be HOOD RIVER, OREGON, TlJC'RSDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1925 VOL. XXXVII but undoubtedly fire inure represent«- live. Using the above as a, uet re­ turns for both daaees of seed c- ntluue to increase until around $30 per acre has been expanded tor fertilizer. This ■ u. ___________ means applications ol «boat 1000-1200 pounds per acre. Greater expenditUCM Iiroa VALLEY EXPERIMENT MADE beyond that level in the «'se o*’ cat hardy seed, although showi 'i a splendid profit, gradually Indicate decreased re­ Section Shows u Increased Volarne of Po­ turns. Net returns per acr» baset, on ntalj tato Growing and Grower* Make *• value of No. 1 and '«<>. t grads, Less cost of seed snd ter.(liner, vary from! Good Returns $117.90 on one baud to as high as $191.20 on the otbei. The leaner net value, which is by no means au insig­ Fruit ¿rowers in IIood,Ulver valley (By Gordon G. Brown) nificant one, was scored with tbe and adjacent rocth is will L* inter­ During the past growiug season the siualleet application. 350 pound« per ested In a local orohard trip planned exjierlinent station has had occasion to acre with cut seed; the 1 -ger value by the experiu esC statlca. couliuue a number of tests In the Up­ came from the use of "V“ pounds fer­ The trip will l>e Monday morning, per Hood ' River valley having to do tilizer with whole need. •" There an-! December 7, sorting f t 9 o’clock fr xm with influence of commercial fertilisers two other expeftmen’ . however, which 'the offices of the experin ent station, upou potato yields. The experiment to show practically equivalent nei. results. located iu the Pythian building. GroVir- .which reference is here made was con­ One is found in the ease of but 1050 ers will i rovide their own means of ducted at the Harvey llutsou ranch in pounds fertiliser and the other with transportation from orchard to or­ that sectlou. Results are so outstand­ 1750 pounds, both from whole iced. chard. Gordon Brown will be in ing and encouraging as to warrant con­ The net value la th. farmer coze was charge. siderable explication. The growiug of $190.28 per acre au l <180.98 for the The object of thia excursion is to potatoes in the Upper valley is increas­ latter. growers an opportunity to gath­ From tbe above it 1« apparent that Hfford ing in volume and those engaged iu er first hand information bearing upon tills industry have made good returns. considerable judgment should be exer­ the problem of hardy stocks for apples Tlie purpose of this experiment was cised in the amount of money one may nnd ¡icura. The heavy Mortality in to demonstrate the relative commercial exitend in seed and fertilizer taking trees experienced during the past six value of a given fertilizer when applied the normal average y.eid and prices. ye touched upon. There • no problem of greater im­ amount of fertilizer which gave the gation were afforded tlie tdst above portance locally than that of hardy largest percentage of profit on the referred to. stocks. The experiment station la money expended in fertiliser but anxious to assist growers In avoiding rather to arrive at the greatest net Matakea in planting that have boon return after all expenses, Including made in the past. seed, were paid. The excursion will start promptly at Bach of tlie above experiments were 9 a m. as scheduled. About seven or subdivided into equal parts, tbe one eight orchards will be visited. representing the use of whole seed, ■ ............ —. averaging uniformly around three Judging from the advance Interest ounces each and the other, cut seed, on th« port of athletic funs lp.alipgrts lVz ounces each, being whole seed cut of the county and in other tnld-Oolum- once. Thus we have 10 different ex­ bla cities, the wrestling matches far periments, eight of which represent as Saturday night will fill the Pythian u series whole aeecf and the other temple to oversowing. Indeed. Indica­ eight cut seed, with fertilizer in each tions are that the limited number of seric*s varying from 350-2801) pounds. tickets will be gone several days be­ In the care of the 350-pound applica­ fore the match Starts, and tils is pabfo. fostered by th* Ch umber of tion the coat for fertiliser alone was something new In the realm of BDurt* sports Commerce, purpoae of extend extend- ­ ________ for the purpose $9.45 per acre. To this must he. added in Hood River. the cost of cut seed (1379 pounds per The finish bout between Fred Mor ing and developing the trade territory acre) on'the one hand, and that of tenwu and Thye, who have met before, of the section. Since the interstate the whole seed (2758 isuggds per acre) of course has attracted the greatest bridge was constructed across the Co­ on the* other. Seed was charged at $2 attention, but the frellmlnary match lumbia here last year, the trade area per 100 and 10 centa for cutting. The this time will also be to the finish. of the city has shown a material gain. minimum cost per acre for fertiliser Jim Proltas ia claimant to the Greek It will be the aim, however, in the and seed was thus $38.40 (cut seed) light heavyweight championship, and new campaign to extend the tgide and $04.01 (whole seed). On the other George Barnes, of Longview, Waah^ scops and bring tbe population tribu­ hand, where 2800 pounds of fertiliser holds the belt for his state. These two tary to Hood River to form tbe habit per acre were applied the cost was will give the fans something to yell of shopping locally. During the coming year the mer­ $105.55 (cut seed) and $130.70 (whole of tbe city, cooperating, will seed), These latter figuren are stag­ about. The Ilood River folk will begin to chants gering sums .in the light of ordinary lift and heave and raise their voices issue a four-page, seven-column trade yields and prices ‘ received for thia when Thye and Mortensen start their drtnlar each month. Four thousand crop. gra|H>llng. Indeed, the match bids fair of the circulars will be distributed The variety thus tested was the to be the most Interesting ever staged throughout the trade area. The city Netted Gem (Kussett Burbank). The here. The Durable Dane Is confident monthly will have a shopping day, and* each merchant will be allotted a space row with row« running three feet by this time next week, but Terrible on the trade bundin for advertUSfig Z|mrt. The tubere were zelected from Ted la just uh confident that Mortensen some distinct bargain for the day set aside for shopping day. a bln of mlHcelhtneoua character, care will t>e unable to down him. lieing exercin<*d to «elect thorn* of uni­ A peculiar thing about the wrestling form aize and zhape typical of thia contest that is on between Morteusen variety. The cut seed was thoroughly and Thye is that it is interesting more mixed aa to Injure approximately an deeply the older generation of men in equal number of ' blotmom end«" being city and valley. The crowds that u«ed in each experiment aa “atem watch the bouts are made up largely end«." The fertilizer waz thoroughly of older men. 'Ihe youngsters who do mixed with the »oil when planting at go, however, yell as loud as rooters at The Business Womra’s club Uss approximately the depth of seed, (4 to a football guine. brought to materialisation a dream of 5 inches), cSre being employed to pre­ The wrestling bouts have intrigued several years ago, when its members vent direct contact between fertilizer some of the women folk, and those who laid plans for the beautification of a arqi «e«*d. lsind plaster was sprinkled have the bug cannot be held from next triangular plot nt the west edge of over the cut seed and thoroughly mixed Saturday evening's match. town, where Oak street and Cascade before planting. The field had been in Hilly M<4>nlre, Upper Valley or- avenue, the thoroughfares carrying alfalfa for a numl>er of years and was chardlst, who helped popularise wrest­ the Columbia River highway traffic fall plowed in 1924. ling hen* 15 years ago. will referee the across town, intersect. The property Yields are striking!? large as is also match. Mr McGuire is a square shoot­ hsd come into city ownership through the i>erw on their third season tests In this respect. Thq^lowest pdr <>f rejM olre In the Pacific Northwest, csat (77.4) was found in The case of are being presented this year by the tlui 2800-poun h as the amount of fertilizer increased. Where only 350 pounds of talent of the players is brought out. ciation to function in the matter of fertilizer per acre were used, cut seed It is the old story of a father who securing a proper distribution of cars withenk on poultry problems. The of Cascade Locks. The Wasro lodge will serve a ban­ been made upon a dlff<*renf basis. No. meeting will be held In the court 1 is credited at only $1.50 per 100 house Saturday it 2 p m. All who quet at 7.90 o’clock. [xmnda. No. '2 at 80 cents and culls at are Interested In poultry should be 60 crate. These prices may seem low pr,*sent, snd the public is invited. TUBER YIELD IS INCREASED ORCttlRD TRIP BE'VG PLANNED acras & sirot Shop m Hood River For This Christmas! HRISTMAS Goods from ihe ¿reat mer- chandislng centres of the world have been brought here for you. There are variety and quality —at right prices. C * Best of all, you. can count on what you buy, because the mep who sell It to you are your neighbors. They want and need your support. 21 Shopping Days to Christinas T LIVING OR VOLUNTARY TRUST BIG WRESTLING BOUT SATURDAY NIGHT Under a Living Trust a customer may ar­ range with our Trust Department to han­ dle all of his affairs. < This plan Is especially adapted to the needs of widows and retired men who wish to be relieved of the work of looking after their own affairs. By such an arrangement a man may pro­ vide for his own declining years and for hlc wife and family after his death. Next week we will explain the working ot an Insurahce Trust. BUY NOW-AY HOME—and yon will help yourself and the community. H BÜTLER BANKING COMPANY Member Federal Reserve Syate Make This A Practical PREVENT THAT COLD WITH i DE Win s COMPOUND GADUOL TONIC PILLS EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL With Iron and Other Tonic Ingredients ,hr It is impossible to overcome a feeling of repugnance and sometimes of nasuea, when your physician prescribes Cod Liver Oil. This feeling ia only natural, as Cod Liver Oil in its pure state is not pleasant to take, and, in fact, it is im­ possible for many people to take it in this form. DeWitt's Compound Gladuol Tonic Pills, which contain Extract of Cod Liver Oil, have been especially designed to overcome the objections set forth above. Christmas Fathers, why not make the whole family happy Arith one buy ? BUY THEM A NEW CAR it will please them all, and you want c one anyway! Mothers and Children, make father happy buy something for the Car! ■t HOOD RIVER DRUG GO Squibb Quality HOOD RIVER AUTO WRECKERS ON THE HEIGHTS HOOD RIVER WILL HAVE SHOPPING DAY BUSINESS WOMEN BEAUTIFY PLOT BANK HOOD RIVER, ORE. sroa A Few Suggestions Heaters. Automatic Windshield Cleaners, Cigar Lighters. Foot Warmers. Radiator Covers. Onyx Gear Shift Balls. Motometers. Snubbers. • Spot Lights. Radiator Ornaments. and many other useful auto necessities too numerous to mention Parts for all cars far less than half price Highest cash price paid for cars to wreck TWIN PEAKS AUTO CÖ PHONE DAT OR NIGHT 45S2 Phone 4331 WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS OLSEN PLAYERS ARE HOMING IN THE SHIP REGIONAL BOARD TO MEET IN SEATTLE