F >1 ■ . « This summer we will have the largest number of motor tourists in our history. If we greet them with well painted homes, store fronts and factory buildings, and let their eyes rove over green lawns bordered by flower gardens, they will be pleased Many of these motor visitors are thinking about new homes while they are out traveling. They may be lured here by our neat, favorable appearance It’s an Economy to Have a Clean Town A great many of the disastrous fires result from the tendency of people to drift into uncleanliness. The spirit of cleanliness spurs folk on to the removal of rubbish that is not only, unsightly, but also a fire menace. Eliminate the fire hazards found in rubbish heaps. WE ARE BEHIND THE BRUSH BON TON BARBER SHOP L. S. Boyd JOHN WOSTL FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRAL TOP SHOP HUCK’S SERVICE STATION YASUI BROS. HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT CO. INTERSTATE MOTOR CO. G G CUDDEFORD Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing HOOD RIVER MACHINE WORKS B. E. COBB CO. 5-10-15 Cent Store HOOD RIVER PLUMBING CO. HOTEL WAUKOMA HOTEL OREGON BARBER SHOP MT. HOOD HOTEL OWNERSHIP OF AMERICAN UTILITIES COLUMBIA SERyiCE STATION E. A. Spark* THE GERTRUDE HAT SHOPPE CORSON MELODY SHOP SUGGESTIONS FOR HOME BUILDERS ELEVATION AND FIAMIR PLANS OF TRA PACIFIC POWER & UOHT COMPANY Gunning and River, church NUMBER STOCKHOLDERS NUMBER SHARES AATU 'Otti Ing the aatne period. It I h nlgniflcant that on the first date «21 of the Ht.Hkholdein owning K.IMW Hhares of TPAbLPT