, W. N. Byars; ”8 Fisher, Mias Olive Fisher and Lola River, Oregon. Th« Mouse,” Dorothy McCoy; violin Russell, of Hood River, Christmas day. ___t i 3 "'"'y a Blue Ribbon Cafe THIRD AND OAK. STREETS We Never Sleep—Open Night and Day Dinners. Short Orders Anytime. Chicken Dinners Sundays. Quick Service Counter for Your Convenience. Tables if yotrprefer. We cater td all. - « BMPLOY WHIT» LW* OPEN UTCHBM. ••And the Coffee” -that is Our Motto —Good Coffee L. 8. ISENBERG AND C. ». ISENBERG, PROPRIETORS RONALD COLEMAN and VILMA BANKY from the stage play by H. B. Trevelyan. Also a Buster Brown Educating Buster” Price« 10-35-50 Continuoua 2 till 10 LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Red Hot Tires Monte Blue, Patay Ruth Miller, ... Fred Esmelton, Lincoln Sted­ man, Chas. Conklin, Tom McGuire and Wm. Lowry. And a Special Added Attraction. Wrestling! Wrestling! Three Reels Showing Big Munn and Strangler Lewis in their Big Championship Match. AH holds used shown in Regular and Slow Motion. Well worth the price of admission. NEWS — TOPICS — Prices 10-35-50 Sunday, January 3 RO OQUE BOD LA BOOQUK IN g g- THE COMING OF AMOS with JETTA GOUDAL, NOAH BEERY'and TRIXIE FRIGANZA i« FRIGANZA. ALBO HAM HAMILTON IN “WAITING M Prie«« 10-35-50 Continuous, 2 to 10 p. m. M ml , T ubs , and Week, Jan. 4, S and 6 The most beautiful story of the year made into a magnificent motion picture! Gene Stratton Porter's THE KEEPER OF THE BŒS A photodnuna that will live in your memory as one of the finest stories of all time with ROBERT FRAZER, CLARA BOW AND ALYCE MILLS. AL8O A Mack Bennett Comedy “THE PLUMB»” featuring RALPH GRAVES. Prices, 10c and 50c Bargain Matinee Wed. 1046t 1046a . - Thursday, January 7 PEACOCK FEATHERS' with JACQUELINE LOGAN an* CULLEN LANDIS Abo “Chasing the Chaser” - witn _ ?«■!. JIMMY FINDLAY80N, AND FOX NEWS EXTRA ADDED ATTMCTNHI The Dixie Handicap Girial A Good Clean Big Tima ▼ills Act— Pretty GMa- Costumes Good Musi Guaranteed Attraction. Prices, Matinee, No Vhu 10c, 35c and 80c. Evening, with Vaudeville, Entire Í