HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1925 Mr. Bogers la a manufacturer of con­ densed milk machinery and also con­ siderably Interested -Jn the vinegar bualneas. Special dance at Rockford, Dec. Io. Mr. and Mrs W. C. May atartad for V H. L. Baabrouck, oMoinautat. El Lajon, Calif., near Ban Diego, yaa* For Rent—Office rooms in the BrOaiua i terday, where they will spend a couple Finest collection of educational of months with Mr. May’s mother, Mrs. Building. 8 m R. E. 8cott. alSt! Paacoek Beauty parlor. Richard’a , I-aura May. and entertaining toys we’ve ever Apt». Tel. 2921. ' 16tf ction m t Mrs. Geo. Stafford, of Vancouver, shown. Let a Coin Controlled Clock help you Wash., ia here with her daughter, Mra. is too large and we va. 8 m Allyn Button orisi. 4242. jlfitf James Stranahan, who ia recovering Wonder Tinker Cash paid for old cara H.-K Auto from operations for appendicitis rtind removal of tonsil«. W rocker». jptf A bazaar will be held at the Valley F. A. Ray, light trucking, country or Belle Tinker............................ .... 42c Christian church Wednesday evening, city. Phones, 3801 and 3641. n2tHf They Siren “ .......................... .... 42c Rubbiah hauling, light trucking. R. December 16. Light refreshments will January ” sale. Here are san Tom “ ................................. 48c F. Cooper, tai. 1721 or 3682. ml9tfx be served for a moderate fee. Come •nd buy your Christmas gifts. of the values we offer Special dance at Rockford, Dec. 16. CloWn “ ................................. 48c Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dean spent ' Bring your tubes in. We will check Thanksgiving at the club bouae of. Ten Pin Tinker....................... .... 80c $58.00 Axminster, them free. The Radio Shop. alStf Brooten Kelp Ore Baths, Cloverdale/ Choo-Choo Tinker............ ..... 82c H.-R. Auto Wreckers,on the Heights. Oro. Thanksgiving services were held 9x12.................. Parta for all cars. (9tf Pony Tinker............................. $1.06 with F. E. liean In the chair. Call 5599 wt^pn you need stenographic The Hicks Lumber Co. cloaed down $48.00 Axminster, COd Efl work. nl2tf their sawmill at Underwood Baturday 9x12....... ........... Cail Schindler Transfer for service. for the season. M. D. Hicks and W. L. Think of the lasting pleasure and satisfaction from the Office 2861, rea. 3402. a2tf $1.00 Fagaly report unusual weather condi­ Erector Sets $125.00 Wilton, The Portland Telegram, Hood River tions this fall for cleaning up work. 75c gift of such practical things. Stone Building Blocks agent, Carroll Day. Phone 386-1. a30tf Bunday Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mc­ 9 X 12............ 65c Black Boards Lean gave a birthday party in honor Special dame at Rockford, Dec. 16. of their son. John, Jr., who was a year 55c Stencil Sets... Born—To Mr. and Mra. Corbett $110.00 Wilton, Alexander Monday, December 7, a son. old. Patricia and Talte Hunter were 48c Picture Weaving .. guests. 9 X 12............ l Mr. and Mrs- T. C. Queen visited % Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Taft Cascade Locks Friday. were dinner guests of Mrs. W. D. Me- ? Rogers and | All latest patterns. No seconds Davenports Old time dance, Rockford hall. The Waters, of Portland. Baturday they Gravensteins. Friday, December IB. Community were also entertained by Mra. Jetuae or imperfects. Its the biggest rug Easy Chairs A. 8. Kolstad and M. E. McCarty Harrington. Table Service opportunity you’ve had for many were In Portland Tuesday on bualnees. St. Marie’s Guild will hold a l>azaar Tables Full Seta and Sep­ moons. $5.15 Crokinole Attend the dance at the Pine Grove Baturday, Decemlier 12, in the Mount arate Pieces Grange ball tomorrow night. Hood hotel annex Merchant’s lunch ...50c Ten Pins. Dining Suites Mrs. Victor C. Follenlua left for will lie served from 11.30 to 1.30. Af­ Silver Cake Horse Shoes — Rubber .95c ternoon tea will also be served. Portland Wednesday morning. Chamber Suites Plates $1.10 Airplane Race The ladies of Canby Corps, W. R. C., H. M. Dexter and wife were in Port- will give a dinner Baturday at noon Spinet Desks land the first of the week. Motor Race Bread Trays for the comrades of Canby post, G. A. Old time dan<*e, Rockford hall. R. All visiting comrades are also in­ Smokers’ Stands Gravenateins. Friday, Dei-emlier Fruit Baskets You have probably thought of vited to attend. DIwUO Joe Fletyher and family have re­ Sewing Cabinets Watkins quality products make ap ­ Nut Dishes many fine presents you’d nke to turned from a trip to California. ...95c Steel Trains propriate Christmas gifts. Db your give the little wife if you had the The Belmont Circle will meet with shopping early. Mail or telephone or­ Candle Sticks Cedar Chests .. 95c Steam Engines Mrs. C. C. Paddoik all art of the top from floor lamp...--------------- «|>lda I 3 SKIIS_________ Peer stock on French Root, while Ills car. Hurrying to get to Newell’s they last. Milton Nursery Co. Phone Top Shop to get It fixed, he was 5756. Craton. 1 pinched by Officer Morrison at the edge W. G. Writer ia suffering from a of 1 town, which addl’d to the exiiense of accident. sprained ankle, the result of stepping the 1 eastern exhibitions these pictures will A Faw Good “Don’t«" Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Newell spent undoubtedly increase considerably in into a hole in his yard Baturday. Don’t bay lecuritlas th Ttianksgving with Mr. Newell's ;>arents Mr. and Mrs. H. T. DaWit* spent value. Mr. Manser will hang all pic­ handled by Irresponsible persona or several days in Portland last wet4c vis­ at Caldwell, Ida., and returned last tures personally If you wish without unknown Irma. week. Mr. Newell also visited Boise, itili« friends. extra «barge. If you should not be de­ where he has placed an order with Don’t buy mortgage notes on dis­ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Frans drove to Jobbers to handle the state of Idaho sirous of acquiring one of these fine Approximately 300 people, with at­ Ttie first semi-annual scout leaders’ tant property. Portland Bunday to visit friends, re­ for his spray mask. Mr. Newell says pictures either for a gift or for your Don’t buy atoek in new enterprises. home tin* exhibit will Is* very Interest­ tention ¿aut Baturday night witnessed training course of the mld-Columbia luming Tuesday. All new fresh stock now that business conditions are gcxxl .in and well worth your inspection. one of the fastiwt w rest ling bouts ever council will start next Thursday, ac- Don’t try to work ths atoek market Gravensteln orchestra will furnish Idaho. The potato crop was gcxxl and ing Rememlier for three day« only—Thurs­ staged here or elsewhere. ready for yon to choose cording to Scout Executive Behouboe. If the public ware to «tn, profaaaional Ted Thye, the music at a dance at Pine Grove fruit crop fair. day, Friday and Baturday. light heavy weight champion of the Tills course will bp given one night a operators would aoon shut np abop from. Grange hall tomorrow night. Margaret Gould is one of five fall world, and Hood River'« favorite, Fred week for four wevks. The work of the and quit Mira Prudence V. Bitight, st intent at pledges to Theta Sigma Phi, national Mortensen, former light heavy weight course ia designed to train men who Don’t buy atoek In mlnaa yon know Pomona (College, will return home for honorary | and professional Journalistic All kinds of nice mixed champion of Denmark, ware the prin­ are Interested in boys bow to be of nothing about. Many mlnaa are holes the Christmas holidays. fraternity for women, who** pledging cipals. They were con bating for the service to boyhood through having def­ where fools dump their money. candies that are exceptional Born—To Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hac- | 1« baited upon scholarship, character inite knowledge of the wants and ac­ championship belt held by Thye. Don ’ t buy oil atoek. proficiency in Journalistic work. kett. Monday, December 7, an H*4- and , values. And our line of Milton Nursery Co., of Milton, Ore., . From the moment “Go" was called tivities of scouts. Don’t buy -atoek In naw invention Bile lias tx«*n asked by the O. A. C. in the laMt two week« han made large things were moving and. moving fast. pound girl. The first session of pie meetings, of Commerce to s]w*ak ix-fore shipments of several thousand trees to The sjieed was evidently a, surprise to which will is* held at the Chamber of •cbamea. Bom—To Mr. and Mrs. Eldon R. Chamber 1 Hcxxl River Chaintier of Commerce Hcxxl 1U ver. Don’t buy real estate unless you Bradley Tuesday, Deeeiulter 8, twin«, the 1 Thye, and Mortenaen put him on the Commerce, Is devoted to programs for Growers are well pleased, as the mat in two minutes and 30 secund« the troops. The second division deala have aaen It It may be a swamp. a son and daughter. 1 during Christmas holidays. The I biff Bisters' Gospel Trio, which stock is ao large and clean and of witli a head acissora and double wrist with the txiy groups or patrol«, and the DoaTbuy from ana who says, “In­ is bigger and better than it Frank Moore wtsit to Portland last held an evangelistic meeting in the week to visit his wife, who is taking Baptist church for Rev. Charles Dele- thrifty root system. Our pear Mock ia lock'. It was so speedy that even the third meeting will study the individual vest now ar it win bo too lata.“ has ever been. all on French root. Our atoek ia grown audience was uonplussed. boy. The fourth meeting will cover medical treatment there. ! Don’t buy from one who aaya. “The pine during the summer, is now work- in the Walla Walla river bottom land, special problems of the scoutmaster In the second fall immediately at pries wl^ aoon be raised.” Dance at Pine Grove Grange hall ing ■ in northern^ in Portland laut week Canf. They are planning to spend seems to prove very successful. Old could not recover before Tiiye had him ers, together with the scout executive, Hava nothing to do with tha “bnckat I). planters of the valley prefer it. Htcrne the Christmas holidays with the ' M. — visiting friends. will compose the faculty for the course. shop." completely flat on the mat. Bo and- who planted last fall got more growth den wax the fall that even Referee Mc­ AU men who are interested In boys are «Mrs. Greta Toppi ba and son. Otto, Hicks family, of thia city. Don’t speculata. A rich man oan The Men's Bible class of the First than any spring planting—in this val­ Guire did not on the instant. realize invited to attend the meetings. This afford to. but you can't of Brdckett, N. D.. are visiting J. J. in Hood River. Come in Christian church met at the home of ley. The Dalles got two car loads of what had happened. The audience, do< s not obligate men to take up scout Annata and other friends. A splendid rule ia. before you bay and look them over. Irl Blagg Monday evening for pleasure our stock for fall planting. Mosier is work, though it is hoped that with Buy yaur fuse and rapa, from the after a spell bound morwut, went wild. a soeurlty taka it to a consarvativs Hood River Spray Co. DuPont prod ■nd business purposes. A number of planting this fall. When the men returned for the de­ greater knowledge of the poaatbilitica and disinterested banker and ask him important business matters wwe de­ If you want mlcezpears on French cisive fall each man was. wary of the of scouting. additioiiHl men will give nets only. upon by the class and the scx-ial roots place your order now. And have other. Neither was talcing any undue assistance to this great national move*, bow much ha will lend on it alone aa Mrs. Belle Carlhle left for Salem rided socurit».—Baakar-Fann«r._ hour was in recognition of the birth-, nurserymen bud and grow your chance, and spec tator» had an exhibi­ ment. ____ i , tills week to »pend the holiday« with day of the riara president. F. H. Blagg. the order for you. If you don't you may tion of real wrestling from the start of Low Round Trip Xmas Holiday Fareo her daughter. Mra, Rex Sanford. A gorgeous birthday cake was pr<*- lie disappointed. the third bout. Many , times it ap­ Mira Lpuise Jenkins, Kappa Alpha sented by Mrs. Irl Blagg for the o»-,«- Via Union Pacific IwtwMu points In If you want the lut, all the way, Grange hall tomorrow night. New Advertising Rates Hacker and Geo. P. Turner, Mix. The sixth annual dance given by the see local agent and some of the Thye lutter« were If-yon do not receive your Oregonian Hacker is president of the State Fed- Beginning January 1, 1926, the ad­ equally uni-usy. when at the close of K. of P. band will be given at the regularly or wish to *ub«cribe for same, eratfoa of Business A Professional vertising rate« of the Glacier will be 27*4 mlnuti-« of gruelling work Thye Pythian hall New Year's eve. Thia, SOCIETIES. either by carrier or mail, please cal) Women, and has many friends in Hcxxi ■■ follow«: Loeal rate for advertiser« got Mortensen for the decisive fall like the Fireman'« ball, is one of the Oregonian agent. Pbone 2308. 1 21 tf River. After spending a honeymoon who uae space each consecutive week, with a double wrist lock. ■octal events of the aoaxon, and prép­ We pav cash for your old furniture or in Honolulu Mr. and Mrs. Turner will 25 tents per inch; transient and in­ Although it was a splendid exhibi­ aration« are lielng made for a good mOe » liberal allowance on new goods reside in Omaha, Nebr., where the for­ termittent rate. 30 cents; foreign tion of the art, many expressed sincere time. Several xjs’cial feature« will I* mer ia a Unicm Pacific official. a gene les, 35 cent«. Call Hackett MH, Kelly Bros. Co. Fur­ disappointment that Mortensen did not introduced this year, and every effort LO I Ki X NO. »0, K. OF P.- niture Exchange. m!7tf Preferred position demands higher relieve Thye of the responsibility of made to make thia an enjoyable occa- WAUCOMA Mr. and Mrs. Roy I). Smith have re­ Mrau ta K. of T. ball >v*ry Turada; sight. Phona 1014 and have Meyer Cleaning turned to IIcxxl River from Belling­ rate. Local items, 10 cents per line caring for the championship belt. Many ■ion. Harry Wood, K. ot R. and 8 Worka call for your suit. It will be ham, Wash., where they have «1**1« first insertion and 5 cents for each congratulated Thye on his traceras and Montier's Final Sale cleaned and preesed and returned ready a year and a half since leaving Hcxxl additional insertion without change of It 1« hoped he may appear at Hood HOOD RIVBR LODOR RO. 1M, A. F. and A River. Mr. Smith saya that he has not cop}', minimum 25 cents; claxxified. River again at some future date. for immediate wear. I5H All velvet, velour and felt hats, half M.—First sad third Wednesday nig bis • 5 cents per line first week, minimum eaoh month. J. H. Haslett, W. M. seen v>y place he likes as wril ax Hcxxl A preliminary bout was put on for price. I ’ rlced 95c and up. Children's Mra. R. B. Byerlec, of Portland, Kent Shoemaker, Sec'y. spent the week end here with her River and has come hack to stay. lie 25 cents, and 2 cents per line each ad­ one fall by George Barnes, of Long­ hats also half price. For Baturday and Monday only, hew daughter, Mrs. Susie Lynn, and fam­ was tnjurc*d while working in a mill ditional week without change, mini­ view, Wash., and Jim Prokaa, Greek in Bellingham and was ip a hospital at mum 10 cents. light heavyweight champion. Barnes, satin, faille silk, and metal hats at ily. An investigation of rates of other who Is the light heavyweight champion «3 96 and 15.95 Tacoma for several weeks. Ixdiig taken HOOD RIVKR CIRCUS Noja», MB1GHIORI Mr. and Mra. C. F. Spaulding and care of at the government hospital at weekly newspapers in the Northwest of Woodcraft—Meata at KTofP.kaUsa ths Flowers, feathers, Imported Swiss two sons, C. F., Jr., and Marshall, were that place. Mr. Smith will engage in han disclosed that Hood River adver­ of Washington, put Prokaa on the mat firet Tuesday night of eaete month. with an arm scissors in 17 minutes. handkerchiefs, ribbons, stamped good*. down from The Dalles Bunday visiting the insurance business, in which he tising rates are considerably lower Barnes and Mortensen will wrestle D. M. C. crochet and embroidery the family of T. C. Queen. had considerable experience several than the average, circulation and pres­ in Longview tonight. At a previous thread«, dolls and all Chrlstmaa nov­ J. L. Carter, ot Portland, »pent the years ago. ' tige taken into consideration. meeting in Jxmgview last year their elties at coat week end with his son. Miles Carter, match was declared a draw. Barnes We have also just received a ship­ Rev. Win. P. Remington, bishop of ■nd family, on his return from eastern eastern Oregon, will be present next P. P. A L Employes Hold Meeting has won 22 straight matches.________ ment of real sale dresses in satin, ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN Oregon, on a vialt to his daughter. Tuesday night members of the local charmeen and fiannela. Prices *11.75 RlvaralO* Lodae No. M—Meetlog nlshts lit Bunday morning to take part in the and »rd Hslnrday*. 1st. Nst'l. Bank Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Rose, of Port­ first services in the new 8t. Mark’s chapter of the Association of Public to »22.50 Monner’a. H. L. Hows, Flasnefsr. land, were week end guests of Dr. and Episcopal church, the services having Relations met at the Pacific Power A Chester Rhnte. Recorder. Mrs. 8. L. Peterson. Mrs. Rose and been postponed from last Bunday as Light building to discuss new courses Mrs. Peterson are sisters. the building was not quite finished. such as public speaking and aaleeman- WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF HOOD RIVER K. American Legion. No. ÏL Masts Ont Notice, Parkdale Auto Owners: I’ll This Sunday everything will lie ready ■hip. which are furnished by the Pa­ day eve of each month at let National be in my shop al Mt. Hood continuoua- for the aervicea including the new cific Power A Light Oo. Sixteen mem- Bank bldg. Mr*. Herold Harahnar, Free., liers Including women employes and furniture which has been donated, Mrs. May Whitcomb. Hao'y. ly from now on. Phone Mt. Hood choir stalls, lectern and credence. ‘Ylie wlc-es of employes enjoyed a social . Considerable interest 1« bring shown Store. O. F. Dougherty. in the formation of a Ski and Bnow- WAUNA TEM TLB FYTHIAN H1HTKBS No.» Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Corson were in first service in the church will be at evening. The purpose of the meeting shoe club to promote winter sport « on Meet* th» second and foci rib Thursday* of Portland Wednesday to purchase a 8 a. m.. when there will be a celebra- was to promote l>etter business and Mt. Hood. A number of loeal enthusi­ each month st K. ot P ball. Mr*. Isa M. Wendling, B. O. new Panatrope phonograph, which |dU tioa of Holy Communion. The chnrvh public relationship. Mrs. A. L. Day asts have recently taken a trip to the Mrs. Mery 0. Rnnlee, M. of R. aaCC. school will meet in the church at 9.45 and Mrs. E. T. Hunter were boateaaes be on display about December 20. / ■Ide of the mountain and report con ­ a. jn. The bishop will preach at the of the .ven in g. W. O. W. — Meeting* every first end third Mrs. H. E. Baker left for Portland Florence Averill, ex-employe of the ditions excellent for skiing. Thundsy nl(bt. at the First National Rask Wednesday, where she will Join Mrs. morning service at 11 a. m. The Hood River Guides will «ponaor White Salmon P. P. A L. Co., who hax The |C. Frans Co., takes pleasure F- A. F A. Bchmid who went down Tuesday to a ski club, which will make periodical WE.Rhay.aa ~ that during Thursday. been ill in the hospital for some time, ’jannta to Mt. Hood, whtwe its mem­ 1n L J. Lindsey, Clerk. vialt friends. will is* given a surprise l>ag of ChriM- Friday and Baturday of this week bers may indulge in that inoat thrilling Mra. C. C. Padifock who is ill, will will have on display the latest maa gifts by the members of the dub. of winter sports. It is pointed out be unable to entertain the West Bide they Ttiese gifts, which will contain names work« of our Hood River artist, Percy Circle of Riverside church aa previous L. Manser. These are all original of donors, are to he opened oa the in- that the only cost of these trips will be for the necessar? food. ly planned. ■indies by Mr. Manser and beer his stallnM*nt plan—one each day. It has been asked that all thoae who St. Martr’a Guild will hold a base ar signature. Each picture ia harmoni­ are interested tn winter sports be Card sf ’Rianks Baturday. December 12, in the Mount ously framed and bas the title And Hood hotel annex Merchant’s lunch date of execution on the back. The We wiah to express our gratitude for present at ■ meeting to be held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms in the will be served from 11.80 tn 1J0. At ______ e egtmnely moderate all kindness shown us during the aick- city hall Monday evening, December 14. prices ««ked are ternoon tea will also be served. and should Mr. Manser succeed at ness and death of onr loved one. -----------------------L Mrs. J. J. Knapp, adds wonderfully to their wear. Tel. Mr. and Mra. C. E. Rogers, of De­ ■onte future date (and we confidently ft. M. Knapp Keep yonr rubber stamp Stock com­ 1014 for Mayer Cfoaning Works. Quick troit, Mich., have been guests of Mr. expect that he will» in having come of delivery service. j6tf •nd ramliy. plete. The Glacier ■nd Mra. C. J. Calkins the peat week. his works accepted by one of onr large TOYS E. A. FRANZ CO Offers widest selection of Christmas Gifts Appropriate-useful-laatlng gifte for each member of family and friends For Home and Family * China Silverware Furniture DINNER SETS TEASETS ODD PIECES AKT GLASS POTTERY GAMES $97.60 $90.50 IF WATER SETS Maytag Washer Dolls Useful Electrical Gifts Health and Fan for Everyone Percolators - Toasters Grilles - Irons Heaters * Warming Pads Waffle Irons io Sio.oo Set of nnrr Attachments...... TIwEi 45c SCOUT LEADERS’ MORTENSEN LOSES BOUT WITH THYE TRAINING COURSE Chri&tnas Candies NURSERY STOCK ARRIVES Fa»cy Gift Raxed Caafa Good Candy K. OF P. BAND DANCE NEW YEAR’S EVE The Star Grocery PERI GO & SON J. W. MOBTON HOOD RIVER GUIDES SPONSOR SKI CLUB