¡té - rv-r ' HOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6. 1925 VOL. XXXVII For Healthy Teeth Two Kinds of Interest You get two kinds, of interest here. They are interest on your deposits and our personal, helpful interest in your KLENZO TOOTH PASTE SQUIBB*S TOOTH PASTE PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 1PANA TOOTH PASTE KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE PEBECCO TOOTH PASTE FORHAN’S TOOTH PASTE PYORRHOCIDE POWDER We carry a complete assortment of TOOTH BRUSHES every transaction. KRESSE DRUG CO BANK HERE! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Hood River, Oregon The oldest Will of which we have a record is that of a man named Sekhenren who, in the year 2548 B. C., left all hfe property to wife Teta. From that day to this it has been the custom of careful men to make some provision for those dependent upon them. A trust company or the trust department of a bank is now recognized as the most satisfac­ tory channel through which to handle fiduciary matters of all kinds. Each year*increases the volume of business taken care of by this bank as trustee, and we invite those interested to talk with us concern* ing Wills and trusts of every nature. BUTLER BANKINC COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System A Summer Cottage is Always in Demand If you own a summer cottage your vacation will coat you practically noth­ ing. A vacation home is always easy to rent and the rent will soon pay for the building. A Summer Home is a profitable in­ vestment. Come to this office and se­ lect a design—you can build in time for this summer’s vacation period. EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO “Everything to Build Anything." A PLACE FOR REAL RECREATION KODOL For Indigestion, Heart Burn, and similar complaints. Guaranteed to give relief. 50c and $1 Fountain Service Squibb Quality Nice Home Ranch Good buildings. Small orchard, alfalfa, stock and tools. Bargain, must sell. For particulars, write Box 212, Hood River, Ore. Inprovemeite Have Been Made at Vari­ ous School Buttings -New Rec­ reation Roon Available The Hood River schools will open Tuesday morning, September 1 ,at 9 o’clock, A general teachers' nieetlug has beeu called for Monday, August 31, at 3 p. in. in the high school building. Principals meeting with their teach­ ers 'will follow at 4 o’clock in their respective buildings. Pupils who have ls*eu ms k lug up su miner work should report for spe­ cial exuiulnatiouM Friday morning, August 28, at 9 o'clock as follows: Grades 3 to , The leaching staff is announced by City Huperinteudeut Cannon sh fol­ lows : High school — L. B. Gibson, prim-i- pul; assistants. A. L. McCauley, R. O. Garlier, Miss Esther Hettinger, Her man Chapman, Miss lva Howe/, W. B. Mat tile wk , Miss Gladys Wilson, Miss Ethel Schwartz, Miss Lola Keen, Mrs. Belie Henrtey, R. W, Holierg. Miss Winona Lewis und two other teachers wlioae contracts have not yet l>een completed. Junior high school—T. T. Babbitt, prinei]at school-Miss iHira D. ola-rton, principal; assistants, Miss Viola Arts, Miss Lina Landsborougli, Miss Itutli ProelMrtel, Miss May Reyn­ olds, Miss Ethel Conqiton, Mrs. Mar­ garet Murphy, Mr*. Tiua Cramer, Miss Marguerite Ferrin, Miss Ethel Miller, Miss Elsie Neave. Coe Primary school—Mrs. Henrietta Cornelius, principal; assistants, Mrs. Margaret Campbell, Mm. I'earl Glad deu, Miss Hallie I’uddy, Miss Ague« POOLEY HONORS THE FIRE DEPARTMENT Poultry raissrs of thia „ uu«t next Saturday at the Obaiahag of Commerça committee room ta tba eity hall to perfect a county organisation that wnl aifett with the State poaltfy aaaoetatt The local poultry folk, too, wIM < deavor to rea<$ collective buying elaen, who hagl nnumercial pon production and is now the Oregon State Poultry awncintinu will be present at the Hood River county strides the past year ing. Mr. Nictelaesi.« least 10 ranchers and have added flock» of 300 to the past yeàr. The valley, it la dared, will ship at least M0 per more eggg this year than during "It lias been determined that try raising can be ma< sideline for orcharding, Nlckelaen, “if correct applied and those "who iiess will give it their strict attgft- tion.” _ H. R. BAKERY NOV PLACING NEW OVEN The Hood River bakery will mon to a corner* room of the new bricR business structure, just com Geo. W. Thomson and M- E. Uy thé middle of the bakery, purchased about by Mr. and Mra. Jài b«*en making steady | Workmen are now a modern new oven of the structure. Th weigh 55 ton*: It is IB feet It la of the Marabail-MMBtoby manufactured in Ban J type is declared one practical now ava Mr. and Mrs. 1 in plans for an get into tipeir new as it can be, definitely MpSCM when the new halting plant and ] room will be opened, the plaits be made known to the public. E. II. Pooley formally d<*di’ whh 18 yearH old, driving a team tlie Indian powwow with Indian dances who Tuesday served them d entire dlstamje acr<«KH the plains. and features, at the conclusion of fried chicken ¿inner. Tbe There wen* 21 wagons in tbe train which, 12 handsome Pendleton Indian ate and ate and then sig with which he cannT and they reached blankets were given to the lucky their capacity was limited. Platters, Salem in De<,eiuber, near which plaee holders of tickets which had been dis­ heaped with tender fried chicken, Mr. Robbins at once took a homestead. tributed free to each member present, sweet corn and the like were placed At tlie outbreak of hostilities among some 2,900. Each blanket presented on the tables at tbe parlors of tlie Rogue River IndlatiH in 1855 he represented one of the Oregon clubs church and tbe men ware asked was one of tiie first volunteers, and lieionging to tlie state federation, eat all they could, again enlisted the next year to serve namely Ooos Bay, Hood River, Med­ declared one of th« best ever J in the Cayuse war in eastern Oregon ford, Portland Business A Profession­ the Tuesday luncheon and Washington territory. At the al Women's club. The Dalles, Salem. was topped off with hotatei close of the war Mr. Robbins, with Portland Women’s Advertising club, n la mode. Hie club members had no program two others, was sent to make peace Astoria, Corvallis, Eugene, Klamath Tut-Hday. The members devoted all terms with Chief Joseph, the leader Falls and Roseburg. Three colorful Pendleton Indian their time to just eating. of tbe Indian forces. After ills re­ turn his party was ambushed by In­ blanket shawls were also given away; diana and he was severely wounded, J>r. Mary Pnrvlne, of Halem, on be­ carrying the remainder of his life a half of the Oregon dubs, presenting Hint arrow-head which broke off In to Miss Adel la Prichard, the retiring his hip, after jiasslng through his president, and Mrs. Olive Joy Wright, the new national president, whose pocket-lMMik and clothes. In 1858 he was marrh-d and was home Is in Cleveland, O., each with the fHther of seven children, four of a shawl, and Mrs. Josephine Forney The party, given at Koberg fchom are living. They are Mrs. presenting one to Miss Mary Arlete last Friday by the Hood Ullie Carlson, of Hood River; J. H. Penny, the general chairman of the of the Pacific Power & Robbins, of Ixsi Angelos; W. W. Rob­ Portland, Me., convention. celebration of winning Much credit is due to Miss Martha the large sliver cup awarded for bins, of Baker, and Torn Robldns, of Tonopah, Nev. There are nine grand­ Gasch, corresiionding secretary of the eralilp in electric salea appliance», children and nine great grandchildren. state federation, chairman of the con­ waa a very merry «vent- large |>poaed to party caucuses or polit liai combinations In dealing with taxation. “Fourth--We favor abolishing sll I h >ards and bureaus not absolutely esseiitinl to the economic administra­ tion , of government, and we favor reduclug all expenditure* to tbe mini­ mum. “Fifth—We consider that a national emergency exists, which demands im­ mediate relief, and we urge congress to give preferred attention to tax rediiet km.’’ The resolution is signed by tbe following biiHineaa men of Portland: W. L. Thompson, chairman; Julius L. Meier, A. J* Mills, F. A. Speuier, J. <’. Ainsworth, Max 8. Hlrwh, Emery Olmstead, Ira F. Powers, William A. McRae, Edgar II. Benaenich. John F. Daley, H. II. Newhall and George w. Batea. Cash Prices For Fruit From now on we will have prices for Pears and Apples. If you are shipping from Hood River valley points, we can take carloads from any point, or less than carloads at Odell or Hood River. At other points we will be in the market for carload lots and would like to have you list your crops with us for sale on a cash basis. We are now in the market with orders for AN­ JOU, BOSC and WINTER NELLIS PEARS at GOOD prices. We have orders for EXPORT sizes of apples in all varieties, and are buying in a limited way domestic sizes. We have opened an office in Hood River in the FRANZ BLOCK. Drop in and list your crop with us. We have customers who will be in the market for supplies all through the season: DUCKWALL BROS. CAÄH BUYERS APPLES AND PEARS Odell tl9, Hood River 3531 ' P.P.&L PARTY WAS VERY as RYEVENT PORLANDERS ARE AFTER TAX REFORM