The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 09, 1925, Image 7

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>1 .:
contest beta St Hood River Friday
flflba maiial school will give their
Baater prooNM* at th* Bunday school
boor, W
and Easter eervteta
will be baMvtn tbe evening hy tbe
r Salads
Everyone interested will be pleased
to know that Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jak-
ku, of Odell, and E. A. Jakku, of Oak
Grove, recovered practically all their
■tolen property last week in Portland.
A man employed by them last year in
apple harvest, with an assistant, a
Stranger here, having been convinced
that evidence could be produced prov­
ing their guilt, returned the stolen
A series of three act farces, or com­
edies will be given by the upper
classes in high school. The seniors
present their annual class play, “The
Typewriter Lady.” Others are “Dr.
Cure All," and “Dime Lunch." Fri­
day, April 17, in the grange hall at 8
p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis left their
home in Odell Thursday for a motor
trip and business visit; also a visit
with their eon. iioel. They will stop
, ia Medford and Grants Pass.
Entertainment and dance Friday,
May 1, Odell Grange hall.
8. P. Davenport returned home last
week after having enjoyed an ex­
tended winter vacation trip. He ha»
been busy about his well kept home
and at carpentering. His son, H. K.
Davenport, is enlarging his beautiful
home and Miss Grace M. Chambers
has material on the ground for a
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Ferrin and Miss
Ferrin are now at home in their own
property at Pine Grove, Miss Iterriti
continuing as principal of the Odell
grade school. Mrs. Neisler has re­
turned to her attractive little home
in Odell for the summer.
The clean up day at the church last
week Wednesday was a wonderful
. * ■
~..... ' ■ -
Wo wiab to announce that we have
purchased the W. H. Carrigan
Grocery on 12th Street.
Call oo us when you want a
Good Grocery Service -
Tel. 1631
success and the building and grounds
are proof positive. Tbe vast Improve­
ment in appearance is noted even by
the casual observer. In its new coat
of dark brown stain and cream trim
the church la as beautiful as when
Odell Cash store, Lafferty A Wood
proprietors, will be greatly improved
in appearance and in convenience with
the completion of work now under
way. The meat shop will be removed
from its present location at the rear
of the store to the north front.
Odell residents note with Interest
and pleaaure the fact that the tie-in
road connecting Odell market road
with the Mount Hood Loop highway
will, within the next few months, be
completed. Advertisements for blds
for its construction have appeared' in
James Malloy has a fine new Stude­
baker touring car.
The Ladies’ Aid society will hold an
Easter sale at the Odell Cash store
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Cooked food will be on sale and waf­
fles and coffee served. Members of
the Woolworth committee request that
each member of the. society bring a
wrapped i>arcel containing some ar­
ticle valued at 10 cents.
The ladies* Aid society of the
Christian church will serve a cafe-
terla supper Friday
i tomorrow)
evening from 6.30 to 7.30 in the
grange ball. Following the supper a
program consisting of several nhm-
tiers by the Odell orchestra; vocal
solo, Miss Ferrin; violin and piano
duet, Joe and Preston Young; pia Wo
duet, IJnda Udellus and Vienna An­
nala, and musical reading, Hildred
Rhoad<-s. Aprons and comforts will
tM> on sale and a social evening en­
Mrs. A. E. Jakku and small son,
8tuart, went to Walla Walla Wednes­
day for a visit with Mrs. Jakku's
sister, Mrs. A. L. Benefiel.
Sunday school 10 a. m. next Sun­
day at the Methodist church. At
10.30 special Easter program consist­
ing of music by a large <diorus choir,
special readings and musical numbers
with Mrs. W. W. GUkerson, Mr*. Le
Roy Krohn and Mrs. A. H. Ferguson
in charge of program. Following the
Easter program baptismal service and
reception of members.
Epworth League ■ 7.15 p. m. At
8 o'clock the pastor, Rev. W. 8. Glel
ser, will deliver tbe last of a series
of Eastertide convictions, subject,,
a R. Graraa, formerly local or-
H. L. Dean pMtneaid 1
chardist. Who organised the Wlyeaet
The altitude of Ruu
Club, the
of which spent
borne, ia too grant to
two year*
Mount Hood’s
suffers from high blood
points of
charm, baa written
from Areata, Calif., where be ia now
? of ¿fb» California normal
hat bo to planning a horse-
Mim Nellie NeeMt. entertgjned a
p on tfc* Skyline Trail this
number of her school friendb Batur-
day night.
The party, which will be limited to
Elder Linn preached an excellent 15 people, will leave Mount Hood
sermon Bunday morning st Advent July 13. Walter O. B Davidson, Up­
Christian church. He is a fine Bible per Valley mountaineer, 4 will be in
charge of the peck train. The racre-
Entertainment and» dance Friday, ationista will spend 25 days negoti­
ating tbe SM miles of mountain
May 1. Odell Grange halL
Mrs. John Lawrence and mother trails.
Mr. Graves glvea
Ia hto
arrived Saturday morning from Stotes­
ption of tbe pro­
bury, Mo., bringing tbe body of Mrs. th« folio’
posed trip: ”
Lawrence's tstber for burlsl'fllBre.
This trip will pass through some of
Elder end Mrs. Linn and Mr. and the Snoot mountain scenery in the
Mrs. Guy Crapper and son, James, United State*. The Cascade moun­
spent Bunday evening with Mr. and tains ar* noted for their isolated
Mrs. John Griffith.
volcanic peaks, perpetually snow-cov­
Jack Gilcher. son of Mr .and Mr*. ered. Although they are no higher
Fred Gilcher, has been sick for sev­ than many of the peaks in. other
eral days
western mountain ranges, yet from
Mim Helen Hay* wa* ont of school their isolation and tbe peculiarities
a day or so last week on account of of their voteaaic formation they are
by far th* moot spectacular of all
sickness. _______________
mountain peak*.
The Skyline Trail begins' at Mt.
Hood, the highest of the Oregon Cas­
The Mothers' club meets today at cades and in its course of 280 miles
the home of Mrs. W. W. Gllkeraon. pises* six other major snow peaks
Regular election of officers.
before reaching its terminal at Crater
Miao Margaret Fletcher was sur­ lake. In tbe vicinity of Crater lake,
prised last Saturday afternoon when which to now Included in a national
she returned from Hood River to find perk, there are several more high
the Mothers’ club and many friend* peak*. The trail passes by or close
assembled at her home7With a shower to about 280 mountain lakes, varying
of miscellaneous articles, both useful in stee from the area of a city block
end beautiful. The house was beauti­ to an area’ of several square miles.
fully decorated with daffodils and There are several mountain perks
Jonquils, and the kewpie dolls repre­ and luxuriant meadow* of grass and
senting a bride and her attendants flowers, and the geological formations
were attired in yellow and white. De­ of the country are very fascinating.
Fishing to good in the mountain
licious refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mr*. R. R. Lewi* enjoyed token, and bathing can be enjoyed in
a visit last Saturday from Mr. Lewi*' moot of them. The United 8tatM
mother and two sisters, Mis* Helen Forest Service has issued many
and Mrs. Adam*, the latter accompan­ pamphlets describing portions of the
trail, and tbe National Park Service
ied by her husband and baby.
, published folders about CmtM
Friday, May 8, at tbe high school lake. * Walter Pritchard Eaton’a book,
auditorium In Odell Mrs. Herbert “Skyline Campe,” describes the scen­
Garr Reed, dramatic reader, Lawrence ery at each end of the trail and also
Woodfin, composer-baritone, and Helen in tbe vicinity of Mt. Jefferson, 66
Bridgeford Drain, contralto, assisted miles from the north end of the trail.
by the Odell grange orchestra, will
give an entertainment of unusual
merit. This
— - - is given under the soo­
OramM Daffim Huelat’s Bill*
pices of the Mothers’ club and all are
The city council Monday night
invited to attend.
turned down blljs presented by C. O.
Anyone having items of news please Huelat, who ia operating the munici­
call OdeU 102 and help show that our pal auto park under contract, for the
community is wide awake.
construction of • trailer used in haul­
ing supplies and a bill from the Hood
River New* for the printing of 10,000
tags, used in identifying the car* of
Mary Wella, of Portland, motorists using the park. Tbe two
bills amounted to 176.60. Mr. Huelat
last December was given a contract,
Icipal ’ park, which
to operate tbe munidp
the city has etalppcd
.. 1 at a coat 1*
excess of SIO.OCD. above
abovi the purchase
price of $12,000. Under the terms .of
the contract he*wll) furnish supplisa
of the park. »Will receive the first
11,000 of receipt* from fees applied
to automobllists, and the city tbe
that the
Tbe council decUted XL_:
__ iterar
billed to city ware supplies that
should be furnished by Mr. Huelat,
Mr. Huelat reported to the council
Monday evening that the total num­
ber of car* registered at the park up
to April 1 had reached 38, and that
total receipta up to that time were
---------- ■■■-Maapj-
- _
Draw Water Rate Is Asked
The Apple Vinegar Co., the largest
user of water in Hood River, Monday
nlgjit appealed in a eeqpnd letter to
the city council for a reduction In
meter rates. It was shown that the
bill for March reached 3266. The
company cited that its use of water
occurs from November to May, a time
of the year when no city water is in
demand for irrigation purposes.
City Water Superintendent Clark
stated that he had informed tbe com­
pany that the city council’s lire and
water committee was engaged In a
thorough Investigation, and that rec­
ommendations for a modification of
the rates would probably not be made
until faR He stajed that be had
told the company that the city would
undoubtedly be willing to rebate the
________________ -tí
' W its DRY/’
*1 knew /A m patni would be
--------- /Aw patn/ would be
dry by breakfast time,** he de*
clare*. Sure enough, tbe scuffed
kitchen floor painted yesterday •
ENAMEL ha* been tran*'
formed to a new, clean eurfacet
ready for uae.
I >
William Sylvester, president of tbe
Tuesday Lunch Club and peak of the
new organisation, Tuesday told tbe
member* of the former body of the
purposes of the Hood River Guides,
the new booster organisation Just ef­
fected Mr. Sylvester cited that the
guides will wear a unique badge,
which wiH attract tourists. All mem­
bers will be fully Informed on valley
topics and be able to direct tourists.
Mr. Sylvester appealed to business
men to support the new organisation,
the activities of which, he predicted,
will be invaluable to tbe community.
Ted Baker, lookout of the new or­
ganisation. and Kent Shoemaker, se­
rac, who will have charge of drilling
and leading the body’s marching forc­
es. made brief talks. Mr. Shoemaker
said that after be had been elected
to the poaltiou he turned to Webster’s
to determine the meaning of the word
and discovered that originally it had
meant “a big hung of Swiss cheese.”
However, he said that it also meant
ice cascades of glaciers, and be would
accept the latter meeting.
George Morrison announced that the
legion next Week will put ou .a mov­
ing picture show at the Rialto theatre
and urged all to support it, aa the
fund will be used, for financing th*
Legion Drum and Bugle t’orpa. Mr.
Shoemaker called atieutiou to the
fact that the corps will be a part of
th* Guides marching group. The show
was made under auspices of the gov­
ernment. It show» Richard Barthei-
meea in “Classmates."
AU scene*
were taken at West Point
Guests Tuesday at the Columbia
Gorge hotel, where the dub memliere
grew eulogistic of the chef, aa they
partook of tbe delicious and bountiful
luncheon, were: Byron McCleary,
Portland bond man; Andrew Mac-
Lean, Portland engineer« Mr. and
Mr*. Aroedee Smith, of Portland;
Herbert SCruck, of Parkdale, and Paul
McKercber and C. G. Cameron.
Tbe c’.nb will meet soni! monthly at
the Columbia Gorge hotel. It will
meet next wwlt with the First B«P
tist ladle* at, the church on the
Fruit ('entracte Signed
Last week contracts, wherein Libby,
McNeil A Libby, who operate a can­
nery at The Dalles, agree to purchase
from grower; their pear tonnage for
the next HI years at a minimum
price of 930 per ten, were filed with
the county clerk tor recording. Con­
tracts for tbe purchase of strawbei irrte*
tor the next five years were 1 filed.
The canners agree to pay 1100 per ton
for berries.
Prof. Keeney Re-elected
The Parkdale school buard has an-
nounced retention of Prof. H. G.
Keeney aa superintendent of schools
there for the coming year.
Keedey, graduate of Pacific College at
Newberg and William Penn University
in Iowa, taught in Hood River for
two year* before going to Parkdale.
will offer to the public
during the period from'
Thursday to Tuei
Mta RI V ’
Diamond or Ramona Flour, per eaeki....
Gold Bar Peaa------------------------ --------------- person
Lake view Peaa--------------------- A ’
Ole Corn...... .................... ....................
Lima Beans--------------------- ;_____ ________ “
Campbell’a Beans_________________ “
Sotipe, all Kinds.....
Sunbright Cleanser
f* .........6 cans for
Apricot«, Beet
_6 cans for $1
„3 pounds for'
....8 pounds for MX
Catsup----- ----------------
......... per bottle 25X
-25 bars for $1.10
White wonder Soap__
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
................. .6 for SOX
Tettley’s Tea......__ ...
—_per pound BOX
Royal Club Coffee ___
........ per pound 54X
Macaroni_______ _____
—4 pounds for 25X
Viking Pancike Flour .2______ _........... per package MX
We also hsve Fruit and Vegetables in season.
The Grange
Cooperative Store
Phone 31Ô1
'■ <
•i- >
Have Perfect
■yv/HICH comes only by having a perfect body. Tb
W have poise you must be able to walk correctly,
ait correctly and stand correctly.
Body building and flexing exercises, tend to itiye
you poise, graceful deportment and self expression.
For elevon yean Portland*a Leading Teacher of
" Dancing and Body Building *
The 10 months old eon of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Watanabe, of Odell, passed
away Bunday. Funeral services were
held Monday afternoon at the Ander­
son chapel, Rev. W. N. Byars offici­
Interment followed at the
Idlewllde cemetery.
“H" Ctab Show Next Week
The “H" Club, organisation of let­
termen of the high school, will spon­
sor the movy show, “Excuse Me," at
the Rialto theatre April 22 and 23.
The proceeds from the show will go
toward the purchase of athletic
> ■
< .
• ..
Highest cash pries paid tor your need
furniture. Moves and rugs. Call McClain
at K. A. Frans Oo.
• e
B:antfflesng Exercises
.. V» ; <i
Thursday Evening, April 9, 7.30
(Old Commercial Club Hall.)
For information and enrollment call phone 2921
Mrs. H. Unger,
• •.
■ rWic
' ' '1
Are you ready for
the big ones?
Ifthr [istti in nf juurlinoLmm
Hood River, Oregon
__ .
-Í ’
. . . V .
Sold by
4 ‘
We are showing new
things in
paints an
Fishing Season
Opens April 15
You can now paint your property and pay <m
th* Baif-Hueter Monthly Paymgnt Plan. Call
and let u* explain this plan to you.
Phone MM
. '
of Over-Nite Floor Enamel. Tide
adds both to the appearance and
the long life of your linoleum.
1* wearing away, apply a coat
f- 1
, OF fl. fl. GUIDES
Pioneer Meeting in May
A large number of Hood River folk
are planning on motoring to The
Dalles May 2, when the annual re­
union of the Wasco County Pioneer
Association will be held there at the
civic auditorium
All residents of
Hood River 'county since 4888 are elig­
ible tp membership in the pioneer
Over'Nite Floor Enamel drlee
with a high gloea enamel finiah
that ia extremely durable. Thia
paint ia well cuited to kitchen
and breakfast nook, U it retains
its attractive appearance despite
frequent moppings. Over'Nite
Floor Enamel ia easy to apply,
and only a quart is needed to
. e