HOPO RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAj^APRlL^ GREETED IN SOUTH -«SPAN^ FLOORS Presented by D RIVER W. C. T. U ADMISSION Student Tickets, 26 Cents. Adults, General Admission. 60 Cents. R. J. Melasse A Oo Get your reservations at Kresse’s. The personnel of this internationally known company of singers is as follows: Miss Frieda Shaw, dramatic soprano; Mrs. Jesse dole Gray, oontraltb; J. McArthur, basso; Hugh A. Bell, tenor; and Miss Jesse Edwards, pianist Miss Edwards is. a graduate of the Northwestern Conservatory of Music at Chicago. These singers have been presented by such nation­ ally known bookers as the White Lyceum of Boston, the Antrim Lyceum course of Philadelphia. They have appeared in the West Indies, South Amerioa and before the royal household in England. Their repertoire will include negro spirituale, classi cal selections and popular melodies. It will be one of the greatest musical treats ever offered Hood River. Coming to Announcement to Growers continuea to grow, however, by no mean« tome to a atenei Need Hay? J. C. DEVIN & SON Will furnish Cash Advances, Supply Spray Materials, and requisites necessary for the producing and marketing of your 1925 Apple Crop. With our exceptional Export and Domestic Connec­ tions, we are in a position to give growers a service second to none. We cordially invite correspondence or personal visits from Growers to ascertain our policy for next season, before signing their tonnage elsewhere. DUTHIE & COMPANY APPLE EXPORTERS WILCOX BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON