The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 03, 1925, Image 7

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óf Enduring W orth
High Class Novelty Gifts at
What is your desire? A wrist watch, dainty
in design yet steady and lasting? See our Gruens
and our Elgins. You want the skill of honest
master watchmakers when you buy a watch. You
would not present as a gift some bauble, as fragile
as a child s toy. A watch should last for a life­
time and should be chosen with care.
Our watches are guaranteed.
cf them.
in platinum. The o'her day
we were told by a diamond
merchant that at leaat 85 %
of the jeyrelers of the country
were unable to handle auch
work. We set our stones in
platinum right here in Hood
We stand back
stocka of sterling ailver, in
many of the moat desired pat­
terns, are full. We have a
special lot of quadruple plated
silverware. Make the Chriat-
All the splendor of royalty, all the mystery and
romance of the Orient, lie in the flawless depths of an
exquisitely cut diamond. It is the king of all gifts.
We invite you to see our unusual display of
precious stones and jewelry articles for the home or
personal adornment.
which has increased its capital stock
preparatory to building a larger fac­
The Fjult Growers Supply Com|>any,
which is the purchasing organization
of the exchange growers, reports the
Despite a crop reduction of more handling of a business volume* of $8,- . The Dee Community club, composed
than 11,000 cars over the previous 548,479 covering purchases by mem­ of the white families of the Dee
Heights fruit section, will have charge
year, due to the freeze* of December bers and sales from lumber.
of the dedication of the new Japanese
last, the California citrus fruit move
community ball, built by Japanese,
tnent for the season of 1924-25 brought
next Saturday evening. The Nipponese
its producers $93,581,263, or the great­
fruit growers invited their white
est return in the history of the indus­
friends to take charge of the opening
try, according to the annual report of
program. The new building is 40x90
General Manager E. G. Dezell, of the
California Fruit Growers Exchange.
Jiumuexe of all the county hare Con
The delivered value on citrus ship­
ments represented by this return is of Bellingham, Wash., who Tuesday tributed toward a 110,000 fund being
$122.245,523. including approximately night gave a recital at the high school, used in constructing a community
$28,964.260 for freight and refrigera­ under auspkes of the Boy Scouts, for house in the city. The local dub
tion charges. Figured back to the the benefit of the local community hos­ rooms will set in grounds beautified by
tree, the growers received over 75 per pital, wag given an ovation when she shrubbery brought from Japan. The
cent more than in the preceding year. sang for the Tuesday ixinch dub Tues­ Japanese say that the white folk of
Kailroads report shipments of 49,- day noon at the Mt. Hood hotel. Miss the valley may have the bouse for
437 cars for the season, of which 37,- Turner, introduced by Albert T. Case, community meetings if they desire it.
079 cars were oranges and grape-fruit local Scout commissioner, sang two
and 11,758 cars were lemons. Of the numlwrs for the buain<«a and profes­
Grange Influence
total crop the exchange handled 75.4 sional men.
Lake, Wn., Nov. 30, 1925.
per cent or 37,258 cars, returning to
At the close of ths luncheon meeting
Glacier: At the late meeting
its grower memliers $70,236,507 as Miss Turner was presented by Ix*slie of Editor
West Klickitat l*omona Grange held
compared with $50.508,184 for 44.266 Butler with a chrysanthemum picked
White Salmon, the lecturer asked,'
cars tn 1923 24. In boxes, exchange yesterday morning by F. L. Keating 1U “ in What
has the Grange done for the1
shipments equaled 11.967,715 for or­ his yard near Parkdale
the last, year?” And not one,
"Where,” said Mr. Butler, "can you* farmer
anges and grapefruit and 4,176,677 for
nu*inl>er could definitely point to a *
find a district so dose to a snow single ei-onomknl Improvement brought'
Marketlng and advertising costa for capped mountain which will produce about by grange influence alone.
exchange handled fruit equalled 2.4 out of doors December 1 a flower. Mr. ‘ Today you will find a very large
per cent of the delivered value, which Keating's ranch is but 19 miles from number of disappointed grange* who,1
Is materially lower than the market­ Mount Hood. Flowers In wintertime' while they acknowledge the grange ax
ing charges alone of any other agency, there show the wonderful climate of a social, Insurance and llndted edttra-
stated Mr. Dezell. An Increase in ex­ the country.”
tional order lx a blessing to the farm­
On report of the nominating commit­ er, will alx<x tell you bluntly that as
change membership is reported, with
23 district erehanges now comprising tee, named last week by President an economical refarm order, or hav­
Baker, the following officers were se­ ing legislative Influrtice, it At largely
thia organization.
“A grave situation faced the indus­ lected for the ensuing six months: a failure. That thia failure ia not the
try following the freeze.” stated Mr. J. E. Smithson, president; W. A. Hac­ fault of our past and present state
Dvaell. “A good market wax main­ kett, vice president, and T. J. Wyera, grange officers, few will question.
tains!, however, throughout the see- secretary-treasurer.
Home pThce the blame on our compara­
son by a -careful segregation of the
It. J. Gilmore, of Portland, who is tively small voting strength. I believe
fruit from the damaged orchards and with Ralph Behneelodi. a Portland tills Is a mistake, that if we had twice
the shipment of a quality that gave bond house, was a guest of the dub.
our present inemlx-rxhip, it would
consumer satisfaction.
The eating
make -little difference with ouf legis­
quality of the exchange advertised
lators. for they know that grangers ax
Snnkist and Red Ball brands was
a rule vote without giving the grange
maintained through the Inspection ser­
program a passing thought. Some
vice of this organization and the . co­
claim that many granges have ceased
operation of the grower members.
to be educational and progressive, and
“The frost damage was more evenly
have degenerated into what have been
distributed than in the pant freeze
A stationary spray outfit—the first termed insipid social, entertaining or­
years, and the increased price« were to be displayed In the valley—is being ders where menjherx amuse themselves
eqnally shared by the different dis­ shown this week by Bennett Brothers, with ceremonial which but few take
tricts. Consequently most growers en­ who state that there lx conxiderable seriously, singing a few songs, etc.,
joyed a satisfactory year, despite the local Interest In the stationary spray­ diseuxsing non-esMtitlais, and eating
cold spell.
. e*
ing plants such as have itecome popu­ lilg dinners. And because of the pure­
“Other fketora that contributed to lar in other fruit districts of the north­ ly artctal ctTkracter of these granges,
the season's success were the aven dis­ west. A «pedal showing of these out­ which lx in violation of the xplrlt of
tribution of the «Apply which created fits, with a factory representative in our declaration of purposes, desirable
confidence in the minds of the trade, attendance, will be made by Bennett members arc refusing to waste their
Improved distribution An the part of Brothers Friday and Saturday of this time attending meetings. I believe
Florida citrus shippers, reduced com-
then* ia an Insidious, subtle Influence
petition from a short apple crop, an
last year a numlxv of local orchard- outside and inside the grange that ia
Increased buying power on the part of Ista studied these stationary plants in endeavoring to make our order simply
the public, and the cumulative effect operation in Wenatchee and Yakima, a community tea party, with no prac­
of exchange advertising, which has where they are rapidly supplanting tical. political or economical character
permanently established the ettrun in­ the old-style portable machines. The or force, finch an order will not bring
dustry on a higher level of demand.
advantages of the stationary sprayer,
the farmer any more help in the
“Tn a normal year. California now according to Bennett Brothers, are nn- to
than it has in the past. I would
supplies 60 per cent of the oranges. rrtrronx The most Important are a
real power and pttnen behind our
5 per cent of the grapefruit and from cutting of labor costs approximately piit
state master’s recimunbndatlonx, and,
75 to 88 per cent of the lemons used
in the United States and Canada.”
Tn addition to fruit shipments, a
considerable business In citrus by­
products was done during the season.
Growers converted 1.200 cars of un­
merchantable lemons into by-products
thrbugh the Exchange I*emon Products
Company, producing some 800.000
pounds of citric acid. 30.000 pounds of
lemon oil and 30.000 pounds of citrus
pectin. Returns for by-products netted
lemon growers $400.000.
A rapid growth in the sale of con-
rant rated orange juice has been made
by The Orange Produets Company.
keen pleasure in shopping where you are not
Here you can shop at leisure and enjoy yourself. And when
you do not find the thing you want, there will be a salesman
ready to give you prompt service whenever you want it.
bothered by eales people who try to aell you something you
do not want.
What a relief to examine things at leisure!
It seems only natural that the three-
art musical play, “Blossom Time,”
based uix>n romantic inddentx in the
life of the famoux composer. Franz
Schubert, is still the reigning sensa­
tion of European capitals, where it
has played with tremendous success
ever since early In the outbreak of the
World war. Never since the early
days. JtjL the triumph nt M« ■«*»**
dising store.
bn the ocrasions of her Empire the­
atre, New York city premieres, have
such wild demonstrations of approval
The Glacier makes rubber stampa.
PE T «OLE UM \ x
always has,
ted its superiority
ists to accept unsupported claims. It
has proved its superiority in consistent
1 "Fill Up Your Tank and Let Your
ENGINE Decide !” is the selling pol-
icy on which” GENERAL’ haw won
the approval of thousands of motor­
ists from California to Vancouver,
British Columbia/
GENERAL Gasoline assures, from
any engine, the best performance of
which that engine is capable.
GENERAL Product! 'Are Sold Only bu Authorized
Independent Dealert at the Green-and-White Sign
’Till Up Your Tank and Let Your ENGINE Decide I”
and Lubricants