HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925 9.40; Communion. 10.00; preaching at 11.10. No evening service« on account of the Council of Religious Elucatlon convention at the Riverside Community church. Bible study and lecture, 7.30 Thursday evenings. You are invited to worship with us. The Livingstone«. ANNOUNCEMENT PRE PARKDALE H.-B. Auto Wrackers, on the Heigfiu. Parte for all cars. jylBtf Beta Kelley and Alta Basler went to Euene Thursday to attend the high school conference. The A. M. Kelley« have moved into their new heftne. Mr. Gruvea has moved Into the house* vacated by Mr- KeBey. Mrs. Janet met her brother in Port­ land and «pent Sunday vhtiting with him. GOLD BAR STRING BEANS There was quite a number of Park- FLOUR dale people enjoyed the Moroni Olsen 25c players In “The Ship” In Hood River $8.80 Crown, per - bbl.. Friday night. 8.40 Ramona, per bbl. Mis« Gladys Snyder, Camp Fire ex­ ecutive, and Florence Craven, assist­ GOLD BAR PEAS ant, spent Sunday at the Craven home. 20c Mrs. McGrew, of Hood River, spent OATS SACK the week cud with Mr. and Mr«. Leon Rose. 50c Crown, 10 lb. Regular There la a road being cut through PEELS 55c Crown, 101b. Jiffy..... from the base* line road to the high achool east of Craven’s. Citron Peel, per lb................50c There was a Jurge crowd at the radio KERR’S CEREALS—Packages Lemon and Orange, per lb....35c c-arrifval Saturday evening, all of tlie I «noth« were Well patronized and the Regular Oats....... ................ ...28c chicken dinner was enjoyc*d by all who ¡«artook. There was a very good pro­ Quick Oats.............................. 28c NUTS gram. The Orthophoulc Vlctrola was very much enjoyed. The I-adiea’ Aux­ Wheat Flakes ......................... 30c Oregon Walnuts, No. 1, lb. 35c iliary wishes to thank all who contrib­ « 1 uted time, labor and their prevents Almonds, per lb . 35c toward the success of the carnival. KERR ’ S HOTCAKE FLOUR Brazils, per lb. 30c Mefc T. Sato left the first of the week for a visit in Jai>an. Sacks, 10 lbs ................ 75c A number of men under the super­ Packages................................. 25c vision of Sidney Babson. worked on the skating pond last Saturday. The movie next Wednesday evening GALLON FRUITS will be another of Zane Grey's Btories, Lang’s French Mixed Candy "To the I»at Man," with Lois Wilson Apricots, per gal 75c and Richard Dix aa leading charactera. Per pound ~.................... ....35c The Isidles' Auxiliary met with Peaches, per gal.. 75c Mrs. Van Nay« Wednesday afternoon. Lang’s Plain Mixed Candy New song books have* l«een purchased Per pound............................ 20c by the Community church achool. They ROYAL CLUB PINEAPPLE will be dedicated at the c I omc of the Lang’s Broken Mixed Candy teachihg «cession next Bunday mornlug. 2% pound Tins, best.............. 25c an-nl bin; ¿in The Parkdale correspondent would Per pound............. 25c Buffet Size......................... 15c like* to Join with subscribers through­ out the valley In wishing the editor Lang’s Commercial Choco­ the happiest kind of a visit to “ye olde home.” GOLD BAR PEACHES lates, per pound..... ....... ....25c A Joint meeting of the Riverside Melba, halves. 2Ji’s.... ..25c Brotherhood and tlie local Forum will Lang’s Extra Cream Mixed be held here Friday, Decc*mJs*r 18. Yellow Cling, l’s..... ..15c Judge Fred Wilson will be the princi­ 'Per pound 30c pal siswker. The program Is sched­ uled to eummetn e at 6.3U, the first item GOLD BAR APRICOTS living dinner. Every man in the com­ munity is invited to attend. But res­ Large Cans...................... 25c ervations must be made not later than December 15. Gall Gerhart Wertgeu Small Cans ....................... 15c at 7X1 or the pastor at 322. Miaa Effie Renfro ha« l«een appoint­ ed chairman of the ('tiristuias enter­ tainment committee. The children are preparing their exercises and a most enjoyable evening is assured. If the average man did not take (let­ h l!,j I ter care of ills l«ody Llisn he did of his soul he would l«e a skeleton. And yet the soul is tlie reul mail, tlie real life. Hurely it would be profitable to give more thought to tile development of bn« the spiritual. One day each week is set apart for worship and meditation and spiritual exercises. Get tlie habit of attending church. Your attendance will encourage others. Teaching ses­ sion and Forum at 1(1, worship with sermon by the pastor at 11. Owing to the church workers' conference at Hood River there win be no evening service. z Man Without a Country" and will lie linger. The main thing In this pro­ LEGION NOTES Have you secured your Christmas enjoyed by grade school children anil gram will be a play, "Dust of the seals? Have a small ¡«art in the cam­ many adults. The first showing will Road,” by K. S. Goodman. Tin* cast The annual election of officers of paign against tuberculosis. Beals will be at 2.30 o’clock, the second at 4.10 «'ill be: Peter Stille, Harry Weber; ; Hood River Port No. 22, American Le­ be delivered by a Boy Scout if you and the third at 7 o’clock. The sihisd Prudence Hteele, Ellen Norths;-Pru­ gion, was held at the regular post phone Mr. Hutchinson at 322. pupils, are aalfed to bring 10 («its to dence's Uncle, Arthur Lofts; A Tramp. meeting last Monday night. The fol- Miss Harriet Mclsaae is chairman help ¡»ay the rental and adults are Walter Wolgamott. This play will be , lowing officers were elected for 1926: of the local uommittcM* to raise funds asked to contribute 25 cents. Adults I one worth while seeing. There will Commander, Don A. McLeod; vice com­ for the Children’s Farm Home at Cor­ may come to any of the three shows. also Is* n Christmas story told by some mander, Harry Hettinger; adjutant, of Hood River county, led by Esther Adult, l>r. W. L. Van Nuys. Next Friday night. Deceinlier 18. member of the high school, and per­ Ted Baker; chaplain, Dr. James A. Hettinger. 4.00—"The Master Teach«*,” Dr. w. vallis. All contributions gratefully re- celvatL Help make fatherless and there will he a musical program put on haps other short Christmas recitations. Fraeer; historian, Wm. Cochran; ser­ 8.10—"The Constitution of the Ü. L. Van Nuys. geant -at-arma, Clyde Bnrke; executive motlierlesH children happy by making at the high school auditorium by the —Velma Cotten. Adjournment. H.,” address by Governor Pierce. committeemen, Dr. V. R. Abraham, and a lontrlliiitlon at this Christmas sea­ high schisd musicals organizations in­ The program for the Monday Mesaioli son. cluding the girls’ glee clulis, the boys' Alwait a month ago an epidemic of Ray Lee; finance officer, Charles Gunn. follows : CHURCHES * The main order of business at the 9.30 Conference led by the ¡lastors. H. O. Kresse, Hood River, delighted glee club and the orchestra, under the muni|H broke out in the Hood River iMl conference of the Hood the crowd at the radio carnival with direction of Mrs. Belle Henney. The high school. Since the drat cane there meeting included the annual report of River County Council of Religious Ed­ "Building the Bridge Between the Engliah Lattarmi Churrh liis Orthvphonic number«. The instru- general admission is 25 cents with no has lieen a iitiniber of Btudenta who Ray Lee, post service officer. Mr. ucation will be held at the* Riverside Church and Home.” From educatfonal Morning w»«r«liip «t 11 g. in. ' The lUCfit is Imliod ..rn* ut th»» msrvel s wf seats reserved. The Ih'kets may be drove been niiforfiiniite in contracting Lee's report showed that this depart­ 11MT K •■>eeemls*r 23, anil will Is* resumed 38111181*5" 4. This extra day was answered by 30 huaky men from mittee on nwards, which will have 2.00 - Ilevotlonal hour, Rev. John d are welcome. rti j''<art- llcnney will give a short musical pro­ <13 10 Clerk. L. H Miller, Rector. ment. These hot lunches are served gram after which will follow a Christ­ Attend the dance at the Pine Grove daily at the price of 10 cents for each mas program supervised by bliss Het- Grange hall tomorrow night. Special dance at Rockford. Dec. 16. Asbury Methodist Church I pupil. They are |s>pular not only in Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning the high school but in Junior high as worship at 11 a. in. Subject. "Rager well. The»:, lunches consist sometlnuw to Gome, Ready to Go.” Epworth of chocolate and sandwiches or mlads la*ague at 6.181 p. ni. No evening ser­ with crackers and sometimes vegetable vile on account of minting at River­ or other soups with sandwiches or side church. S. Hamrick, Paator. salads and walers. It is Intended for full 10 cents worth of value to la* lu First Church of Christ, Scientist tht*se lunches and no profit Is l«-iUg ON’T miss any more of the wonder­ Hen let>s In church building Sunday, made. Mrs. Neal's services are twlng 11 a. m. Sunday school the same hour. ¡«aid for by the school district. ful programs that are on the air. The reading room la malntainial In the assembly was started by tdng Telephone us now and let us give you a Da.ldson building. Room 8 is open Ing The the "Star S|«angled Banner.” Prin. week days from 1) to ft. with an attend­ Gibson announced that Fred Hillis had complete demonstration in your own home ant In charge from 3 to ft. Wednesday passed the test, to enter the naval evening service at 8 o’clock. l-esson training school, with honors. The scqili- toiugbt— without obligation to buy. subject: "God the Preserver of Man.” oinorv English class gave a short pro­ B'l gram in which Carol Hurlburt. Joyce Fada standard of reception will give you a -MJOHoIji The Baptist Churrh Nye, Katheryn PerIgo, Julianne Ben­ complete new level of radio > < enjoyment. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning ton and Kathryn Vaughn s|M>ke. Mar­ worship. "The Bread of Heaven.” Spe­ garet Can Iler also gave an interest Inn And remember: we guarantee permanent cial music by the young ¡«Copic's etiotr. talk about her trip to Pennsylvania Junior B. Y. P. U. at 4 p. in. ~ Senior last summer. , Albert T. Case intro­ performance. B. Y P. I’, at 6.30 p. in. Prayer “ meet- duced Miss Turner, who was to sing ♦ Ing Wednesday, 7.30 p. in. Kecp on at the Boy Hcout entertainment that Don’t put it off. Call us today C vven- praying for the world wide revival. evening. Sta sang two selections, ac- C. R. Deiepine Pastor. mpanled by Miss Sara Howes. ient terms. Tlie second six wvrts of the school Riverside Churrh year riosed last Friday and npirt Rervlees Sunday. Deor*ml«er 13. at cards were sent out to all parent« Telephon« 1761 Re«. Phone l.«81 the usunl hours. Church schoohsiMfi yesterday. The high acho«l report a. ni.. I. Il Acheson. MU|8. ('lasses for cards wore mailed direct to the ¡«ar- young and old. Christiah Endeavor ents of high school puidls from the* «unii iiril society meets at «45 p. ni. Classes tn superintendent's office along with spe­ Religious Education Wednesday after­ cial letters to the ¡»rents prepared by noon at 4 o'clock. The pastor occupies Principal Gibson. It la hoped that the pulpit Sunday morning. The pub­ these letters will help to increase at­ lic is cordially Invited to attend all tendance In the high school and con- YOU WILL BE WELCOME TO COME DOWN AND MAKE AN INSPECTION the services at ll Ivors lib*. secpiently decrease the failures due. i many times, to laid attendance* Christian Churctaa other Interests, Friday afternoon and evening T*s> many church members cry to God for emergency sii|>pllen. when Tie special film entitled. "As No Man J expects them to apply for dally rs- ix»veel.”wll| be shown In the Park tlona; the- latter Is what the cliurch Street Assembly room. This film la does for Its adherent» Bible achool, based upon Edwsrd Everett Hale's “A[ During the next two weeks, we are going to give the buying public a chance to take advantage of our large buying power, and offer for two weeks only the following: HE E. A. FRANZ COMPANY take pleas­ ure in announcing that during Thurs­ day, Friday and Saturday of this week they will have on display in their furniture windows the latest works of our Hood River artist PERCY L. MANSER These are all original studies of Mr Manser and ¿ear his signature. Each picture is harmoniously framed and has the title and date of execution on the back. The prices asked are extremely moder­ ate and should Mr. Manser succeed at some fut- < ure date (and we confidently expect that he will) lh having soma of his works accepted by one of our large eastern exhibitions these pictures will undoubtedly increase considerably in value. Mr. Manser will hang all pictures personally it you wish without extra charge. CANDY If you should nit be desirous of acquiring one of th Tie fi.ie pictures either for a gift or for your home the exhibit will be very interesting and well worth your inspection. Remember, for three days only, Thursday y and Saturday SUGAR, $5.85 We Specialize On Alber’s Line Special Prices to Churches and Schools on Candy Grange Co-Operative Store S EDUCATION ADA tZ o. Æ a i ou don’t know what your’e missing Christmas Gifts D 1 1 FROM JAPAN We have established Gift Headquarters at our Store at the COR. OAK AND SECOND STREETS Button Service Station Myajimi Woodenware, Satsuma Pottery, Articles of Brass, Silver and Ivory, Superb Chinaware, Cloisene, All Kinds of Japanese Embroideries and Baskets. A large Assortment of Toys YASUI BROS :4 s