The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 17, 1925, Image 4

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    •4 4.W
If you want to make an investment in Long
Service, Comfort and Fine Appearance, Put
Uv S. Tires on your car
HERE’S a U. S. Tire to meet your requirements no matter what
they are. It is made right for the job. It is priced right. It gives
you your money’s worth — long service and continued good looks. _
There is a U. S. Tire Dealer right near you. Go to him and talk
over this tire question. Let him help you select the one ideal tire
equipment for your needs from the full U. S. line—U. S. Royal
Balloon, U. S. Royal Balloon-Type, U. S. Royal Cord — Regular
or Extra Heavy, U. S. Royal Cord Bus-Truck, USCO Cord and
USCO Fabric.
Buy U. S-. Tires fruiti
Ju& A Plain Statement
In view of the fact that there have been a number of statements
made in regard to the handling of the Hudson-Essex Line of automobiles
in Hood River county, I feel that I would be doing myself and the
Hudson-Essex company an injustice if I did not make a statement at
this time.
I believe that there are no better cars built than Hudson-Essex at
their price, and from the efforts being made by certain local people to
take ¿his agency from me, I know they think the same.
I have no axe to grind, for Hud»on-E**ex sales and service occu-
•y my whole time, but I want every man, woman and child in Hood
liver county to know that they can buy
’Ti/so“ Hudson
5-pa. Bro.
Shay’s Service Shop
(Satisfactory Service Always)
On The Heights
Phone 1421
Let u a have your ord
Thunderstorm Monday Morning
Mld-C-olumbia folk were arouxsi at
5.30 a. rti. by cannonading of thunder
n nd one of the severest electrical
storms wltneaaed here in the faint three
years. Orchardlats feared damage to
. J'
cropti from hail, but the »torio pa«s«*d
with n heavy sli«>w«<r of »bort duration.
The rain laid the duat of valley I i I k I i
ways and wan welcomed by fruit «row­
er». a» It wnwhed the airiimiilntlon of
dust and »pray residue from apple».
suddenly on the atreets of tieattte, hie
home city. Mr. Eggert waa accom­
panied by hie nepbeu Fred Eggert, of
Fort land.
J. H. Eggert stopp« u over for a short
visit with relatives ai d friends while
returning to Bend from Portland.
Elmer Eggert is in Good Samaritan
hospital, Portland, recovering from an
operation, which was not of a serious
Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. sheirbon and
Mrs. A. H. Weinheimer motored to
Pendleton Tuesday to utteud the
John Annale, of oak ’Grove, in
charge of ¡mcking jx-urs at the new
»■old storage plant, was busy ’Fuesday
getting ready for beginning laccklng
Wednesday morning
Frank Cutler of Cutler Bros. Grader
Manufacturing Co., Portland, was here
last week Installing grader and <«juip-
ment for sorting and packing pears In
the new building.
* Mr. and Mrs. Jo»* Toiupkina, who
have spent the past several yt*ars in
.Eugene, are returning this week to
their home in (Mell.
Fr»*d Walter has b««*n visiting rela­
tives and friends in Odell this week.
Mrs. F. Durst, of Seattle. arrived
W»*dnes«lay evening for a visit with
her long time friend. Mrs. Emma F.
Wells, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. E. Clark.
Bunday school 10 a. m. next Bunday
at the Methodist church, Morning ser­
vice and sermon by Rev. W. 8. Glelser
’*1 H
in. Junior church 0.15 p. m.,
Helen Pemberton, leader.
¡»■ague 7.15 p. ni.. Marie Fletcher,,
leader. The Epworth 1 .eague orches­
tra is helping greatly with the music
of tile league. At » o'clock evening
aerviie and sermon by the pastor.
Isist Sunday morning tlie church ol>-
serve»! its 14th anniversary with an
appropriate sermon by Rev. Gleiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Ketola and three sons
were here lust -week visiting at tin*
home of J. J. Annala aud also witli
I other friends in Hood River valley.
Tiiey and 111«* Annalas were old time
friends in North Dakota.
Z. <1. Annala waa a week end visitor
in Portland lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Iiavia are here
from Medford to s|«*iid n few iiwmths.
Mr. mid Mrs. Chester Htansbery, of
Portland, spent Beptemlier fl and 7
with Mr. ami Mrs. A. N. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, of Portland,
were week end visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Kellar the same
Mrs. W. I. Kirby, with her two
younger sons mid Mrs. Kirby's sister.
Mrs. Otto Mrsou, have gone to Illinois
to Is- present nt the golden wedding
iinnivcrMiy of their parents, Mr. Kir
by's mother Is keeping house for him
mid Ills two older sons.
Mr. mid Mrs. Sam Bolea nuil Holl,
Irwin, of San Femando, Calif.. gave
Mr. Boles' parents. Ml. and Mrs. T. A.
Boles, of Odell hotel, a pleasant sur-
■prise when tliey motorisl here, arriv­
ing Friday night.
A. B. Brooke lias purchased H. C.
Chase's ten m.
Mrs. Win. Hoffner, of Portland, with
her two children S|s*nt the wi«ek end
nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
Pears were received in the new cold
storage plant of the Apple Growers
Association Saturday. We understand
that M. Hawthorne was the first grow­
er who deliver«»! fruit. Tile Nunn-
inakem were also heavy contributors.
Remember the ns'ltal Friday, to­
morrow. night In the high school aud­
itorium by pupils of Mrs. W. F. Young.
Mrs. 1,. K. ithisides nnd Miss Marguer­
ite Ferrin.
The entertainment of Monday night.
nrranged by Mrs. (I. E. Bowerman ami
Mrs. A. II. Weinheimer fur tlie ladies'
Ahl so«4ety, was well attended and
well received. It waa also a suciess
Chris Eggert attend the fuiH>rnl of
his brother, Chnrle«, who itaxMed away
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Siimn<*r mutured
to Portland recently to visit Mrs. «um-
iier'a brother and family.
Elder Grant Dlx aud grandson, Bob­
bie Turner, drove down from Clarks­
ton. Wash. Last Monday Mrs. Di»,
who bad been at tier daughter's, re­
turned home with them.
The Indies’ Al»l of Valley Christian
chnreb, met last Thursday with Mrs.
Roy Haya.
Mrs. Tliorp, of Vancouver, Wash.,
spent last Thursday with Mrs. J. B.
Emery and Velma Cotton were call­
ers ai the Griffith liome Friday night.
Eider Kuhnley .moved his family up
from Troutdale Friday. He oeisipies
the imrsonage at Advent Christian
church, lie will avt as ixistor again
this year.
Emery Cotton, who liad been in «*ast-
ern On*gon and Clarkston. Wash., re­
turned home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Linn attended
the ministerial eonventkm at The
Mrs. Guy Crap|s*r returned home
from Ilood River Sunday evening.
ltoy Haya has a bunch of men on
the FarmeM* ditch rejiairing it, and
J. B. Sumner has n crew on the Imnd-
ed ditch.
“I Came Back To Buy;
1925 Hunting Season
Male Deer------------- Sept 10 to Oct. 20
Chins Pheasant»
.... Oct. I5-Oct 31
Blue or Sooty Grouse, Sept. 10-Oct 20
Silver Gray Squirrel —Sept. 15-Oct. 15
Ducks and Geese
—Oct. 1-Jan. 15
Bear________ .
___ Open all year
Your Heaters are Better and
Lower In Price.’*
This is what a critical customer from Stevenson, Washington, said
after looking at stocks in Stevenson, White Salmon and Hood River,
and comparing all with mail order catalogs.
It must be true, else we would not be selling practically 100 per
cent of lookers who shop carefully as he did.
Don’t Pay Extra For Easy Terms
Franz does not charge you a cent for the privilege of paying for
your stove or range in monthly payments! And too, you can turn in
your old stove for a liberal credit on the new.
September Bedding Sale
More Estate Heatrolas
Growing Larger Daily
. The first Jot went out before we had a
chance them on our sample floor.
Come in and see this wonderful Heater that
looks like a beautiful piece of mahogany fur-„
niture and heats the whole house with less
fuel than stoves.
Good Beds
Good Springs
Good Mattresses
All reduced in price to enable you
to use your old things for harvest help
and get the new for your personal use.
Cabin Equipment
We’ve never been able to offer such good
values as now:
Simmons Beds
De Luxe Bed Springs
Sealy Mattresses
30 lb. Felted Mattress
. 4.9b
▲11 Steel Bed Spring.
. 1.36
New Chairs
?......$2.25 up
Camp Stoves
New Rugs and Linoleum ¡
Fall Stocks are arrivi
riving and we
invite you to come i and
— look thru
them, whether you want to buy or
not They’re worth seeing.
In the 11« mh 1 River Glacier, a weekly River County, Oregon, this 15th day of
A lutzaar for the benefit of the Chil­
newHpn|M*r of general circulation pub- Reptember. A. D. 11>25.
dren's Farm Home given by the W. 0.
li»hed in 1I< hh 1 River. II< mm 1 River
II. L. Ilasbrouck.
T. 1'.. will 1K* held at the old 20th Cen­
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Roberta and County, Or«*g<>n.
County Judge.
tury store room In the Mt Hood Hotel
daughter, Ruliy, went to Portland »>1-
Done and dated at Hood River, Hood
Annex Bldg., Satur»lay, September 26.
day to be gone for several "days.
Mrs. Ifrank Meushaw and son, Lyle,
have been spending a week at ising-
view. Wash., visiting Mrs. Meashaw's
daughter, Mrs Miller.
Those who are planning to fill Jars
of fruit for tlie Mothers' club to be
sent to Portland, will pleas«* have
them fiil«*d nnd returned to tin* store
by Saturday. September 19, so they
may I m - | ui < ked ami sent ts-fore every­
one Is busy with the apple harvest.
Gladys Rolicrta has been spending a
two weeks' Mii-ntion at the home of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ix*wis Rob-
Mr. McCauley has recently had a
telephone Installed in his ranch home.
F. E. (iilkcrxon
has ___________
pnreha«e<l -a
new Chevrolet touring car.
The Mothers' club had a pleasant
meet tug last ThUHdKy at (he home of
Mrs. Clarence Pin ker. The next meet­
ing lias I mm - ii s«*t forward a w«*ek to
' /jffl
have it conn* is /ore everyone Is too
busy in tin- apples. It will la* held
today (Thursday) at the home of Mrs.
E. B. Moss All are re«ineated to make
a not«* of this date as it will lie the
last meeting until November 19.
The rtsepiion last Friday evening
nt the school house was well atten«l<*d
anil a very su< • «■ssful affair.
Monday saw eight new pupils eu­
ro lie« I at »« bool, bringing the enroll­
ment up to 44.
Next Thursday evening at 7.45 the
local fair will I m * held at the scinsd
liousc and all are cordially urged to
attend. Tlie «■xhlblta of clnb work
Hint nr<> to Is- taken to the school fair
Saturday will I m * displayed ami th«*
sewing sn«l canning clnb girls will give
«lemonstrnt Ion». The girls of tin* can­
ning clul> who have been <l«dng such
gisal work this summer are Ruth ami
Ednn Ingalls. Mary Is*win. Elene
Downing and .luanlta Thompson. Tliev
hare canned. .Iswide« their display
work. 5s ipmrts of tomatoes which
wen* donat<*d for tlie hot lunch this
There will I««* no scb«M>l Friday, ns It
will Is* neiessary for the teachers to
take tin* exhibits to Hood River and
nrrahge the I.... ths preparatory for the
Almost UnMieveabk
1926 Impmwments
Improvements ?
Saturday display.
Miss Olive Moss spent the w«*ek end
-absolutely, this low price am- Latest Haber Bodies. AuDroved J
nt home.
axes you! But all BUICK prices 4- Wheel BndSD^X^
2-Door Sedan
Order Fixing Time for Hearing
of Final Account
III the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Hood River County.
In the Mutter of the Estate of Mary
M l< bell. l*ecen»ed.
Now nt thin time come« on to be
lienhl the Final Account of J. E. Rar-
nett, Hie duly npointed. qualified and
tilting Adniinlstrntor of the Estate of
Mary Michell, deceased. and «aid
Administrator having petitioned the
Court for n time And place to lie fixed
for the hearing of Mid Final Account
and for an Order approving name;
And It mtlHfactorily appearing to
the Court that more than six months
has expired nlnoe the publication of
Notice to Creditors, and that Mid Es­
tate nliimld he cloned, at thia time.
Now Therefore, It In hereby consid­
ered, (irderi'd and Adjudge that Mon­
day. the 19th day of October. 1925. In
the County Court House In the County
Court Room. In Hood River. Hood Riv­
er County. Oregon, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M. of said day he. and the
•<01110 hereby In. fixed as the time and
place for the hearing of Mid final
It 1« Further Ordered. That Notice
of the Hearing of Mid Final Account
l>e published for five consecutive weeks
are low-so extremely low as to
make BUICK the outstanding
motor car "buy” on the Row.
co Colon, Gas and Oil RlterZ
75 Hone Power
PHONE 4444