APPLE SITUATION dance, scheduled for November 20, to be present. One of these parties re­ cently given proved very entertaining. «Walker Bros., noted oldtlms orchestra, v Vi! b' ! For Rent—Office rooms in ths Broaius of Forest Grove, will furnlto the music. Building. Bea R. E. Scott. *13d The Relief Corps wiir kaVi thoir Hair switches made from your own annual luncheou November 14 at 1 (By R. G. Cumming, General Man­ In a Navy Day address delivered hair. TsL »31, Mrs. M. D. Hfcka.' nl2 o’clock at the Mt. Hood Hotel dining ager Bari Fruit Company) before members of the chamber _ of H.-IL Auto Wreckers,on tbs Heights. room. Make reservations early. Phone The annual apple harvest ba* ad- «»«amerce by Ueutenant A. D. Doug Parth for all cars. |9tf 1374 or 24 serious m to behoove that typical of the ghost season, showing a date. The harv««ting ««ou U at least torium, November 13. darky fleeing from a ghost from a two weeks ahead of normal. In fact, al .„Sr1*®11-, kno”’ SUCH NAMES AS MONARCH AND COLONIAL ARE GUARANTEES recta Rubbish hauling, light trucking. R. cemetery. *The valor of the spokesman for a in the main producing section* of I F. Cooper, tel. 1721 or 3682. ml9U OF PERFECT SATISFACTION IN RANGES. John Fish, of Maple Creek, Saak., Wenatchee and Yakirna picking has unlfle<1 air service,’’ Mid Lieutenant Cail Schindler Transfer for service. practiroUy been completed, although I Douglass, “cannot bo quMtioued, but arrived last week to Join Mm. Fish Office 2»1, ree. »402. a2tf we^cannot My aa much for bls dis •nd remain here for a visit with his packing will continue for *ume time. tat a Coin Controlled Clock help you daughter«, Mrs. F. C. Wittenberg and The apple market opened with price* c save. Bee Allyn Button or tel. 4242. jlfitf Mrs. Handy«. Mr. Fish owns a grain ruling generally 25 to 50 cents per box -Lieutenant DougteM Mid that the under prevailing price* in 1924. There I iy°pa«andlata who are flooding the na- The W. R. Hagar Cigar Factory has ranch in Saskatchewan. lower price* In our opinion were due I Hon for a unified air service are deal- moved to the ola City Hall, Fourth Ht. C. G. Cameron and family have left to a crop reported to be 25 per cent Pf* wllh hali truth*. He declared that We rejuvenate your tubes at nomi­ for Orofino, Ida., where Mr. Cameron U stro««ly opposed to such nal cost. The Radio Shop. Phone 1264. is with the Warren Construction Co. in excess of 1924, and the fact that eastern buyer* had already suffered I action, and that the h» not alone E. L. Wilhelm, Dufur rancher, was He has been associated here with Paul serious losres in their cherry and pear ““ "Uidl ¥*“,“• Ferahlng, Wood, Mar- McKercher in the operation of the deals, both from the Northwest and I "hal Fbch, Haig, Beatty and Jelllcve here Tuesday on buainesa. HAVE MADE HUNDREDS OF FRIENDS WHO PRAISE THEIR HEAT- Old-time dance, Rockford hall. The office of Sgobel & Day. California, making them over-cautious ar*®PP®,*’i to *udi measures. Regular social night will be observed on apples. This condition continued! The visitor cited that Colonel Mitcb- Gravenateins, « o’clock, November 0. ING AND FIRE KEEPING QUALITIES. THE WEATHER MAN HAS BEEN Junior vaudeville, high school audi­ by the Pine Grove Grange next Satur­ until the latter part of August when | **** *»ad made the statement that all the day evening, when a special program KIND TO US SO FAR BUT THERE’S NO TELLING WHAT IS COMING due to extremely hot weather and|" tller ® n i 1 . c ! a “ f n «tlon* of the world torium, November 13. of the Camp Fire Girls will be staged wind storms very serious dam-1 *»«T* established united air service. He H. T. Hanson was down from Dee by Mrs. Donald McLeod. A dance will heavy RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. age occurred to the apple crop in the chararterised such an amertion as very Monday on business. follow the program. The Gravenstelus middle western states, particularly in ■J5aly. and Grvut Rev. R. A. Hutchinson was down will be present and furnish the music. Illinois, Arkanres and Missouri, the| B^tak1 ,Uave_Jt. France's system , is - from Parkdale the first of the week. not of the united order. Japan re­ Mr. and Mrs. Milo S. Frederick and result Iieing a strong demand for our Ths W. R. Hagar Cigar Factory lias two little daughters, accompanied by Northwestern apples which soon had jected it because of the failure in Great moved to the old City Hall, Fourth Ht. Dr. Wilbur C. Armstrong and Miss the effect of raising prices to a better Britain. Lieutenant Douglass explained why Our tube rejuvenator saves you Margaret McRae, motored up from figure. Your old stove taken in exchange. The apple crop for the country •• a Great Britain employed the unified air money. The Radio Shop. I’hone 1264. Portland Sunday and were guests of service in 181«. After the battle of Cash paid for old cars. H.-R. Auto Mr. aud Mrs. II. J. Frederick for a few whole is now estimated by the Govern­ Jutland, be declared, it was seen that hours. ment Crop Reporting Service at 30,134,- Wreckers. j9tf the German navy would not come out Walter McDougal, who recently left (MXI barrel«, as compared with 28,701,- •gain. Old-time dance, Rockford hall. The The airmen of the navy were 000 barrels actually produced last sea-1 for a visit at the Pasadena, Calif., Graven steins,. 8 o’clock, November 0. with the land forces. The uni­ home of his brother, J. B. McDougal, son and a five-year average of 30,40«, needed Junior vaudeville, high school audi­ governor of the Chicago Federal Re­ 000 barrels. Of this crop, it 1* «Mi­ fied department was established to This is the time to turn in-the old torlum, November 13. serve l«ank, will leave later for Chicago niated that the state of Washington avoid the dual command by army and dining suite on a modern one in the Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ward will leave to spend a month before going to Flor­ will produce 8,100,000 barrels, or 27 navy. Great Britain, he declared, has per cent of all the apples produced in iteen trying to get away from the sys­ the latter part of this week for tang ida. beautiful period style« we offer at such tem. The air ministry has been mak- Beach, Calif., to spend the winter. J. A. Clemenson, of (Columbia Brick the United States, thia being almost ing more and more conceroiomi to the double what any other one state pro ­ reasonable price«. J. K. Carson, Jr., who is practicing Works in Portland, was here the latter You have noticed, as every other admiralty. " law In Portland, has moved his offices part of last week, seeking apartments duces. “The United States Navy,’’ said Lt Unfortunately this season the apple A dozen Walnut and Mahogany to 400 Henry building. or a furnished house for Mrs. Clemen­ pasterby has, the new and beautiful crop in the immediate vicinity of Spo­ Douglass, “has taken a lead in the de­ ■eta to «elect from. Ed P. Michell, county auditor at son and children, who will spend the kane is lighter than usual, due in port velopment of aviation. We how to no shades we have been installing in Stevenson, Wash., was here the latter winter here. It 1« hoped that the local at least to a very heavy infestation of one. We admit it as a great factor climate will lienefit the health of the part of last week visiting friends. Here'« a typical value: but not the whole figure in warfare. worms in August. ! many Hood River homes. They add The Women’s Relief Corps bazaar will Clemenson children. Out of the total crop of approximate- It has ita limitations. , ... In .. a recent »-PIECE WALNUT SUITE Wesley W. Smith, of Portland, was ty 35,000 cars that the state of Wash- be held November 21 in the Mt. Hood " a 0,lonF1 more to the appearance, both outside here over the week end. On his return ington will ship this season, about 1«. hotel annex. nl9 *U,,°b‘ Buffet, Extension Table, 6 Chain with craft as tar- Store your goods with-Goodrich Trans­ he was accomi*anled by hla mother, 000 have already been shipped. In so|eto and inside, than anything else. Mrs. W. L Smith. The latter after a other words, atiout 50 per cent of the •* r Pl*ne could sink fer A Storage Co., the only fireproof storage in tow n. Phone 3031. s24tf visit in Portland will leave for Ohio, entire crop. Shipments have gone for - °re with .a a P pen si ’tor. if where site ex|s*cta to spend eight weeks ward at the rate of 400 care dally from os» kill ,a a lion ‘II W,tb ‘*«’8,l(M Highest cash price paid for your used visiting Let us figure with »ou on your bis lion is 8 old enough afid is relatives and friends in the all producing sections in the store. ,,on «*<* ««»«* ‘ » properly furniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain community where she was reared. Other states have been shipping heavily ‘ iV'i 1 * “ ' .. .. d t0 Library Diners • Windsor Chairs at E. A. Franz Co. <20tf new or old house. We’ll take your “ d hUDt 1 °n" *“* “ P**’ A delightful service was held at the and even under the extremely heavy Miss Lewis, of the Franz store, has First shooter.** church Sunday morn­ supplies, the markets have maintained “ For the combination living and old shades in and make reasonable left for Pontiac, Mich., having been ing, it Christian Lieutenant Douglass declared that being an Apple Week service. a fair average price, although as it rolled there by business. the testa, using obsolete and unaea- dining room. They solve the prob­ The church was tastefully decorated, would be natural to expect, they have allowance on the new. worthy vessels as targets had not dem­ St. Mark’s Guild will hold its “regu­ «1 «Tiles playing a prominent part In the sagged somewhat In places. lem for small houses. lar meeting Friday. It will begin at decoration, and the message by Mrs. The situation to date encourages us onstrated that thd modern battleship was Impotent. He cited that the same 10.30 a. in. In the parish house. Livingstone was in keeping with the to believe that from now on the apple LUNDIN-LEAF and JIFFY-DINE tad been raised when the torpedo Nathan P. Mears, of the Underwood day. market will be fairly normal and that and again on the ad- fruit section, will leave soon for Pasa­ Mrs. A. W. Beckley and children the growers generally will realise vreyiv„nt introduced Walnut and Mahogany $21.75 up of the submarine. But he cited dena, Calif., to spend the winter. have left for San Antonio, Tex., to join fair price*, enough at least to p*y the the navy had included l«>th these * Frank J. Snow, of Portland, was Mr. Beckley. They have purchased a entire production expenses and I mvc WINDSOR CHAIRS_______ $3.85 up a part of their defensive and offen- here last week visiting Ills daughter, home at the southern Texas city. Mr. them a very fair margin of profit on aetlon. The navy, too, must in- Beckley is interested in a large ranch their Investment. | c,u(je M one of arin> aeronautic*. Mrs. Paul McKercher, and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bia neliä r were in the Tampico, Mex., section. The ___ Lieutenant Douglass pointed out that visitors in Portland the first of the ranch I n in the area where oil wells TWFNTV AT the propoMl to hav* an air service are being drilled. 1 Tv Dill I“VllD ill I manned by men, not schooled in naval week. The Knights of Pythias and Pythian OTATI? IlKJIVE’DQFrV flkhUng with the fleets in bat- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nickelson aud o IAI d UI v IV d I w II i Uei of «■‘■‘a, was fraught with great sons, Ted and Ned, will motor to Port­ Sisters will have another old time dance November 20. They urge all K. | danger. land for the stoek show today. l‘.s and their friends to be present. Simultaneously Tuesday the chamber Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Keir were in Admission 50 cents a couple, luncti 25 Twvrity-one graduate* of the Hood | of commerce, the meeting of which at Portland yesterday to see the stock cents. Come at H.30 and dance to the River high school are enrolled this | the Mt. Hood hotel waa held under show. music of a famous old time orchestra. fall in the ^University of Oregon. Karl | auspices of the Tuesday Lunch club, If you do not receive your Oregonian Walker Pros., of ‘Forest Grove. Onthank, member of the executive | celebrated Roorereit’a birthday. Lieut, regularly or wish to subscribe for same, Rev. and Mrs. Lindley H. Miller, committee of the University, la a Hood | Douglare paid a glowing tribute to the either by carrier or mail, please call who attended the convention of the River graduate. He entered the uni-1 Ifrrot rough rider, who was character- Oregonian agent. Phone 2308. f 21 tf Epist-opal church atNew Orleans, have versity in the fall of 1909, obtaining his 11 zed aa the father of the modern navy. Cleaning and pressing your clothes returned home. They were given a A. B. degree in 1913 and bia M. A. in Roosevelt's orders, sending the navy adds wonderfully to their wear. Tel. recept ion at the parish house Tuesday 1915. The Oregana, the university stu- around the world in 1908, demonstrated 1014 for Meyer Cleaning Works. Quick evening, The weather was unbearably dent body year book, was dedicated to| that the modern fighting ship* could delivery service. j5ti I make the Journey without trouble. 'It warm in the southern city, Mr. Miller him last year. 8weet cider delivered by the gallon or stated. James Johnson, president of the| was shown, he Mid. that servicing sto- barrel; also do grinding and pressing J. B. MiKennon returned from Cor­ Hood River high school student body pions would be needed in day* of real Can supply new kegs and barrels. Wal­ vallis Sunday evening, where he went In 1921-1922, is president of the univer-| warfare, It Increased the morale of ter Weils, phone 4723. n5 He la active in de-| the fleet and gave the personnel a con­ to homecoming of the O. A. C. alumni slty Junior dai J. H. Jeffrey was in Portland Mon and enjoyed the football game tie tween bate work. He is a major in pre-law. fidence in their ability. Pneumatic Tires Rufus Sumner, a senior, was an ath­ Ted Baker.and A. F. 8. Steele pre­ day to accompany Mrs. Jeffrey, who O. A. C. and Montana U. Mr. McKen- has gone there for treatment at a sani­ non is quite a football fan. living a letic manager last year. He is major­ sided at the meeting. J. L. Carter, tarium. • '4- . football player with the O. A. O. ing in business administration. Paul here from Portland, waa a guest of is an assistant manager of stu­ the club. ________________ The small son of Mr .and Mrs. Er­ team in 1906-1906. "The campus is 8 let ton affairs, and has charge of the up­ enables you to alter to your nest Samuel, who was operated on last somewhat changed since thep.” he said. dent Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Smith have left keep of Hayward field. Willlasn Rob­ week for appendicitis, is reported aw aste the quality or timbre of for Newport, where they will si>end the erts, president of the Hood River making a steady gain. Order quick if you want these a opccch or music from high, thin senior elaM in 1922-1923, is a sopho­ cold season. Mr. Smith has grown a Rearches of records and reliable ab­ more, and is majoring in buslnroe ad- our supply is limited and won't pitch to low, deep, round tones. stracts make by Oregon Abstract Com­ very artistic set of whiskers, lie looks tioil. i This receiver, unlike others, is pany, A; W. Onthan t? Managw, 906 ail the world Hke a Kentucky eokinei. Merton Folto, an ex-Hood River stu­ Tlie friends of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Charles Augustus Puddy, pioneer of not at the mercy of the lqud Oak Street. Phone 1521. |v20-tf dent, and Verne Folta are juniors ma­ the Upper Valley, aged <17 and native hope they will enjoy the winter Ulis Overhauled Next week is National speaker. The "Colortone** also • Phone 1014 and have Meyer Cleaning year as much as during a former sea­ joring in business administration. of Little Valley, N. Y., died at his Works call for your suit. It will be son spent at the coast region. Helen Herehner la a junior on the home Tuesday night at 2.30 o’clock. helps to subdue to a great degree^ cleaned and pressed and returned ready the scratching, hissing, whistling Mr. and Mrs. C. Dethman were in campus thia year. Charles Taft is a Mr. Puddy was stricken with apoplexy lor-immediate wear. i5tf tang Beach, Wash., the flrst of the sophomore, majoring in business ad­ Sunday and never rallied from the sounds that are usually the bane Mra. J. F. Watt, who has been seri­ week to be with John Dethman, ministration. John Mohr, a sopho­ attack. of radio reception. Good Rubber ously ill, is reported to be rearing much, brother of Mr. Dethman, who lost bia more, is majoring in pre-law. Rahlee Mr. Puddy waa married to Mias Ida The "fl’s" sad the "H’s” ars f‘ ‘ ~J better. She is at the home of her sla­ wife last week. Accompanied by their Epping, also a member of the clan* of I«enora Frasier, who survives, October '24 from Hood River high school. Is audihla; naturalness of sound replaces ter, Mrs. William 8tewart. daughter, Mrs. Fred Donnerberg, and 29, 1879. The family moved to the in pre-law. Myrtle Jarvis, the artificiality which has heretofore in­ Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Dewey, of White son. Fred Dethman, they aided Mr. majoring member of '22, la a sophomore this Upper Valley In 190«. They came to terfered with radio enjoyment. Salmon, and Dr. and Mrs. 8. L. Peter­ Dethman in packing up his household a year. the city several years ago. Mr. Puddy, son were recent dinner guests of Mr. goods. Mr. Dethman returned here although hla Ufe had largely barn Do nor m/oo a *mon«rritfalW tots grant Wilmuth Gihaon, majoring in busi­ Ore*« innovation. with them. and Mrs. Paul McKercher. spent on the frontier amidst the hard­ We will be closed all day, ness administration; tamard Thom ­ A very important meeting of the ships of early day diwelopmsnt, ■ gave next Wednesday, November 11 We pay cash for your old furniture or son, economic»; Roscoe Anderson, phys ­ A. H. Grebe «L Co. A Very Good Buy make a liberal allowance on new goods Hood River City Council of Religious ics; Paul Tompkins, business adminis­ his best for his family, his community 109 West 57 th Street, New Yosfc Education will be held next Monday and hla state. He was one of the Call Hackett Mil, Kelly Bros. Co. Fur­ Factam Richmond Hffl. N. T. ARMISTICE DAY evening at 7.30 at the parish house of tration; Clarence Buffam, pre-medlcs; homesteaders of the Upper Valley who niture Exchange. ml7tf W.rtcm Sranchi Alice Carson and Gertrude Going, all TRADE AND TERMS St. Mark's Episcopal church. Every Smoky and Smelly Oil Stoves Cured by church in Hood River is asked to be of the class of '24, are freshmen on established the first church In that using Eocene Oil. Try this high grade the campus. Ernest McKittrick, major­ section. Surviving children are: Mrs. Lois coal oil next time and see the difference. represented by its pastor and one lay­ ing in business administration, and man. Reports of the committees on Any quantity, gallon to barrel, at E. A. Roger Woodyard, majoring in journal­ Johnson, of Dundee; Mrs. Grace John­ week-day religious education will be son, of Parkdale; Mrs. Zora Gribble, Frans Co. m29tf made and, it is expected, important ism. are also freshmen on the campus. of Portland, and Lawrence, Jesse and "Good Things tu Eat" While this is Clifton Emmet's first year Earl Huchens, new manager of the action regarding thpse will be taken. Ernest Puddy. Mrs. Aids Baldwin and he was chosen pianist for the college Standard Oil Co., and family have A one-day convention will tie held in Miss Hallie Puddy, of Hood River. taken the McCann bouse on the Tucker the First Christian church Monday be­ orchestra. He is takimr an active part Ftineral services will be held thia in school of music activities. road. ginning at 9 a. m. and continuing morning at the Riverside Community HEIGHTS, BOOK HIVES. OREGON Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Smith, who had throughout the day and evening. This church. Dr. James A. Fraser officiating. Herts Woodard spent the summer and fair on their is one of a series of such gatherings Interment will follow at Idlewilde Weet Side orchard place, left Saturday being put on throughout the country The wedding of John D. Herts, of remetery. for Portland to spend the winter. tiy the United Christian Missionary thia city, and Miss Sylva B. Woodard, Just Little StoriM society of the church. An excellent of White Salmon, was solemnized Sat­ Mrs. Clarence Ellsworth arrived dealt Phsto a resounding blow upon program will be given, one speaker be­ urday at the home of Dr. James A. Commodore Dean tells this one on week from California. She and the head, flattening him so severely Ellsworth are now at home In the ing from Japan, one from St. Louis Fraser, who officiated. Mr. and Mrs. his old friend, Wilmer 8; Bates, of that he never regained bis former dig­ and another from Spokane. Meals will Herta will make their home here, Mr. Burdoin mountain. Said the Commo­ Batchelder bungalow. nity and height. be served by the ladies of the church Hertz being a member of the staff of dore: But for all of the prehistoric Indi Mrs. 8. Bernstein and family were the Pacific Power A Light Co. __ _ or two a “ _______________ Bill killed a cow _ a spring cation of what Mount Adams might here over the week end from Portland at noon and 0 p. m. Ten churches are in included in the district represented Mr. Herts was formerly a student I ago, but he was never able "to get a (By Charles E. Grstke, Automobile have been, it towern today at a great to be with Mrr. Berstein, one of the this gathering. at the Oregon Agricultural College and satisfactory offer on the hide, rail Editor, la towns were notified of hi« dis- Isenberg, and Geo. William Knighton. . of Ht. Helena, was anlemnlaed Tuesday k . -J. .T h each other, mountains loved and fought started April 1 under the Joint Ar­ outs have been provided. vin. and J a mew Bartlett left yesterday ai*pe* rance Mr. R ohc returned to the hospital at the parsonage of the Asbfiry Metho-1.???” ont while he was away and dried and rivers battled oVer their pathway rangement between the state of Wash­ It I n approximately IdO miles from by automobile for Florida to spend the Haturday evening. He waa immedi­ dirt church. Rev Hlmpoon Hamrick hta atalTT»»* to the sea. ington and the county, by which the Portland through Hood Rtvar, over the winter. Pahto was the Indian name for county dears the right of way and lays Interstate bridge to White Saimaa, Mrs, W. M. Kollock, of Underwood, ately sent to the office of Dr*. Sifton officiating. They were accompanied by I1 *,d of WK* wePB at Mount Adams. Pahto, it seems, loved the grade, the state doing the surfac­ and into Guler, following the road that, • waa here last week on htisineaa. Mra. and Abraham and waa later taken to the brother-in-law and sister of the 1'"* after reaching Huaum, skirts the bank the beautiful damsel ta-ws -la-clough, ing. Kollock: atated that apple harvest of Condon'by a relative. He waa unable bride, Mr. and Mr*. Charles Ortans. —_____ - . »____ In addition to work on the main of the Ixix canyon of the White Salmon the Underwood Height* section was to tell where he had been while absent, Mr. and Mrs. Knighton will make their I •» <-|e«rsnre sate wan* T*n*mw whom we know today as Ht. Helens. staring that his mind waa a blank for home at St. Helen*. I Cohen Bro«., who recrotly purchased But the course of true devotion proved highway, there has lieen considerable river. The trip including the Jaunt ap complMe. _________________ the M. H. 8. store, will start a big a triangular affair, for Mount Hood, improvement this year on the road up through the foothills, and the return R. J. Rhinelander, of Underwood, the rime. __________ - ». ■ < learanee Mie tomorrow. The store whom they called Ylest, loved the lady, McDonald ridge from the town of to Portland may be made In a single has purchased a Willys Knight sedan Twoday Night C*ld "• “ ■a rroWCXB ho tWo Weeks for Inven- too. Trout take, which I n imaaable by auto­ day, although this schedule leaves cosa- from J. A. Carr. A. Bright has Just The temperature dropped to 18 above I have purr baaed the Hood River tory. All good* on shelves will be on Pahto became the favored suitor, mobile practically to Cold Spring camp. paratlvely little time for anything purchased an pveriand six from Mr. aero at Odell Tuesday night, and auto ­ County Watkins A Cohen Bros, state that they will end runs, threatened to remain enrap­ United States bureau of public roads. cover. No grower* report- Walkins prod seta. W. L Kirby, R. D. I stock the store with new good* tured with the beauty of Mount Ad­ It is still one of those mountain arter­ All kinds of robber stamps made at ten ar* urged by a committee In No. 2, phone Odell 10fi. qlfi throughout. amo, so Ylest In a fit of terrific anger ies which take “two hours going up the Glacier office«. charge of preparations fbf an oldtime LOOKS CHI UNIFIED AK SER-' ING VKE GETS RAP NO BETTER STOVES-NO LOWER PRICES CONSIDERING QUALITY—TH AN HERE 11 Heatrolas, Coles’ Hot Blast and Mission Heaters Complete Stocks now for your selection. Scalloped and Fringed Window Shades Dong Room Furniture for Thanksgiving E. A. FRANZ CO Delicious Apples Combination Grade FOR SALE I Good Reo Speedwagon 1 Ford Truck The Grebe "Colortone t I Ford Delivery DEATH OF C. A. PUDDY WAS SUDDEN 1 Ford Touring E I Dodge Touring CANNED GOODS WEEK 11923 Late Maxwell I Ford Roadster I Oakland Touring The Star Grocery PERIGO & SON Volstorff Used Car Exchange MOUNT ADAMS IS LURE TO TOURISTS The Raidio Shop of Hood River