.CIER, THURSDAY, JUNE II, 1925 V STRAWHATS for MEN SPECIAL Children’s Undergarments, Waists and Bloomers Combined went to Wa»hlngton ' ( against the Gooding Mil. Octal pflnted report of STILL AT IT THE 20TH CENTURY STORES are consis­ tently showing you savings on the things you use; on the things you need, everyday.No economy is appreciated more by thrifty buyers than these daily savings on life’s necessities. Try the 20th Century way. Offerings for Saturday and Monday, June 13 -15 I PREPARE!? FOODS WHITE STAR TUNA White meat, halves----- 28/ RIPE OLIVES Bulk, pint_____ .—15/ CAMPBELL'S BEANS Thebigtin____________ 10/ MAPLE LEAF SALMON—Fansy Chinook, Columbia River, New Pack J-pound can _____________ _______ 22i/. Pound can______________ STUFFED OLIVES 3i oz. bottle___________ 14/ J The Rood River Glacier has just celebrated its Mth birthday annivers­ ary. It in one of the beat weekly newspapers we know anything about, and that Its excellence Is appreciated In its Held is shown by the fact that twelve-page editions well filled with advertising are nothing unnaual with the Glacier. Joe D. flioniison. its editor, puts more human Interest and personality into one edition than some editors get into a yeer’s flies.—The Eugene Guard. 8* oz. jar, 12/ ; 8i oz. 28/; pint jar, 48/ GOLD MEDAL MAYONAISE. 1 KIPPER SNACKS 1 DELUCIA SANDWICH STRAINED HONEY Boneless, direct Importation SPREAD. 2 tins . _ 26/ | 1. 2 tins-* ..... . .......... .16/ I Pint Mason jar. each... 88/ ad 4 foot wood pellverad my «bere on WM aide K. Beauregard. Phone 1 “AMERICA DRY” GINGER ALE, also “SEE AMERICA EIRST” Large bottle STAPLE ITEMS FOR RENT DEL MONTE CATSUP Pint bottle___________ 28/ MATCHES. FEDERAL'MILK 1 I I Tall cans, 3 for "Economy” Brand, 6 for 25/. 2GTH CENTURY BROOMS. LILV OF THE VALLEY PEAS Sifted, early June 2 eans------------------------ 45/ NEW POTATOES. 6 sew, medium weight, strong, finest quality, each R --------------------- 8/ Best Grade. 45/ "Searchlight” or p()ST p WESSON OIL I 28/ I Quart tin ........ .. CARROTS AND BEETS Four bunches for 28/ t 28/ Four pounds for 98/ ROYAL GARDEN TEA Japan or Ceylon and India 1 IX)und naekami ____