RIVER GLACIER, AY, AUGUST 20, 1925 DO YOU KNOW? has had a total attendance on Tues­ days and Fridays of more than 8800 school children to date. No charge whatever is made. is making it possible to send out into this community every year young men and women who not only know how to swim, but also to saver others from drowning if the occa­ sion arrises—real community assets!, Boys* Cordo Trousers is the only place in Hood River where every possible precaution as to safety and proper supervision has been taken to make swimming safe and enjoyable for all. -•‘Kindergarten Id other good mates of Girls’ Shoes and Oxi regularly for $2.50 have been grouped in athletic style dimity check» Choosing at and medium as well as the heavier weight ribbed unions. has taken fear and worry out of many parents’ minds. Practically no children or grown-ups go swim­ ming in the slough now. There have been no deaths from drown­ ing for two years. Boys’ Underwear Sizes 8i to 2 WORTHWHILE Montier’s WILL AGAIN BE THE NAME OF THE MILLINERY STORE Dressy Blouses morning, the pastor, offletattng. . F. W. Chindlund haa leanetl. th>J Jones service station n»*ar Wyeth. He has taken possesion and la operating the plant. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Howard motored down the latter part of last week tram Yakima, where located on a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connaway and .family have moved to the Chlndiund residence on the Highway west of-the city. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Parkins are —of White Oxford, fine Per­ cales and silk-striped Shirtings —Heather mixtures With 4 pockets :__ < $1.35 Girls’ Underwear Blouses and Shirts v Matleawan and Monte Carlo Imported Velours and Feits and other Self-Trimmed Felts In all the New Shades. Also Pattern Hats and Tailored Hats of Velvet, Satin and Ribbon. —of dimity cheek* with *7C_ bloomer bottoms —-.f DC —Blouses in medium light colors with cluster stripes. —of fine white ribbed 1 HF —Shirts of Amoskeag Cham­ cotton______________ l»ZaD bray at the low price FA„ of........ _.L _ ............ DUC IN THE PYTHIAN BUILDING MRS. N. J. JOHNSON, formerly MISS MINNIE L. MONNER, has repurchased the shop and has re­ opened It with a full stock. Special-75c medium PO weight/jibbed unions... DOC Misses’ Jacquette and Dresses —of Raaron and Worsted in Blue and White and 4» J FA Orange and White ....^4»Dv Misses’ Slipovers —Of fine Worsted in Orange and Tomato Red £«> QF with White trim^Z.OD Stamped Goods and Handkerchiefs. A Real Grocery Service FRESH FRUIT IN SEASON QEO. MELLON Twelfth Street DELIVERY TWICE DAILY H. QROSS, Proprietor Have plenty on hand for a quick meal if Murray, Wllloa and Kelly call. PICNIC AND LUNCHES DRINKS Deviled Meat, handy size, 6 for.............. 25c Sardines, large oval cans............................. ¿...lOc Griffon Ripe Olives, small cans, 2 for...*.......... 15c Fhesh Cookie Snaps, 1 lb., 7 oz. barrels........ 27c Mothers Breakfast Pure Cocoa, 2 lb. pk 23c Folgers Tea, Black and India Java, % lb. tint 47c America Dry Ginger Ale, reg. size bottle.... 19c Instant Postum, large cans............................... 42c - 5 large rolls Crepe Toilet Paper in a neat ' Shopping Bag, all for..................... 23c MILK—Alpine, Armours, Bordens, 3 for Baker’s Cocoanut 25c CROWN FLOUR, 49 lb. sack................. $2.29 CANE SUGAR............................................. $6.14 Paprus Paper Plates, 1 doz....... 9c; 3 doz....... 25c Gross’ Coffee, always best, lb. 43c, 3 lbs. $1.30 WATCH OUR BARGAIN COUNTER Baker’s Premium Shred Cocoanut PERICO & SON Neat Ink and Pencil Writing Tablet», regular 5c, 3 for.......................... ................. lOc -V •’ <4 V ./x Wadhams Jell Dessert, use like Jello, choice flavors, 3 packages..................................... 23c WE RESERVE EXEMPTIONS Canning Tomatoes and Crawford Freestone Peaches at Very Low Prices. MJ m Eleanor Hoover has taken over the liialto Beauty Parlor. Miss Hoover haa made a boat of friends and MtfaUed i»atrona while operating n la>aiity parlor at the Mount Hood hotel. Canning peaches now on; alao wa­ ter melons, cantaloupes ground cher­ ries. Bring your Isixea. Turn south at Miller’s tilling station, west of auto jmrk and follow signa. Nob HUI Fruit Ranch, C. M. Beam, Prop., Th« Dalles, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. French .Long, return­ ing by automobile to tneir home in Kullivan, Ind., from Seattle, where they bad Is-en spending several montliM atop|M<