HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 12. 1925 ANNOUNCEMENT TO GROWERS -l 1 L I Will furnish Cash Advances, Supply. Spray Materials, and requisites necessary for the producing and marketing of your 1925 Apple Crop With our exceptional Export and Domestic Connec tions, We are a position to give growers a service second to none We cordially invite correspondence or personal visits from Growers to ascertain our policy for next season, before signing their tonnage elsewhere. DUTHIE & COMPANY Our References: Any of Our Last Season’s Shippers. WILCOX BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON 3= WALTER VANNIER IN CASH CONTEST SGOBEL & DAY ore prepared to furnish supplies of all kinds. We vriU carry GRASSELLI brand Arsenate of Lead The Bnrtol Motor company last week delivered to Walter Vannler the Ford touring car offered free to that per­ son who, during the month of Feb­ ruary,‘spcht the greatest amount of cash for merchandise purchased. ' Along with this used car goes a new car guarantee of 90 days against defective material. In order to make the deal a real one the Bartol Motor company is willing to furnish free to Mr. Vannier any new parts which he wants for replacement of any worn purls he finds iu the car, snould he elcst to tegr it down. In whining this used Ford touring car, Mr. Vgnnier did not spend a single cent for any item he did not need. His plana for the year called for repairs to Ford car now in his service and aotne work on hla tractor, Instead of . putting ~ _ off ______ the _______ needed work until later in the year, he took advantage of the opportunity to win an automobile. By buying during February, concentrating his expendi­ tures in that month he is ahead of the game Just one more automobile. at our Odell warehouse this season. This is the brand car­ ried by the Association for many years, and no better lead can be bought. We are prepared to give a complete MARKETING aervice to any giowers contemplating a change in their con* nectiona. We will furnish SUPPLIES and CASH IN AD­ VANCE. Sgobel & Day sell largely on the F.O.B. BASIS, with a distribution ALL OVER THE WORLD. PAUL McKERCHER AND C. G. CAMERON Representatives Eliot Building C. W. McÇULLAGH, Northwestern Mauager. Main Office, New York City. Northwestern Headquarters, Guaranty Bldg., Portland. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Maintaining a high percentage of individual home owners is one of the searching tests that now challenge the peo pie of the United States.” —Herbert Hoover g r 8 Buying or building a home requires the use of sound judgment in seeing that the personal needs of the family are best met g > Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. g LUMBER 00. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. ? Legion Four at Rockford Grange A large audience assembled at Rockford grange hull Friday evening. February 27, to enjoy a «octal time, it being the regular social night of the grange, A program prepared by the lecturer. Mrs. II. Bteele, wa« en- Joyed by all preaent. August Guignard talked on “Grange Activities,” Rev. L. II. Miller gave an interesting lecture on “World Peace,” while Itobt G. Frey ably di«cnsaed a “Soldier's Program for Peace.” Several fine violin solos were played by Mr. Nuremburg, of Oak Grove, accompanied by Miss Grace Furrow on the piano. The legion quartet made a favorable impression on the audience. The hearty ap- planse and many encore numbers proved their popularity. Florence Chapman and Mildred Triplett, two of the Mohe Camp Fire girls, ren­ dered n clever dramatisation of the poem. "Encouragement” and gave a vocal number. The children's numbers were recita­ tions by Bobby Noels and Doris Hayes. Pearl Chubb recited “Gettys­ burg Address.'.......................... A playlet, "The Ilag. It was given by 11 third grade pupils. A real Boston tea party was dramatised by Gracie Mitchell, Pris- ellla Metcalf, Gladys Woody and Frances Dixon, in colonial costumes. A pantomime of Patriotic Women of America was put on by some of Barrett's young people. Those taking part were : Arthur Anderson, Uncle Ham ; Marian Palmltet, Miss Liberty Margaret Taylor, Martha Washing ton ; Helen Gerritz, Betsey Ross. Helen Hayes antPJessle Palmiter rep- resented the Civil war period, the Blue and the Gray; Helen lape. Red Cross nnrae; Mildred Hayes and Ethel Dixon, the soldier and sailor. Mias Knoll played appropriate pat i tri- otic numbers for each character.' ' Aft<* the program the ties and apron« were matched, for partners for supper. The remainder of the evening waa spent 1» games and dancing. Music was furnished by Erma and Arvo Annala. The next social grange will be Friday, March 27, at which time the lecturer ha« arranged for the men of Rockford grange to be hosts to the public. A good program is now beta« prepared and will be published .- Inter. The worthy lecturer has appointed BobL Frey chairman of the- program com­ mittee. T The meta Will plan and serve refreshments and provide en­ tertainment for the evening. The public is invited. Ladies, do come and see the men do it all.—Contrib­ uted. Summons , . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. Federal Land Bank of. Spokane. s' Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Frank M. Edwards, Katherine K. Edwards, hus- luind and wife; Kost Hood River National Farm Loan Association, a corporation; William Roy Kendall, and Hood River Couqjy,,a municipal corporation, Defendant», v To Frank M. Edwards, Katherine 1' Edwards and William Roy Kendall, of the defendants above named: In the Name of the State of Ore­ gon, You and each of yob are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you in the at>ove entitled court and cause, on or before April 10th, 1925, the same be­ ing six weeks from the date of the first publication of thia summon«; and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree against you and each of you, fore­ closing that certain mortgage made, executed and delivered 4>y the de­ fendants Frank M. Edwarda and Katherine E. Edwards, tansband and wife, to the plaintiff herein, dated the 30th day of September, 1921, and on the following real property: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 2 North. Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 20 acres, more or leas; which mortgage is recorded in Volume 14, at Page 2R1 of the Records of Mortgages of Hood River County, Oregon; and for sale of said real property to satisfy the amount found due the plaintiff herein all of whieh la fully set forth in the complaint of plaintiff on file herein; and for such other and further relief as to the court may seen just in the premises. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Fred W. Wilson, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered on the 4th day of March, 1925, which require* you and each of you to appear and anawer the complaint herein on or before the 16th day of April, 1925, the date of the first publication of this summons lieing March 5th, 1925. A. J. Derby, Hood River, Oregon. , J. B. Ryan. Spokane. Washington. mSaie Attdrneys for Plaintiffs. Alta Thomw, for the aum of flflOO, together with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum since the 1st day of July, 1M8, de^stimr with the further sutn of 0150 attor­ ney's fees and plaintiff's costs and disbursements, taxed at 114.10, and accruing costa. I will, on Saturday, the 4th day of April, 1925. at the hour of 10.30 o’clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of Hood River, Oregon, sell to the high­ est bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest of the defend­ ants Lewis M. Thomas and Alta Thomas in and to the following de­ scribed real property, situated in Hood River County, Oregon : ' . Lot W«, <♦), Btork One, (1) Blowers Second Addition to the City of Hood River, Oregon. Dated and first published March Sth, 1925. 5th, Wm. Edlck. Sheriff of Hood River rnSa2 County, Oregon. Apples Are High in Bolivia Fifty boxes of Pacific ceast Bpits- enbnrga recently Bold tot La Baa, Bo­ livia, for »bout *19 per Ixnq 'yMBUfag up to 33 cents per fruit. HceoriUsg to D. C. McDonough, American consul at La Pax. The lot was sold out in one day, resulting In additional quantities being ordered for immediate shipment. American apples have been selling la Chile plies Will t sons Me levels. Fire Meeting at Riverside William A. Morgan, of Portland, and Deputy State Fire Marshal Will­ iam Lester delivered addresses at a fire prevention meeting at Riverside church recently. The former gave an interesting history of the early Hood River lire department of which he was a memiter. H. F. Davidson gave the department its first hose. Mr. Morgan waa formerly a member of the Hale Fire Fighters at Kansas City, who won first award at the fit. Dials world’s fair. The visitors were guests at a din­ ner at the Wankoina hotel. Mayor Bennett and Omncllmen Young and Honnichacn were present for the affair. You do not soon forget that which stands for perfect-cof­ fee satisfaction—Golden West The memory of that last deli­ cious sip carries over—to the next But. remember, too, that much of the quality you like in Golden West comes from the.mountain aides of distant lands where the world’s best- flavored high-grown coffee berries are selected. The rest la the result of 40-yean of scientific blending and roast­ ing, and of vacuum packing to carry that goodness to you, AB. tsr 0.14.» W..t Tsa -OraamPakM A 0 Notice of Sheriff’s Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. Nettie A. Sproat, Administratrix of the Estate of Charles H. Sproat, De- ceased, and Nettle A. Sproat, Plain- tiffs, vs. I>ewlH M. Thomas and Alta Thomas, ùusband and wife, Defend ants. Notice is hereby given that, pursu­ ant to an execution and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court and cause, to me directed, dated the 4th day of March, 1924, on a decree of said Court of said date, wherein the above named plaintiffs recovered Judgment against the above named defendants, Lewis M Thomas and MC Golden west Coffe e oldeib West Coffee