Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1925)
HOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1925 ODELL Sixth Annual Band Dance NEW YEAR’S EVE December 31, 1925 PYTHIAN HALL Dancing at 9 p. m Special Features ( A Noisy Welcome to 1926 at 12 p. m. iou don’t know Avhat your’e missing ON’T miss any more of the wonder ful programs that are on the air. Telephone u$ now and let us give you a complete demonstration in your own home tonight— without obligation to buy. D Fada standard of reception will give you a complete new level of radio enjoyment. And remember: we guarantee permanent performance. Don’t put it off. Call us today ient terms. r.onvett‘ FOR THURSDAY ONCY 6 lb. Pure Lard. 10 lb. Pure Lard Pork Steak, lb................. Shoulder Pork Roast, lb Pork Loin, lb................... Pork Legs, lb.................. Beef Roast, lb.................. Short Ribs, lb................. HOOD RIVER MARKET A. F. DAVENPORT, Prop, J. H. Eggert motored from Band Bunday. He was accompanied by Wlla and Martin Karrtetter. Mr. Eggert stopped over with relative« Munday, motoring on to Portland Tuesday. He will spend Christmas and the following weeks with his three sons, who sre with the Eggert Shoe Co., of Portland. He will also return to Odell for a visit before returning to Bend at the end of 3<* days’ shut down at Brooks- Scanlon Camp No. 1. The Karrtetter brothers are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L M. Karrtetter. MUa Howard, of the high school faculty, left Odell Wednesday after noon to spend the holiday vacation at her home in Seattle. Mlns Reed, also of the hi*h ScUod! faculty, expects to leave today for her home at Salem for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shrum, of As toria, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Shrum's i*areuts, Mr. and Mrs. Pool Hausen. Immediately after Christmas Mr. Shrum will go to Portland, from which city he will drive to Walla Walla one of a line of busses to be operated in that city beginning Janu ary 1 instead of street care. He will la* employed as manager of the bus line for the Walia Walla Transit Co. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cameron and children, of Astoria, expect to arrive Thursday, today, to upend Christmas at the home of Mrs. Cameron’s par ents, Mr. and Mra. Poul Hansen. The community Clirtktmas program tlnd tree will have come and gone when this appears lu print but the spirit which promised this movement will continue its good Influence and geu- eral good will prevail. O. II. Ehrck went to Portland Tues day to spend Christmas with his sis ter, Mrs. Jas. McFarlane, and with hh nephews, Floyd McCoy, Elmer, Louis and Fred Eggert and brothers-in-law, Jas. McFarlane and J. H. Eggert. After having spent several weeks visiting with her daughter, Mrs. It. J. Streicher, at Reedsport, Mra. T. A. Bples, of Odell hotel, returned home for ’ Christ mas. Odell high school closed Wednesday for the holidays, A great day was last Hunday at the Odell Methodist church. Although a snowy day, Willamette University Goa ls*! team, three young men and two young women, came and gave us a tine service in the morning. In the evening when it seemed not a soul would get to church, this line group of young Christian lay preacher« gave us a unique candle light Christmas ser vice, each one giving a personal mes sage related to the Birth of Christ. Nea^ half a hundred attended. Ser vices for Hunday; Church school 10 a. m. sharp. Church school topic for adults, “Paul, the Christian," and “The Marks of a Christian Character," as seen in a review of the lessons of the past quarter. Junior church 11 a. m., Mrs. Allison Fletcher, acting superin tundent. Junior sermon by the pastor, subject, “Always Being Good," a New Year message. Morning worship with aerinon lieginning immediately after the junior sermon. Pastor's message for the morning, “Home New Year Safeguards.” Epworth League at 7 o’clock. Be there, and on time. Leag uers. Topic for discussion, "The Wis dom of Remembering." Bible refer ence, Ecclesiastes, 12:1. We plan also to lx*gln new snWriptloaa "for the Epworth Herald for the year at that time. Evening service 8 o’clock. Her mon topic, “Son, Remember,” a life tragedy, the Incident of the rich man anj Irtxarua. Come, a chummy atmos phere. Service« at the Odell Church of Christ December 27 Is-gin with Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Sermon for the morning is on the topic, “Following the Light from Heaven.” Juaior C. E. at <1.30; senior at 7; preaching at 7.30, with a sermon on “The Holy City.” The song, “The Holy City,” will be sung as a part of the evening program. There will be an all day business meet ing at the church, with a basket din ner Friday, January 1, 1920. ' Mra. J. E. Ferguson and Mr. and Mra. Archie McKeown went to Port land to spend the week end at the imine of Mr. McKeown’s parents. They returned home Monday and left early . >"■«< m y ForTl^^ ni^Ue, wh^re wey will enjoy the holidays visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ferguson. Tills is the first Christmas since the Methodist church was built, 14 years ago. that Mrs. Ferguson has not been present at the Christmas program. PINE GROVE The marriage of Bernard Page and 14i Verne Harms occurred in Hood River Monday, ¡»ecember 7. They have just returned from their wedding trip to Hanta Crus, Calif., where they joined Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Page at the home of their grandmother. They will make their home at the Oak apartments. Mrs. Grace iAnterbach, of Alaska, is visiting her slater, Mrs. Ben-Lags. The Aloha club will meet with Mrs. Martin Dragseth next Wednesday af ternoon. J. A. Jarvis and Mr. and Mrs. Dimon went to Portland last week to meet Miss Myrtle Jarvis, who came from Monmouth Fridays for the holidays. Miss Alice Tomkina spent the week end with her sister. Mrs. Kenneth Hall, In Pendleton and Walla Walla. Wendell Keck came from Willam ette University Friday to spend the holidays. Miss IJlnli Holloway spent the week end in Portland. Robert Freeman will days with his parents, Ham Freeman. , Rev. Hlaey. district superintendent of the Methodist church, held quarterly conference in I’lne Grove Tuesday evening. MOUNT HOOD FULL LINE OF 2 Joys for Christinas Mrs. W. A. Istngille and daughters, Helen and Jean, spent Monday with Mrs. Alice Williams at Parkdale Miss Vivian Clark returned home from Hood River Sunday evening. A Merry Christmas. Funeral services were held for Joy H. S. BRAAKMAN Next Door to Rialto Theatre Phone 1284 nderson Undertaking Co C. C. ANDBR8ON, gole Proprietor FAIRNESS WHITE SALMON Two Mountain M. Pruncr, of Riddle, visited his niece, Mrs. Allen Macrum. Wednesday to Baturdny. It had 10 years since Mr. l’runer had (Successor to Mt Hood Meat Co.) R. E. STEELE - L. A. BEAUDOIN HOOD RIVER CREAMERY WISHES YOU ALL A Merry Christmas PARKDALE (Uljnatittag (grrrtinga J. G. BRADFORD. Prop Merry