J / HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1925 ODELL Does YOUR ROOF Leak? your bam or garage, it may spoil your hay or impair the efficiency of your stock or your machinery. If it is on your home, it means not only discomfort for your fam­ ily, but possibly serious illness as well. It simply isn’t worth it when the remedy is so easy. We carry in stock materials for re­ pairing every type of roof. If you are doubtful about what to use, tell us about your roof and we will help you select the proper materials and tell you how to use them. EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO Everything to Build Anything Pure Pork Sausage What’s better these cool days, which have suddenly come upon us, announcing the approach of winter P Fresh every day and seasoned just right. 57>e LAURNELL MARKET Nothing Bat Th. Beat” Foods For The Season’s Appetite As fall days come on and the mornings grow cooler, our appetites cause us to think with longing of certain food products. It is Sauer Kraut time, and we have it fresh and savory. 5 feet to go with the Kraut, and day, the finest PURE PORK SAUSAGE Fresh Canned Goods in Fruits and Vegetables. L. H. HUGGINS TKL. S1S4 I Good Groceries - Cheerful Service - Right Prices A FULL LINE OF DRUG SUNDRIES FRESH FRUIT IN SEASON We want you to be satisfied. Drop in and try us for vour Staple Grocery Supplies and for any little fancy article that you may wish. ÖEO. MELLON $wU&h-Street ‘ Tel. 1361 $5 AUTO ACCIDENT POLICY Information Required (Siv Advertisement on 1 receding Page) / is vour full name? _____ _____ (b) Hex / ........ . ... . 2. (a) What is yonr age?...... (l>) When were you born? ' •) What is your color? (d) Weight? lbs. (e) Bright? ft rt Inches. 8. Where do von reside? No. . Htrcet . Town ..... State 4. What firm are you (a member of?) (employed by?) What is their business?______ _____ Where located? No. ... Street City of____________ «tate of. 5. What is your occupation?.... 6. To whom Is policy to be Name In full. payable in case of death Relationship. under its provisions? Age Residence 7. Have you in contemplation any special journey or haaardoua under­ taking? ____________ :____________ ____ _____ __________________ 8. Are your habits temperate, and are you in sound and healthy con­ dition mentally and physically?........................ Policy applied for this__ day of 102 Signature of applicant : < (Thia insurance takes effect only upon receipt of policy by assured) 1 'Hie Methodist church program fol­ lows: r Church - school * :. promptly - at ---- 10 I, b ., a t progressive school and equlp- ment. Morning _ worship _ at 11 o’clock, subject, “The Crown of Pride at the Head of a Fat Valley.” Junior church at «.30 p. m. The pastor will be there with a junior sermon and special fea­ tures. Epworth I^eague, 7 p. m. sharp. Our Epworth orchestra will assist at this service. The evening hour of song and sermon at 8 o’clock. Sermon, “A f Convict's Freedom,’’ by the pastor. Plenty of music. Odell church is run on the broadest possible community basin This then la your church; make it your church home, no class restric­ tions. . A Pa rent-Teacher meeting will be lield Tuesday evening at the high school. The grade school will give a program. E. J. Gilstrap, representing the Eu­ gene Bible University, called on Bev. 8. H. Kimball, minister for the Chris­ tian church, Wednesday of last week. Mr. Gilstrap expects to come to Hood Rivtv some time in the near future and speak at the Christian church in llood Biver tn the morning and at the Christian church in Odell in the even­ ing. The W. C- T. U. of Odell will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock In the Little White church. Reports from the W. C. T. U. convention and refresh­ ments are promised. Those who attended the meeting of the Ladles’ Aid society Wednesday af­ ternoon of last week spent a busy and pleasant ■ afternoon. About 80 mem- ix-rs and guests were seated at a table decorated, appropriately for the Hal­ lowe'en Season. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. W. L. Sheirbon, Mrs. L. K. Rhoades and Mrs. W. N. Weber were hostesses. Wilbur Holman spent the week end at Corvallis visiting friends, seeing the game and all the festivities connected with homecoming at O. A. C. On cam» the Mrs. Fred Hies, who has been here monstrous dino­ through apple harvest left Odell Bat- saur, with glow­ urdsy afternoon to return to her home ing eyes and cav­ in California, where she will begin ernous mouth, immediately packing oranges. disclosing mur­ Holman A Davis* store window at­ derous fangs, tracted much attention with its line driving all before of Hallowe’en decorations. Lafferty A it-crushing trains Wood also trimmed a window in aut- and smashing ump products and Hallowe'en colors. buildings, till it Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jakku were bust-1 crashed through near visitors in Portland Friday and I Tower bridge in­ Haturday. to the river. Rev. W. 8. Gleiser motored from) BESSIE LOVE Newberg Monday for a business visit LEWIS STONE in Hood River. He was accompanied I by Mrs. Gleiser, Charles and Margaret. WALLACE BEERY They made a few short calls in Odell Monday afternoon, returning to New-1 LLOYD HUGHES Iterg that evening. Their friends here| were pleased to greet them and to know of the fine church and its various Research and Technical Di­ organisations to which they have been rector, Willis H. O’Brien assigned. T. A. Bolen has sold his pool room and confectionery business inOdell to M. P. Beers, of Prineville. The new owner expected to arrive here Tues­ day. Mrs. T. A. Boles Is planning a visit with her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Streich­ er, at Reedsport, Or. She will prob­ ably leave for Reedsport Bunday. Mr. Boles will accompany her as far as Portland, where he will stop for a few days* visit. Bunday and Monday 10 box car«, each containing 1,000 boxes of New­ town* ranging from else 176 to 308, were loaded at the local Apple Growers Association warehouse. These are for export and go to Portland, thence via untor to their destination. J. H. Margeeon and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holman motored to Portland Tuesday for the stock show. During his parents' absence Wilbur Holman and HaroliM’emberton will keep house. Eddie Forsberg went to Portland Thursday and returned to Odell Bun­ day. He is attending Odell high school. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Fletcher and sons, Geo. Allison and Loren, motored to Portland today for the stock show. Announcements for Bunday at the Christian church, 8. N. Kimball, min­ ister : Sunday school, 10 a. m; preach­ ing service, 11 a. m., subject, “Founda­ tion Stones of American Civilisation." I By Arrangement With Watterson R. Rothacker Celebrating Armistice day, a special service for patriots. Junior Endeavor, p. m.; s e nio r Endeavor, Tp. tn.; preaching service, 7.30 p. ns subject, “Quitting Your Meanness.” The Hallowe'en social given under the auspices of the Epworth League t Haturday evening at the Methodist church was well attended and thor­ oughly enjoyed by those who were present, There were many friends in Odell and vicinity who were very sorry to PRICES 10 AND 50c - BARGAIN MATINEE THURS. 10 AND 35c - CONTINUOUS 2 TO 10 P. M., ARMISTICE DAY, NOV. II know thst Mrs. Harry Emery passed away Haturday in Portland. Iler body was taken east Tuesday for interment in IJneoln, Nebr. Junior church «16 p. m. Sunday at the Methodist church, Preston Young, I Clair Larson and his chum, Ray business and visit the stock show. Mrs. Emery Davenport and daugh- ting up a petition and forwarding cop­ Towne, motored up from.Portland Hat­ Rockford Grange ball Is having a leader. n‘,,,r,l'd from an extended ies to the Seventh District radio ln- urday to spend Bunday at the Larson new kitchen with good equipment built : visit . in ve Utah. A reception was held at the Metho­ home. *]>ector, O. It. Redfern. We wonder if by II. E. Wylie. The young people of the Baptist It baa occurred to our local power com­ dist church Wednesday evening wel­ Diphtheria at Parkdale proved to be i church had a very pleasant social last pany that profit, from even 50 radio The Bqy 8uts of Frankton are in­ coming Rev. John D. Woodfin and his family to Oddi. A more complete ac­ creasing in number each week. In the something else, as the Irishman would I llnirsday. The committee In charge fans who use the midnight electricity near hi tore the parents will entertain say. We are glad it is not spreading of the entertainment is to lie highly for light and battery charging, amounts count will he given next week. and that our Barrett teachers and congratulated for their work. them witk a luncheon. to a considerable monthly item. We FDANVTnKl I Mr«- O*>- r. Johnson gave her hus- board are watching the children so k VT. Voung Ptxiple's Union suggest that it Is greatly in their In­ riWADIK 1 UP! Imnd a surprise party test Thbnday, well. bad its business meeting at the Bap­ terests to cooperate with the radio pub­ Henry Wwk returned from the a*t two months.- He left here ba BDCTT trying to find the source of the disease. young people made plans for the month change of lines and insulators help but August IV with his wife's Ixidy to I BARRE I I Thieves who have been <>|M«rating on of November. do not remove the steady roar which «vuwterv* mSr’Mx*11 ’u* "¿J1 home I »avid Pylea and Roy Ilayee made a Methodist Lane should look out for The monthly men's banquet will be comes dtrect from the Powerdale plant. I liuainess trip to Portland Monday ln grape shot and trape. There is a distinct directional effect held at the Baptist church Thursday, htoabi.»“ ll'<*tar <>n the occasion of their Increased ents. Rev and Mrs. c. r Dehxilno power. Those Iowans had better come "Nine Little Goblins,'' which was well day school ctaan Saturday afternoon, pictures and plants. rrtidered. Dr Hifton spoke on the pre- Elder George Armstrong, of Port- Mr. and Mrs B. I* Van Cise mo- Mr. Dekpine played a violin sob, at west so they won’t have to stay up all ventlon of the spread of contagious land, preached a rousing sermon at tored to Portland and attended the tlie morning services, which was a night to give us evening entertain­ tohear it" T** fortunate enough ments. Makes us think of the man diseases. 8u)>t. Crites touched on the Advent Christian church Thursday horse show Sunday. training of the children. Among the ni/bt Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were who stayed up late so he could get the L. II. Afueson and family, of The musical select Ions was a saxophone ,m their way to Clarkston. Wash., Dalles, spent the" week end with Mr. E. M Ilohnan is raising his store morning exercises from New York. solo by Holbrook Gallaway. Mrs. Mar- where Elder Armstrong will assist and Mrs. J. R Rees.' building and will add a sausage room. The ftsittiall game next Saturday lor read some trde hlrtory of the last Eider Grant Dixon In a revival meet- will be broadcast at 2.30 p. at. by the Pirc Chief Votetorff and wife, ac- sad hours of Abraham IJncoln's life. in. . Oregonian. Oakland vs. M. A. A. C. Alrjine Notes cotnpanled by Mrs. C. D. Haven, at- a story written by the late Gen. Tan-1 let the liest man win, and even a Miss Kula Mahaney. of Portland, vis­ tended th« stock show in Portland < By J. G. Bradford) ner. Of New York. Light fresh men ts radio audience can get its thrills. ited her aunt. Mrs. Willis Thornbury, Tuesday. . were served. . *n'1 mysterious silence Carroll, th« four-year-old son of Mr. narks the expected opening of Port Chamber Appoints Water OwrnM« George Finley Marlor entertained the first of last week. and Mrs. Ernest Samuel,' who was op­ some of his idaymates at a Hallowe’en K,*»ti<.n The Port- The Chamber of Commerce will inter­ BELMONT party Haturday evening Mrs. Frank erated on for appendicitis at the Hood Hn BTReTr"’ BWk” mention of River hospital last week, has so Im ­ Smith assisted Mra Marlor with the H. B. Rur eyes, eyes. You will gasp Now these marvels are bared to your mething with astonishment and wonder. Something never forgotten. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Stupenduous Story I A Real Grocery Service 'Y A First National Picture Theatre Tues . - Wed Days - 4 Thurs. - Fri Nov. 10-11-12-13 % u. JX. 1