HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 10,. 1925 Ixxal Itarberahopa did a record busl- unw Saturday, and Saturday night at closing hour tile shops were crowded with patrons. The rush all resulted from plarard» on the wludowx of the tonaorial parlor», announcing that haircuts loginning Tuesday would cu»t «6 cents «ch, and »haves 35 cents. Ixx-al men rushed to have their hair trimmed I «fore the increased tariff. Because Monday was Izibor day, bar- l«r»bo|w were cloned. One rural resldtvt Saturday, when! he olMierved tbe schedule of increases, declined to have hl» hair cut at the old rate. He bounced out of the chair, snatched the towel from his neck and announced that he was going to a hardware store to buy a pair of clip­ per«. Transients, it was predicted, will furnish tbe haircut patrons of local barl>er»ho|M« the next few week». As I for »having, that depends on how the men of the town come on with han­ dling safety rasors, the sale» of which »bowed a record lncreane Saturday. ' Summer Excursion Fares Sept. 15th last day of sale Start nowj gave money by taking advan* • tage of these reductions. And go via CALIFORNIA Cent Off Fifteen Per Cent Off GOODYEAR Pressure and Ball RADIO NEWS Tiie new broadcasting station, KQP, of tbe Radio shop of Hood River, is now definitely located on a carefully selected site, adjoining Mt. Calvary cenictery and overlooking Portland. The equipment has already been moved to tin* new location which, on tbe height of land, free of trees and other obstructions, is Ideal for broadcasting purposes. Work is being pushed as rapidly as possible, and announcement of studio locations and opening date is expected next week. Mr. Bradford at the Radio Shop bas offered the editor a new Grebe receiver for trial as soon as his sec­ ond shipment arrive«, and promisee that when a better receiver is made the Radio Shop will handle it. An article condemning the “bog of the air," the single circuit squealer, was receive«! last week just too late for pre»». Iaiw and public opinion are against the us«* of reradiating sets in Hood River and uow that the static season is almost past a concerted drive Is urged to banish the nuisance. The radio item of moat interest for the week was the wonderful reception of the ciilmra of Big Ben at I*ondon, England, rebroadcast from KOO at 9 p. in. Saturday. John M. Scott, A.P.T.M. a Bldg. Portland PEABERRY COFFEE - 45c per lb GROUND FRESH EVERY DAY Now arriving—Fresh stock of this season’s DEL MONTE CANNED GOODS L. H. HUGGINS September 2d to September 12th Only Pathfinder Cord extra oversize All Weather Cord oversize.......... QQ All Weather Cord...... CC All Weather Oord ..... 60c per tire will be added when applied during this sale America’s premier organist, Clarence Eddy, will play the Aeolian pipe organ in the Bherman Clay A Company stu­ dio, Ban Francisco, for the entertain­ ment of tbe radio listeners tuned in ou KGO Saturday night, September 12, tietween tl and 7 p. in. The program selected for tbe evening.will include: “Overture in C-Minor,” (dedicated to Clarence Eddy) Alfred Hollins; “RuHsian Boatman’s Song;’’ “Fantasle and "Fugue in G-Mlnor,” Bach; “Mel­ ody,” Vice President Chas. O. Dawes; "Hymn of Glory,” (dedicated tot the American Legion) Pietro A. Yon. Mr. Eddy la now touring the Pacific coast cities appearing in recitals, and his playing over KGO will enable thouHands to hrar him who cannot reach the concert halls by reason of age, alckness or other infirmities. Famous throughout the world for his mastery of tbe organ and his abil­ ity to grasp quickly the possibilities of a »new instrument, Mr. Eddy bas tbe reputation for playing on more new A committee of local men. Dr. V. R. instruments than any organist living I Abraham, J. 11. Fredricy and G. A. today. It is said of him that whenever I Malden, has just returned from Port­ a new organ la construct«*«! in this land. whers they investigated progress «•onntry Clarence Eddy is the first or­ II wing made by the Berkely Hall B«*d ganist a»k«*d to play it. Davenport Co, which is now engaged in manufacturing tiie furniture special­ in Portland. H. R. CREAMERY NOTES ty "We were highly pleased with con­ Plane are under way for tbe enter­ dition**," said Mr. Fredriey. “We find tainment of the National AsscH-lation that the business will reach an unex­ of Buttermakers which meets in its pected volume right from the stifrt, aflnual convention in Portland Septem­ for the bed davenport is declared by ber 15 to 17. More than 1.000 visit­ furniture dealers to be the most »atis- ors from all peris of the United States factory ever offered. Our factory, too, are expected to be in tbe city for the is bul bling an article of furniture that event. 1 will last for a lifetime. We are mak­ Chief among the entertainment fea­ ing chairs to match tbe davenports.” tures helug prepared 1» a trip aronnd C. B. Halt who invented the bed the Mount Hood h»>p and over the davenport, has for a number of years Columbia River highway the first dayi taken ii lead looking toward the deed.- of the S UBI Sn. ~Tfie Rood River (’ham opmem of irrigation proj»*ctw in the her of Commerce is cooperating by of­ Horae 11« aven country of Washington. fering to stage a salmon barbecue. The It was originally planned to establish visitors will sc* the local creamery. a factory for tbe manufacture of the The Portland Cha inlier of Commerce davenport* here. While a nundier of has proffered tbe use of Its halls for n local men took stock in the concern, "stag" social strains the night of the <*nough local financial assistance could first day. Wives of delegates will lie n«it be gained*to locate the factory in entertained at a Portland theater. Bus-1 H«» h I Itiver, Ines» session» will tie held the second The local committee deelareel that and third days with the annual lian- the reeeptioa given th«*ir new bed dav­ enport n-owes that it will be a finan­ qt»et the evening of the second day. J. C. Frost, president of the Oregon cial succeSSL State Buttermaker»' as»artlcipate in the internation­ al gathering. There are three lodges in Hifed Riv­ er valley; Idlewllde at Hood River, Kemp at (»dell and Mt Hood at Park­ dale. with a total membership of over •TOO. These local lodges are planning on joining forces in forming one di­ vision of the big parade Wednesday, Hcptom'ner 23. beaded by a float de­ picting the resources and attraction« of the valley. . Gild Fellows all over the Pacific Northwest are manifesting a keen in­ terest I», the coming convention and the local members are signing up strong for the Mg parade. AH who have not done so are requested. with­ out delay, to get in touch with the committeeman form their lodge as fol­ lows; J. II. Burrell, of Idlewllde: otto Ebrok, of Kemp; Jesse Hutson, of Mt. Hood. LOW GRADE APPLES KILL BERRY WEEVIL The Clark Seedling strawlierry In­ dustry here. which tbe past several years was menaced by prevalence of root weevil, has been given a new stimulus through announcement from the Washington state experiment sta­ tion at Puyallup. Wa»h„ that the weeril can be controlled economically by s poison bait. Exiierimenta here, while bn a small scale. Indicated that the poison bait would end the deatruc- tiveneas of the pest. Teets in Wash­ ington are declared to have killed 100 per cent of the weevils. The bait, which contains some scent that lures the peeta, is placed in the crown of the berry plants just after liar vest when the maggots are turning into beet lee. It is predicted that the discovery of the weevil poison will result in the Tranks, Bags, Suitcases. Large as sortmsnt, reasonably priced. Kelly Bros. Co. m!5ti Young People’s Rally Th«* Young People’s asRociatlun of the Christian and Missionary All'nncv held a district rally in Hood Itiver Ijilior day. Service» were held st the Alliantv tabernacle. , The «peakers taking part were as billows: Rev. E. B. Gerig. of Portland, district president: Rev. Wm. Moyser, of India; Rev. W. E. Gill, of Bellingham, Wash.. an«l Dr. E. F. Webber, evangelist. The pro­ gram follows: * 10 a. m.. opening service, prayer and praise: 10,45, Bible study. Dr. E. F. Webber; 11.30, registration of all del­ egates; 12 o’clock. lunch hour; 1.30 p. m., business conference; 2 o'clock, prayer hour; 2.30, welcome and fel­ lowship hour, reports and testimonies; 3.15, missionary address. Rev. Wm. Moyser. of India: 3.45. sermon by Rev. Gill. of Bellingham. Wash.; fl o'clock, lunch hour: 7.15, song and praise ser­ vice; 7.30 missionary address by Rev. Moyher: S o’clock, sermon by Rev. Gill. An afternoon service at 3 p. m was held In nddltion to th«* regular service». According to Rev. Arthur E. Ball, pas tor. there was n good attendance at all of these Rcrvic«*» Mr. Entry’s Apples Fine M I* Emry has been exhibiting rec­ ord Gravensteln apples, grown on a .voung tree in his backyard. The tree is loaded with the giant apple«, some of which weigh more than a pound. The fruit is of excellent quality Apple Packing School News Packing school for teaching apple packing starts September 14 In Colum­ bia street warehouse. Fee. 12.00, resi­ dents; 95, non-residents. Positions as­ sured at dose of school. Apple Growers Association. ODELL STORINO D RIVER LOADING SHIPPING Special Rates for Quantity We will Warehouse, Load, Forward your Apple and Pear Shipments if you are selling or consigning. LIST YOUR CROP WITH US WE REACH ALL MARKETS. KELLY BROS. CO