u THURSDAY, MARCH IX 1325 HOOD RIVER, OREGON In Unusual Displays House There are many, many perfectly delightful styles this Spring! Everyone will wear vi­ vacious colors I You will enjoy these colors as they express Spring and youth­ fulness. Priced at $24.75 The Price Need Not Be High Women who know the J C. Tenney Co, know tlhil line they can obtain stylish Dtesses at mudetate prices New Spring Dresses are hCie! Stylc, material, and color ste beautiful. Anyone can go out, provided their pocket­ wk will stand unlimited expenditure, and iv a modish Easter outfit. This Store ap- Dr eases are made along such graceful lines! They are first of all becoming. Priced low! $14.75 Suspender Skirts Have Arrived PINE GROVE Make Your Selection Now The hour for Winter to de' part is when you aee colorful, flower-decked Spring Hats. than tl>e myriad admirers of even “the world's sweetheart” have been accustomed to seeing. In the big banquet scene Mlaa Pick­ ford's admirers aee her in a gorgeous gown of black and gold brocade, with uo-tal la< e sleeves seeded with pearls, and underskirt showing among the fringes of gold metal doth adorned W. J. Piepenbrink and with patterns of roses embrolden-d in of Portland, spent the pearls. On the sleeves are a hundred gross of seed pearls. Five women worked two weeks to string the pearls decorate these sleeves. Even HEADQUARTERS FOR that more charming and stunning than the banquet costnme is Mias Pickford in the Jtorothy Vernon bridal gown, de- I signed from a copy of an old English ¿Inf. This is of sage green velvet, lined with orchid taffeta, with under­ skirt of green end silver brocade em­ broidered tn emeralds and pearls. In the alluring new colors and color combinations. All wool flannel, repsi and other satisfactory materials. Ex­ pertly tailored. Priced from PAINT $3.98 and $4.98 WALL PAPER MT. HOOD REALTY IS TRANSFERRED H. S. BRAAKMAN Inclusion in a new union high school district, which propones a union high si-hool at (Cascade Lock*, may find themselves voted Into both districts. The law governing the formation of union high school districts, it is cited, provides that such a district shall bo formed If a majority of all electors tn aU petition districts aa well as m majority of the districts themselves vote favorably to such union. It is said that the vote may easily be such that the Wyeth auction may legally be included in both districts. County School Superintendent Crites, when the Ilood Ulver district was propoeeil. stated that be visited Wy­ eth, and found the sentiment over­ whelmingly in favor nf the Hood Riv­ er union district. “I felt that it war only fhir to as­ certain the sentiment of the WyeSh people before InciudM them in the districts that have petitioned for the Hood River union ¿strict and who will soon vote on the proposition," Mr. Crites stated. itiated plans for a union high school district, including Wyeth, Cascade Locks and a small portion of the eastern border of Multnomah couuty, sad sufficient petitioners from the Wyeth district were secured to in­ clude that district in the Cascode die trict. Dates have been set for both elections. _________________ FRESHMEN SHINE IN THEIR OPERETTA Menil>era of the high school fresh­ man girls' glee dub won plaudits last Friday Sight when they presented to a crowd that overflowed the big aud­ itorial in “Miss Carothers Returns," * two-uct operetta. Mrs. C. H. Himnsy The principal parte'ii the operrtta wore played by the following stu­ dents : H iss e s lass Young, Joyce Xyw Lois Byr«l. Lucille Atkinson. Frances Lster, however, Cdocsde Locks in­ ▲eheson, Dorothy Wright, Maa Bar- | New« of the Golfen