The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 19, 1925, Image 10

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an warriors over the cliff to instant Besson when bat tew of the pines are
death below in a deciaive battle which ripening aad the cannery operates
made him monarch at all the islands. only intermittently. We were fortu­
Leaving the Pall wa paaaed Hie nate In being able to see it in opera­
Behest Irvesto, 1813-1399
pineapple fields and wore aeota -01000 tion and war» taken through by a
to the coast, which changes from tints guide. The factory site coven an
(By Dr. James A. Fraser)
(By A. D. Moe)
to time from a ragged rwky coast area of 31 acne. From thq. elevated
causeway one looks down over a sea
Honolulu, February 23. . line where the breakers best reiest- of pineapples; field crates filled with bmvelLtaBsuburbBofr1umdoa. May 7,
_____________ _
Nowhere else under the American leasly from the trade winds that pile fruit are stacked up on the platform, 1813. In the world of modern poetry,
waves high against the rocks, to long
Flag can Washington's birthday" be stretches
Browning must be recoguized as a
of shallow water inside coral 86 carloads (860 tons) at one time. great
PRL AND SAT, MARCH 20 -21 celebrated in true Fourth of July
figure. Ho is a man of groat
The fruit is dumped into hoppers and
stylo and true Fourth of July weath­
placed on conveyors. In the first op­ mind. In him we have strength and
er. We have been in San Diego on
eration the pine ia made to engage a beauty. As a youth hie enjoyment of
Washington’s birthday several times. closed by a dike thrown around them high speed revolving knife and a per­ the out-of-doors knew no bounds. He
Joined in the public exercises at Bal­ and connected into floh ponds, where fect fruit cylinder is thus sized from knew the birds, Bowers, and the
fish are propagated for market. Many
Featuring an extraordinary cast: boa park, aad experienced warm, native or 'Oriental homes are seen the fruit The cylinder then passes scenery of hill and dais. Ia his home
summery weather in the middle of
were pictures, music and a well-
along the road, where the families are Into a revolving turret in which top atoeked
library. The home background
Laura LaPlante, Norman Kerry, the day, but most of the crowd bad engaged
and bottom ends and core are re­
Kenneth Harlan, Ruth Clifford, winter wraps along ana put them on pineapples, bananas, papains, and oc­ moved. Blmultaneouifly with the sis- was such as to promote thought In
sometimes If in a shady place where
ing operation the outer skin or rind, the good and great. The school train­
T. Roy Barnee and Margaret
the cool breeoe brought a little chill casionally watermelons. The .latter slit into halves, is forced against a ing of the poet was irregular and lim­
to the air. But in Honolulu there ia
grid within which a second knife re­ ited. The day school, private school,
no chill to the soft breeze from the are hard to control.
volves which severs from the skin the and then two terms at London Uni­
"The Story of an Irrieistable
In the rural districts one looked in edible portion of the fruit meat re­ versity comprised his conventional ed­
Pacific even in the shadiest nook, not
even after the sun has dropped out vain for the native drees that ia pop­ maining. This meat, a choice portion ucation. It was in the school of Life
of aight on the horizon of the blue ularly supposed on the mainland to of the fruit goes into crushed prod­ that the man received the most of
For the Comedy:
waters, followed by the quick tropic consist of grass skirts on the women ucts. The pineapple cylinder slides bis education, and how well his stud­
and a scantier covering for the men. onto an endless belt which carries it ies were pursued few are ignorant.
We attended the special Washing­ They were dressed in clothes similar to the trimmers. Hundreds of women
While in his teens he commenced
ton's birthday services at the native to our Orientals at home, except that and girls, each wearing rubber gloves mastering the art of rhyming and in
Hawaiian church, the first church or- most of them go barefooted, or with and neat cap and apron, sit at the 1883, when 30 years of age, appeared
gsnlzed by the American missionaries the straw sandals and no stockings. trimming tables and with knives re­ the first fruits of his reading. Two
Prices 10-35-50
100 years ago. It is located on one of The grass skirt is not worn by the move any portion of shell remaining. years after his first volume came
Special Friday Matinee 10-35 the principal thoroughfares a block natives except on special show exhibi­
The packed cans are next taken to ••Paracelsus.” This work, if falling
from the civic center, and adjoining tions for the tourists. Also the hula be sy raped. They pass automatically, to impress the reading public, brought
it stands the first frame house built dance la only seen at certain public 80 cans a minute, through a revolving him such friends as Wadsworth, Tai­
SUN. AND MON., MARCH 22-23 by the missionaries, and where the entertainments given about twice a machine where the flow of syrup into ford, • Dickens, Leigh Hunt and Inn-
church organization started.
Thia month by a lady in the exclusive resi­ each can la carefully regulated. Sev­ dor.
building is open to visitors and in dence district to satisfy the demand eral hundred bags of white sugar are
As late as 1865 Browning had taken
It are many old chairs, tables and of tourists. This entertainment con­ sousumed each day In making syrup.
furniture used by these early pioneers. sists of a native feast of pol and The cans then pass automatically to no commanding position among 'liter­
Al Christie’s great laughing On the walla are pictures with dates other dishes and is called a luau. The a steam-heated exhaust box, where ary Englishmen. Up to the death of
guests sit around the table and eat heat drives out most of the air and his wife in 1861, life was simply the
feature with a sparkling cast in­ and records of their services.
record of successive books; after that,
pol with the fingers. Afterwards ia
cluding T. Roy Barnee, Harry and la a very commodious one. A na­ given the so-called hula dance, which prepares the can for sealing. From however, his poetic genius was fanned
Myers, Tully Marshall, Jack tive choir of 00 voices makes it one ia a suggestive muscle dance much charged into cookers, arriving at the Into flame.
Duffy, Wanda Hawley and Sylvia of the attractions of the city to vis- like the one introduced at the World's other end in about 10 minutes to the Lonely, and in no little sense dis­
ltors, as the music is excellent, accom- Fair at Chicago by Little Egypt This lacquer machine, drier and cooler, pirited, he flung himself anew into
panled by a large pipe organ, Usual- dance ig not allowed in Honolulu ex­ then to the warehouse for packing ills creations, bringing out in 1808
Talk about speed! ’’Reckless ly the morning service is in English. cept under supervision of the police and shipping. Over 2,000 men, women the four successive volumes of “The
Romance” moves like a jack­ Bunday there was a biographical or by the lady mentioned above, who and children are engaged in this can­ Ring and The Book.” This work was
rabbit on a country road trying sketch of Washington read in English, chargee 83 per plate. The taxi charge nery, which turns out over 2,000,000 largely a monument to the memory
of Mrs. Browning.
prayers and Scripture reading in Ha­ la |1. The original hula la a religious cases a year.
to keep ahead of a Ford.
Few men are as red-blooded, direct,
waiian by the pastor and then a dis­ dance, every movement of which has
The American Can Co. has a large
course on Washington by Senator a sacred meaning, and bears very plant adjoining this cannery, the cans Instant with an eager interest in the
That’s “Reckless Romance.”
Shingle, whose motbej was Hawaiian, little resemblance to the fake imita­ for which are delivered by endless great world of realities and practical­
but whose father was of the white tion given for the tourists. The only currier belts direct to places where ities. It da his interpretation of Life
A Comedy, too
race. He would say. a few sentences grass skirts to be seen are those in needed. Cans for other canners are which constitutes his value for us as
in English and then lapse into the the shops made to sell to tourists. also made here, the output being over a writer. His mind was always quick
to probe the great questions, philo­
native tongue, so we could get but While on this subject I might add 125,000,000 cans each year.
that Honolulu ia freer from immoral­
Prices 10-35-50
Every convenience for the comfort sophical and religious, which are con­
the ity than any city of similar size on and care of the workers in the can­ fronting us today. The whole signifi­
Special Mon. Matinee, 10c-85c
the mainland.
nery is provided. A free medical dis­ cance of living, for him, resolves it­
............ -............ ■■ 1 1 I 1 ■ ■*
The narrow strip of land along the pensary . is provided for the .sick as self into a trial of the soul for the
windward coast between the moun­ well as the Injured. The factory is purpose of evolution.
Robert Browning is never of such
and the tide is of varied kinds, well lighted and thoroughly ventil­
MARCH 24, 25, 26, 27
from sand dunes covered with a ated. A large, clean and modernly value as In days when something bit­
sparse growth to wider areas of fer­ equipped cafeteria offers to every em­ ter has befallen us, and we are at the
tile land. The shallower soils are ploye a generous meal at a very small point of blowing out the light,—or
used for grazing purposes, but the cost from 5 to 30 cents. Music is a our brains. To the person who hai
stock does not look as well as on the feature with every meal. Spacious been defeated he la a real friend. No
island of Kauai.
and well appointed dressing rooms, poet, In any language, can more gently
hand upon our shoulders when
Towards the northern end of the with showers, lavatories and lockers, lay his
fail and fall. Here ia a writer
Island we came to the Mormon settle­ are at hand for all men and women we
ment, and at Laie bay, a new Mormon employes. The latter have a large who breaks in upon our narrow pas­
chUdran, many of them barefooted, as temple has recently been completed at rest room, with a matron in charge. sion with a strong, hopeful word. He
is very common here. A band of 16 a cost of 8300,000. A large tract of A recreation field of two acres sd- tries to get alongside of a man in all
or 2» piece« of Camp Fire girls was land is operated as a community af­ lolns the factor). equfp,ied for base­ the various discomfitures of life. He
a pleasing addition to the program. fair, with a sugar plantation as the jail, basketball. volleyl«ll, etc. A
The children acquitted themselves very principle product All property be- shelter Is also provided for those who
Robert Browning to our reading list,
ongs to the church organisation. The msy prefer to oat a lunch outdoors.
.New York
Monday was the legal holiday and temple la one of the show places of
No other country in the world even and study his message to just such
"A feat 1
the business section closed its doors the island, the beautiful grounds being approaches Hawsli, either in quantity an age as our own when literature
.has never
and Joined in outdoor recreations and open to the public.
of production or quality of product. lies puking and sprawling in senti­
mentalism. We are in need of some
Hills flslflhte North flnMriraa:
picnics. Waikiki beach was crowded,
A little farther on is the large send­ It had its beginning in 1886, when commanding
word; some message of
“Ton have to see it to believe it aad picnic parttea were seen in the ing apparatus of the wireless station, John Kidwell introduced a new vari­
Not merely ahead of ita field; creatra parks and other places of amuse­ one of the moat powerful stations in ety, planting several acres, and canned hope, and we have it as we listen to
a field of its own."
ment It was a typical Fourth of the world.
a few thousand cases. In 1900 James Browning singing,—
July atmosphere. 1 even heard a few
As we rounded the north end of D. Dole, with local capital and some "This world's not blot for us,
Boston Globo:
"One con scarcely find enough ad- firecrackers. In the evening between the Island we passed through another from the States, launched the Ha­ Nor blank, it means intensely and
means good,
elvra to describe the hauntingly »,«00 tad 4,000 people gathered at the largo sugar plantation. The sugar waiian Pineapple Oo„ capitalised at
utiful, thrilling, magnificent; ‘Thief palace grounds to hear a festival of mill of this plantation is at the end 320,000. From this modest beginning To find ltsrmeaning la my meat and
tong hi honor of the birthday of of the Oahu railway, which skirts the has grown the present large industry.
of Bagdad.”
America's first president. The prin­ coast line from here back to Honolulu \ Pineapples grow on plants about
cipal event was a speech by Governor along the northern and west coasts. knee high, one or more to a plant.
Mat’s, 50c; Loges, 75c; tax incl.
On the edge of thia plantation ia lo­ There are few sights more beautiful
was given last week for
February 18 the territorial legisla­ cated the Industrial school for boys.
than a pineapple plantation. One sees
ture began Its 6(bday seoslon. It was
We followed the coast to Wailua mile after mile of straight, trim rows, the new members, at which a program
Balcony ____________________ 50c a colorful affhir.' The seoslona are boy, where the Haleiwa hotel is lo­ the spear-pointed leaves softening in was enjoyed. Mrs. Clark led in devo­
service. Mrs. J. R. Wilson
Lower Floor.__ 75c, tax included held In the former palace of the king. cated, which was the end of our for­ the long perspective, the golden fruit tional
played instrumental numbers, Mrs. J.
Loges_____ v |1.00, tax included Hawaiian flogs are flying, while two
automobile leaves the coast and climbs
The division of land in Hawaii be­ E. Smithson sang. Mrs. H. L. Garra-
Kids, 25c any time.
large Stars and Strlpee tower aloft over a mountain pass and follows the tween sugarcane and pineapple plan­ brant gave a reading. All who were
from the peak. The aseembly now valley or high meaa between the two tations ia largely determined by irri­ on the program graciously responded
usee the old throne room, with the coast ranges. In this valley
iQfl is the gation possibilities. The coastal areas to Mrs.
Mallet, the state president,
speaker's chair under the canopy largest acreage of pineapples on the which chn be irrigated are occupied
which formerly hung above the throne. island. There are several thousand by sugar cane, while the upland mesas gave an address. Miss Ann Gordon,
Plcturra of the royalty cover the acres in pines in this section, a pic­ end foothills over which irrigation is the national president, ia the same
walls, while several of the gilded turesque sight from the highway.
too expensive are given over to pine­ Anna Gordon who, at the age of 16,
chairs formerly used by the royal
Schofield barracks is located on the apples, since the plants require no volunteered to play the organ for
court were placed Inside the enclos­ highway about 30 miles from Hono­ more water than comes in the aver­ Frances E. Willard at the time of the
erased ein Ohio, and since that time
ure containing seats of the members. lulu and the military reservation is age rainfall.
The opening day was an impressive of large extent About 12,000 soldiers
A trip to Wahiawa, the chief center she has been constantly in the W. C.'
sight The room was filled with flow­ are quartered l}ere, besides about of Oahu's pineapple plantations, is T. U. work. Mrs. Mallet also said
ers, the desks being piled high wtth 8,000 in Fort Shafter and two other beautifully scenic. The highway run­ that when Frances Willard was a
floral pieces and bouquets, especially forts in the city limits of Honolulu. ning north and south through the val­ young woman she was chosen dean
the desk of the first lady member of We drove through the reservation ley between the coastal ranges passes of a college and gave it up because
the legislature, Mrs. Kelllnol, from and after making inquiries and trav­ through these vast pineapple fields. she thought she could serve humanity
Kauai. The majority of the members eling several miles of roads finally On each side of the wide expanse of better in the temperance work. Mrs.
are apparently full or partly native located Ray Emry, who Is with the tablelands rises a lofty, jaggedly pic­ Mallet spoke on the different depart­
blood. In fact, with the large ma­ Signal Ca>mpany. Mr. Emry expects turesque mountain range, a fitting mental work of the W. C. T. U. but
background for the magnificent land­ mostly on the temperance hygiene
jority of native vote, it la easy for to go to Hood River this summer.
After locating Schofield and the scape spread out below, with the pine­ study in the schools. She said it
them to control the legislature. And
pineapple district, we paaaed through apple fields extending up the basal took 60 years to get it in the schools.
the natives like politics.
The senate room Is the old royal more sugar plantations and about 20 slopes and seeming to bang there like A self appointed band of 50 men
bed<han,l>er. Around Its walls also miles from the army barracks reached trim patterns on a great tapestry, worked in every way to down the
hang paintings of native royalty, the navy yards at Pearl Harbor, It nature and man seemingly having en­ movemeut but right always wins and
while on one wall are also portraits was Just at closing time bo had to tered into a partnership to produce a today temperance is taught in the
schools in every state in the United
of Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt wait for a long procession of ears of maximum of artistry.
Preparation of the ground consists States.
Wide lanais (verandas) surround civilians who work in the shops, to
Borne astonishing facts about the
the senate and assembly rooms, with be inspected before passing out of the, of plowing and discing the syll to a
doors opening upon them at frequent gates. We then got a pass and drove considerable depth. Fields are mulched use of narcotics show that in India,
intervals, and an of them open, so around the roads past the shops, of­ with an asphalt treated paper so where the cultivation of the poppy* is
that the public has ample opportunity ficers’ quarters and to the large dry spread as to provide spaces necessary the greatest industry, the British gov­
to visit the session, either listening dock, but had but little time to spend for cultivation and harvesting. Plants ernment not allowing them tot quit
from the lanais or using the few and could give it but a hurried in­ which have lain exposed to the sun the industry, he use of the drug per
I have just received a line
for a few days to season are set in capita is 27 grains a year,
chairs placed in the rear of the rail spection.
of the famous
We got back at Waikiki in time for double rows to a depth of an inch or in our United States, where wl- have
enclosing the members' desks. Inside
the rail, in the gilded chairs, sit our swim, which made the end of a two through holes punched In the advantages so far in advance of many
prominent Hawaiian ladles, to whom perfect day. A swim in the warm paper. In a few weeks these take people in the world, the use per cap­
are extended the courtesies of the salt waters is a regular j>art of the root and l>egin to throw out new ita la 37 grains a year.
Something for Hood River to be
day's program. Very few of the tour­ leaves. The mulching process, an in­
legislative body.
Across the street from the palace ists miss it, regardless of age or sex, vention of an agricultural expert of proud of is that outside of Portland
grounds, In the front courtyard of and those who live permanently near Hawaii, reduces weeding coots and in­ we have the largest membership in
and always carry the beat
the county building, is the statue of the beach are all expert swimmers. creases the yield of fruit. In 12 to the state. Oregon is the only state
Hand Bags obtainable; also
King Kamebamaha I, who conquered They come afoot and in cars, in bath­ 16 months after planting the plants that baa undertaken anything as big
the other native tribes and set up his ing suits, and can be seen walking mature, and then in the heart of the as the farm home at Corvallis and
Ladies* Under-the-arm Bags
kingdom over all the islands. An along the roads and trails at all plant the first sign of fruit ai>pears that belongs to the W. C. T. U. of
and Vanity Cases.
in the form of a blossom not unlike Oregon. The money Is in sight to
elderly Portugese man, slightly de­ hours of the day.
mented, can be seen every day near
It Is said Waikiki got Its name a thistle blossom. After a week or build and pay for three more cottages.
the entrance to the palace grounds or from an incident that happened in more these flowers disappear. Next In • 1920 an appropriation was made
Just inside on the lawn, reverently an early day. A sea captain took the bracts become leas prominent and for 825,000 and in the recent legisla­
watch'ng this statue. Wearing blue offense at bis Chinese cook and start­ the crowns grow larger. In very rare ture an appropriation for 850,000 was
overalls snd barefooted, he is patient- ed kicking him down the beach. At cases do seeds form within the fruit. made to build a school and cottage.
In speaking of the temperance con­
awaiting the resurrection of the every Jump the Chinese chattered: Five or six months after the first
king, and expects the statue to come “Wy kick-ee! Wy kick-set” The beach appearance of the flower beads, the test work in the school^ Mrs. Mallet
to life. Hie greatest anxiety la that was afterwards known as Waikiki, fruit matures and la then ready to told of an incident that came under
the statue will come to life at night but given the native pronunciation eat. In all, a period of 18 or 20 her personal observation in Portland
months has elapsed since planting. in 1910. A saloonkeeper's daughter
and spelling.________
when he will not be there to see it.
This Is called the plant crop, and ia won the prise on the 111 effects of beer
Honolulu, Msrch 1, 1925.
usually a fine crop of large fruit- The on the human system. The girl came
Honolulu, February 36, 1925.
The pineapple industry in the Ha­ secoud crop comes a year later from home with her prize and with the
One of the interesting tripe here Is waiian islands, now the second in the same plants, which send out one facta gained through her research
the drive around the island of Oahu importance, blds fair to excel sugar or two shoots, increasing the tonnage. work proved to her father that his
by automobile. The start from Hono­ lu volume of business. The output After the third year, however, wtth business was harmful to * his fellow
lulu was out the Nuuanu valley, one last year was 6,000,000 cases. There increasing number of shoots to the man, so he quit the saloon business
of the fine residence districts of the are many thousand acres planted to plant, the size decreases, and the very soon. The temperance essay con­
city, which leads to the Pall, a cliff pineapples In the islands, the largest field is generally plowed up and re­ test work in the public schools and
with a perpendicular drop of 1,000 or of the companies i*elng the Hawaiian planted. _______________
colleges la not a new thing just being
more feet on the east side overlooking Pineapple Co. Eleven canneries have
launched. The W. C. T. U. began this
Nothing Bettor
the sea. The road comes out to the formed an association to facilitate
work In 1880 and it has been carried
edge of the Pali and makes an abrupt marketing and carry on extensive ex- • In an address made by a million- on each successive year since with
turn along the side of the mountain. perlmental work with reference to dollar producer of life insurance bs-' the hearty cooperation of teachers and
A parking place has been made and varieties, the control of pests, Im­ fore the convention of the life under­ boards of education. An invitation
here one gets one of the grandest provements in methods of farming, writers of The Maasachnsetts Mutual has been given to the teachers of
views in all the islands. At an eleva­ etc. Expert chemists are employed Life, held at the new 6.000,nondollar Hood River to attend the meetings of
tion of about 1500 feet one gets a and the association has unlimited Olympia hotel in Brattle recently, said the union.
grand view of the ocean to the east resources to carry on this work. As in reference to The Maaeachuaetto
Dainty refreshments were served by
Tel Parkdale 26X2
and several rugged peaks in the Koo- a result the industry has grown in 15 IJfe; "There are some as good but the committee. Mrs. Harriet Walters
Ian coast range, while far below the years from a modest Iteglnnlng to the nothing better." F. W. Woolley, the was chairman and Mrs. K. D. Peter­
concrete road makes a series of loops, largest canning Industry of a single district manager of thia company, Is son and Mrs. Frank Button poured.
The Loyal Temperance Legion will
with a 7 to 10 per cent grade, before product In the world. The Hawaiian having splendid euerras in interesting
it reaches the level or rolling land Pineapple Co. has recently purchased the people in his district In thia splen­ meet next Saturday at 2.30 la tbs
below. There are also several pine­ the whole island of Lanai, lying Just did company. No stockholders, every basement of the Christian church.
last Thursday Mrs. Mallet, Mrs.
apple fields laid out on side hills, west of Maul, and will put in 25.06» policy holder receives his or her share
of the profits of thia great organisa­ Schmidt, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Hoover
small mounds or level stretches like acres of pineapples.
went to The Dalles to attend tbs
sn ornamental foliage bed or plants
A visit to the company's canaery tion to the test cent.
Wasco <<ounty convention.
in our parks at home. • The Pall H in the city limits, ths largest cannery
famous ia history as the place where in the world, is one of ths Interesting
to 7».
King Kamehameha I drove the Oahu- sights of this fairy land. This ia the
A Free Lecture on Christian Science
Sunday, March 22nd, at 8 P. M.
a Member of ths Board of Lectureship of the First Church of
Christ. Scientist, in Boston, fias s er h nssw
Spring Bargains
’ In order to help in beautify­
ing the city we will give a dis­
count of 10% on material used in
Flower Boxes, Pergolas, and
We also have some good Oeil
ing, Flooring and Rustic at $26.
Prices good for two weeks.
1 >
“Bailor Maida”
Tum-A-Lum Lumbi Co.
¿top! Look! Then see
Ninth and Eugene Streets
“Reckless Romance”
Mandarin Mlxup”
Tï J
■*i'< *
RSx ■ ; •
Douglas Fairbanks
> V
set ;
æ;. *
Ft - ■
D ont W aiti
Now is the time to get your
L ime S ulphur
and D ormoil
Insist upon having our DEPENDABLE
PRODUCTS. Take no chances with sub­
stitutes. Your dealer will supply you.
Paint all pruning wounds with
H ood R iver T ree P aint
And for a perfect job of spraying
Use a “FRIEND” Sprayer
Hood River Spray Co.
Phone 2421
Samson Trunks and
Suit Cases
Need Hay?
No other tire
ever won favor
• o quickly!