The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 13, 1925, Image 6

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Ok ’ ¿ZsZ
■ .
___ __________________
•• ;■
H. a ROSS, Proprietor
Phone 1032
Located in the Grona Building
Phone 1032
Snecials for Sat. and 1 tfon-Auí. 1 Sr and 17
Crown Flour, 49 lb. mck....................... $2J29
Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb. can.............. 27c
Vanilla Imitation Extract, 3 oz. bottle........... 19c
Powdered Sugar, 3 lbs. for............................... 25c
Black Pepper, 2 ot. can, 2 for......................... 15c
Sugar, Cane and Berry, 100 lb, sack....... $6.14
Jan, Ball Mason, quarts, per doz...................... 7Oc
Bengal Jar Rubbers, 4 doz...............
Special Hood River Pectin................................ 19c
Truck Owners
Notice !
Ihave in stock a complete
line of
u •J
PHONE 1283
V ®. S Special
1« seldom equaled and never excelled in
quality and flavor.
Freeh roasted-and fresh ground in a
mill that removes all the chafl
‘The Home of Quality Groceries
I have just received from
tiw East the most wonderful
Sut Cam, LWita’Hat BfeXM
aid Uader th Arm Bats
that haa been shown in Hood
River — the very latest at
moderate prices.
We Want You To So
Drag ta
for any Uttia
assay wish.
Tal. 1341
Members of the Current Events
dub with their families bad a de­
lightful picnic in Mr. Oxborrow’s
woods Tuesday. Table«, a camp stove
and a pond for the children to swim
in made a pleasant day.
Barrett school has been kalaomlned
and painted, including the basement.
Everything is ready for the opening
of school September 8.
J. T. Downing and Floyd Nuna-
maker with their families have just
returned from a vacation visit at
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Cummings and
Carl went to Halsey to visit friends
and relatives thia week.
. Mrs. M. P. Isenberg has been en­
tertaining guests from Tacoma, who
were friends la Pennsylvania year«
He was graduated from__
high school in lMff and from Oregon
Agricultural Collage in 1823.
Mr. Paddock was formerly employed
by Childs A Greff on their Dee Flat,
orchard place. Inet fall he was con­
nected with the county fruit Inspec­
tor's offi.T here and was scheduled to
come here this fall to be engaged in
federal car Inspection work.
Let a Cott Controlled Clock help you
ve. See Allyn Button or tol. 4J42. Jlfitf
Taylor, of 8t. Johns, »pent
days recently visiting bls
daughter, Mra. Robert Clark.
Elder and Mra. L. G. Dix, Mr. and
Mra Noble and granddaughter, Ilene.
Mlasee Fay Grim, Dona Howland and
Bobby Turner arrived at Guy Crap-
per's Monday evening. The party ia
on its way to the Advent Christian
church camp meeting at Camp Trout-
Mias Dona Howland, of Clarkston,
spent _
a ____
abort _____
time _______
Weak, ____
her sister, Mrs W. L. Cotton, and
family liefore going on to Troutdale.
Frank Taylor visited hia old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Griffith, Tuesday
Neighbors and friends of Elder and
Mrs. Dix met at the borne of their
daughter to welcome them and hear
Elder IHx prvmrii. Ice cream and
cake were served, everyone having a
good time and wishing them God
speed. Elder Dix is president of the
Willamette valley conference, which is
In session at the camp grounds near
Mrs. M. Chaney and daughter. lose,
and Mian Orton Kirkpatrhk were sup-
Rr guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Grif-
h recently. Mrs. Chaney was re­
turning from bar vacation trip to
Cannon Beach.
R. R. Fancy Rolled Oats, 9 lb. ssck............... 54c
Shredded Wheat, per package........................ lOc
Pure ExtmctedxHoney, per lb......................... 13c
Prince Albert, 1 lb. can.....................................
Camel Cigarets, per package...... ..................... 13c.
Matches, 6 boxes ..................
Van Camp Pork and Beans, med. size,
regular 15c can now........................ ;...lOc
Silver Bair Sliced Pineapple, large size..*.......... 24c
Alpine Milk, large cans, 3 for......................... 25c
Use YOUR phone and OUR delivery.
We reserve the right not to sell to
any merchant.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Masaee spent
r. the week end at Dayton, where Mrs.
Goblin Toilet Soap, regular 5c bar, while
they last, 5 bars for............. w....:............. 15c
Canning Tomatoes and Peaches st our
Special Prices.
Lee Garrett had the mlafortune to
get hia foot cut quite badly on a
mower Wedneaday.
Mra. Boy Haya entertained her Sun­
day achooi daaa Wednesday after­
The Missionary society of Valley
Cbriatlan church met with Mrs. Geo.
Garnett Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mra. Paul Colvin and fam­
ily, Mra. Nellie Crapper, Doray Crap­
per, Mrs. Velma Cotton, Mr. and Mra
Upton. and Mra. John Griffith are
efemping and attending meetings at
Camp Troutdale thia week.
Elder L. W. Cotton, wife and eons,
J. D. Orval and Billy, Guy Crapper
and mother, Mrs. M. Bcroggin and
Mra. John Griffith drove to Troutdale
early Sunday morning. AU except
Mra. Griffith returned Sunday night.
Rachel Masaee la viaiting before re­
turning to her home in the east by
way of California.
The lawn of the C. M. Sheppard
home was the acene of a great family
dinner last Thursday when gathered
together Mrs. J. Sheppard and all her
children and grandchildren in the val­
ley, also Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, of
Portland, who are -.viHitiug their
daughter, Mrs. W. O. Bheppard, and
Mr. and Mra. Freyler, who have been
viaiting their daughter, Mrs. C. M.
Mrs. 8. E. Bartmeaa, accompanied
by her grandson, Carol Bartmeaa, of
Portland, and Mrs. Noisier, of Odell,
spent Friday afternoon at the home
of Mra. E. B. M ost
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ogden and chil­
dren, accompanied by the Arens chil­
dren, attended the circus at The
Dalles Tuesday.
Little Danforth Sylvester had the
misfortune to break two bones in his
left arm when he fell off the porch
laat Wednesday.
J. H. Fletcher leaves for a trip to
Seaside Thursday, taking down the
following young ladles who expect to
End a week at the beach: Misses
rie Fletcher, Esther Hagen, Emily
Fletcher and Edna Plog.
‘ Mr. an'd Mrs. Ed Kelly and daugh­
ter, Marjorie, arrived at Mosaacrea
Monday, motoring up from their borne
In Loo Angeles. They expect to stay
a week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Meegar, with the
boys who make up tbelr summer camp
for boys, spent a wtvk camping at
Lost lake.
Clarence Packer is driving a new
Miss Ellen Mitchell Is now at home
in the new house she had erected on
her place.
Miss Geraldine Gilkerooa 1» improv­
ing in health after returning from
Portland last Friday, where she was
under a specialist’s care for a week.
Rhe was accompanied by her mother,
Mra. W. W. Gilkeraon.
Mont West left Rsturday of laat
week for a month's motor of Oregon,
Idaho and Utah. Miss Versa Little­
field. a cousin who has been visiting
at the West borne, s<-companied him
aa far as ber home in Logan, Utah.
Master Ivan Duff, of Pendleton, is
here for a vacation with his cousin,
Kirk McCammon.
Invitations were Issued this week
to the members of the Community
club and tbelr friends for a BOO
party August 20 at the home of Mr.
and Mra. E. H. Green, a benefit for
the Community dub lunch mom fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, of Ban Ber­
nardino, Calif., are at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. R. A. Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Whitely and
family, with Mr. and Mra. Guy Dar­
nell. of Banta Crus. Calif., aa their
guests, motored around the Loop Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. Darnell left for
their borne from Portland Friday
The _ party
. M
of Dee . citisena who
called on the county court
of laat week, praying for a mi
needed Improvement of the grade from
Dee to Dee Heights, was very graci­
ously received by the court and se­
cured a promise of the desired im­
Mrs. Henry Hawkina, of Portland,
in visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Luhr
Mrs. Chas. Church and Mrs. Mal­
colm Church spent Bunday in The
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Edgar and fam­
ily were in Portland for the week end
to attend the Caples-Jaaaa wedding
Bunday morning. .
Mr. and Mra. F. M. Parker left
Monday for their home in Ban Diego,
(’«111., after a week at the home of
theff son, L. F. Parker.
Mrs. E. E. Doane and daughter.
Dorothy, of Hood River, visited with
Mra. H. W. Whitely from Sunday
till Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Green, Mr. and
Mra. J. H. Van Wickien, Mr. and
Mra. N. E. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Wirrlck attended the Country club
dance last Thursday night.
E. H. Green is in Portland on
business. _________________
Mr. and Mra. A. V. Bose were vis-
itora in Seattle aeveral daya.
Mr. and Mra. Chas. Shaw, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Hopper and Mr. and Mrs.’
Floyd Hees spent Sunday at Green
A. M. Butterfield and eon, Law­
rence, were Hood River visitors last
O. H. Higley has moved hia family
to Anders Hansen's ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Paterean were
business visitors in Portland several
daya recently. • * *
Miss Helen Aubert will teach at
Dee this year.
Dr, Sifton exam'ne.l 13 babies at
the clinic Tuesday., Tboee helping
were Miss Whlttekit*. Mrs. O. H.
Shaw, Mrs. 8- Walters, Mrs. S. John­
son, Mrs. R. W. Arens, Mrs. H. Ad­
kins aqd Mrs. Langille.
Mini Cloy Smith catne Friday from
Portland,, the guest of W. T. Wyatt
and family for a week.
Mra. C. W. Clark is at the hospital
at Hood River. Mr. Clark and chil­
dren went down to nee her Saturday
Ernest Monroe is cook in one of the
camps of Doggett A Cooper on the
Spur road.
Friends and relatives attended the
funeral of Betty Blount at Hood
River Tuesday. Mra. Blount, the sis­
ter of Mra J. B. Dimmick and P. J.
Lens, was many times a visitor here.
J. H. Sheldrake and family, of
Hood River, spent several days here
the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wyatt, Doro­
thy Wyatt, Homer Wyatt, Miss Mari­
an Wyatt, Miss Cloy Smith, Clyde
Gaines and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Davidson went for a picnic Bunday
on the Loop highway as far as Gov­
ernment camp.
Misses Thelma Eller and Louise
Krneder were up from Portland over
Bunday. They were accompanied by
Miss Eller’s brother *and his chum.
They spent a part of the day with
Kenneth Dimmick, ranger, at Brooks
Meadows. Clarence Ringer accompan­
ied them.
F. L. Blagg returned to Hood River
Friday from American Lake, Wash.
Clyde Gaines is selling out and mov­
ing his family to Illinois.
Cleo and Geraldine Blount are
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. w. T. Wyatt and H. C. Wyatt
have gone to Myrtle Point to visit
A. J. Sawyer and Will Gardner and
Misses Lola and Leafie Craig, of
The Dalles, were guests of Miss
Gladys Aubert, Friday.«
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson left Friday
on a trip to the Wilmette valley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Hutchinson, Os­
car Hutchinson, Mr. and Mra. Turner
Anderson and daughter. Gloria, Gif­
ford Anderson and Mr. and Mra Jan
Durham were Bunday guests at Mrs.
Ida F. Everaon’n
T. H. Larwood and son. Marcus.
were up from Eugene Bunday and
Monday visiting old neighbors and
Harry Riita and family, of The
Dalles, were here 8unday.
daughter, Irma, of Los Angeles, were
Parkdale visitors Sunday.
Orvle Thompson has moved his
family up the Spur road where he
is working for Doggett and Cooper.
A. J. Brunquist was a Portland
visitor Bunday, going down to see
his aunt, Mrs. Regnell, who is a
patient at the Good Samaritan hos­
Mrs. Barch, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Alice Williams, for
some time, returned to her home at
Gleison, Canada, last week.
Mrs. Violet Cooper is being missed
from Mclsaac’s store. She la taking
her vacation at this time.
Dr. Fraser, of Hood River, deliv­
ered an excellent sermon Sunday
morning. >Mr. Gibson will occupy
the pulpit next Sunday morning. Rev.
Hutchinson and family are enjoying
the ocean breexes at Neskowin for
two weeks.
The movies for next Wednesday
evening will be "Salorny Jane,” a
story Mt the gold rush days in Cali­
Eight of the local Camp Fire girls
left to<lay for a week at Camp
Namann at Hull Bun.
The Apple Grower.) Association Is
building a number of small houses
to take care of the association's ware­
house help during apple season.
G. A. Stoneslfer and J. Hayes, of
Sacramento, Calif., are here to com­
plete the U. 8. geolological survey of
this section of the country.
Stone tile, the new hollow wall
building unit, that ha» recently come
Into thia community from California,
ia making a place for ltaelf' rapidly.
Truck load» of them are going out
every day to the Dak Grove ranch of
Humphrey Barton, who in putting up
a froat | proof apple house of them.
The bulli Idlng will be 48x9tl feet and
two-story, the basement or lower story
being used for sroragv.
Mr. Barton has made two trips out
here this season from his home in St.
Paul, Minn., in the interest of his or­
chard Improvements. On his last trip
he went to California and there stud­
ied thè latest methods of apple anjl
warehouse construction.
There he
found the wet mix, hollow unit stone
tile in general use in the best struc­
tures and was told thaUJn a country
like OrAon, where frost and rain were
the rule rather than the exceptions,
it would serve even better than in the
dry clime of California.
Mr. Barton has returned to Ms east­
ern home, leqving the completion of
the structure to his orchard manager,
St. Claire Diamond, and E. E. Newell,
------- e—
The Oregon and Washington shores
of the Columbia river at ■ffte point
where Indian legend says once stood
the "bridge of the gods,” are soon to
he connected by the hand of man, it
wits revealed nt Walla Walla, Wash.,
last 'week by incorporators of the
Wauna Bridge company, investors,
who urc already Interested in the tri­
county bridge company which con­
nects Pesco s:nd Kennewick over the
milk' nver.
The Wauna bridge will be located
near Cascade Ixx-ks. The span will
be a steel, cantilever bridge, instead
of a suspension bridge as first planned
by the engineers. The Columbia Riv­
er and the North Bank highways will
be connected by the bridge.
Articles of incorporation were filed
at Olympia by the bridge company
Thursday, capital stock >250,500. The
incorporators are D. F. Baker and
F. I. Jones. ?
Woodruff in Florida Realty
Dwight L. Woodruff, formerly with
the New York city sales department
of the Apple Growers Association and
more lately ’manager of the Wenat­
chee District (Imperative Association,
is now engaged in real estate business
in Florida. Kenneth H. Day is asso­
ciated with the company of which Mr.
Woodruff is president.
Smoky and Smelly Oil Stoves Cured by
using Eocene Oil. Try this high grade
coal oil next time and see the difference.
Any quantity, gallon to barrel, at E. A.
Frans Co.
’ ’
E. A. Franz Co
Your Harvest requirements are met
here with ample stocks at lowest
prices possible.
-...... - - - . 2r -
Picking Ladders
Picking Bags
Cook Stoves
Bed Springs
Box Nailing Presses
Box Nails
Box Hatchets
Packers’ Aprons
Packing Trays and Needles
Nail Strippers
Let us figure with you on any part