HOOD RIVER, OREGON. TH VOL XXXVII For Greater Prosperity l Y, AUGUST 27, 1925 VICTROLAS AT 3H 1M.M 2M.00 — -1BO.OO KRESSE DRUG CO FIRST NATIONAL BANK Buy in Hood River—Keep home money at home HE PUT SIX HUNDRED BUCKS AWAY. THE BANKER .TOLD HIM THAT -WITH COMPOUND INTEREST THE SUM I WOULD BUY A FANCY FLAT IN SIXTEEN YEARS. THE CHAP AGREED IT WAS A RIGHT GOOD PLAN, BUT HE DREW IT OUT IN SIXTEEN WEEKS. FOR HE WAS AN AVERAGE MAN. A Summer Cottage is Always in Demand BUTLER BANKING COMPANY More than 60% of our customers order by phone, never seeing their groceries until they are delivered to their homes. Why? A-Mo» I BUILD! HO ceive the best groceries and the best service obtainable at Tablets-Pencils-Water Colors-Crayolas VINCENT & SHANK NEWSPAPER PART (By W. H. Walton) Nice Home Ranch HOOD RIVER DRUG CO Good buildings. Small orchard, alfalfa, stock and tools. Bargain, must sell. For particulars, write Box 212, Hood River, Ore. EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY us. ,We have customers who will b< for supplies all through the season. DUCKWALL BROS piano compoaitiuna The etua* ta perbapa the »imple and bean