HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1925 I aS I Wash Fabrics CANNOT FADE! EFORE you plan any wash dresses for yourself and your children, come in and examine our display of Everfast Wash Fabrics I You will find here a full range oil beautiful Everfast fabrics in a fasci­ nating array of colors. All Everfast colors, however deli­ cate their tints, are guaranteed not to fade. Buy EVERFAST and make it into dresses, rompers, smocks and suits. Let them be worn in the blazing sun or the salt air of the shore. Send them to the laundry for scrubbing, even boil­ ing, week after week. Nothing can fade the lovely Everfast colors. B For Rant—rurnlelied boom, clow tn. Pbone 101« daring bnalnem hour.. Krenings and Sunday pbone IH01. re»tf For Rant—3-room apartment; waler, light and beak Tat Hit. txlt For Rent—A desirable ¿.room Collage, eob. blostone front and fireplace. Tel. 3141. f l»tf For Rent—'Foor room fnrnl-bad fiat, with private batb and garage, gS.OO. Pbone 3VB1 or IMBaa a Uj Ififil Uai IUa.1 MRS. KATHERINE ORR DIES IN PORTLAND For Kent—A email Bleeping room, clean and comfortable, «* per Week. Tel. 1411, »1« state •treat. JlBtf For every yard of Everfast which, for any reason, does not hold its color, we will cheerfully refund not only your money, but alto the cost of making the garment as well. Ask for a sample of Everfast. Take it home and test it by boiling, by expo­ sure to sunshine, or any way you like, to prove to yourself that the color is absolutely fast. EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ON THE BEST OF FOODS. For Rant—A email furnished bonaa close tn. andWtr sale, an overstaffed davenport and library labia. Tel. ST«. 1M For Rent—Housekeeping rooms; center ol town. Pbone mi. Jlttf . 2Oth Century Stoi For Rant—A strictly modern and vary con­ venient bnneek replug nolle. Tai. 3BS4. f Mf For Rent—A six-room bourn at 70S Cascade ava. Tel. »73. R. N. Young. f&u Fast to Soap and Boiling Fast to Sun and Weather 'Fast to Perspiration and Uric Acid Fast to Everything they encounter, at * 'direst, blouse or suit fabric THE OPINIONS OF PEOPLE AS A RULE DIFFER, BUT THE MANY THOUSANDS OF 20TH CENTURY PATRONS ARE UNITED IN THEIR ENDORSEMENT OF THE FOR RENT R. H. Waugh, H. O. Krewoe, We guarantee that Everfast Wash Fabrics are absolutely Offerings Saturday and Monday February 28th—March 2nd Far Rent—13 aeraa bearing orchard at bet- tat term, than If yea owned it, Mrs. 0. W. Oonnor. Stanfield, Ore. - ' mil » ro/Rent—Maoua llgbt bpdeekeeplng apart, mcot with garage ol *14 Eugene Street. Phone 1014. • JlBtf For. Rent—ApRllmsnt,at 1233 Cascade ave. Pbone 3M3. ~«»«MF »or HenS-Aroqm boose, MB «barman aye- ,noe. one block went of Court bodes. Garage. Call at Glacier office or 417 Hberman. if la undoi 22J BANANAS — For Kent -Comfortable front eleeping room with al 1 coavoatopeea. Tel. 1743 or Kit. n>7lf For.Rant — Two and three reconditioned boaeekeeplM rooma. Tel. *344. Mrs. H. J. Frederick. nlltf EXTRA SPECIAL For Rent Dec. 1—House at 71* cascade ave­ nue. Pbone W. B. McGuire. MS4. nvtf WANTED What have yup 7 Good oonaclentloaa ex- perlenced orchardlet with plenty of finally help wanta lease oo orchard 10 to K acres. Address J. ear* Glacier. mt State Highway Comminatonera H. C. Dnby and W. B. Van Duaer and Dia- trict Knginwr Warner. of The Dalle«, will meet Hatur'hainl>er of commerce and the various county grange« to confer over locating a new road to connect the Columbia inter­ state bridge With the city. Before the conference the vlaltora will in­ spect proposed route» for the new road. The grange-chamber of cofn- merce committee recently recommend­ ed the Improvement of the old road, which paaaee under the O.-W. R. & N. tracks. __ ___________ _ Wan I rd—Orchard work: team work a spec, laity, inquire tor S. G. Wolf at Richards’ ci­ gar store or Mills' rooming bouse IM Wanted—To do your sewing In your home. » cents per hour and transportation. Call or write Mrs. H. B. Rodfield, co R. J. Jarvia. ml* Word has been received here of the engagement of Sidney B. Carnine, who la a member of the headquarters staff of Sgobel A Day, New York city apple merchants, and Miss Beatrice Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Herbert Weaver, of Mt. Vernon. N. V. The engagement was announced at a party at the home of the bride's par­ ents on St Valentine day. Mr. Carnine la a veteran of the world war. He is a member of the MATCHES JELLO Standard crushed np large cans, each.... ZdC Quick cooking Large package_____ Phons nitr Standard whole sliced PQ large cans, 2 for.... *) JC Wanted-Work making apple boxes by an experienced (nan. TW. MH. J’JOU Wanted—A good, gentle, single, work horse about 1K0 pounds. Hberman J. Frank, pbone MW. Avalon Perm »if 19 Per Package Wauled-41» let MOtrret tor clearing land. Can furnish palling machine. C. K. Go^to, Wanted—A single work harness. tets TOILET PAPER 1000 sheets tissue 3 rolls________ ______ £&C ROYAL GARDEN TEA Ceylon and India (black) or Japan (green) half pound................. JOC BURNETT’S VANILLA Pure 2 ounce bottle............... UUC E. A. FRANZ CO. AU white meat, i’s each KERR’S OATS Wanted * experienced prunera. long Job. Write k.. B. Doreey, R. F. D. 3, Just south pl Heights section deity. JK FOR» RENT 35c KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES Per PINEAPPLE SPECIALS Broken Slices, large Jp cans. 2 for „ ...... *K)C Wanted -To bay borer, weight I4M, net over seven. G. H. Wollam. Alameda Way. nt Sidney Famine to Wed SODA CRACKERS Fresh and Crisp * 2 pounds * FANCY MIXED COOKIES 2 pounds JC — for____________ ___ WC STRAINED HONEY Pint « Mason Jar Z HEINZ KETCHUP FRUIT SPECIALS grapefruit ;___ LETTUCE_____ ____ « Ä_____ 32c