HOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER IF, 1925 Unirò Äinrr (¡Hartar < — 11 ARTHUR D. MOE. Manager. JOE D. mOMlSON. Editor EASING THE BURDEN OFSTATE TAXATION Satecriptitt, S2.00 Per Year. Banker Points Out Benefits of A MERRY CHRISTMAS Community Property Sys­ •» „ We wish our rt-eders the liappleet tem in Same States. Chrirtinas of their lives! Tomorrow, from far dixtnnt places, from hamlet Favorable aspec’s of tax gystems mid from bell, will come the bods and daughters of the home to part lei pate are now among the most highly prized in the joys of the Cbriatmaa season. assets of our states. It is pointed out There is no Henson of the yeur hi tn the American Bankers Association Journal In connection with an article which our hernia are so strangely on bow California, which has never touched, and the spirit of good will so had a atate Income tax, cuts state Mrong upon us. And the reason la and Federal death taxes nearly tn half just Christiana. The children have by tba "community property" system. k en looking forward to it for the past L. H. Roseberry. Vice President Se­ weeks now, ami many an older child curity Trust and Savings Bank. Los lias lmged for that Mast time to come Angelea, author of the article, says when the journey to the scenes of that a recent amendment to tbe tax childhood would lie tiegun. law enables future residents of the Thn the death of tho Christ, nnd Christ means peace. We hope that tomorrow will not be wife Intestate. The Federal estate tax law now follows precisely the Cal­ H|s*nt In "receiving" alone, but In giv­ ifornia law in thia respect. lt-Nwiii we all must ing. This Is the "Aa the result of an amendment lenra, “It Is more blesHed to give than made to the California Inheritance to receive.” It is tomorrow’s iwwsgi* tax law by the 1925 Legislature, thia for tbe nation as well na the. Individ- Immunity from state inheritance ual; nnd above all, "Peace on carili” taxes likewise now extends to 'com­ will come only an His righteousness is munity property’ of non-resident mar rled parados, who hereafter take up applied to our daily living. their legal residence fn the state. BANE JOI RNALISM This puts 'community property* In a more favorable position regarding death taxes than- exists fn any other state fn the Union, with the possible exception of the other community property states. This extension of the . exemption will add 15 per cent to property In the state coming under this deflnlton, which means that ap­ proximately 80 per cent of all prop­ erty probated in California v.lll enjoy the lightest death taxes tn America- “To illustrate, the following exam pie of a man survived by a wife and two minor children la computed, the •state consisting of ‘community prop­ - erty* all left by vriR to the wife and children. One-half of eueb property would go under the law to the wife without any death taxes, and the other half only would be subject to both state Inheritance and Federal estate taxes. "As a subject of comparison, take a state which has no Inheritance tax. such as Florida If the comparison were made with tbe states which Im­ pose Inheritance taxea but do not have the ‘community property’ system, the advantage In favor of California would even be more striking. Every careful reader of the dally la cognisant of the slander perpetrated. by a certain class of new»- l>a|M*r writers on some of our most efficient public servants, ituii also the Inciting and Influming of the ignorant ami weak minded reader, as If wrongs could ever be adjusted by the Imse ap- pcals to the lowest Instincts In human nature. That the public sentinient Ims tolerated this abuse so long Is a re­ flection not only upon the law making a»4 la w «’Xv.-ut Ing powers nt the state, but upon those readers who by tlielr iwtroimge of such scurrilous sheets make It possible for them to exist. Tlie relative Importance placed upon the “comma mlmcnts” is striking. A man who violates the eighth commandment is not only n criminal, but gissl society shuns and despises his company: but a violation of the ninth commandment we condone and tolerate with amazing In­ difference, when the fact is that it not only breeds ill feeling and estranges individuals, c I hssom and nations, but Estats of «100,000 ToUI VaR forni» ........................................ Nons often cuuses incalculable suffering nnd Cidi Ñon-tnherltonoe-tas «tat«......... »600 Advantage In favor ot Call disaster. iiuwk )> h | mts too ................... . ..................... Eitat« of *200.000 »St California ........................................ . No-lnheritance-taz «tat«............. «.000 Advantage In favor of Call' tornia ..................... . ............... -S.096 Eität» of «400,000 California ......................................... «TVS N<>n-lnh«*rltanc«-tax «tato............ ts.ooo Advantage In favor of Cali- 7.M0 forni» ..................................... «•tat« of «10,000,000 -California ....... ........... ... 1.S4S.1U 1 »43 500 Non-Inheritance-tax alate. Advantage tn favor of Call- 1.M4.S4S tornla ................................ .. fornis Hudson Maxim is as explosive as ever. Fulling for Europe he says: “Human digestion is not constituted t > function under modern civilized conditioiM without alcohol. All races who liar the use of alcohol are no-ac- count races. Drinking laces have al ways dominated the world.” Well. Hudson, old top, have you ever read wlrnt Robert Burns, one time poet of Scotland, said? You know, too, Hud­ son, that "Bobble” knew what he was talking about. "Freedom and whuskey gang thegither.” which is really a more slgnlfiiant suggestion. Vanderbilt university, Nashville, asks n $4,01)0,000 fund “to combat bigotry." In one wny «itganother all of Tenueasee is making capital out of the 8c<>ier air daily! Come on now! Merry Christmas ! "If the two children were adult«. the California tax would be Increased only |2S0 in each caae Another New Amendment "Another feature of the recent amendment to the California Inherit­ ance tax law 1» a section fixing the inheritance taxes on »lock In Callfor n!a corporations owned by non-resi­ dent» at a fiat sum ot 2 per cent on their actual value When conaldered in conjunction with the ruling that no Inheritance taxes can be levied upon any stock In foreign corporations, or npon bank accounts, bonds, notes, de­ bentures, or similar securities belong­ ing to a non-realdentgbut located tn tbe state at the time of such non-real dent'» decease, it will be observed that at present tbe inheritance t«i situation In California la most favor­ able. both to non-resldenta who have property In this state, and to married people who live here or who may sub- aequently move here from elsewhere." BANKERS HELP Mason County, MJch., bankers ar* hacking the county move to replace scrub stock with purebred cattle. The plan as outlined by the county agent ia to purchase young purebred sires and place them wherever a farmer la foind who la willing to undertake the proposition, Ths bankers will ad­ vance th* purchase price and take a note for one year without Interest Ths Idea is to make ft as easy as pos­ sible for the farmers to procure thor­ oughbred*. FEDEhxLRESERVE HELI’S FARMERS I How Its Aid to England’s Re­ turn to a Gold Standard Bene­ fits American Agriculture. By M. A. TRAYLOR Vice Preaident Ameriona Bankers Association. There has been no more important event for the American farmer and stock man since tbe Armistice than the recent return ot Great Britain to a gold standard. It seems 'a long* dis­ tance from the Mon­ tana farm to the gold vault* of the Bank ot England. but the price the fsu-mer gets for his wheat and cattle d* pends not a little on I M. A. Traylor that gold. I The farmer sells hla wheat to the elevator man and yet the real buyer. In many cases, is an Englishman, a Frenchman, a German, or an Italian. About one-third of the wheat crop Is usually sold abroad and this part Is a large factor In fixing the price of the entire crop. Between the farmer and the foreign buyer there are many steps. In recent years the most Im­ portant step has been that at which the foreign buyer has to pay the American exporter, for the interna­ tional mechanism ot payment* has been badly out of order because Europe was off the gold standard. It was just as though an English buyer drove np to your farm house, bar­ gained for your wheat and drew up the contract. Bnt when you discussed payment, he said: "I'm sorry I haven’t Any good United States money to pay you with; I'll have to pay you In my English paper money, which Isn't worth Its face value In gold. I don’t know what it may be worth next 'week, but that Is your risk.** A Deadly Foe of Trade How many would be willing to sign contracts on this basis? Yet that Is the way most of the world’s trade has bad to be carried on slqce the Armis­ tice. fn practically’ all countries ex­ cept the United States the currencies The liest life boats are not carried have had no fixed value In gold, but on little ships. The old Mutual Life TAe C fomu /« of iA« Donblt-Bamd Crow have changed in value from day to of N. Y. is equipped with the safest and most comfortable boats. day. Whenever one country sold any­ Practical Talk» on Duttut Prwantion I thing to another country, somebody Prepared by the I ¡had to take the risk of loss because OREGON TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION J the value of the money might change (Practically every adult peraon la Infected with tubcrculeelc. Thle Infection need not bo before payment was made. Such un­ 'FOR SALE a source ofdanger. To keep the latent Infection from becoming dlaeaso, bodily reel at. certainty of payment Is a deadly foe ance must be kept at Ita beet. Thia cericc of artlcloo shown you how to keep healthy.) For Hale — DeLaval aeparator practically of trade, and people were afraid to do ■ new; Jersey belfer, leghorn put lets, cream any larger International business than cane Fir R««d, Rl. 2, below Irrigation dltcb. Mrs. Barab Engllab. JH .they had to. . No. 2. WHAT IS TUBERCULOSIS? Exports of food stuffs from the Unit­ For Hale—Good farm horaee wllbln a few mile*o—Hood River. Will take parile« out ed States fell from two and a half DR. LAWRA8ON BROWN, Saranae Lake, N. Y. and ebow the boreee. Ask the pari lee I bave billion dollars In 1919 to eight hundred BERCULOSld la a disease cause«! by a germ, dlacovered by Robert ■old Io. J. G. Edgington. Phone 371*3 dll millions In 1923, and the difficulties of Koch In 1882, which earjy in its eourse produces little modules, culled For Hal«—Maron hatch II. 1. Red ebteka pay European buyers In making satisfac­ boat, oura averaged II W per bird In October tubercleg. It is widely distributed throughout the world, and attacks mun 10- per eant down book» jour order. Two tory payment for American farm prod- more severely wlien he abandons a nomadic or outaoor life and lives In large grades, 20c and 28c each. Balpli li. Lewi«, tel. vets was one of the large factors in centers oMcivlUsatton. Odell «8. dMU the drop In the prices of farm prod­ Theroaro two*varieties of the tubercle germ that attack men, the human rot Hale — Certified Clark Heedllng straw­ ucts. Bnt now the recent action of germ and the cattle germ. The cattle genu, while rarely affecting adults, berry plants. F.' M. McNeil, box 225, White J7 Great Britain In declaring that It will causes annually the death of about 10,000 children and Infants In the United Milmon. Wn. again redeem Its paper money In gold State* It Is conveyed by milk, and Is killed by boiling or pasteurizing the For Bale or trade—Four tube radio with loud­ speaker and ear phones. Consider second means that British buyers of American milk. band car In gd condition. Cell Bundays. products can pay for them with money The chief source of the bnman tubercle germ la tbe sputum coughed up Mrs A. G. Jennings, K. F. D. S, Multnomab dM which is accepted the world over at Its by the consumptive and deposited only too often on sidewalks and floors. Way, Hood River. face value fn gold. With the return of The germ gulns entrance into the body by Inhalation of the fine droplets of For Bale— Hood breed sow snd pigs. Geo W. dSl Great Britain to the gold standard, a sputum coughed out by the consumptive, by the inhalation of dried apuluui Ward. Tucker road Phone 8862. majority of the countries of Europe in the form cf dust and by the transference through dirty Angers of the For Sale-A pair of truck chains Mx4Uat have paper currencies equal to gold. particles of sputum In the dirt of tbe streets and houses, from balls, tops Odsll Garage. Also a cow. cheap, or will take part bay In trade. Phone 4778, Fred How­ How Reserve Banks Helped ard. dSl and other playthings, to the mouth. . , American bankers have assisted in The jounger the child, the more readily he.Is Infected and the more For Bale — A splendid Fischer Plano, Mahog the British return to the gold standard often he mouths the objects he soils in the dirt In play. By the age of any ease Price resronable. Call Wi. d2.lt ­ by giving a 3100,000,000 credit to the puberty two-thirds to three-quarters of all children have bad the germ In their Sale—Orchard wagon and Hardy spray- British government. But more lmpor- bodies, but only a small percentage of these develop the disease. It la esti­ er. For two gnoa. In good condition. Tel Mid. dSl ;tant than this was the action of the mated that 2,000,000 persons in the United States have tuberculosis today, Fer Bale— Columbia phonosrapb and 46 re­ Federal Reserve Banks In granting the and without doubt many contracted it first tn childhood. It is not safe, how­ cord«. all In go si condition, SW>. Also geese Bank of England material eo-opera- ever, to conclude as some would have us do, that adults cannot catch con- for «ale. Phone Mil. d!7tf lion Tin v placed |2u0,000,000 Bold at sumption, for a rather large the disease tn their lungs For sate Brunswick phonograph Cheap the disposal of the Bank of England to an Infection In later life. Phone IM , uj» for two years, to be used by It. If nec­ These facta serve to emphasise the Importance of good hygienic living, For Bale— Model :«»> Virtrol«, originai com essary. In maintaining the gold stand­ and the avoidance of overstrain of any sort, whether work, pleasure or piay. SHO. Will take *100. Including records. Will terms Corbett Alexander 7Z7 Sherman ard. The readiness of the Reserve When man Ilves tn the open he seldom develops pulmonary tuberculosis, but give Ava. Phone soar dM ‘Bgnks thus to co-operate was an Im­ when he changes this for indoor life he may succumb. The boy and girl who For Bel« — Viking Cream Sepv»U*r c M0 lb. portant Influence In the willingness of play and live much out of doors have little tuberculosis until they become «ispecliy, alnio«« new; or will trade for chick­ 'the British to take thia all important thirteen or fourteen years old. It then Increases as the anxieties of school, ens. Geo. E. Wanton RM 1, H. R. J7. 'step. the burden of work, and the overindulgence In pleasure make more demands For Bala—Kord tearing car, good robber, This action ot the Reserve Banks on the body, until it Is most frequent between the twentieth and thirtieth good top, good running order. H. H. Caughey tel. Odell 112 J m •was a most constructive step tn aid yeur. It Is then that people are most confined, and most often overwork or of American farmers and producers overplay. F«>r Bale— *Kxxl 16-In. Hr. reasonable prlca. •who will benefit greatly by the re­ A return to the outdoor life, to the simple pleasures, the avoidance of O. C. Kalsnr and Llvaa Horn. Tel. 8887. dI7tf moval of this element of uncertainty self-indulgence In any way, may quickly restore a threatened Individual to For Bale-Have equity nt »126 in a new Chev- from their export transactions. If all heulth. If lie once develops the disease it can be cured, but It require* time, rnlet. Will sell lor »110 casa. Oall W. 8. Wiikin, Ml» U2« the sins of omission and commission patience and »elf-denial. Rest of body and mind, education In regard to charged agalnts the Federal Reserve what Is safe and what Is dangerous, good food and fresh air are the medicines . For Hale-iArre mahogany case Vlctrola, Model 14. Call 6674. dM System by banker, business man. live that restore health. Intelligent medical supervision, freedom from care and Fot Bale or Trade — Two milch goats; four- stock man or political blatherskite in worry, confidence in recovery, conscientiousness in carrying out every detail burner veperoll stove with oven. Mra.D.C. the last five years were true, and prac­ given by the physician, work miracles, as thousands can testify who have Oxley, Phone MW. q»* tically none of them are, the service fallen ill of tuberculosis, but who have fought the good fight and won out For Hale or Rent—11 room bouse clone In; rendered commerce and Industry by rent neyment« will purcheee tbe property; good for apartments. C. D. Nlckaleap, Hood itbe System in connection with the res­ yi wasted annually. More tnan a blirion, fllvar. Ore. toration of the gold standard fn so tt is estimated, disappears in foolish For Hala —riga, on Jerloo Lane. O. Cl large a part of the world would far Eaatorly. dM speculation in fake schemes. outweigh any mistakes that those In The spirit of waste tn America is charge of the System may have made. For Balw-Ft LLY EQUIPPED »ORD. Haa a heritage of the past, but today the Ruokaan «xle. «bock absorbers, overawe Uraa, No banker, business man or farmer Boaeb Ignition, Bi rombar* ca-buretor, spot. country has more than one hundred Ilgbt and 'other acoeeoriea. Usad only Ove should permit any self serving declar­ and fourteen million people to support montbs and Is like a new ear al a large die. ation by favor seeking demagogue to count Bennett Brother». dM By WILLIAM I- KNOX and no nation’s resources can with­ swerve him from ■ MISCELLANEOUS Eteetrlo Motors «zobaoaad, sold and re­ paired; Milwaukee Hon.lm Water Systems; Bw«by Centrifiigal Pomps, ate. Karm u