- •ÜhV-T.-f ‘«•-‘y ■ ’• *1 Ir**1 »'i®! »--J L ».<* 1 . ............ Ú- W!| 57^*? £ . » y I s < ■■■ ' I f HOOD RIVER, GLACIER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER », 192*4 Biner (Warier ff. It baa started on the first lap of the wet season in Oregon. It la not likely that anyone will have to water the lawn agata thia year. But the city council and citiaeoa should not forget a program for h better municipal water ayetem. Hood River needa more water, and steps should be taken that will brlug about a water aysteui that is adequate. AMERICAN FIRR TOLL ALARMING i »P ■ *T" ‘ ‘ r ■* i 3 ä : t I ■ f I s s. • >. « n . ■ V i I ■M W Thia ill national fire protection week. The public haa not heard much of It. but tlx* leeaon of fire prevention, we underatand, la being carried into the w iiooto. The children are being taught to I* careful with niatcbea, and the danger« that lurk In pilea of debrto in Imnementa and about the bouae. The fin* loua'in Aumrica to appall- Ing. The National Board of. ITnder- writer«, the highest authority on the nubject, telto us that daily we of America lost >1,460,744.44 by fire. What thia means may ix> compre- hended from a few coinpartoona. Onr annual production of gold and ailver to $103,119.741—kwa than one-fifth of onr annual fire hm. As a people we prodiK.vl a wealth of $1.900,2H7,000 In our 1922 corn crop;, but we wasted more than 2H per «-««it of that amount by fire. Our 1922 cotton crop amount­ ed to $1.192,461.000; enr fire loan was 44 per c«*nt of that inm. Tn 1923 we paid our government internal revenuea, excluding income and inheritan|M will lx* Hx* following Co. at Baker, who ha« been bore the year. peat aummer in «xmnection with pro­ motion of a cooperative box plant, left “Old IrotiRklea” week la approacb- ycHterday for Spokane to confer with Ing. Hoine mhool boy or girl of the officials of the Weyerhauasr lumber Mr. Strong has been ap- mid-Columhla la going to win honor«. Interest«. |M>intef invewrlga- girln. A atudy of the early hbrtory tion throughout eastern 1ae PARIS FAIR % - .. .... New Fall Coats For Ladies A new shipment arrived this week. Every one is right up to the minute in style, fabric and newest colors, straight line, wrap­ around and flare models, trimm­ ings of beaver, squirrel, fox and fitch. We are offering the biggest assortment and best values in the city and invite you to come in and see them, 2nd Floor. * New Sweater Coats and Jackets •u collec­ tion represents the utmost in value giving vogue and variety at a very reasonable price. It includes scores or clever models most sought for the misses and children. Every conceivable color to choose from. Youll find just the very hat you had in mind here and will be pleased in every way. Visit our Millinery Department^ and you’ll be convinced 2nd Floor. CHILDREN’S HATS— This Each week sees new arrivals in this line and makes our Sweat- er Section the most complete and ' attractive in the city. Let us take care of your wants in this line. Our prices are the lowest. f NEW SILK SCARFS—The Alpine Ensemble Cap and Scarf sets, the newest, out. A good assortment of colors to choose from. We in- vite you to see them. 2nd Floor. INFANTS HOODS— There has never been as large and as fine a line of Infant’s Hoods shown in the city. All the daintiest little headwear for the baby, Hoods, Toques, Caps, Bonnets in silk and wool. Ipfant’s Dept. 2nd Floor. a New Style Wool,Middies for Girls with the knitted bands. Just the thing for school wear. 2ad H ht . Natka to Cantrsctera The rains will come and some few H>*al«>d Blds will tie received by the orchardists will still have their fruit Board of Directors of School District For Bale—Second-hand healer In good eon- No. 1, Cascade Locks, Iltxxl River dlllpn; round oak dining table; tiros bed. out on the trees. •tend ; l$-gallon cauldron kettle with elove; County, Oregon, at the school houso of Ford track ear. make dandy bag. *# per cent ■«Id District, until 7.30 P. M. on Octo­ K’cord tire«, ready to run. inquire at C. S. The Hood River high whool football ber 24th, 1925, for the erection .of a , SO rod« weal of Height« Feed Store, on Belmont road o»tf team la improving. All of ua are look­ oi>«*-story and basenxmt school build­ ing, according to plana and speciflcs- For Bala-cboloe Hood Hl »or property. » n ing for a good ending to the aeaaoit. tiuns on file from and after October aerea north of O -W. H. A N.. 4M aereaanalb oTO.-W. RAN.. 10.76 aerea on Ouluinbla Rlv- 10th, 192S, at the office of Capt. C. Nel­ St.lvgsyNBr,,,,K 11 U1^onl Going to join the crowd and go down son. Cascade Lock*, Ore.; and at the and hear Rev. Billy next Tuemlay offite «if P. M. Hall-Lewto, Architect, FtwSate-New «.hamaan tabla loom, wltb 314 Henry Buildlug. Portland, Oregon. compiate oourae In Ootoatal weaving. Call at night? the NovMty Bhop, 1103Twainh BL oS Certified ebeck 5% of amount of bid, or bliltler’s bond to accompany all bids. For Bale- ao good last years appl« boxes at Deposit of $10 required to guarantee Me each, teade op. T, C. Bloat, kffi. 4, pboaa 4*0 return of plans issued to bidders,, on 4407. or before said closing date. For Beto- Brown Hwlaa oow. to be fresh tn At the time and place for receiving October, gives 4 gallons a day. Apply Ernest bids above stated, the bids received Goose, oo Country Club rued, % mile N. W. Roekfoed Btore. eltf ' will be pultlicly o|s*ne«l, and the con­ THE AUTO PARK Hhipmeuta of fruit and vegetable«, tract for building awarded to the low­ The municipal automobile park ha« now approaching their annual "peak,” est duly qualified bidder, provided the will probably reach n new high record sum of such bid tie within the amount tamed out an expensive undertaking of a million carload« for the entire of funds of tlie said District to become For WUe—IS-ln fir «nd pine wood «leo 4-foot for the city of Hood River. We «io country thia year, according to eatl- available and aiipllcable for such build­ delivered Eaal and WeM Bide and Hood River. Phone 46M. A. LaChapelle «lltf not know how much was siient ou the matea received by the Houthern Pa­ ing purposes. The Board reserves the right to re- cific company from the Railway Age. For Hale or Trade — One-ton Hamaon track la lark this year in Improvement«. The condition. Phone V. T. Beauregard, "There 1 h hardly any otti«-r kind of Jcl any or all bids, or In event of good ins. r?4tr stun was well above $1,000. however. freight buaineaa which han grown no award of building contract, to retain In addition part of the purchase price much witbin recant yean«,” myn the the checks of the two lowest bidder» For Male- Fiwh oow, mUeh «oat, food work mint lx* (Mid and Intervet met on bal­ Railway Age, “and probably there to duly qualitted, for five days pending borse, cheap. dean ot g«x •d marea. 6 month« eld oolt, top boggy. W. C. laon. Rid. ». hall no other kind the volume of which ■ he execution of building contract. mile from Rockford «tore oi6 ance of principal. The suiccHsful bidder will he re­ •* The records of the custodian show fluctuate« no much iu different aeaaona. quired to furnish Ismd in am«nint not For Bale—4 Wild geeee lamed tor deooya; aloo “In 1929 the number of care loaded Jeraey belter, obeap. T. J. Millar, phone that the «4ty's portion of the revenue with frulta and vegetable« w « k M3, less than 5tl'7< of amount of bid, satis­ one 46». r oS from the municipally operated park 4H; In 1921, 751,089; in 1922, MH.ONl; factory to tbe Board, and execute For Bale—Had Star Vapor oil «love. S barn- have tteeu apfiroximately $700. The in 1923, 87b,002 and in 1924, 923,049. building contrail, within five days on on top, two la ovea; One ooadIlion. Call from and after date of award, and Odell 45, R W. Arena, Kfd V The increaae in 1924 over 19211 waa 441 aMlt , dty han acted wisely In its dedsion to per cent. It to expected that the load­ failing therein tbe ch«*«'k of such bid­ For Bale—Hoaaebold forniture. F ver» th I ng ! close the park. in ga In 1920 will be 1,000,009 cara, an der shall be forfeited as liquidating will go al bargain prleos. Mre. C. F. Bumner, ! Rxcept In Isolated cases, such as Increaae over 1920 of 00 per ceut. damage« to the District, or so inueb phone Odell ». oStr ."To handle thia lncreaalug bualnetaa thereof as shall repr«*scnt the differ­ Ashland, where the municipality to poa- For H«lo — M-I«. body Sr wotxl al W per cord «cnsed of a remarkable property, cities the railwaya and car llnea Controlled ence between tbe amount <>f the nut*- and 4.foot, » per cora, delivered In cuy. TUI. nft by them Imre been obliged within re eessful hid and the next higher bld re­ Mil, E. Mlielley Morgan bench. should not attempt the operation of ceut year« to add Jargely to the num­ ceived at th«* above stated time and nutomobflc camps. Private enterprise tier of refrigerator car«. They have lilace for re«*elvlng bids. Hehixil District No. 1, to developing aceoinmodatlonn for m«>- put in aery ice 22.O7H new refrigerator Gasca ik* latrkfo Ore. tor tourists all up and down the Tfarifle cars tn 1929; 14.M2 ta 1M4 and «.« mi Capt. C. Nelson, ('hairman. thus far in 192«, a total of 42,180. i signed ) highway and along the Columbia River Hate of first puNicStloti. October They now have about 140,000 sucti highway. Why should municipalities enrs which represent an Investment H|h, l»2ß. Hate of last publication, October interpose coinprtition? Why should averaging about 13,000 each, or a 22nd. 1925. taxpayers lie called on to foot tbe defi­ total of over >400,000,000. "The handling of fruit and vegetable cit« of antomobile camjdng grounds, Notice of Bond Sale trafflc presents to the railways an ex­ when there to absolutely no need for tremely difficult problem because it la Healed bid* will I m * received until the such ventures? Hood River's munici­ growing so fast and bet a use there are hour of 2 o'clock P. M. th«* 2nd day of pal camping ground has lieen unable to aticb great seasonal fluctuations in the Novvinlier. 1925. an«l I in med lately thereafter publicly opened by the hold its own in the face of private volume of IL For example, in the first County Court of 1I« mm 1 River County. four months of 1924 the average num- competition. Hood ltiver has many la-r of tars loaded with fruits and Oregon, at the office of th«* xnld Court «waWo. " ff*O. BErUv*« mA/lI ( places where money <*otlld Is* spent to vegetables monthly was 59.420. Tlmre- In the Otunty CourtImuHe in the city park for unit In Ileceml>er to 43.S17, or to almost November 1. 1921. ami to mature alHM>- commrrelal orebarff. May be «abdlvlded for the M-anon mid had written the alutve two-thlrds leas than in October.” llltely without option of prior redemp­ making t>»aaUtalsabarbaa home Price MMO terms InveMIgate Kight Inches at comment, we learned that the park will The Railway Ajte points ont that tion November 1, 1941, »aid lM>nda to Faay Farmer« irrigating Oo, water rtVwlth thfa Je4tt not be cloned after nil Mr. Hutdai, the liH-reased cooperation of shippers liear int»*reat at tlx* fate of h I x (0%) placa. J. H, Nick «Tana. pbona MM. per went per gnnum. (tayable m-ml- although he left the IninreaHlon with through tlie Hhlpt«*rs Regional Advis­ annually on May anil November firnt. HAY ma SALE - Altelte, Grain Ray. ory* Boards has done much to assist hy.Oala, Barter, and WbaM, guaranteed the council Monday night that he wan the rnllroads in m<*eting the car supply principal and intercut i>ayable in Timot quality. Prompt «hlpment. Prima npr>n ap­ ready to quit, changtMl hie mind and problems in connection with iiertohable I’nlttMl NtateM gold cola at the Flncal plication. Richard Nyman, Walla Walla, ' WaalilngtoM. api,» I «‘xpreHW'd a deeire to continue opera­ freight trafflc. Good work has been Agency of the Stat«* «>f Oregon In New York City. LKWIH- TRA FRETTED REDS lead th« Sada I tion«. JuKt why — well, we are not done by terminal perishable commit Ha Id lildH niUHt Itc aecom|ianieer hnn gone on into the "One big problem which confronts Cnll unknown Imurue. Eph. Olinger lg no the railways and shippers which has tnrnlahed the auccvHHful bidder. Tlie Court nwrvex the right to ro nidre. We will mlw« hia familiar figure hardly yet been tackled.” says the Ject any or all blda. n round the fire nt the FaHhion Ktabltw Railway-Age, “la the problem of re­ Kent Hhenta of fruits and vegetables. <*H-29 the balllffii place at the court hotiM* Because of the fact that the shipment)) during term« of circuit <*onrt. in August, September and October are FOR SALE Mr. Olinger wan n quiet, unontenta- now so large and in other months so For Hale—A Republie IU-tr>n truck. Alao siimll It la neceaaary for the railways For Hal«-«. wMka-old pig«. H H. Krna. »-yard gravel bed with hydraulic bolet Te». tloua man. Ik? wn« ren’ly known only olS and their controlled «ar llnea to pro­ Multnoaiah Way, phone MM4 Parkdale VA ChaaMrock. JlMt by a few pioneer friend«. No man vide a very large numls-r of extremely Forgele—10 acres near Rock ford «tore at a For Hale-Dodge louring ear. good running po«aenH.(MK»,«M> to $250,- During aefwiona of circuit court, while ooo.ooo of the capital the railways Ju«ige and attorney« were awaiting the have Invested in refrigerator cars does return of a Jury and there were letoure nothing to earn a return U|ion itself momenta for convernation, Mr. Olinger during two thirds of the year. Furthermore, the large volume of often grew remlnia« ,*nt. During thoae these products shipped in the late sum­ momenta bi« llateners heard intereat- mer and early fall months results in lng atoriea of the eariy day«. the market« being repeatedly glutted, with consequent heavy losses to both producers and consumers because of The T»eg1on'N pl« n« to const m et a gnat flu< tuatioaa in prices." ski trail on the great slopes of Mount ForBateor Kxehang«-I7 acr««, 1 mllvliotn Hood nre worthy ones, 'rhe great H Malley and Bsrnio Ritchie, 000 outing and be partiripating in a move- Tel. W. HhlnOfer Transfer Co oik meut that is bound to lead to the day Seattle voting men, were arrested Tues- o any other kind or term«. Bhouu Parkdahj 26X1 nr write Mra. phone 3404. uHlf work -r« yoli -vian. Day or night aervlce Loot« Nex, Mt. Hood, Ore. u$ Plione Kn«t47l4, Ko.I Side Employment Her For Hani—Office room* In Hroalua building. vice. 614*4 River Hi , Portland. Ore. oU For 8ule—Ifl inch and 4 foot wood. Delivered R. K Bcott. a27ir In Hood River or Mny wnere on West aidii within one mile. E. Beauregard Ebone For Reni—Large fornlahed «li-eplng room MISCELLANEOUS Odeil 306. a23U with bath aud foruace heat. Enquire at SOI Blate Hireel, acro»a from library. i'#'t For Bale—Two good Jersey cow«, one Juat IXMt—A wrlet watch on the Height«, laet freab; alaos s-year-old Jmev hull. All are Fnrnl.hed Dolt««»—By week, day or Friday «boni « p. m. Reward. Flodor plea»» priced right. Ball for , ervloe. 13 ut). Walter tnonlh. wltb or witbout board. Waucoma lea«M at Glacier office. og Wells. t«J. 47». aStt CoUageo, T«l. 3014. » Ulf E»tr.y Notlas—Takas up «1 my plana In th» Foritelo—Apple, peach, p»ar and cheny Kaat Barrell dl«lrlel on Tu««aay. September trees. We have a foil nnotrf general nursery WANTED 15. ■ black Jeraey belter about a year «Nd. «lock. Phone Parkdale M or write C. T, Maw- Owner mar ba»-« «ante by Identltylng prop, e<*n. Parkdale. mtr city and paving tor thia advertleemen: and Wanted—To buy good heifer calve«. U. L coat of keep L. L. Oooeh, pbona M3I. oe Trout, Glenwood, Wa«b. of FOK RENT Klretrlc motor, eiebainrod.eold, rented end Wanted—The Llbhy, McNHII & Libby can­ rrpHlred. M llwenkee Weber System«. V. u. For Beat-Lovely modern bangalow, com­ nery, at The Dalle«, Ore., I m operai Ing on W«l«r, route Ï, HooddUver. Ore., phone Odell at this time. Cunning seMNon wlll extend tn pletely foralabed. «bori dimane» troni olir. 106. «mí For rent for the widler or longer. Tai 57(B, «boat the middle of Dwember Purlins de- ■Iriog employment. pleHNe write far particu­ Mre. Georgiana Rand. «ioti ItenieinberthHt Hood Rlvar baa an active lar». Libby. McNeill A Libby, The Dwll»«, H uoimii » Hoeitty. T«l. I3M wb«a yoa want oh For Kant—Apartment, adult« only. 1223 Oregon. official action oi th« body. JyIMt Caacade ave. Phone »MS. otnf Wauted-Po-lllon Competent Ixdy denim For Etriianic'-Hlock and dairy ranno. For Rent—Tba old E, L. Hmiih home on offlre work. Reference« MI.» Laura Camp- Wa»i I «.me i.n>po«liion. I Marne, what bave Blate alreel near library. TM. »tt Inquire of hell. 312 W lltb et.. pitone CM. The Dolle.. < I -milt Addre-Xt 3 U> a feiger «loi 0—414 Xrd Nt, bock of Butler flreplace, furnace, garage, adulta t referred. Wanted Man experienced In orchard work Banking Co Com. and a«« iato«« eraallon In A. W. Beckley. <17 May at., pitone 3S43. oSir and capable ot i>;«-r«tlng tractor and Irm-k «»wing macblim. W« will allow yoa a good le«dy work to right party. Phone Odell «» • l.owance oo yonr old maohlneo. We Eave For Rent—A fl re. room ro* tag«, «obbleotone “ wcond hand on«« tor «ale aloo. We clean and John 0. buck wall. * jmr front and flreplae» Tel. aie». ony repair «II maken ot machine« Needle« and W'an'eo —l«l calve« and freab meal. Ore­ oll« and repaint tor all mak«a of machia-«. For Kent—Two apartment« nt Mil Stata at. gon Hllver Fox and Fur Farina. Opp>a>lte the Wi do hematllenlna at I, ■ and 10c per yard, Pbona l«14. «got; Columbia Gorge Hotel. Plmoe jM6. (U7U «nd button bole making. »tu Cash & Carry Grocery h£l IU£DI£C V l LI v E w IL j • H. GROSS, Proprietor TWICE DAILY Phone 1032 i Phone 103 2 3RD AND OAK STREETS Saturday-IOth SPECIALS Monday-I2th ROYAL RED PEAS, Reg. nr Size Can, 2 for........................ ¿JC MOTHER’S PREM. OATS, on Reg. Size Package ..................JVC WHITE RIVER FLOUR. Per Sack ............................ UKELELE PINEAPPLE Large Can ......................... 20c MILK-ALPINE. Large Cans, each....................... Old Hard Wheat is the Best. 9c $1.99 Our Feed Department Has many surprises to offer you, for instance: WASCO SCRATCH, 100 pounds MILL RUN, 80 pounds.............. SHORTS, 80 pounds..................... a • CROWN SHORTENING, 45 pound can pi.4 pOun(j pails. ______________ r$2.75 $1.30 $1.35 ..$7.50 «•tetti» 83c BLY YOUR VEGETABLES CHEAP AS YOU CAN SWEET POTATOES-6 pound, -——-i for.. f •• ««•«•«««•« 25c CAULIFLOWER - Nice Heads, each................ 10c WeA5-NUTS, New Crop QA. ■ oh Shell, per pound. .....,..3UC CRANBERRIES Per pound.... 10c ALMONDS, New Crop Per pound...... Drop In any day 30c We always have Specials to offer you •n Ml ? I ! Ì i