HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1925 Btn*r (Hartar JUDGE WARNING TO YOUTH Waw’l Ch* is Prepariag Hay Ths “Dnsstrick Bknle,” a stoto split­ ting. laughable farce. preaeatM by local talent for the benefit of the scholarship loan fund of the Woman's dub. promises to be oaa of the moat enjoyable skits done in a long time. Those taking part aye not only mak­ ing every effort to tnake it a success, but are greatly enjoying the fun while working on IL The scene represents a school room at the district school, where the stern spinster teacher does her best to ksep law and order. It to Friday after­ noon and the school board and visit­ ors have come to bear the entertain­ ment. PARIS FAIR Ctrcujt Judge Fred W. Wllaon Tuesday when he sentenced Norman MUler, 28-year-old man, to the peni­ NEUTKAL tentiary for a year for non-eupport The Dalton newspapers took oa of bis wife and baby, issued a warn­ oeveroly to taak on one comment last ing to youth of the land against a week aa to the allegation of unfair- trend toward moral irresponsibility. "Thia is the worst case of its kind nese in dectotona daring a recent bas­ that ever came under my obaerva- ketball game between the Hood River tion,” said Judge Wilson. “There is and The Dalles high acliool teams. nothing I can do for this man. 1 Prof. Qlbson has seen lit to deny the have noted from bis expressions •B. the case progressed that be baa a charge of unfairness on the part of totally abandoned heart, and that Mrs. Brane Wins Award the referee at The Dalles game. The weiia to consider he has done aotue- Dallee newspapers bring out that . thing «mart. The only thing that I Mrs. Elisabeth Brune has been an­ We have a big assortment for you to choose from partisans of the school there claimed can do la to make an example of nounced as the winner of first prise him that will in a measure be a in tiie cross word puxsle contest of in Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Clothcraft makes. that The Dalles team had been the proclamation to the youth of thia the Central Top Shop. Judgee have victim of unfair decisions here. community in letters as large aa they not had sufficient time to select the Two of the biggest line« of clothe« you can buy. The Dallee Optimist headed its can be illuminated that they must other prise winners. These will be Guaranteed in every way so that you are really tak­ accept the responsibilities which they announced next week. response to our comment. "Entirely in the Wrong.” The Dalles Chron­ bring on themselves in marrying and ing no chances. New styles are radically different— bringing children into tills world. If icle said: “The good feeling that ex­ they can be impretnnd witu suidi a ists between Hood River and The warning some good will have been Dallas is too big a thing to be en­ accomplished. Young men must come dangered by an athletic controversy to the realisation that they cannot enter the marriage relation, satisfy and we cannot bnt feet tliat The tbeir Inst and then walk away. Glacier is making a mistake by giv­ "There seems to be in this broken Tailored and semi-tailored styles. Fine wool— ing prominence to the contentions of down age a complete lack of realisa­ tion of the responsibility of matri ­ Manitoba, English mixtures and tweeds. Colors are partisans of any one team.” mony and the bringing into this In spite of the Optimist's verdict, world of children. Some youths seem grey, tan and the new high shades. Coats wonder­ we see no reason for any change of to give It no greater regard than at­ fully tailored. Don't fail to see them. our sentiment aa expressed Inst week. tendance of a Saturday night dance. But we agree with The (Chronicle. Thia court cannot jierform miracles. If it were possible one thing that . A It was our hope thst through frank should be done would be to Instill comment we might eliminate a condi­ into young girls the trend toward tion that la endangering our friendly sober, second thought before hasten­ rivalry. Notwithstanding the courte­ ing into matrimony. To talk about Talk with Voline. Ten to 7». This is a real Bargain in a good run of desirable ous response of Mr. Oibson, not only the divorce evil is a misnomer. It is rather the evil of hasty, impulsive, the partisan students but some of improper marriage." colors. Some of this is the imported Ratine and sold FOR SALE the sdult rooters st The Dalles bsve Judge Wilson excoriated Miller at $1.85 a yard. We’got a special price on this lot found themselves unable to give The roundly. “If I were to devote hours,” he de­ Dalles referee the benefit of the and can thus make you this offer. You know the clared. “to an attempt at expressing doubt in alleged errors in decision mv sense of disgust at your course, I wearing and washing qualities of this popular material that seemed to favor The Dalles. would fail. You have the name heart as the man wbo goes out and commits and will want to get your share at this special price The same thing may be said about The Dallee partisans who witnessed murder.” before it is all picked over. * J District Attorney Baker, in ram­ the game here and laid similar accu- ming up the case against Miller, who sations against the local referee. pleaded guilty to the charge, cited Extra special, while it lasts, the yard_ 25c Those decisions may have been abso­ that he totally deserted hla young lutely honest, and yet yon cannot get wife, whom he married in 1923, and their infant baby, born last year. away from that feeling of the par­ After he had left bis wife last year tisan that they were otherwise. lie sent her only fi>0. He came here And in the final analysis we come at Christmas time from near Oregon back to the suggestion that we made City, where be was working In a Do you want a good work borse? I can last week. In tffo future we should logging camp, but never went to see •bow yon good ones at reasonable prteaa. near the wife and child. The first time he Th« Dallee, and bs boms al night. Call J, G. guard against the possibility of such ever looked on tbs child, the district Edgington. IX complaints by employing referees from attorney stated, was last week when Jersey Black Giants, America's largest he saw it through the bars of the neutral sones. Remove the cause of chickens. Breeding pens now made op, no Jail. hens under • lb«, or cockerels under 12. Hatch­ the dangerons friction. Miller was an inveterate letter ing eggs. Baby chicks. Wildwood Poultry , In our observation of events that writer, possessed of a vivid imagina­ ranch. HMMtelH7. fl«tf have transpired in connection with tion, as was evidenced by letters read Fot Hele—otseap, 10-week »old malo pnnpy. Mi lotber purebred Airedale. phons MM. flMT the regrettable charges and counter by Mr. Baker. On one occasion be charges, we have discovered that The wrote from Oregon City, the letter For Hale- Seven half grown pigs ¿nd one For Rent Dee. 1—Hooas at 71« Cassa tie ave­ purporting to bs from a cousin in­ bred row. Apply Ernest Gosna. R. F. D. 3, nue. Phons W. B. McGuire, MM. n«tf Dalles high school is to he congratu­ stead of himself, to the wife, stating Hood River, or,__________________ nati lated on the existence of a gratifying that he had been fatally Injured WANTED spirit of cooperation among the busi­ when thrown from a wild horse. Miller was engaged in courtship ness element of the city, the faculty with a prominent young woman of Orebardlat expert. pruner, and and the student body. We would Portland, a welfare worker, charac­ wants job aa foreman or caretaker. Nsgeli, ML Hood hotel. like to see more of an effort toward terised ■ by District Attorney Baker aa of the most worthy young women the fostering of a similar spirit here. one < he had ever met. Their relationships were becoming seriously entangled HE DOESN’T NEED A KEY when the girl's suspicions were A priaoner at Hood River whittled aroused by assertions of Miller. The hta way ont of jail with a jackknife latter claimed to have been an ex­ Texas ranger, aa sx-memtier of the —and then came back for breakfast. Canadian Mounted Police, a federal Wbat have you? Good onaclentloos ex­ The sheriff might as well let this prohibition worker and a detective. perienced orebardlat with plenty or family fellow have a key.—Oregonian. He wrote to the Portland girl on jail help wants lease on orchard 10 to to aerea. stationery, which did not arouse her For Sale—Baled timothy bay. C. T. Roberts, phone 4SM. twtr suspicion, because of bis stories of_be- Perhaps you haven't time to write Ing engaged in detei-tive work, The a letter to some friend in a distant young woman came here and con- place. Rend him a copy of the home fronted Miller in jail last week. paper when you have finished reading . «»‘«-Mr •‘»'»'IF la «1 acre place adjoin, it. The home )>ai*er will be all the Ing Odali high acbool. Alao. 4 cows, 1 boree- Spray« Sera Due •*parB'°.U *Da "’b«* rt«‘ry equipment. Good more greatly appreciated If he, or (By Leroy Childs) buy for W W. veteran qualified lor stete loan. Laaria THArsnrrkD R bds — Haat Winter she, has formerly been a local resi­ layere. Under offlclal taatat Puyallupoon- The warm wee(ber during the past Inqolre Mrs. H. C. Johnson. Odali, Oro. m»tf D» I9ZL world’a hlgbeet Rad reoord el dent. Try It, and see if you do not few daya haa caused rapid develop­ For Bale-Edlson phonograph, mabogMny teet, par rent: D- c . IM4, hlgbeet Red record RlJi per Chippendale style, » raws ot spare for rent A fsw chiek dataa teit Ralph H. Lewis, get a response expressing apprecia­ ment of fruit buda, especially on tbe finish, records. Call 1361 or 3471. mJtr pboneOdell M. J29tr MSS tree«. A dormant apray should tion. be applied to peara in the very near For finir or Trade-It acres aitalta, good iry. future where thia ia room nonne with bath, good barn and oths The weatherwtae say our present buildings, good family orchard, l-ocatrd In For Bal«-Imported Bcoteh Tweed suit «10. lbs Owing to tbe fact that the blister- oily limits otiose. Take good dwelling moon, the tips of which are turned mite haa caiieed oonaiderahle annoy­ Alao tireless cooker. Tsl. Sts I. Mrs L E. Tall In Hood River aa pari payment. Address I. ml* up, la a dry one. It has been run­ ance recently, thia peat to probably _________________________________ r»tl’ L. Howard, Iona, Ore., box 1SL For Bale— White Wyandotte and White Leg- ning over a little, however, for we've one of the moat important to give For Sale or Kant—My Hummlt ranch. Write born «Mkerels. Tai. »23. Ed Thornton. tXU Geo. T. Prather, Rt 4, Hood River, Ore. J'Mtf had a few drlaxlra since it started conaideratlon to early thia season Experimental work carried on during For Hate-Two hen turkeys, good stock Tel. to shine. III «5 the pant year Indirated that lime VzQwl I w4. sulphur was tbe moat effective ma­ For Hale— 7 dosen White Leghorn purebred Now we are all aet to go ahead, terial that can be need for tbe con­ Single comb Rhode Island Red baby chicks, c *Dd H““- special prices for February hatch, or wll The governor haa signed the penna trol of thia pent. Thia ran be need hatch your eggs s>r yon In my electric Incu­ bator. W K. Hhay. tai. «7«. jntf nont experiment atatlon bill, Notice nMMtt any time during the apring up the peppy way in which Messrs, to the point when the buda liegin to For Bale- Ten fins R. L Rod cockerels from crack o|wti. After' that atage la prise winning stock. phone 4(78, E. F. Batten. Childs and Brown are treading these reached it lx not effective. An oil . Jgtf For Hale—An electric range, good aa new. 2Mt Footprints In the coal l>eds of time demaud attention, a 1-8 application Hood River, Ore. is the way the miners refer to the of lime nulphur to recommended. If For fieto-My house st 71« Cascade are. Tel. CHOCOLATE huge tracks of prehistoric animals there are no ncale present, 1-10 ahould 60»._____________________________ IWtr found In the vein of King coal In lie uned. All parta of tbe trees ahould Pure bulk ' For Bale — Yonng Canaries. Fine singers. Utah. This vein of coal is 30 feet be thoroughly covered. 2 pounds----------------- Enquire, The Gertrude Hal Hhoppe. CM U thick, the thickest of any coal de­ Foritele-<1.-od lots tor aalo In all parta Where oil ia to be used on the pear Eggs tor batching from prise winning, bred tbeclty.prtcea righi. A. W. Onlhank dlOo. al posit in the west. Miners frequently trees fi-100 in recommended. BAKER'S PREMIUM to;iay, o. A C. strain Barred Plymouth kooks find tracks of prehistoric monsters For Bals — Apple, peach, pear and cherry It to atlll a little early for an ap­ and from a laying strain of R. I. Beds Special that are 22 feet apart. trees We have a full tine orgeneikl nursery CHOCOLATE « a prices for I non balor Inta A tow orders taken plication on the apple treee, hut if . Phone Parkdale M or write p. T. Raw- When the world was young and the warm weather prevails, tbe growers for day old chleke Mrs. E. J. Nicholson tel. •lock i pound box________ son, Parkdale. mil Wi ____________________ IMtf coal was no more than a peat bog the should plan tbeir work so that an For Bale-My plaoso(3 scree In Odell,»room For tele—tein Hr and pine wood also 4-foot giant creatures roamed over them, application can be made within two CARNATION MILK house, with hot and cold water and hath, good delivered East and Weal Hide and Hood River. their clawlike feet sinking two feet to three weeks at least. barn and chicken bouse. Right on pava Phone 4M*. all If into the soft marsh. Later sand Tall cans, 3 for 25/ ment, part wav between High School and Further advice will be given con­ grammar school. Tel MH Odell. Fred J. How- filled the tracks and was turned into cerning tbe spraying of apple«. 12 cans for ___________ •rd- ml stone, and today the miners find per­ Peaches ahould be sprayed imme­ feet atone representations of the fect diately for leaf curl, using either 1-10 For itele—Barred Hock en* for tettine. Tel. OYSTERS 47». a)« of the monsters. lime sulphur or W-ft-fiO Bordeaux. A 5 ounce cans The huge chunk of King coal, the __ spray for the control of this disease each---------------------- weight of which local folk are now effective after tbe buds open. guessing, which Is on display In front ia not of the office of the Emry Lumber A PINEAPPLE For Sale — Rmsll country borne, about 3 •eree, good land, nearly level, creek through Fuel Co., came from this interesting IlMbreuek-Jetne FOR RENT Broken slices Qp plane, new modern « room bungalow, lam field. ________________ chicken honee. fine new. good road, r miles large No. 2i cans, ea. The wedding of Mias Vivian Jones out. With thia place goee good milch cow, Miss Carlos on Winning Team and Hubert L. Hasbrotick. son of horse and back, about 40 chickens, price rea­ Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Carlos returned County Judge and Mrs. H. L. Has- sonable six acres adjoining In elover can be PINEAPPLE - STANDARD Included or sold eeperately. this le a bargain. yesterday from Corvallis, where they hrouck, was solemnised last Friday Some terms. For particulars address N, J., Whole slices had heard the winning debate of a night at the home of the bride's par­ Glacier. m» large No. 2i cans, ea. girls' team from Oregon Agricultural ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Jones. Dr. l*eacbea, apricots, eherrlsa, all kinds frail Miss Ev­ trees, Allege against a team from the Uni­ James A. Fraser officiated «rapes, berries, redared prices. HpecJal TOMATOES versity of British Columbia. Their elyn Hasbroiick, sister of the groom. low prices Mary Washington asparagus roots and seeds Hweet potato plants In season. daughter, Miss Kathleen Carlos, a wrs maid of honor, and Robert M. Solid Pack Ripe Fruit Home Nursery Co., Richland, Wash. ml« freshman at O. A. C„ was a member Morris was Mr. Hasbrouck's tieat man. No. 2j cans, each of the O. A. C. tearn?^ For Hale- Ancona eggs from selected stock. Miss Margaret Fletcher, prei-cding —17/ »1 JO per setting of 16. B. L. Camming, Hi. 3, the ceremony, played piano selections Hood River. 3 cans. ml« BanebaU Meeting Monday Night and the wedding march. Mrs. Frank 6 cans__________ For Hala—» sowohl fresh In Marek and t In The advent of spring weather haa Gilbert gave vocal eelsctiona. Out of April. Reason for selling. leaving town. Ad- stimulated Interest in baseball among town guests present for the pretty dress H.C. Pearson. box lib, Passade Locke. CALUMET CORN STARCH nih local fans. A mans meeting will be wedding were: Mm. R. J. Herlinger, Ore. held at the office of the Tum-a-Lnm Mixa Ruth Wiley, Mrs. I. Turppa and 1 pound package Lumber Co. next Monday evening, Mrs. M. Gleason, all of Portland. A 3 pound package____ when plans for a club for the season reception followed the wedding, the and a ‘earn to participate in a sebed- following aiding Mrs. Jones in serv­ CALUMET GLOSS STARCH ule with other mid-Columbia towns ing: Mrs. Geo Sheppard. Miss Ardis will be formulated. Jones, Miss Wiley and Mm. Herlinger. 1 pound package Mr. and Mrs. Haebrouck took a 8 pound package___ Rockfsrd Grange brief honeymoon trip. Mrs. Hasbronck All granjera hereby take note that to a teacher in Portland. Mr. Has- ® date for the next hnalnexa meet­ brouck is a member of the staff of ing of the grange is March 11. Sev­ the Shell Oil Oo. here. They will l>e eral good speakers will entertain you at home in Hood River after the present term of the bride is ended during the lecture hour. More Style For Spring Than You’ve Seen In Years Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes HAVE ALL THE FINEST TOUCHES New Spring Coats Special, 36 inch Ratine, 25c Yd. wider shoulders, lower pockets; smart one, two and three button models; shorter coats that are narrower at the hips; trousers are wider. Come in and see them. Our prices are as attractive as the styles. Smart Spring Dresses ‘ Canton crepe, flat crepe, wool crepe and flannels. Wonderfully Special — Street and afternoon dresses, sport dresses. Colors, navy, black and the season’s popular high colors. Excellently made and cleverly fashioned. SPECIAL—Lawns and Dimities The Yard, 19c Mill end remnants — mostly 5 to 15 yards to the piece,-v-light grounds with dainty figures and designs. This will make up just fine in children's dresses and slips. These are rare Bargains. A good assortment to choose from. The yard, only... 19c Wanted—To rent a toar- or five-room hoase with bath. Tel. 1321 or writ« Mrs. F. W. An­ gus, Hood River. m5 ~ Wanted—Men to prone orabaird. Also man with team. Pan SUM._________________ ni6 Wanted-Work on ranch by mar. led man. W E Huff. Hood River, Ore. ml2 Wanted—To do your sawing In your horns. M reals per hour and transportation. Call or writs Hra. H. E. Redfield, co R. J. Jarvis, mil Estray Nolle»-Taken upon PnradlaaFarm, two hellers and bull calf Owner may have same by provlnv property nud paying coat of keep and adv. Banka Mortimer, tel. «084. I12tf Cash paid lor Isine teeth, dental gold, plat­ inum and discarded Jewelry. Hoke Smelling A Kefinlug Co., Olacgu, Michigan. J2SII For Exchange—Stock and'dairy ranch. Want home proposi lion. Incom«, what bava your Address C. M. C., care Glacier. xtf Get yonr palming, tinting and paper bang­ Wanted—Work making apple boxes hr an expert cored man. Tai. 3872. JAH I ing done now. Work guaranteed. Winter rTices. For cellmates, call Borne — nhone Wanted— a good, genii«, sing!«, work boras 3M. •boat 1100 pounds. Hbsrman J. Frank, phone MOS. Avalon Farm. istr Wsntea—100 reives and treeh meat. Also cats with kittens. Oregon Silver Fox and Far Farms. Opposite the Colombia Gorge Hotel. Phone anu Baby Chicks For «ale—a few opon date« left. MISCELLANEOUS Custom Hatching Black Jersey Giant eggs for batching. *j tor 16 durlogr March, none lor sale during Apr IL Rhod«Ieland Reds, eggs «1 par 16 during the season. Rhode Island Reds are th« Ralph Lewis strain, nuf sed, none better. W. R. Gibaon, Rt. 3, or phon« Odsll «7. mbit For Exchange— Tbe two restr wheels of a Ford ¡ ton track with pneumatic tires, for wbtela equipped with bard Urea. Tel. WK. O. O. KaSsar. itt a. aaSU Let us hatch your chicks early in onr Mammoth Electric Incubator. Hare them all ready for your setting hen«. For Trade — Two bronae tnrkey toms to trade for two tome or same strain, for breeding Purpoeee. J. R. Wilcox. Moeler. ------ 20TH CENTURY GROCERY STORES Pioneer Cash and Carry Stores of the Northwest Saturday and Monday Prices All Special—Good Only For These Two Day GANE SUGAR rar* nra per 100 lb. Sack, $6.75 FRUIT & VEGETABLE SPECIALS ÛÛC 19C J '1’71 17k Z3C 0*7 X i C ffQ/ 95c 9/ ejr £uC 9/ T r 13C BANANAS 3 pounds g>r* for---------------------- 25c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT Large « e 2 for----------------------- 15c ORANGES Frostproof 216 size, per doz.___ np udC LETTUCE Large solid heads, 2 for 10/ and 2 for 25/ Cranberries, Cucumbers, Asparagus, Peas, Radished, •nd Green Onions • also at a low price. SEEDLESS RAISINS 4 pounds for ____ 25c 20TH CENTURY COFFEE ‘•It Beats All” 2 pounds Of for................................. 95c Roasted today—on your table tomorrow. HEINZ KETCHUP Ä______ 30c PEACHES-DEL MONTE 5QC 15/ CAULIFLOWER Extra fey. Roseburg nr“ 15/ to Z5c CHAIN MOP STICKS Very special TOILET PAPER 1000 sheets tissue 3 pkg----------------- PRETZELS Per pound ____ 23c GUEST IVORY 6 cakes s>r for------------------------- Z5C MATCHES Noiseless tips good count, 6 pkgs or ... ¿DC DROMEDARY DATES package... Liberty broom for 21C