HOOD RIVER GLA SANCTUARY LAKES EXPERIMENT STATION OF APPEALING BEAUTY OFFERS NEW PEAR . THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925 CHAMBEE CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED INT Í3K1 UNG UME HAS . BEEN ’ — - * ✓ Completion of the Interstate bridge (By Gordon G. Brown) Colombia here Im, l>lM.Ued E. M. Holman, just back with bl* “We toUowad the example art by be^i ot Hood B1”r w111 ®«uty spots to Hood River mo- be interested In knowing that th* family from Escondido and La Jolla. President GoolMr»,” said R. E. Bcott, CaMf.. where he spent the winter director of tM ObamlH-r of Commerce, to h*ar of Mr Of scenic appeal duíT^T"1 "‘““«r has recently intro- with hi* family, tell* a good story ou at tM Tneaday Lunch club meeting the North Bank highway' himself One day Mr. Holman bur- In annouadM G* chamber’* annual fectiuu following th* extraction of * tho** who*travel‘^out*' ta^hS’^V’ ’'J*'* ^^'ed'fromTb* N*w YwlfA^ ried bom* from a flrttlng trip, changed campaign tor raising fund* for tM tootk. rreelved from the Nep Yuri? ^g- his ciotbe* quickly and joined hla year’» deretopmeat work and in re- Mr*. Kaeaaer, wto mad* Mr Maa* time on the Oregon side of the i* t.‘u ,urB* experiment atatiou where fa ml ly on a visit to a neighboring curing trew *te«Mr*. “The Preaident here a namber of year*, being aa*o- lumbia 1» th. ?! 'be to- the variety originated. Ten of th^ ktadïf " A’*'v, _______ originated. _ uirwi varlrty Ten of thaa* town for dinner with friend». cut the budget of the nation. We etated with Mr husband in operating 1 «lJv “*..aiT*uU,*!‘ted throughout the *t**Éff ahúman tempera ns-ut "We were nearing the home of the have redured onr budget from 88.000 a grugery store, was born at West ~ - -------- The re- friend, many mile* away,” *ald Mr. I to 87.1UO, and we aim to *o carry ou Chkago. UL> May 18, 1870, and waa ,W* *’!1 on the •xperl- Holman, “when my wife auggested I our work tMt the cost of it will be married to Edward E. Kameer, of “ “ «1 Steven MI the'rtghtaeer"^?;«^“^1:^^ “'« Xl “ 1 L 8»*M ‘r.?Und ^observation and that we Md better fill the gasoline more equably divided among the eq­ Rowley, Ia.. May fi, 1M97. To tMm ■piratiou as bh vision »wvw.w S T <®B^u»tration. — The following descrip- tank. We stopped and the gas ata- |terprl*ing eitiaeu* of the community." wa* born one daughter, Peart. cM*m* or hi* eyes lift t ** Kan"v “f this pet Beside her husband and daughter, C. N. Ravlin, of the chamber’* pub­ pear is taken from Bul- tiou began pumping in the fuel. I ---- -J New York Htpte Agri- felt in my pockets, and found I had »city commRtre- announced that work Mrs. R. D. Huret, survivors include experlment station, by Pro- no puree, ’ loose change or anything on a new issue of folder* waa under one Bister, Mr*, t'aroline Arnold, of J. P. Hedrick, page 6: lumbi* gorge else.' It waa an embarrassing time. way. The organisation will atao pre- Walker, la., and tour brother*: Hkre quieter h v„7tr. Krow‘‘r* ot New York want I explained, and the Beller of gasoline pare a map of the mid-Golumbla, Frank B. Warts,'of Chicago; Chris­ variety to follow Bartlett which •uggeoted that we anight have some- showing rood* aad trails of both the tian E. Wurta, of Star City. Ind.; t ptantifulnu plentifulneas along along the the scenic . .................... north h lack* e a m,:ne of the conspicuous faults thing to pledge for our fuel. I final- Mount Hood and Mount Adams a*o Michael E. Wurta, of West Chicago, bonk road. etnA*» that are n°W ly took my wife’s wrist watch auditions. and Georg* W. Wurta, of Indepen­ of Carson, in in «Ka «kaman - -L Jurt » - east w ¿Í ma h ia » t! .'/" u " r "•‘“•on. A pear of the tendered it to him." I •’ ’Hee Mount Hood,’ ’’ said Mr. Rar- dence, Ia. I “t tjrpt* would be most accept­ Funeral service* were held at the Mr. Holman *ay* he like* southern lln. “will be our *togan We will en- that abruptly adding and or. and the station has made many of Holman A Luta, Rev. J no. rocky eminence which 1* marked bv cru-ses wph Bartlett as one parvut to Califorula mighty well as a place to deavor to stimulate the passing motor chapel spend the winter, but be declares trafflc to travel up to tike rim of the W. Beard, pastor of the Mount Tabor is"7« ,wll° HPred* almlg at ‘" h “ v“riety. Gorlutm. now that Oregon is far superior a* > a year-1 valley and see the orchard* and Presbyterian church, officiating. In­ the foot of the sister peak «heli ottered *. by the New York Fruit Test- SYound place of residence. He and mountain.** terment wa* at Mount Scott cemetery. liig association, is a cross lietween hla . family, be declared, were very Mr*. Kaeaaer was a prominent and Mr. Scott suggested that some ac- tai/-! S fl WlnU ,l“’un Bartlett and Josephin* de Maliues glad to get back to Hood River. M a K*T maa -,. tion l>e taken by the city council to- much loved memls-r of Laurel Re- de. ta ,e“ ^ ‘pltous, which ripc-nw its fruits a month later RrWlt ¿HTMSSt irt. t*. À. P. sM A The family while in the southwest ward securing early paving of the bekah Ixolge of this city. and nestled to the northeast of the than Bartlett, and keep* six weeks or toured as far east a* Pboeuix, Aria. city street* carrying crosstown high­ eminence la a region of lakes that two niontha longer. The- fruits re way trafflc. He cited’ the deplorable candidate* for th* directorate of the “everal J«®» ago by semble those of Bartlett in wlxe, color, condition of Twelfth street on the Four Ag. Studmte at 0. A. C. u’ 'iCVU1“’ Jr’’ L"8 AnKCles, ca|e ami shape. Thev arc- even better in proposed union high school district, that some atten- Hood River county has four agri-1 Heights and declared italist, who ta interested In Hood the flavor, which la aweet and, vinous effecting an amalgamation of. seven Jl lv*n it. River orchards and who is a lover of with a very marked and pleasing cultural students who are <»n>pletlug ,,OJ? lower valley district*, but eight can­ their second term’s work of thia | .C<,untllman 'oung said the council didate* had filed. They were: Bar­ ÏÏS,?c?nery of the «‘M-Golumbia. Mr aroma. The flesh ia white, tender, plan* on repairing Twelfth street. T-" •• McClain has purchased marly (Joo buttery and juicy — a combination, school year at Oregon Agricultural Cascade avenue, rett, C. K. Banton; Frankton, Mrs. maid, will un- The body of Mrs. Mary Shute, for­ Wm. Skene and Ed C. Miller; Oak •ere* of the lake-dotted region of which with the rich flavor and spicy College. They are Lindsey Hpight, doubtedly be paved the full length Skamania county, and Is now en­ aroma, make thia one of the very ia-st senior in horticulture; Eino Anns la ithta year. Th* toot of State street, mer pioneer local resident who died Grove, Arne llukari; Hood Hiver, last Thursday at the home of a gaged in the improvement of a sanc­ flavored pears of its season. The and IleForrest Palmiter, l " be declared, la awaiting paving until daughter. Mrs. Henry Smith, of Sheri­ C. A. Reed aad Dr. V. R. Abraham, tuary for fish and game. He has chief requisite of a ja-ar tree is that and Alfred Reimann, special in poul­ It has settled. and Pin* Grove, A. W. Peter* and dan, arrived Saturday. Following fu­ E. E. Lag*. Th* election will be held » named the place Sanctuary lakes it be- resistant to blight. The degree try husbandry. neral services at the Bartmess chapel, April 8. Nearly 400 students are enrolled i _____ _ . Although the lake district is no of resistance is not easy to determine I ear* NaMf j MMVBffl» interment occurred at Idlewild* ceme­ Five director* will be elected, but tw" from the North without many and mature plantations. In the school of agriculture. The reg- tery. Mr*. Shute, 78, had resided the non* of th* districts may have more (By dordon G. Brown) Bank highway, It ta hidden and Therefore, whether Gorham will re­ ular work includes a study of the es- The Experiment Station la In re­ past three year* with her daughter than one. walled in by rough wildenwMlike sist blight cannot be said—but as yet tabllshed principle* of scientific agri- A petition was filed at the last country and forest*. On the north it lias not blighted on the station culture and the latest approved meth- ceipt of a recent letter from a prom- at .Sheridan. Other surviving chil­ incut authority in the Okanogan val- dren are! Henry Shute, of Vancou­ moment for Mr*. Susan Raamu*«eii. ■ide It la bounded by the Columbia grounds. Tlie trees are vlgorons and ods of farm practice. The first years in agricultural work ley indicating that winter injury is ver, Wash.; Cheater Shute and Mr*. of th* Wyeth district. national forest, which extends un­ productive, and have borne good crops the students take up a general course One of the serious problem* in the de- /F. G. Coe, of Hood River, and Chas. - 1J- ........... ............ < broken to the Mount Adams country. four years in succession. • John R. Phillip«, veteran woodsman, "The- cross from which Gorham whlch deals with «hemisetry, botany, velopinent of young pear orchards in Shute, of Portland. Baar aad Waif at Auto Park ha* been placed in charge of Sam-tu- came, as given atsive, was macle in farm crop«, animal and dairy hus that section. A* a matter of fact KHasbcth Hasta»**, ~ Fined HW C. O. Huelat. custodian of the mu­ MlasGoni* ‘Im. ary takea. In the approximate year’s 191(1. The tree was set in the orc-hard bandry, horticulture, soils, livestock they find mature tree* subject to slm- lilia,**. Justice of the Peace Blagg last nicipal automobile park, haa started time he has been there he has la-en In 1913 and bore its first crop in 1920. managemest, farm mechanics, t*acteri- liar trouble«. Grower* are very much concerned about cultural methods and week fined Ben R. Evans, of Port­ a boo , A cub bear and a wolf form engaged in cleaning out the accumu­ "Tree large-, vigorous, tall, unrigbt. ology and poultry productiqn. Graduates from the school of agri- the employment of hardy stock* for land, fth. Flowers late mid- Other o<-cupatlons include many post- cited is quoted a* follows: Mr, H notai, who ia busy nuking through the growth of alders and season. Fruit matures from two to tion* with the United State« depart-1 “We are finding In the Okanogan, Traffic Officer Bloat at Cascade bocks. maple*. Mr. Phillips is a lover of four weeks after Bartlett; large uni­ ment of agriculture. They become ce- particularly tn the northern end, that Fourteen gallons of good quality ready for touriat trafflc, **ys he an­ native woodlands and Ills soul is in form, oblong-obtuae-pyrlform often ta- real investigators, scientists in survey I we have to have something more frost liquor, In gallon jugs, were seised. ticipate* more motor visitor* by far the work of beautifying the preserve. nering to an acute neck, symmetrical, and research, plant pathologist*, offi- resistant than the varieties which we Evans said he and hla wife were on thia year than any former season. ^rlcultural bureau of eco eco- ­ are now growing IL we are to continue the way to Baker to visit friends and William Bergman, a Dutch hoine- uniform ;■ stem medium in length, clals of agricultural nomics, marketing specialists, bacteri- in the pear growing business. The that he had been offered 825 to take •teader, took up a homestead claim in thick, cavity obtuse-, shallow, narrow, nomic«, SOCIETIES. thia section over 4« years ago The lipped, russeted with outapre-ading ologiats, boys’ and girls’ club workers, Flemish Beauty and d'Anjou have the liquor cargo there. Mrs. Evans telephoned, so attaches settler, a sqtiaw man, eked out a liv­ rays of russet, sometime* flesh folds county ageuts, seed inspectors, grain possibly stood out as far as hardiness ing by cutting wood for sale in neigh­ up around lease of stent in a thick lip; exchange Inspectors and landscape uadDgL sRoopr ntrlesieyleonBut inlal of the justice court reported, to the land frost reatetance are concerned. Portland hotel, asking for her grand­ boring settlement. He also operated calyx o|s-n. medium in slxe; lottea sep­ architects. Mr. F. H But even with these in young tree*, father. When th* latter responded a woodyard for the early day steam­ arate-. long, narrow, accuminate; basin she told him that she and her hus ­ and |>artlcularly with the older tree*, er* that plied between The Dalles and sliallow, narrow, obtuse, slightly fur­ CHURCHËS we have difficulty as far as frost in- band were In trouble and to wire her Portland. Bergman had a’ paradise rowed; skin thin, tender, smooth, i jury is concerned and anything you 8400. Funds for the fine were re­ and didn’t know it. He has gone dull; color clear |>ale yellow, with Seventh Day Adventist Church could suggest towards Improving our ceived by telegraph. now to other parts, but his home­ few traces of russe-t; dots numerous, Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. m. cliance* of success by means of hardi- stead shack, as unique a building as small, grennlsh-russet. obscure; fle«h Card *f Thank* Will be found standing in the mid white, fine, slightly granular at the Preaching service 1115 a. m. Prayer ness foundation stocks, would be very Wednesday 7.48 p. m. All acceptable/ , ' i Columbia section still remains. It center, tender, melting, buttery, juicy, meeting, We wish to thank our friend* and welcome. 1 ......... i wa* built of boards, all made by sweet, with a refreshing vinous fla- are neighbor* for their kind aid and *x- ' ------------- Mrs. T im M t Ha* Pleaoaat Visit preaaiona of sympathy tendered ua hand, and put together by wooden vor: quality getod to very good. Gore 8* ’ ****■*'• Cathelic Church I Mrg w j Tucker has returned during our recent bereavement attend­ pin*. It 1* a rustic but substantial small, closed, with clasping core-line*; First Mate, 8 a. m. and second Mass from California, where she had a ant on the sudden death and funeral structure. The other day Judge A. J. calyx tube long, narrow, funnel- 1 10.80 each Sunday morning. Even- pleasant visit with. Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ of our husband and father. Especial­ Derby, who is associated with Mr. shajs-d; seeds large, long, narrow, at ing devotions at 7.30 o'clock tomorrow, nlPr Sieg and Mr*. McKean, wife of ly do we wish to express our heart­ McClain in the development yal Temperance Legion will Prayer meeting every Wednesday, 7.80 there. Off to the northeast of Home lake is a great shimmering body of meet again in two weeks In the base­ ;». m. Everybody welcome. water, known as East lake. Mr. Mc­ ment of the'Christian church. Hall. Pastor. Phone 3663. April 17 the Khaw Jubilee singers Clain will be generous and permit, Riverside Church for some time to come at least, the will l»e in Hood River under the aus­ public to fish in the other lakes, but pice* of the W. C. T. Ü. Service* Sunday at the usual hour*. East lake will be reserved for the Hablieth school, «46 a. m. Classes exclusive use of himself and friend*. for young and old. Morning worship Raspberry Proopeei* The most beautiful of all the larger at 11 o’clock. UhriHtian Endeavor (By Gordon G. Brown) late*, and It, too, is the largest of society meet* at the Baptist church them, 1* Bergman lake. Except for Word has just l>een received by the at 6.30 p. m. for a union rally. Clas*- the outlet, where a narrow defile in writer that considerable winter in­ e* in religious education Wednesday the shrub-covered hills offers a course jury on red raspberrie* has been prev­ afternoou at 4.15. Thursday evening for a stream, Bergman lake is shut alent In western Washington, notably prayer service at 7.30. The pastor in by steep banka, rising for several in the Puyallup and Humner valleys preaches Sunday and will have for hundred feet in places. It ia like a on the Cuthbert variety., The one hi* subject, "Life.” The public is miniature Crater lake, and the color­ prominent authority in that section cordially invited to attend. A business organization is judged to no small extent away from ing that one may see there Is almost is quoted as saying that this variety as impressive as that of the great is “hard hit” this last winter, in that Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church home by the character of its stationery. A neat letterhead carries a fav­ nationally known lake in southern the buds have been killed to a large Church night Thursday evening at Oregon. It is a body of deep water, extent. This ia also true with Ever- 6.30, beginning with a basket supper, orable impression. Sloppy stationery may create an impression that will although its surfs<* covers only al>out green bln- kberrles. followed by a program. No charge have been 15 acre*. Viewed from an eminence Hood River appears to hurt your business. is made for the «upper. All members it may appear cobalt. Another van­ rather fortunate as far as raspberries of the cburch are urged to bring their tage point will bring to the eyes of are com-erned. The indication* are families, their supper* and come. Many Hood River Valley Orchardists, among the most progressive the interested nature lover a surface now for a good crop and growers are Sunday the school meet* at 10 a. m.; amythestine, and light of certain dens urged to devote their beat efforts on morning worship at 11. No evening farmers on the globe, have their letterheads and envelopes printed as ity turn* the lake into a green that cultural practices, as there,is reason service* on account of the union ser­ would delight the heart of a native of to believe that price* will is- relatively vice* at the Baptist church. regularly as business institutions of the city. Once used they are found high. The writer has previously "Ould Sod.” W. N. Byars, Pastor. The north side of the Columbia urged that suitable fertilisation be em­ to be indispensable. In the past few weeks we have printed stationery gorge gets the benefit of more early ployed. Those who have neglected this First Christian Church spring sunshine than the south bank, feature should attend to this at once. I Voltaire said, “I hate life, and yet for crchardists and in every instance we have won a pleased customer and already the bloom* of trilllnma The ground should be put In such I hate to die," Paul said, “For me to shape as will enable the grower to and anemones are lifting themselves live is Christ', to die Is gain.” What from the fertile leaf mould. Acres of maintain a deep dust mulch during a difference; tl>e church stand* for How is your stationery? the season. Growers are advised to wild strawberries are ready to bear that which makes the difference. Spe­ an abundance of fruit. The woodland put their land In the best ¡sswible cial servioea Bunday: Bible school, We will be glad to have orchardist or business man cal). Perhaps dells are now the haunt of many condition in order that there will be 9.46; Communion and preaching at Alaska robins, awaiting the melting no occaaion this year for heavy irri­ II o’clock; union young people's meet­ you have an idea as to some form for your ranch or business house and of the snow* in the highland forests gation during the harvesting season. ing at the Baptist church at 6.30, and where they will nest. preaching at 7.30. which will be the would like to have us help you work it out The story of the beautiful lake re­ Ixwal Artiste Give Recital first service ot a pre Easter revival gion is already being carried forth to service. Hear the young people's Mrs. C. H. «letton and Miss Janet mld-Columbia points by thooe who chorus from the Valley church. church, Ser- Come in, sit dowp and let’s talk it over and then lay out a draft have seen it. and it 1* anticipated that Slade at the invitation of the presi­ mon theme, ‘Diviae Healing of To- score* of parties will motor from dent. Mr*. Carlton Williams, gave a day.” “ You will be interested in this. of your stationery form, Hood River and The Da lire, as the recital for the Monday Musical club, Come. The Livingstone*. season advances. Sanctuary lakes, it of The Dalle*, last Monday afternoon. la predicted, will not only beeon* Miss Slade played Mr*. Sletton * ac­ TM Baptist Churdi - popular as a summer retreat, but the companiments. The program fo lows: "An Open Secret." Woodman ; "Goin Next Sunday will be a special day. lure of the lakes. iHth their fro»-n surface will attract many wintertime Home" (From The Largo of New Dr. W. Milliken, from Portland, will Dvorak; The preach in the morning. In the even­ recreationista. The lakes are so fl­ World Symphony) oated that they can be flooded dally, Street Organ,” Sibelta. Mrs. C. H. ing, beginning at 84». aU th* young rinarp iwo peoples' societies of the valley will Sharp n 'finer thus forming an Ideal natural skating Sletton. “Etude In 0 Barratt. Mite bold a union meeting in the Baptist Chopin: "Corlnach, ” E — --- risk Janet Slade. “The Morning Wind." chnrch. At 7.3« Rev. Hutchinson will The Skamania county fish ties fbr year* have been stockinc th "(Frem T7>e Sun Dial Cycle) Bran*- give a short talk on the union sum­ take* with a h etc regen OUS lot of fry. combe: "Pale Moon.” Logan; Song, mer assembly, after which Dr. W. MUllken will address the union meet­ One can catch trout of nearly every ment," MacDermeld: H«Wt ing. All young people, whether be­ there. The NBlnhow. the Loch Del Biego, Mm. C. H. «letton longing to societies or not, are invited. Laven, the Montana Black, «liver Be sure to come. Sunday school at Cttixens Sniff FerbiMra Are» trout. Eastern Brook, they are all 10 a. m. Prayer meeting at 74» p. m. there. This stocking of lakes Sheriff Edick and deputle* Tne*day Wednenday. Meeting of th* Laymen's numerous species. It «ld' Jl carted to the corner of Third and good practice. Mr. Phillipa, who is oak streets 12 gallon* of moonshine council Thureday, April 2, at 6.30 p. m. Pray for the world wide revival. arranging a private propagation liquor, which wa* poured into a atorm C. R. Delepine, Pastor. tian, plans on stocking earii lake with newer. Score* oficitisen* gathered, a different species. He will b«ve a sniffing the pleasing aroma of the con­ wide rang* of choice if he " traband Officers *ay H the take*. In addition to the four the test ever captured in a local H big bodies Of water, there are «nail moonshine raid. taka* too numerous to count ÎÏÏG! S- ü. EIGHT UNION HIGH CANDIDATES FILE MRS. MARY SHUTE’S FUNERAL SATURDAY Business Stationery , The Glacier Press MMHHP __ Character printing