- Pitcoir*WATBlSPAP ANJOU PEAR CULTURE 1 "" »sa »a DWYER J.BMMRÌ tA ~ 2A '"’1 — H.NW«. MILES TO OALLON WAS 1 WAS UM 2SJU •A 4A A.H.SWR ip.se BA EM. UA* w OM m ÌI mìm XXN Remodeling R eason BEST FOR RIVER WHY DO IT? Boll cundltioqM are good, in that an SHOE REPAIRING When you want real service on Shoe Repairing, call 1014 or leave at the Champion Shoe Repair Shop, next to Richards' Cigar Store. Your shoes will have the careful attention that only the best repair men can give. CHAMPION SHOE SHOP 4 W. Ml«ixlD.liver . - -. Pboo. »U Vourvacation enjoy the CanadtónMÌC We'll deliver it free to your home, where your order is for two quart« or more. HEIGHTS CONFECTIONERY PICNIC SUNDRIES H ood river cleaners & dyers J. C. Meyer • T. J. Smith If in doubt-just ask for our Bugtestion Department Till A VACATION irywert «« FRASIER GROCERY CO