-For Women and Children. Let us show you some of these new numbers. They will please you in style, fit and price. We can fit you and the children in a way that will give you comfort, good appearance and satisfaction. Ankle Straps with fancy perforated vamps and quarters, Strap Sandals, Slippers with* cut-out waist strap and fancy bar fronts. All the latest styles to choose from. Work Shoes For Men We have just received a dandy line of Children's Plain Toe Tie Oxfords in Tan, Patent Leather and Smoke. Neat, dressy and serviceable. Work Clothes For Men We can supply your every need in Work Clothes and save you good money, giving you good honest values and standard goods. We are offering'some excepitonal values in Work Shirts and Khaki Pants. Good full cut, well made, good fitting garments that will cost you less than you can get this qual­ ity for elsewhere. Come in and see them. You’ll agree that they are really wonderful values. All sizes, ankle and knee legnth. Balbriggan and Porous Knit Big values in this lot The suit................ .......... .............................. 100 Laying Hens FOR BEST RESULTS Prices Quoted good on E. A. FRANZ CO. Specials Saturday and Monday, April 25th-27th Vanilla or Smoked Meat Specials Boned and Rolled Picnics , Briskets, 4 pounds or over.......... ----- 3 Iba. for 5 bunches for 3 bunches for -5 pounds for 25c 2 pounds for 25c