HOOD RIVER, GLACIER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER fl, 1924 Growers ! We are again in the field to give you Efficient Service, Distribution and Satisfaction of previous years. DUTHIE & CO., Inc WILCOX BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON Export Apple Shippers Phone Broadway 5462 W. B. Cunningham again in charge Warehouse Lentz Siding Direct connections: .London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Hull » Bristol, Manchester, Rotterdam, Hain burg, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Antwerp * Phone 28X1 OdelL PERENNIAL CANKER OF APPLE TREES lesions produced by such insects as woolly aphis. On the other hand, an­ thracnose is a very much more virulent purasitr. usually having its Incipient infections tlir< ugh uninjured bark. 2. Ttw i>erenniai canker develops (Continued from last week) year after year by the spread of the The fungus causing perennial canker lungus In the healthy tissues surround- is typhal of tIrose species grouped un­ I Ing the canker of the previous season I while anthracnose does not spread far- der the form-genera, Gloeosporluni and tliet than the limits of the first year’s Myxos]s>rium. Since the organism con­ growth, although the fungus lives in cerned in thia bultetin causes both the the dead tissues of a tanker through ■anker of the bark and the rot «*f the the second year when the spores of the fruit of apple, sismilating upon both, perfect stage are formed and dis- and since no perfect spore stage has t barged. 3. The htnidiospores in the two or« lieen discovered, we have chosen to in­ clude It in the forjni-genus, • Gloeospor- gnnlsius are distinct, those of anthrac- cfraravti nr 1 't HBc htht ~ inm, rnther—tharr Mytbsportum. to mw having a "" which are referred only those species hook, while thorn* of tlie pecennial ('an­ Inhabiting bark. Hince the species is ker organism are generally ellipsoid evidently undescribed we propose the although variable in shape and slxe. name, Gloeoaporlum perennane sp. nov. ' 4. The two organisms react to cer­ Noverai differences between perennial tain culture media in distinct ways. canker and apple-tree anthracnose have The chief distinction in this respect, so lieen pointed out In preceding para­ far discovered by us. Is the more active graphs liut It perhaps would be well to diastatic power of the anthracnose reiterate them here in rattier concise organism. On account of the nature of the in­ statements. In their early stages the two cankers look very much alike. The jury produced by this disease the loss­ following are the distinctions which es due to it are difficult to estiinifte. In many large orchards of the Hood River may lie made: 1. The perennial canker is a wound valley, however, the disease lias done parasite Infecting through wounds of extremely serious damage. Brandies various causes such as pruning cuts, from the small one-year-old twigs up or any other mechanical injury to the to scaffold branches four to six Inches bark, lesions caused by other cankers In diameter may be girdled because of such as anthrdenose and European the frequency of coalescing cankers. In canker, winter injured bark and the some of the orchards where infection is at its worst more than 300 cankers were counted on a tree not more than 15 yearn old. The eanketU vary In else according to their age and the slae of the branch affected. On healthy branch­ es cankers may be found up to 10 inch­ es In lenglli but in case of Infection following winter injury affected bark may extend for considerable lengths: Hinume of the perennial nature of the disease the cankers must be thorough­ ly cleaned out by cutting out the in­ dividual cankers or they will continue to liecoine an increasing source of in­ fection. Home ■ growers in districts where perennial canker has tieevme wide-spread declare that'It is useless to attempt to clean up an circhgrd when1 twit ("nr aw «o frequent on tree's. l>erhaps this is an extreme nttltude, nevertheless the wholesale removal of cankers from large» trees where scores of cankers occur is an expensive and laborious operation, providing the sur­ gical methods are done adequately and carefully enough to effect sure eradi­ cation. And it would seem that the |s»rennial nature of the disease would make this process of ec Jicathm the only feasible one. There appears to Is* the* possibility of a definite' relationship between the woolly aphids to infection and growth of the canker. Fully 90 per cent of the rankers examined have been (¡eavlly Infested by this insect. Old. wiund, pruning wounds on infected trees are, so far as observed, always free of the aphids or galls caused by them. Water BERNARD KROHN ■pronta infested with • pblda usually I of “Bordeaux mixture la advised, pref-1 LEGION NOTES die as a result of the presence of per-lerably the spring bordeaux-oll com-] I«aat month's meeting at Parkdale _______ _____ i*. formu Infection blnatlon. The _____ (1-0-50 _______ bordeaux. formu- ­ ennlal eanker while no such infection or resulting effect takes place on la, to which should be added \ good was a rip roaring success. About 70 aphid-free sprouts. Further study may 4 to 8 per cent oil spray, Is sugftstewl Meglonnairc s attended the meeting. Af- . I - I K S show that woolly aphids have nothing as an early pre-pink application. Thia I ter the meeting, the Parkdale Isiys put on a noble dam e ami feed in the Odd also controls the leaf-roller. Surgery Rife A Elliott, local distributora of to do with the advance of the disease, but as a preliminary precautionary should also lie resorted to, particular­ Fellows hall. Legionnaires and their Star and Durant automobiles, made a measure, control of the aphids is sug­ ly in the case of large cankers or can­ ladies enjoyed tbenixent» until late. state record for Heptemlier sales. The gested. Exposed woolly aphids can be kers located on the larger branches. If there had been any more present at average percentage of Star sales for controlled by the application of Blaek Branches with many cankers and those the dance, they would have had to the state was 10. In Hood River coun­ Leaf 40,'1 part to 1,000 jtarte of water, practically girdled should be removed move the wall out And then they ty the percentage of 8tar sales yeacbed plus calcium caseinate spreader, 2 as a whole. In cases where Individual gave us all we could eat If you 52. Bales of light cara for all the parts to 100 parts of water. Prefer­ cankers are to be removed, the dis­ missed that meeting you missed a real state were as follows: Fords, 781; 01 and ably this should be applied as soon as colored, affected bark should be cut treat Harry Hettinger and his Park- Chevrolet«, 525 ; Overlands, 88, the insects begin to appear on the well back into the healthy tisane. dale gang are tn tie highly commended, Stare, 327. In_Hood River county the * ~ 7; Chevrolets, 5; shoots. This period iff their develop­ Probably this can be done best during and believe me. none of us will miss salt's were: Fords, it next year. R. J. . mc Me isaac Isaac uonateu donated Overland«, k . j t X and. atari, ltt. ment is usually reached after the mid­ early summer as cutting at this time « will permit the development otanox- *** DwW for which we ore The lgures wore secured from the dle of July. secretary of elate allowing Oregon mo­ The li tiers 1 use of Isirdeaux mixture lmnin callus. A good, straight-bladed very thankful. Green and white have been adopted tor registrations. may assist somewhat in checking the knife, such as that emplcljred for bud­ "We feel pretty good over our show­ advance of the disease liecauae those ding, has lieen found suitable for cut­ by the |mst as official colors. There orchards which have been well ting out cankers.. This should be kept was also considerable discussion as to ing.” said Mr. Rife Monday, "and we the adoption by the post of a distinc ­ sharp, as a 'clean, perpendicular cut are planning on putting noire Stars sprayed, particularly with the bor­ deaux-oil combination, are In better into healthy bark Is desirable. After tive uniform for its members. The on the roads in the mid-Columbia.” suggestion was nude that the poet shape than those receiving bo spray. a canker is well cleaned, the wood However, satisfactory control of per­ should be posted by an antiseptic. For adopt green and white chapeaux, the ennial canker has not lieen obtained such purposes we have been having same as worn by the drum corps; also In testa being carried on at Hood Riv­ good success with a tree paint made la was suggested that the post adopt a vest. Tills was accused of being er for the control of anthracnose (Neo- up in the following manner. Into any green >t of a bordeaux pow- pow­ Irish propaganda. fabraea malicorticls). Theas tests have desirable amount PORTLAND AND THE DALLEN Npeaking of Novemlier 11, as some Involved spring, summer and fall ap­ der, such as the Sherwin-Williams plication of bordeaux mixture and Fungi Borde, slowly stir small of you know that is Armistice day. have indicated that measures other amounts of raw linseed-oil until a Those of you who attended the cele­ than'the application of this fungicide rather thick, smooth paint is formed. bration last year have a pretty good will be necessary if control is to be This may lie applied with a paint idea of what we are planning for this obtained. For the present, at least un­ brush. All pruning cuts or other year. There will be a football game til the control of the diseaao is better wounds of any else should be coated tietween Hood River and Camas, Wash. understood, one thorough application for these are all sources of Infection. There will be a banquet in the evening, The Oregon Experiment Station is followed by a dance. If you have any now working to ascertain the most real hot suggest ionic, make them to practical methods of eradication and Banks Mortimer. There will probably prevention, and any progress will be lie some sort of exercises in the morn­ DOES NOT OPERATE ing, to be announced later. announced as soon as possible. Ray Lee left Saturday to attend the national convention at Omaha. It is Will be I in Portland on IVedixwday. TonaorialRos to be decided at Omaha whether the Thursday and Friday, , October 7, 8 and Gone are the days, "them happy days,” 1927 convention will be held in Paris. », Benson Hotel, and in 1 The Dalles on Wouldn’t that be hard to take? The days of old Lang Hyne, Saturday, October 10, at Dalles Hotel. Bill Allyn, former ixist adjutant and When barbers used to have a hearh secretary of the Hocid River Chamber And shaved you for a dime. Office Hours : 10 a. bl to 4 p. as. of Commerce, and still a member of But sinefe the world’s been made too thia poet, now lo< ated In Seattle, was safe here for a few days this month. Bill THREE DAYS IN PORTLAND AND For Democrats and things, says the old town looks pretty good. The price we pav for cuts and shave« Ix*onard Howard, who is supervisor ONE DAY ONLY IN THE DALLES Would ransom seven kings. - a of the Oregon-Wii diington Telephone Co. at Sunnyside, Wash., was here They say they have to live and eat, No Charge for Consultation over a week end. Leonard says he That beans have hit the sky, likes hie job, but wishes be was nearer That onions too, are going up, Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate Hood River. And so Is rock and rye. , Ben Davis has been transferred to In medicine and surgery and Is licensed The barbers now are spoiled or boiled. Stevenson, Wash., hut is still with ns by the state of Oregon. He does not Since maidens took the chair; tn spirit, sometime? In person. He operate for chronic appendicitis, gall Don’t give a dam’ for any man, plans on retaining bls position as bass stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or While dandling with their hair. adenoids. drummer In the drum corps. He has to his credit wonderful re­ Jease Thomas has moved to Gresh- I get a shave, they tweak my nose, And point it to’rds my eye. am, Where be is wirklng for the 20th sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­ Century store. Then chuckle In bum ecstasy And lather, pull, and pry. A free safety deposit box is pro- ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, vided for legio”hn!reo who wish to weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg The bdrbers sure bring home* the goods, preserve their bonus papers and dis­ ulcers and rectal alimenta. The bacon and the rind. Below are the names of a few of his charges. at the Butler bank. Better Their tongues broadcast from Twaddle- take advantage many satisfied patients in Oregon: of this. vllle. Rose 3. Aplin, Carson, Wash., nerve Wanted—Anyone who can take bass Their message is sublime. or baritone part in a quartet. We trouble. Mrs. Otto Will, Jefferson, varicose They say, "Your hair is full of grit. need one, and P. D. Q. ulcer, leg. Of cobblestones, and lime; M. P. Christianson, Albany, bladder Phone Business Stimulated For fifty plus we ’poo with snd«. And make your halo shine. During apple ha i vest Hood River’s trouble. Mrs. M. A. Ewan, Coquille stomach telephone exchange is materially in­ trouble. "What hair you have Is falling out. creased. Superintendent Marshall, of The darn stuff’s full of ails. Robert JlgUnski, Scio, stomaeb and the Oregon-Washington Telephone Co., heart Why don’t* you try our helpyoudont, trouble. stated Friday that during the past Well scrambled In with natlsT John Roth, Albany, adenoids and week an approximate 80 temporary tonsils. "Your buckskin face resembles Tut’s, telephones had been installed in apple Mrs. M. I. Olsen, Portland, appendi­ With crinkled skitter yow; packing plants In the valley. Harvest citis. A hot massage vglth Acito rags time brings about an overload of tele­ Remember the above date, that con­ Would be the cat’s eyeegpw.” phone calls. Dally operators handle sultation on this trip will be free and about 10,000 calls as compared with that his treatment If Brick would start a whisker fad. is dUferenL 8.000 normally. And raise red silk galore, Married women must be accompan­ Twonld he an omen to the cult ied by their husbands. Of lather, blade, and gore. Cash paid for old cars. R.-R. Auto Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Loa Wreckers. Ben Bborn. Angeles, California. WAREHOUSING ODELL—HOOD RIVER STORING LO ADI NG—SH I PPI NG I Special Rates for Quantity We will Warehouse, Load, Forward your Apple and Pear Shipments if « you are selling or consigning. LIST YOUR CROP WITH US WE REACH ALL MARKETS KELLY BROS. CO. (INCORPORATED) STAR SALES LEAD IN MID-COLUMBIA Coming to Dr. Mellenthin