W- ; HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1925 I I '• % r I I. s I l '5 < T A * » -A I ,L A tire is known by the dealers it keeps Wednesday to visit with his sons, Howard and Amos, and other rela­ tives. Mrs. Hattie Bailey and son. Jesse, motored to Oak Grove recently and visited Mart Horn and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Corey and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Day. of Hood River, attended the Rebekah lodge here Sat­ urday night Ham Vail returned Monday from a 10-day visit with friends at Medford and Rogue river points. The Mosier delegates to the O. A. C. eonferemv Friday were Mixs Valborg Gribskov, of the faculty, Arvilla Hus­ band, Arthur Carroll and Roscoe Da- vidhixar. Mrs. Piercey, proprietor of the Grans Cafe, is very busy these days taking care of the touriat travel that is Increasing in volume as the days grow longer and warmer» T. I>. Pier­ cey Ims been improving the grounds, planting dowers and otherwise beauti­ fying the property. FERTILIZATION OF . YOUNG FRUIT TREES $ (By Gordon G. Brown) A problem of growing replants in > connection with Hood River's apple ta». industry, has to do with the recon­ STAGE AND SCREEN struction of our orchards. It is quite apimrent that a large percentage of John Patrick ia on the water wagon! the apple trees in some orchards have entered upon a very rapid decline. This promising young film player who The grower is faced with the choice Mia de quite a reputation playing soci­ of adopting one of the three following ety "drunk" parts for the screen has a sober role in “Flirting With Love," program»: (1) Interplanting. In thia connec­ at the Rialto Friday and Saturday. I tion, where trees are sufficiently far He was stewed In “Flaming Youth," apart to permit so doing, young trees pickled in "For Bale,'' soused In "The may be set in the same rows with the Perfect Flapper,” but signed the COLUMBIA TIBS COBPOKATIOM, FOBTLAXD, OKBOOM pledge to play the new role. In this old ones. (2) Replanting. In this case the First National picture he appears in grower replanta where old trees have the role of a stage press agent. In­ cidentally, Patrick Just turned down been removed, (3) To do no interplanting or re­ ap offer to play 'the male lead in a planting, but gradually absorb the musical comedy aoon to open in New depreciation until such time aa it is York. That was his forte before be River girls vs. Mosier-girls. Mosier impractical to continue with the or­ decided to turn'hia histrionic ability MOSIER In this case, its removal to the screen. ________ boys won 18 to 12 and the Hood River chard. would be the ultimate plan. James Cherry and A. C Holmes girls 44 to 10. Two of the moot valuable stamp col­ Tills article is not written with the motored to Portland Monday morning. Mrs. Una R. Mobley left Friday af­ idea of urging the grower to pursue lections in the country were brought James Folsom and grandaon, Bte- ternoon for The Dalles, where she at­ any one of the three plana suggested. into comparison when Jean Heraholt pben Mosher, were recent visitor» at tended the Portia Mansfield Dancers The proper method of procedure de­ and Adolphe Menjou worked together The Dalles hospital and report Lucile concert at the auditorlpni. pends very largely upon the physical in Hobart Henley's production for Folsom resting line after the operation condition of the orchard and the rap* Metro-Goldwyn, "Sinners in Bilk,” T. D. Piercey was having glasses for appendicitis. ldlty with which old treea are becom­ which is coming to the Rialto theatre fitted Thursday In Hood River« E. A. Rae«* made a business trip to ing unproductive' from one cauae or Sunday. There la not an actor exist­ Mrx. M. Bishop returned Friday another. Obvioualy, the grower must ent who is not the avid foil* ver of The Dalles Monday* Our agent, F. A. Allington. went to from The Dalit*». Hhe lx x|M-ndlng the keep in mind the matter of immediate some hobby. Heraholt and Jenjou Portland Tuesday to have glasses fit­ winter here with her slater, Mrs. John Income. To take out an orchard and happened to have chosen rare stamps replant it ia an impractical suggestion as theirs. ted. He waa relieved by Mr. Dodd, of R ohs . Mr. Henley engaged Hersbolt and Portland. E. M. Strauss made a business trip in many cases, though ultimately it is Menjou for his production at the economically better business to re­ Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Allington and to Hood River Friday. move all trees and replant. For many Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios and then MrJand Mrs. Clark spent Tuesday tn Mrs. I m - J. Bonney came up from orchards the writer urges that depre­ cursed the day that it Ix-came neces­ Portland on business and shopping. Monmouth for a week end visit with ciation in trees be "taken up” aa sary to place a government receipt in They report a pleasant trip. her husband, who is one of our rapidly as it occurs. This means in- the corner of each piece of matter to Mrs. C. G. Nichol and son, Leo, and teachers. terplanting or replanting. Trees which be mailed. Mrs. W. A. Husbands went to Hood Because when philatelist meets Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bcott were shop­ are interplanted, rather than set in River Thursday. ping in The Italics Baturday. the position from which an old tree philatelist nothing can avert a civil Geo. L. Davenport motored up from Mrs. Thon. Leliott waa a Baturday was removed, have a better opportu­ war. The battles waged among hith­ Portland to look after his ranch inter­ shopper in Hood River. nity Jut growth as far as soil condi­ erto firm frlenda over the ixHudbiiitiea ests and while here waa the guest of Mrs. W. E. Clark spent Raturday tions are concerned. However, trees of certain auction bridge banda or bis sister, Mrs. Jaa. Cherry. planted under either conditions have combination of mail Jougg titles are in The Dalles on business. peace conferences wiien a couple of Mrs. C. II. Bletton came up from We. now have a l>arber in town, Mr. many difficulties to overcome if nor­ stamp collectors do tiieir xtfiff about Hood River Thursday to care for her Brown, of Hood River. mal growth is to be expected. The “watermarked Specimens," “complete classes tn music at the Mosier school. F. A. Bliogren was transacting busi­ writer lias noted where many growers countries,” "uncancelled items” «or have attempted Interplanting with the Mrs. Jas. Folsom and granddaugh­ ness in Hood River Baturday. idea of later removing old trees. Re­ "unperforated edges.” ter, Genevieve Mosher, spent TiiurH Wlien Heraholt and Menjou were The Mosier Fruitgrowers Associa­ sults have been unaatisfactory in day with little Lucile Folsom at T)ie tion ia »hipping out two cars of apple» many.cases. The writer believes the not aetlng they were arguing. And Dalles hospital. thi» week. failure to secure adequate growth on a college yell became a whisper in Mrs. C. G. Nichol went to Portland Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bryant motored young treea so bandied is obvious. comparison when an innocent looking Friday morning. to The Dalles Baturday evening. Very often the orchard ia in a per­ little piece of engraved paper, a little There was a double header basket­ manent cover crop, sueh as alfalfa. the worse for tafwir perhaps, entered - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rtaphena, of ball game here Baturday night. Hood After the young trees have been set, into the otherwise piesaant day. The Italics, are In charge of the Hotel River boys vs. Mosier girls and Hood “Binnera In Bilk” was adapted by Mosier and have been busy cleaning tiiey are very often fttrgotten. The Carsy Wilson from Benjamin Glaser's and renovating the building and fix­ »hade crop is allowed to encroach into original atory. ture», getting ready for the touriat the root area of tlie young tree. The rexult la that young treea do not un travel. Humor, the moat effective form of dergo normal development. In this i Ben Carroll is reported quite sick at case It should be recalled that our argument, is John M. Btabl's chief this writing. We trust that he will la-xt orchards were originally grown i weaixin in the attack waged against the enemies of domtwtic happiness in speedily recover. under clean cultivated conditions. ills latest picture, “Husbands and Lov­ Rivce, which in many respects are ideal. Rev. H. O. Clark, of Hood River, ers," at the Itlalto theatre next Mon­ Will tM* here next Bunday to fill his Another reason for failure to ae- regular appointment. Bunday school cur^adequate growth, especially with i day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Ix-wls at both churches. Everyone is Invited. trees interplanted, ia that the older B. Stone, Florence Vidor and Lew Cody are among the stars in the cast suf­ Mrs Rny Bsiley and Mrs. Paul trees have not tieen pruned Imck : suf- Arousing Joyous chuckles and jieals Bailey and mother, Mrs. Piercey, were clently hard to permit adequate light I of laughter with every situation, In Hood River Thursday and Batur- conditions' tor the young tree, Under "Huxlmnda and Lovers” is a clever the densely siiaded conditions found I satire that strikes up a bond of sym- day. is |>athy with everyone who sees it. It Mrs. Paul Bailey Is visiting with in orchards closely planted, there Is little opportunity for young trees to is natural picturlsatlon of everyday Mrs. Otto Horn, of Oak Grove. Mr». E. A. Race was hostess at the make heodway unless tite old^r, trees people. The tittle annoyances and problems that barrage the average I hh < <*enx|«m of the Bwert Hixtren rluh are ttevereiy prnned back. Another reason why young trees married couple are shown in their IIhch honors were won by Mr». Fred have not done well in old orchards is Evans. Refreshments were served by t>ecause growers fail to properly fer­ true perspective. To the characters on the screen they are very serious tlie hostess. tilize them* replants. Tlie writer not So cleverly is the story Tlie Relx'kah card |Mirty held after only strongly urges tliat ample culti­ affairs. THE CLOTHES the bualneRs session waa a very enjoy­ vation be given, but that sufficlcient handled that the spectator finds the action highly humorous and yet re­ WE CLEAN able occasion, aa all present report. fertilizer also lie applied. When trees alizes that behind it all is a lesson Tlie high school club of tlie Y. W. are set it ia urged that top soil only well worth taking to heart. Press or Repair speak (’. A. met Tuesday at their regular ’ 1« used around tlie roots. It 1» alxo hour. Mrs. Ernest Evana acted ax 1 suggested that “complete fertilizer" for themselves. The thrills a movie audience gets adviser in the absence of Mrs. Clark. tie thoroughly mixed with tlie soil when their favorite star drives an Our Service ia at your The !in»tesw*s were Nedra Evana and underneath the rot< area. Tlie hole automobile In front of a railroad may lie dug quite deeply and at least train and misses death and destruc­ Luella Nielson. command. Mrs. (’. A. Pugh, of Kingsley, Is i one pound of such fertiliser be mixed tion by Inches does not compare with vixltlnz at the home of her daughter. with the mill liefore planting Is done. the thrill tlie movie star gets himself I>o not permit the roots of the tree Mrs. <1 A. Root. to come in contact with this fertilizer. in doing the stunt. This is the assur­ Phone 3894. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hoot were in One or two handfuls of such fertil­ ance given out by Larry Bernon, the Tlie Dalit* Sunday. izer placed in tlie bole after the tree ixtpular screen comedian, whose first Evans were Mrs. Geo. has been set lx also considered worth fc-ature length product on "The Girl Mr. nnd ___ ___ in the Limousine,” a First National etilletf to Portland by the nerioun ill while and in this cape three or four picture, will 1« seen Thursday, March nesx of|lielr daughter, Mra. Ora Bax inches should separate the fertilizer from tlie top of the roots. When* 5. in conjunction with the Business tor. Mr. Willis drove for them. IGuranteetoEnd Women's show, "Her Hon's Sweet­ Mrs. Aletlia Bennett came up Run this lx done and good cultivation em­ heart,” at the Rialto theatre. Year CATARRH ow maar other traat- city Jail. Moses Crocker, 18-year old ■nente you have triad T.ee Evana lx here visiting hia latr­ Seattle youth Jailed Ttiurxday night ticularly dangeroua stunt Is to go without lain In x nllof, cuts. Mr. and Mra. B. E. Evans, ile after having been apprehended while through with it and take a chance. 1 guarantee to give "In 'Tlie Girl in the Limousine' for you rallaf In >« hours, or It oowtt you came from Rainier. trying to sell a revolver nnd other instance, tiiere in a chase scene in nothing. Catarrh lx not a Simula iur- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher returned articles stolen from Tom Jim, an which faos dlssaae, but ths basic rsvsa Is In­ I pursue an anto on a road ternal eongsstlon. My Rlnex-Tarkon from Portland Wednesday after Sev­ Indian living Just east of town, at­ running parallel to tlie railroad. The treatment goes after It from both Inside ern I days’ stay. , and outside. Rlnex capsule* get at the tracted the attention of other prison­ auto comet to a crossing. swerves eongeotlcn In the system and rsmuve It Tlie Tiltth school will give a (lance ers by continuously scratching himself. sharply and gets in front of a speed­ completely. while Terlton solution, aa a wash or spray, quickly cleans, disinfects Satlrday night for the purpose of rais­ Tlie boy's fellow inhabitants of the ing railroad train, which misses It by and heals the swollen nasal membranes. ing funds for the athletic division. iMiHtlle also complained that he inches. Ho seery nasty symptom Is chocked in As the next crossing is »4 hours, or your tuoney back. Ask any Mr. and Mrs Ernest Evana motored smelled lad. reached I in my motor cycle do the good druggist. Crocker wax examined Friday, a* same tiling, A quick turn and full to The Dalles Saturday. McClure went to Port- was the cot he liad occupied the night speed ahead and I crons in front of Mrs Emma KRESSE DRUG CO. before, and both were found Infested the1 train by a half aecond margin, land Friday. with an active louse .population. He Copyrighted 1*H by The Clinical Laboratorlee “All these things _ were actually per- Elmer Root came up from Portland spent the day In the open air, accom­ formed in thia picture, and performed Co., Cleveland, Ohio. panied by an officer. The Indian, who at the rate of speed shown on the recovered Ilia stolen property, declined screen. It was much easier for me to prosecute, and he waa given his to drive in front of the train at the frcwiom Friday night, leaving the rate of 35 miles an hour than at 16 Jailer with only tlx* cooties he left lx- miles an hour. You see I got across hind him to worry him. quicker. It is on the same principle that a man skates over thin ice. Belohe Camp Fire News He wants to get over the dauger sone Thursday at 4 o'clock the Belohe ax quickly as possible. “One of our most difficult Joist in Blue Bird groups met at the River- Call u> fot wood-or coaL We also do aide church. Valentines were ex­ making 'The Olrl in the Limousine* changed i»y several groups. Stories wax to skid a heavy limousine In two heavy freighting, as well as light We did thia, of werp read, verses memorised and complete* circles. hauling. Sand, gravel and games played. At 7 o'clock tlie regu­ course, by ajiplying the brakes quick­ lar meeting was held and many plana ly. but tiiere was always the danger builders’ materials. for March were discussed. After a of tlie h^avy car U| ipeettlng. And we times in order 1 short liusineM meeting the play wax had to to do thia 20 to get the effect we desired. practiced. Saturday three Blue Bird groups Japanese Hurt in Wreck under the leadership of IxHtle Flint, Emma Rtaium and. Edetba Hartwig En route to the city to make dec­ gave a delightful valentine party at orations for a booth, a feature of a which Miss Ixnilae Knoll waa a guest. church iMgaent, three Japanese women Thursday at 7 o’clock the girls met and three children last week suffered Tel. 4111 at. the church for their weekly meet­ bruises and cuts when the truck of ing. Many important matter» were T. Mori left the highway. The car brought up of which Home were the struck a log. which prevented it ('amp Fire birthday week, which is turning entirely over. VIT TIRES aad TUBES MT. HOOD MOTOR CO. I k the third week ia March. Home spe­ cial honors were given out to ha during worked on i ............ the coming month. ________ The Blue i Bird groups held their weekly mse meeting Thursday and |ach group met separately under the super­ vision of the guardian. The live Belohe groups of Blue Birds are as follows: Under the lea derail ip of Florence Chapman: Jean Isenberg. Lois Peck. Lois Isenberg, Grace Hillis, Priscilla Metcalf, Elisabeth Markley, and Alice Hillis. Under the leadership of Edetha Hartwig: Julia Cannon, Allison Mc­ Lucas, Ethel Fix, Kathleen Hartwig, and Dorothy Anderson. Under leadershlp'of Emma Stamm: Alice Colby, June Peck. Marjory Shay, Virginia Brown, Virginia Lee, and Juanita Haley. Under leadership of Lottie Flint: Margaret Smithson, Francos ilaaling- erw Thelma Sutherland. Thelma An­ derson, Jeanette Parker, Nell Young, Ixiuixe Anderson, Jessica Davenport, I-ee Ella Oxford, Eleanor Coulter and Wilma Isenberg. Under the iendentbip of Joyce Nye: Jane MacMillan, Nonna Kolxtad, Vera Jean Kolatad, Dorothea Frans, Mar­ guerite Baker, Gertrude Sinclair, Peg­ gy Baldwin, Lola Winifred Grey, Elis­ abeth Woolpert and l’atxey Smith. Spauldings Tailor Shop Fuel - Fuel - Fuel The Transfer & Livery / PAGE & SON Shippers of Apples and Pears We should like an opportunity to handle your crop of Apples and Pears the coming season. With warehouses at Pârkdale, ‘ ‘ ~ Dee, Odell and Van Horn, we will have facilities for receiving and loading, and will be in position to advance to responsible growers such supplies and advances as are necessary to prepare the crop for market. Our charge for selling will be 10c per box net to us. We shall endeavor as in the past season to sell F. 0. B. Hood River, if it is possible, all apples delivered to us. We We are represented in all the larger markets of both the United States and England by the most reliable agents, long established Our location near Hood River gives the growers an opportunity to ascertain prompt­ ly all information about the market and results of the sales of Apples placed in our hands. FURTHER INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM E. R. POOLEY HOOD RIVER WHO WILL REPRESENT OUR INTEREST THE COMING SEASON. « H.R.H.S. WILL GO TO BEND MEETING FOR RENT 112 Acres in Upper Valley. 10 Acres in Ix-aring orchard, 3 acres in alfalfa, 5 in clover, affout 15 reseeded to alfal­ fa, and approximately 25 acres plowed under alfalfa, this latter ready to disc and plant to crop, wisely to spuds. All Is irrigated. There is a house to live In, and other buildings. Tiiere are no implements. This Is no rock- ribbed farm crossed with gullies and outcropped with rock. It’s real. Intakes a real farmer. If you are. and have some cash, you can do busi- ncsx. It won't take a lot of cash, but some. You will need some Implements. The man who is going to run this farm during 1925 will want to get on the Job. So look me up at once if you have the makings. Although defeated at Tlie Italics by the high school Itasket Itall team of that city last Friday night the Hood River higli school, Coach Garrigus announced Haturday. will claim the right to represent tills section at the north central Oregon iMtaketlmll tour- nament to is*’held at Bend March 5, 6 and 7. The Hood River team re­ cently defeated The Dalles on the home floor 18 to 13. "If The Italics insista on going to Bend.” said Coach Garrigus, "we will challenge them to a game on a neu­ tral floor.”______________ The Epidemic (From Portland D. O. O. K. publi­ cation, The Tiger's Skin). Father was once a business man who went to ills work each day; And mother kept house, as a house­ wife should, in a highly efficient way; And Bill was a clerk in a wholesale house whose motto was Work aud Win: And Sue was a thoroughly good stenog, and gosh, how the cash rolled inf But father ia home, and nary a dish has mother washed for a week. And Billy and Bue have quit their John—and the future is looking bleak, For the family purse is perfectly flat and doesn’t contain a dime. And nobody does a stroke of work, for nobody has time! We’re doing the cross-word puzsles, W’e’re doing ’em day and night, And what do we care if the cup­ board's bare, Bo long as »re get 'em right? “What is a sixteen lettered word whose meaning is ’agitate’?" “What is a Latin synonym for using a frog as bait?” “Here's a word beginning with E T I and ending with EEL; Look in tlie dictionary. Bill, and see what It ought to spell !” That's all we hear in our happy home, and all we think about. While nights and days in our various ways were working the puzzles out “Batan finds work for idle hands"— this new acrostic rage Is, keeping all hands in the family at work on the puzzle page! • We’re doing the cross-word puzzles. We're doing 'em hard and fast. And we’ll never quit that’s the worst of it As long aa the puzsles last! R. E. SCOTT t IRRIGATION PIPE—DRAIN TILE Now ia the time to make ready for the coming season by installing your permanent irrigation and drainage system. Set os before baying yoar pipe. We can furnish you any size, for low or high pressure work. Fittings, gates, valves and fau­ cets for your pipe line. Concrete or clay drain tile, sewer pipe. Well curb. BUILDING BLOCK BRICK REESE & FOSTER Fifth and Cascade Concrete Block Factory 9 _________ — -.... ===sss^a| OLIVES— roi a nnmnln4-z\ We have complete stock of Ripe Olives Green Olives and Stuffed Olives q Your» for Service Heavy Raia Monday • Hi-avy. warm rains here Sunday night mid Monday melted snow from aurrounding range tops. The -areeipt- tati< n for the 24 hours ending at fl o’clock Monday night exceeded a half inch. ___’ Talk with Y VINCENT & SHANK '''H'® Home of Quality Groceries HI